Campbell Barton 1752c03441 Fixed bug in importing OBJ files with negative indicies (UV and VERTS, normals are ignored)
Have alredy tested 100's of obj files and cant believe this is the first I have found with negative coords.
May fix the UI before 2.41, Importing a whole dir isnt very user friendly. and may want to support sequence import.
- Cam
2006-01-13 15:26:15 +00:00

957 lines
31 KiB

Name: 'Wavefront (.obj)...'
Blender: 237
Group: 'Import'
Tooltip: 'Load a Wavefront OBJ File, Shift: batch import all dir.'
__author__ = "Campbell Barton"
__url__ = ["blender", "elysiun"]
__version__ = "1.0"
__bpydoc__ = """\
This script imports OBJ files to Blender.
Run this script from "File->Import" menu and then load the desired OBJ file.
# $Id$
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# OBJ Import v1.0 by Campbell Barton (AKA Ideasman)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Return directory, where the file is #
def stripFile(path):
lastSlash = max(path.rfind('\\'), path.rfind('/'))
if lastSlash != -1:
path = path[:lastSlash]
return '%s%s' % (path, sys.sep)
# Strips the slashes from the back of a string #
def stripPath(path):
return path.split('/')[-1].split('\\')[-1]
# Strips the prefix off the name before writing #
def stripExt(name): # name is a string
index = name.rfind('.')
if index != -1:
return name[ : index ]
return name
from Blender import *
# Adds a slash to the end of a path if its not there.
def addSlash(path):
if path.endswith('\\') or path.endswith('/'):
return path
return path + sys.sep
def getExt(name):
index = name.rfind('.')
if index != -1:
return name[index+1:]
return name
import os
# So we know if os exists.
print 'Module "os" not found, install python to enable comprehensive image finding and batch loading.'
os = None
# Comprehansive image loader, will search and find the image #
# Will return a blender image or none if the image is missing #
def comprehansiveImageLoad(imagePath, filePath):
# When we have the file load it with this. try/except niceness.
def imageLoad(path):
img = Image.Load(path)
print '\t\tImage loaded "%s"' % path
return img
print '\t\tImage failed loading "%s", mabe its not a format blender can read.' % (path)
return None
# Image formats blender can read
IMAGE_EXT = ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'tga', 'bmp', 'rgb', 'sgi', 'bw', 'iff', 'lbm', # Blender Internal
'gif', 'psd', 'tif', 'tiff', 'pct', 'pict', 'pntg', 'qtif'] # Quacktime, worth a try.
print '\tAttempting to load "%s"' % imagePath
if sys.exists(imagePath):
print '\t\tFile found where expected.'
return imageLoad(imagePath)
imageFileName = stripPath(imagePath) # image path only
imageFileName_lower = imageFileName.lower() # image path only
imageFileName_noext = stripExt(imageFileName) # With no extension.
imageFileName_noext_lower = stripExt(imageFileName_lower) # With no extension.
imageFilePath = stripFile(imagePath)
# Remove relative path from image path
if imageFilePath.startswith('./') or imageFilePath.startswith('.\\'):
imageFilePath = imageFilePath[2:]
# Attempt to load from obj path.
tmpPath = stripFile(filePath) + stripFile(imageFilePath)
if sys.exists(tmpPath):
print '\t\tFile found in obj dir.'
return imageLoad(imagePath)
if not os:
# We have os.
paths = {} # Store possible paths we may use, dict for no doubles.
tmpPath = addSlash(sys.expandpath('//')) # Blenders path
if sys.exists(tmpPath):
print '\t\tSearching in %s' % tmpPath
paths[tmpPath] = [os.listdir(tmpPath)] # Orig name for loading
paths[tmpPath].append([f.lower() for f in paths[tmpPath][0]]) # Lower case list.
