Submitted by: Justin Dailey (dail)
Patch allows the current line (or selected lines) to be moved up and down with
Ctrl+Shift+Up and Ctrl+Shift+Down. Has undo/redo support and operators in python
- Make gettext stuff draw-time. so switching between languages
can happens without restart now.
- Added option to translate visible interface (menus, buttons, labels)
and tooltips. Now it's possible to have english UI and localized tooltips.
- Clean-up sources, do not use gettext stuff for things which can be
collected with RNA.
- Fix issues with windows 64bit and ru_RU locale on my desktop
(it was codepage issue).
- Added operator "Get Messages" which generates new text block with
with all strings collected from RNA.
- Changed script for updating blender.pot so now it appends
messages collected from rna to automatically gathered messages.
To update .pot you have to re-generate messages.txt using "Get Messages"
operator and then run update_pot script.
- Clean up old translation stuff which wasn't used and most probably
wouldn't be used.
- Return back "International Fonts" option, so if it's disabled, no
gettext lookups happens on draw.
- Merged read_homefile function back. No need in splitting it.
- Custom fonts and font size.
Current font isn't nice at least for russian locale, it's
difficult to read it.
- Put references to messages.txt so gettext can merge translation when
name/description of some property changes.
* Code cleanup in the space_*.py files.
* Removed layout.column() statement in _MT_ panels, they are useless.
* Only define variables at the beginning of a function!
- added menu templates
- move template menu into the header of the text editor (so users will find more easily)
- updated mathutils examples, switching the order of multiplication.
Added new option to find panel of space text which toggles
case-esensitive search.
Additional changes:
- Send NC_TEXT|NA_EDITED when removing markers in find_and_replace modifier
this prevents "sticked" markers which disappears on first redraw when
search text wasn't found
- Do not show "Text wasn't found" error when text to be searched is contained
in the end of buffer and it's selected. Replacing/marking used to happen, but
this popup message was really annoying for this case.
TODO: It's incorrect to use UI_GetThemeColor4ubv from this operator
ui/ --> startup/bl_ui
op/ --> startup/bl_operators
scripts/startup/ is now the only auto-loading script dir which gives some speedup for blender loading too.
~/.blender/2.56/scripts/startup works for auto-loading scripts too.