Currently supported passes:
* Combined, Z, Normal, Object Index, Material Index, Emission, Environment,
Diffuse/Glossy/Transmission x Direct/Indirect/Color
Not supported yet:
* UV, Vector, Mist
Only enabled for CPU devices at the moment, will do GPU tweaks tommorrow,
also for environment importance sampling.
By default lighting from the world is computed solely with indirect light
sampling. However for more complex environment maps this can be too noisy, as
sampling the BSDF may not easily find the highlights in the environment map
image. By enabling this option, the world background will be sampled as a lamp,
with lighter parts automatically given more samples.
Map Resolution specifies the size of the importance map (res x res). Before
rendering starts, an importance map is generated by "baking" a grayscale image
from the world shader. This will then be used to determine which parts of the
background are light and so should receive more samples than darker parts.
Higher resolutions will result in more accurate sampling but take more setup
time and memory.
Patch by Mike Farnsworth, thanks!
Some drivers don't support passing include paths with spaces in them, nor does
the opencl spec specify anything about how to quote/escape such paths, so for
now we just resolved #includes ourselves. Alternative would have been to use c
preprocessor, but this also resolves all #ifdefs, which we do not want.
* Reduce kernel arguments size, helps compile for apple nvidia.
* Fix use of unitialized variable in displace kernel.
* Use build flags in opencl kernel md5 hash.
* Reorganize code for kernel feature #defines a bit.
* Passes renamed to samples
* Camera lens radius renamed to aperature size/blades/rotation
* Glass and fresnel nodes input is now index of refraction
* Glossy and velvet fresnel socket removed
* Mix/add closure node renamed to mix/add shader node
* Blend weight node added for shader mixing weights
There is some version patching code for reading existing files, but it's not
perfect, so shaders may work a bit different.