paths[tmpPath].append([stripExt(f) for f in paths[tmpPath][1]]) # Lower case no ext
tmpPath = imageFilePath
if sys.exists(tmpPath):
print '\t\tSearching in %s' % tmpPath
paths[tmpPath] = [os.listdir(tmpPath)] # Orig name for loading
paths[tmpPath].append([f.lower() for f in paths[tmpPath][0]]) # Lower case list.
paths[tmpPath].append([stripExt(f) for f in paths[tmpPath][1]]) # Lower case no ext
tmpPath = stripFile(filePath)
if sys.exists(tmpPath):
print '\t\tSearching in %s' % tmpPath
paths[tmpPath] = [os.listdir(tmpPath)] # Orig name for loading
paths[tmpPath].append([f.lower() for f in paths[tmpPath][0]]) # Lower case list.
paths[tmpPath].append([stripExt(f) for f in paths[tmpPath][1]]) # Lower case no ext
tmpPath = addSlash(Get('texturesdir'))
if tmpPath and sys.exists(tmpPath):
print '\t\tSearching in %s' % tmpPath
paths[tmpPath] = [os.listdir(tmpPath)] # Orig name for loading
paths[tmpPath].append([f.lower() for f in paths[tmpPath][0]]) # Lower case list.
paths[tmpPath].append([stripExt(f) for f in paths[tmpPath][1]]) # Lower case no ext
# Add path if relative image patrh was given.
for k in paths.iterkeys():
tmpPath = k + imageFilePath
if sys.exists(tmpPath):
paths[tmpPath] = [os.listdir(tmpPath)] # Orig name for loading
paths[tmpPath].append([f.lower() for f in paths[tmpPath][0]]) # Lower case list.
paths[tmpPath].append([stripExt(f) for f in paths[tmpPath][1]]) # Lower case no ext
for path, files in paths.iteritems():
if sys.exists(path + imageFileName):
return imageLoad(path + imageFileName)
# If the files not there then well do a case insensitive seek.
filesOrigCase = files[0]
filesLower = files[1]
filesLowerNoExt = files[2]
# We are going to try in index the file directly, if its not there just keep on
index = None
# Is it just a case mismatch?
index = filesLower.index(imageFileName_lower)
# Have the extensions changed?
index = filesLowerNoExt.index(imageFileName_noext_lower)
ext = getExt( filesLower[index] ) # Get the extension of the file that matches all but ext.
# Check that the ext is useable eg- not a 3ds file :)
if ext.lower() not in IMAGE_EXT:
index = None
index = None
if index != None:
tmpPath = path + filesOrigCase[index]
img = imageLoad( tmpPath )
if img != None:
print '\t\tImage Found "%s"' % tmpPath
return img
print '\t\tImage Not Found in any of the dirs, doing a recusrive search'
for path in paths.iterkeys():
# Were not going to use files
# finds the file starting at the root.
# def findImage(findRoot, imagePath):
pathWalk = os.walk(path)
pathList = [True]
matchList = [] # Store a list of (match, size), choose the biggest.
while True:
pathList =
for file in pathList[2]:
file_lower = file.lower()
if (file_lower == imageFileName_lower) or\
(stripExt(file_lower) == imageFileName_noext_lower and getExt(file_lower) in IMAGE_EXT):
name = pathList[0] + sys.sep + file
size = os.path.getsize(name)
print '\t\t\tfound:', name
matchList.append( (name, size) )
if matchList:
# Sort by file size
matchList.sort(lambda A, B: cmp(B[1], A[1]) )
print '\t\tFound "%s"' % matchList[0][0]
# Loop through all we have found
img = None
for match in matchList:
img = imageLoad(match[0]) # 0 - first, 0 - pathname
if img != None:
return img
# No go.
print '\t\tImage Not Found "%s"' % imagePath
return None
# This function sets textures defined in .mtl file #
# ___ Replaced by comprehensive imahge get
# This function sets textures defined in .mtl file #
def loadMaterialImage(mat, img_fileName, type, meshDict, dir):
TEX_ON_FLAG = NMesh.FaceModes['TEX']
texture = Texture.New(type)
# Absolute path - c:\.. etc would work here
image = comprehansiveImageLoad(img_fileName, dir)
if image:
