- Generated and uploaded api docs - http://www.blender.org/documentation/250PythonDoc
- Added Edit docs menu item & operators as discussed with Mindrones, Brecht, Stani & Letterip @ bconf, needs some web backend. python operator can aparently use xml/rpc to upload docstrings.
- Added operator invoke function - context.manager.invoke_props_popup(self.__operator__, event)
this calls a popup for invoke by default (which intern calls execute())
- Own recent commit to game framing applied to non-camera views too.
- v3d->persp is deprecated but still used in some places.
- Transforming strips could overlap 1 frame if moving them below frame 0
- Transforming overlapping strips could go into an eternal loop (though overlapping strips should not exist)
This means if you refer to a member of an object it will fail silently if there is no active object, but if you use an invalid attribute of the object it raises an error.
The method to check this is not nice but works well enough.
also removed pageup/down keys for changing the active shape since listviews can do this now.
- Shift+F2 was Export DXF, made Logic Editor
- Shift+F4 was data browser, made console
- Shift+F11 was fullscreen in 2.5, changed fullscreen to Alt+F11
added Area.type so RNA can switch the type.
wm.context_set(path="scene.tool_settings.someattr", somevalue)
wm.context_toggle_values(path="scene.tool_settings.some_enum", value_1="somevalue", value_2="othervalue") # switch between 2 values
wm.context_cycle_enum(path="scene.tool_settings.some_enum", reverse=False)
the path value is taken from the context so the full path is
This means in keymaps you can cycle draw modes, change PET- anything with rna access.
If its not so nice to map keys to operators like wm.context_set we could use macro's to wrap it and have its own name
Use this for PET and setting pivot options
- Made userpref key shortcut Ctrl+Alt+U since its not used in 2.4x
- added pivot_point_align (Alt+Comma)
- added PET wasnt rna wrapped correctly.
bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_torus_add(major_radius=1, minor_radius=0.25, major_segments=48, minor_segments=16)
- experemental dynamic menus, used for INFO_MT_file, INFO_MT_file_import, INFO_MT_file_export and INFO_MT_mesh_add. these can have items added from python.
- removed OBJECT_OT_mesh_add, use the python add menu instead.
- made mesh primitive ops - MESH_OT_primitive_plane_add, ...cube_add, etc. work in object mode.
- RNA scene.active_object wrapped
- bugfix [#19466] 2.5: Tweak menu only available for mesh objects added within Edit Mode
ED_object_exit_editmode was always doing an undo push, made this optional using the existing flag - EM_DO_UNDO, called everywhere except when adding primitives.
- added bpy.sys as a python module - with bpy.sys.expandpath()
- moved bpy.ops into scripts/modules
- moved autocomplete into its own module from space_console.py