Organize Maximize/Fullscreen mess and add a new fullscreen mode with no UI
* Maximize Editor: (old Ctrl+Up)
* Full Screen Window: (old Alt + F11)
* Full Screen Editor: new operator (Alt + F10)
* Change Show/Hide Header: (Alt + F9)
When the mode is on moving the mouse near the top right corner of the
editor shows an icon to go back to the normal editor mode.
This was originally intended for the multiview branch, but this
functionality also benefits non-stereo workflows, thus it can be
reviewed and committed independently.
Development notes:
* This includes cleanups in the code to sanitize the naming of
fullscreen/maximize across the window/editor code.
* Originally the idea was to make the window fullscreen as well, but
this idea was dropped.
* You can see the clicking area when debug is 1
* Technically the user can be left with an unfaded icon in the corner
(specially when using a tablet). If we think this is too bad we can
increase the action zone to be the whole screen, or something similar.
Reviewers: campbellbarton [1], ton [2], fsiddi [2]
[1] actual code review
[2] design review
Differential Revision:
* Add "Open" operator to the Text Editor header, it's a common operation next to New.
* Add Body Text property to the Font panel for Text objects, so text can easily be pasted into Blender and editing it becomes easier too. This was only accessible via the RNA Data blocks before.
* Made those edits by full checking of py files, so I should have spoted most needed edits, yet it remains quite probable I missed a few ones, we'll fix if/when someone notice it...
* Also made some cleanup "on the road"!
(Did not add those when I created that module, because I did not thought we would actually need them in usual UI code, but turned out I was wrong).
Also made some optimizations in those py gettext funcs, when i18n is disabled at build time, no need to do pyobject -> cstring -> pyobject conversions!.
- This doesnt use python as 2.4x did, instead it just autocompletes based on the text files unique identifiers so its useful for any language.
- key is same as console (Ctrl+Space)
* Add "Toggle Full Screen" and "Duplicate Area into New Window" operators to the view menu, was missing in those 2 operators. Patch [#33076] by Harley Acheson, thanks.
* Also moved those two operators to the top in text editor, for consistency.
* Shader script node added, which stores either a link to a text datablock or
file on disk, and has functions to add and remove sockets.
* Callback RenderEngine.update_script_node(self, node) added for render engines
to compile the shader and update the node with new sockets.
Thanks to Thomas, Lukas and Dalai for the implementation.
* Code cleanup, removed unneeded code.
* Style cleanup, don't break lines to early
(unless marked as pep8-80 or pep8-120 compliant)
* Keep 1 line after layout declaration empty.
Submitted by: Justin Dailey (dail)
Patch allows the current line (or selected lines) to be moved up and down with
Ctrl+Shift+Up and Ctrl+Shift+Down. Has undo/redo support and operators in python
- Make gettext stuff draw-time. so switching between languages
can happens without restart now.
- Added option to translate visible interface (menus, buttons, labels)
and tooltips. Now it's possible to have english UI and localized tooltips.
- Clean-up sources, do not use gettext stuff for things which can be
collected with RNA.
- Fix issues with windows 64bit and ru_RU locale on my desktop
(it was codepage issue).
- Added operator "Get Messages" which generates new text block with
with all strings collected from RNA.
- Changed script for updating blender.pot so now it appends
messages collected from rna to automatically gathered messages.
To update .pot you have to re-generate messages.txt using "Get Messages"
operator and then run update_pot script.
- Clean up old translation stuff which wasn't used and most probably
wouldn't be used.
- Return back "International Fonts" option, so if it's disabled, no
gettext lookups happens on draw.
- Merged read_homefile function back. No need in splitting it.
- Custom fonts and font size.
Current font isn't nice at least for russian locale, it's
difficult to read it.
- Put references to messages.txt so gettext can merge translation when
name/description of some property changes.
* Code cleanup in the space_*.py files.
* Removed layout.column() statement in _MT_ panels, they are useless.
* Only define variables at the beginning of a function!
- added menu templates
- move template menu into the header of the text editor (so users will find more easily)
- updated mathutils examples, switching the order of multiplication.
Added new option to find panel of space text which toggles
case-esensitive search.
Additional changes:
- Send NC_TEXT|NA_EDITED when removing markers in find_and_replace modifier
this prevents "sticked" markers which disappears on first redraw when
search text wasn't found
- Do not show "Text wasn't found" error when text to be searched is contained
in the end of buffer and it's selected. Replacing/marking used to happen, but
this popup message was really annoying for this case.
TODO: It's incorrect to use UI_GetThemeColor4ubv from this operator
ui/ --> startup/bl_ui
op/ --> startup/bl_operators
scripts/startup/ is now the only auto-loading script dir which gives some speedup for blender loading too.
~/.blender/2.56/scripts/startup works for auto-loading scripts too.