texture.image = image
# adds textures to faces (Textured/Alt-Z mode)
# Only apply the diffuse texture to the face if the image has not been set with the inline usemat func.
if image and type == 'Kd':
for meshPair in meshDict.itervalues():
for f in meshPair[0].faces:
#print meshPair[0].materials[f.mat].name,
if meshPair[0].materials[f.mat].name ==
# the inline usemat command overides the material Image
if not f.image:
f.mode |= TEX_ON_FLAG
f.image = image
# adds textures for materials (rendering)
elif type == 'Ka':
mat.setTexture(0, texture, Texture.TexCo.UV, Texture.MapTo.CMIR) # TODO- Add AMB to BPY API
elif type == 'Kd':
mat.setTexture(1, texture, Texture.TexCo.UV, Texture.MapTo.COL)
elif type == 'Ks':
mat.setTexture(2, texture, Texture.TexCo.UV, Texture.MapTo.SPEC)
elif type == 'Bump': # New Additions
mat.setTexture(3, texture, Texture.TexCo.UV, Texture.MapTo.NOR)
elif type == 'D':
mat.setTexture(4, texture, Texture.TexCo.UV, Texture.MapTo.ALPHA)
elif type == 'refl':
mat.setTexture(5, texture, Texture.TexCo.UV, Texture.MapTo.REF)
# This function loads materials from .mtl file (have to be defined in obj file) #
def load_mtl(dir, mtl_file, meshDict, materialDict):
# This gets a mat or creates one of the requested name if none exist. #
def getMat(matName, materialDict):
# Make a new mat
return materialDict[matName]
#except NameError or KeyError:
except: # Better do any exception
# Do we realy need to keep the dict up to date?, not realy but keeps consuistant.
materialDict[matName] = Material.New(matName)
return materialDict[matName]
mtl_file = stripPath(mtl_file)
mtl_fileName = dir + mtl_file
fileLines= open(mtl_fileName, 'r').readlines()
except IOError:
print '\tunable to open referenced material file: "%s"' % mtl_fileName
while lIdx < len(fileLines):
l = fileLines[lIdx].split()
# Detect a line that will be ignored
if len(l) == 0 or l[0].startswith('#'):
elif l[0] == 'newmtl':
currentMat = getMat('_'.join(l[1:]), materialDict) # Material should alredy exist.
elif l[0] == 'Ka':
currentMat.setMirCol((float(l[1]), float(l[2]), float(l[3])))
elif l[0] == 'Kd':
currentMat.setRGBCol((float(l[1]), float(l[2]), float(l[3])))
elif l[0] == 'Ks':
currentMat.setSpecCol((float(l[1]), float(l[2]), float(l[3])))
elif l[0] == 'Ns':
currentMat.setHardness( int((float(l[1])*0.51)) )
elif l[0] == 'Ni': # Refraction index
currentMat.setIOR( max(1, min(float(l[1]), 3))) # Between 1 and 3
elif l[0] == 'd':
elif l[0] == 'Tr':
elif l[0] == 'map_Ka':
img_fileName = ' '.join(l[1:])
loadMaterialImage(currentMat, img_fileName, 'Ka', meshDict, dir)
elif l[0] == 'map_Ks':
img_fileName = ' '.join(l[1:])
loadMaterialImage(currentMat, img_fileName, 'Ks', meshDict, dir)
elif l[0] == 'map_Kd':
img_fileName = ' '.join(l[1:])
loadMaterialImage(currentMat, img_fileName, 'Kd', meshDict, dir)
# new additions
elif l[0] == 'map_Bump': # Bumpmap
img_fileName = ' '.join(l[1:])
loadMaterialImage(currentMat, img_fileName, 'Bump', meshDict, dir)
elif l[0] == 'map_D': # Alpha map - Dissolve
img_fileName = ' '.join(l[1:])
loadMaterialImage(currentMat, img_fileName, 'D', meshDict, dir)
elif l[0] == 'refl': # Reflectionmap
img_fileName = ' '.join(l[1:])
loadMaterialImage(currentMat, img_fileName, 'refl', meshDict, dir)
print '\tERROR: Unable to parse MTL file: "%s"' % mtl_file
print '\tUsing MTL: "%s"' % mtl_file
# Returns unique name of object/mesh (preserve overwriting existing meshes) #
def getUniqueName(name):
newName = name
uniqueInt = 0
while 1:
ob = Object.Get(newName)
# Okay, this is working, so lets make a new name
newName = '%s.%d' % (name, uniqueInt)
uniqueInt +=1
except AttributeError:
if newName not in NMesh.GetNames():
return newName
newName = '%s.%d' % (name, uniqueInt)
uniqueInt +=1
# This loads data from .obj file #
def load_obj(file):
print '\nImporting OBJ file: "%s"' % file
time1 = sys.time()
