Most of the changes are related to adding support for motion data throughout
the code. There's some code for actual camera/object motion blur raytracing
but it's unfinished (it badly slows down the raytracing kernel even when the
option is turned off), so that code it disabled still.
Motion vector export from Blender tries to avoid computing derived meshes
when the mesh does not have a deforming modifier, and it also won't store
motion vectors for every vertex if only the object or camera is moving.
Currently supported passes:
* Combined, Z, Normal, Object Index, Material Index, Emission, Environment,
Diffuse/Glossy/Transmission x Direct/Indirect/Color
Not supported yet:
* UV, Vector, Mist
Only enabled for CPU devices at the moment, will do GPU tweaks tommorrow,
also for environment importance sampling.
* Add max diffuse/glossy/transmission bounces
* Add separate min/max for transparent depth
* Updated/added some presets that use these options
* Add ray visibility options for objects, to hide them from
camera/diffuse/glossy/transmission/shadow rays
* Is singular ray output for light path node
Details here: