This is a mixed font based on DejaVu Sans Mono and including M+1M
Regular and Wen Quan Yi Micro Hei Mono. Versions and licenses of the
included fonts are as follows:
- DejaVu fonts: version 2.33, Bitstream font license and Arev font license and public domain
- M+ fonts: TESTFLIGHT 54, M+ font license
- Wen Quan Yi Micro Hei fonts: version 0.2.0-beta, GPLv3 with font embedding exception or Apache2.0
The font license docs will be added later.
Somewhere in the process of generating that Frankenstein font, most latin capital glyphs lost there "modifier" part (umlaut, accent, etc.). I added them again using fontforge auto tool, but not to all of them though, as some would add a shift to the whole font... :/
This is not a nice fix (the correct way would be to merge again the whole latin part of dejavu into blender font, but again, I couldn’t manage to do it without an ugly global font shift), but at least it works, doesn’t shift the font, and add back most modified capitals.
*Update of i18n font, arabic should be more complete (now using DejaVuSans version), added devanagari (for Nepali, but used also by Hindi...) from Samyak-devanagari font...
*Enable Nepali translation, as it now has a font to display!
Not sure why, but doing the same things as in script from FontForge UI, there's
no issues described in report. Probably matter of some default settings.
Hope it works now fine for everyone.