# Deselect all objects in the scene.
# do this first so we dont have to bother, with objects we import
for ob in Scene.GetCurrent().getChildren():
ob.sel = 0
TEX_OFF_FLAG = ~NMesh.FaceModes['TEX']
# Get the file name with no path or .obj
fileName = stripExt( stripPath(file) )
mtl_fileName = [] # Support multiple mtl files if needed.
DIR = stripFile(file)
tempFile = open(file, 'r')
fileLines = tempFile.readlines()
uvMapList = [] # store tuple uv pairs here
# This dummy vert makes life a whole lot easier-
# pythons index system then aligns with objs, remove later
vertList = [] # Could havea vert but since this is a placeholder theres no Point
# Store all imported images in a dict, names are key
imageDict = {}
# This stores the index that the current mesh has for the current material.
# if the mesh does not have the material then set -1
contextMeshMatIdx = -1
# Keep this out of the dict for easy accsess.
nullMat = Material.New('(null)')
currentMat = nullMat # Use this mat.
currentImg = None # Null image is a string, otherwise this should be set to an image object.\
currentSmooth = False
# Store a list of unnamed names
currentUnnamedGroupIdx = 1
currentUnnamedObjectIdx = 1
quadList = (0, 1, 2, 3)
faceQuadVList = [None, None, None, None]
faceTriVList = [None, None, None]
# Load all verts first (texture verts too) #
nonVertFileLines = []
smoothingGroups = {}
materialDict = {} # Store all imported materials as unique dict, names are key
lIdx = 0
print '\tfile length: %d' % len(fileLines)
while lIdx < len(fileLines):
# Ignore vert normals
if fileLines[lIdx].startswith('vn'):
# Dont Bother splitting empty or comment lines.
if len(fileLines[lIdx]) == 0 or\
fileLines[lIdx][0] == '\n' or\
fileLines[lIdx][0] == '#':
fileLines[lIdx] = fileLines[lIdx].split()
l = fileLines[lIdx]
# Splitting may
if len(l) == 0:
# Verts
elif l[0] == 'v':
vertList.append( NMesh.Vert(float(l[1]), float(l[2]), float(l[3]) ) )
elif l[0] == 'vt':
uvMapList.append( (float(l[1]), float(l[2])) )
# Smoothing groups, make a list of unique.
elif l[0] == 's':
if len(l) > 1:
smoothingGroups['_'.join(l[1:])] = None # Can we assign something more usefull? cant use sets yet
# Keep Smoothing group line
# Smoothing groups, make a list of unique.
elif l[0] == 'usemtl':
if len(l) > 1:
materialDict['_'.join(l[1:])] = None # Can we assign something more usefull? cant use sets yet
# Keep Smoothing group line
del fileLines
fileLines = nonVertFileLines
del nonVertFileLines
# With negative values this is used a lot. make faster access.
len_uvMapList = len(uvMapList)
len_vertList = len(vertList)
# Only want unique keys anyway
smoothingGroups['(null)'] = None # Make sure we have at least 1.
