in this case only the new blenderdummy.cpp and utilities.cpp have to be compiled
- restructured gui:
* domain options split up into 2 sections
* added compressibility and refinement settings
* added inflow/outflow object types
- increased progress bar by 1
- debug output now controlled globally by elbeem debug level
(BLENDER_ELBEEMDEBUG environment var), also for fluidsimBake
and read/writeBobj
- debug output is written to file for WIN32
- added "for" and "vector" etc. defines for MSVC6
(I couldnt get hold of the compiler itself, so not tested yet)
(fixed shadowed variables warnings, removed cfgparser.hpp,
added cfgparser.h, removed debugging output)
- added support for env. var BLENDER_ELBEEMDEBUG to enable
debugging output again
- fixed missing triangle display (marching cubes produced v3=0 triangles)
- fixed geometry init bug (nearest intersection check
for intersecting objects was messed up)
- changed position of derived mesh creation in DerivedMesh.c
(for some reason the useDeform code is necessary, without it or
with useDeform=0 nothing is displayed)
- 3dviews now update every 2 seconds to show simulation progress
- note: mesh_strip_loose_faces(me); in ./source/blender/blenkernel/intern/mesh.c:937
not necessary anymore?