Two main things:
- Made a python operator for selection in a viewport
which will de-select everything if nothing is under
the mouse.
To do so needed to modify VIEW3D_OT_select, so invoke
sets mouse location which is later used by exec
This way it's possible to select stuff from python
defined operator.
Not best-ever solution since ideally exec() shall not
do OpenGL stuff, but we've got this issue in some
other operators. We'll solve this later.
- Used a keymap from Gianmichele Mariani as a reference,
updated his keymap to latest changes in operators.
We shall match Maya keymap much better now, thanks
for the keymap dude!
[#25045] User Preferences Input, not enough menu choices
[#26525] Saving the Maya preset and another key configs
Untangle keyconfig presets and interaction presets (maya keyconfig would set interaction setting, blender interaction would set keyconfig).
Preset menu on slash screen now displays a list of available keyconfigs (as before) but will also set the correspondant interaction presets, if it exists)
- function renames, move WM functions into collections wm.add_keymap() -->
note: new is used for named items in a collection, which return the result.
- Action.get_frame_range() is now a readonly property 'frame_range', floats rather then ints.
scene.active_keying_set -->
...same for active_uv_texture. active_vertex_color, active_keyconfig,
- move mesh.add_uv_layer() and mesh.add_vertex_color() into their collections
also have them return the newly created layer and dont set the layer active.
uvtex =
vcol =
These are not animated and are best not change names like this too late in the release.
ActionGroup.selected -> select: boolean Action Group is selected
BezierSplinePoint.hidden -> hide: boolean Visibility status
BezierSplinePoint.selected_control_point -> select_control_point: boolean Control point selection status
BezierSplinePoint.selected_handle1 -> select_left_handle: boolean Handle 1 selection status
BezierSplinePoint.selected_handle2 -> select_right_handle: boolean Handle 2 selection status
Bone.restrict_select -> hide_select: boolean Bone is able to be selected
Bone.selected -> select: boolean
CurveMapPoint.selected -> select: boolean Selection state of the curve point
EditBone.restrict_select -> hide_select: boolean Bone is able to be selected
EditBone.selected -> select: boolean
EditBone.selected_head -> select_head: boolean
EditBone.selected_tail -> select_tail: boolean
EditBone.locked -> lock: boolean Bone is not able to be transformed when in Edit Mode
EditBone.hidden -> hide: boolean Bone is not visible when in Edit Mode
NEGATE * FCurve.disabled -> enabled: boolean F-Curve could not be evaluated in past, so should be skipped when evaluating
FCurve.locked -> lock: boolean F-Curve's settings cannot be edited
FCurve.muted -> mute: boolean F-Curve is not evaluated
FCurve.selected -> select: boolean F-Curve is selected for editing
NEGATE * FCurve.visible -> hide: boolean F-Curve and its keyframes are shown in the Graph Editor graphs
FCurveSample.selected -> select: boolean Selection status
GPencilFrame.selected -> select: boolean Frame is selected for editing in the DopeSheet
GPencilLayer.locked -> lock: boolean Protect layer from further editing and/or frame changes
GPencilLayer.selected -> select: boolean Layer is selected for editing in the DopeSheet
Keyframe.selected -> select: boolean Control point selection status
Keyframe.selected_handle1 -> select_left_handle: boolean Handle 1 selection status
Keyframe.selected_handle2 -> select_right_handle: boolean Handle 2 selection status
MeshEdge.selected -> select: boolean
MeshEdge.hidden -> hide: boolean
MeshFace.hidden -> hide: boolean
MeshFace.selected -> select: boolean
MeshVertex.hidden -> hide: boolean
MeshVertex.selected -> select: boolean
MotionPathVert.selected -> select: boolean Path point is selected for editing
NlaStrip.selected -> select: boolean NLA Strip is selected
NlaTrack.locked -> lock: boolean NLA Track is locked
NlaTrack.muted -> mute: boolean NLA Track is not evaluated
NlaTrack.selected -> select: boolean NLA Track is selected
Object.restrict_render -> hide_render: boolean Restrict renderability
Object.restrict_select -> hide_select: boolean Restrict selection in the viewport
Object.restrict_view -> hide: boolean Restrict visibility in the viewport
Object.selected -> select: boolean Object selection state
ObjectBase.selected -> select: boolean Object base selection state
PoseBone.selected -> select: boolean
Sequence.right_handle_selected -> select_right_handle: boolean
Sequence.selected -> select: boolean
SplinePoint.selected -> select_control_point: boolean Selection status
TimelineMarker.selected -> select: boolean Marker selection state
Sequence.left_handle_selected -> select_left_handle: boolean
ActionGroup.locked -> lock: boolean Action Group is locked
Bone.hidden -> hide: boolean Bone is not visible when it is not in Edit Mode (i.e. in Object or Pose Modes)
SplinePoint.hidden -> hide: boolean Visibility status
FModifier.muted -> mute: boolean F-Curve Modifier will not be evaluated
note: rebaned uv_select to select_uv
that going for the full hotkey translation is actually counter
productive. Now using a more conservative keymap by Michael W that
focuses on general navigation, selection and other details