viewport. This helps to eliminate OpenGL calls in weird places like the physics
code and to reduce glGet calls, which are expensive.
There should be no functional changes (except maybe a very slight speed improvement).
- spelling - turns out we had tessellation spelt wrong all over.
- use \directive for doxy (not @directive)
- remove BLI_sparsemap.h - was from bmesh merge IIRC but entire file commented and not used.
Compilation error was mostly caused by trying to use namespace std before it was
actually defined (e.g. before any include of stl header).
It's not actually good idea to use namespaces in header files -- it's really easy to
run into namespace conflicts and so. Resolved by not using "using namespace" in header
files and using full quality accessing to stl collections (e.g. std::vector).
This patch allows the user to change the size of the window (or the resolution in fullscreen mode) using the new bge.render.setWindowSize() method. This only works in the Blenderplayer since it doesn't make a whole lot of sense for the embedded player.
Tested with GameLogic.mouse.position and mouse over sensor.
It should be working with other mouse sensor as well. If not, please help to test and report a bug.
(couldn't test blenderplayer but it should be working there as well).
(Benoit, this is the same patch that I sent you. I hope it's OOP enough. Looking forward to hear from you on that)
I believe that this was the last "mouse" related bug we had reported. MouseLoook scripts should be working 100% in Blender/BGE 2.50 now \o/
The patch exposes mouse and keyboard read-only properties in the GameLogic module
Also renames bge.keys to (* Note: name of bge submodules (logic, render, ...) may change before 2.5 final release [right Campbell?]).
This patch adds two new types to the BGE:
These two types allow users to make use of the keyboard and mouse without the need for a keyboard or mouse sensor.
SCA_PythonKeyboard has an events property that acts just like
SCA_PythonMouse also has an events property to check for mouse events. Further more it supports getting and setting normalized cursor position (from 0.0 to 1.0) with SCA_PythonMouse.position. The cursor can be shown/hidden using SCA_PythonMouse.visible.
Its use is similar with current mouse and keyboard controllers. With the exception of mouse position being normalized and writable as well (replacing Rasterizer.setMousePosition).
Code Sample:
from bge import logic, events
mouse = logic.mouse
keyboard = logic.keyboard
for key,status in
if status == logic.KX_INPUT_JUST_ACTIVATED:
if key == events.WKEY:
# move_forward()
mouse.visible = True # turn cursor visible
mouse.position = 0.5,0.5 # centralize mouse - use tuple
* Important Note: mouse.position still will not work properly for Letterbox mode.
In order to fix letterboxing I may need to move the set x,y mouse function to inside the canvas code (to avoid duplicated code between mouse sensor and bge.logic.mouse). I'll leave this for another commit though.
Thanks Mitchell for the work on that.
#include <config.h>
also the's were from previous patch adding
the system depend stuff to