smoothingGroups = smoothingGroups.keys()
print '\tfound %d smoothing groups.' % (len(smoothingGroups) -1)
# Add materials to Blender for later is in teh OBJ
for k in materialDict.iterkeys():
materialDict[k] = Material.New(k)
# Make a list of all unused vert indicies that we can copy from
VERT_USED_LIST = [0]*len_vertList
# Here we store a boolean list of which verts are used or not
# no we know weather to add them to the current mesh
# This is an issue with global vertex indicies being translated to per mesh indicies
# like blenders, we start with a dummy just like the vert.
# -1 means unused, any other value refers to the local mesh index of the vert.
# currentObjectName has a char in front of it that determins weather its a group or object.
# We ignore it when naming the object.
currentObjectName = 'unnamed_obj_0' # If we cant get one, use this
meshDict = {} # The 3 variables below are stored in a tuple within this dict for each mesh
currentMesh = NMesh.GetRaw() # The NMesh representation of the OBJ group/Object
currentUsedVertList = {} # A Dict of smooth groups, each smooth group has a list of used verts and they are generated on demand so as to save memory.
currentMaterialMeshMapping = {} # Used to store material indicies so we dont have to search the mesh for materials every time.
# Every mesh has a null smooth group, this is used if there are no smooth groups in the OBJ file.
# and when for faces where no smooth group is used.
currentSmoothGroup = '(null)' # The Name of the current smooth group
# For direct accsess to the Current Meshes, Current Smooth Groups- Used verts.
# This is of course context based and changes on the fly.
currentUsedVertListSmoothGroup = VERT_USED_LIST[:]
# Set the initial '(null)' Smooth group, every mesh has one.
currentUsedVertList[currentSmoothGroup] = currentUsedVertListSmoothGroup
# 0:NMesh, 1:SmoothGroups[UsedVerts[0,0,0,0]], 2:materialMapping['matname':matIndexForThisNMesh]
meshDict[currentObjectName] = (currentMesh, currentUsedVertList, currentMaterialMeshMapping)
# Only show the bad uv error once
badObjUvs = 0
badObjFaceVerts = 0
badObjFaceTexCo = 0
#currentMesh.verts.append(vertList[0]) # So we can sync with OBJ indicies where 1 is the first item.
if len_uvMapList > 1:
currentMesh.hasFaceUV(1) # Turn UV's on if we have ANY texture coords in this obj file.
# Load all faces into objects, main loop #
lIdx = 0
# Face and Object loading LOOP
while lIdx < len(fileLines):
l = fileLines[lIdx]
if l[0] == 'f':
# Make a face with the correct material.
# Add material to mesh
if contextMeshMatIdx == -1:
tmpMatLs = currentMesh.materials
if len(tmpMatLs) == 16:
contextMeshMatIdx = 0 # Use first material
print 'material overflow, attempting to use > 16 materials. defaulting to first.'
contextMeshMatIdx = len(tmpMatLs)
currentMaterialMeshMapping[] = contextMeshMatIdx
# Set up vIdxLs : Verts
# Set up vtIdxLs : UV
# Start with a dummy objects so python accepts OBJs 1 is the first index.
vIdxLs = []
vtIdxLs = []
fHasUV = len_uvMapList # Assume the face has a UV until it sho it dosent, if there are no UV coords then this will start as 0.
for v in l[1:]:
# OBJ files can have // or / to seperate vert/texVert/normal
# this is a bit of a pain but we must deal with it.
objVert = v.split('/')
# Vert Index - OBJ supports negative index assignment (like python)
index = int(objVert[0])+1
# Account for negative indicies.
if index < 1:
index = len_vertList+index-1
if fHasUV:
# UV
index = 0 # Dummy var
if len(objVert) == 1:
index = vIdxLs[-1]
elif objVert[1]: # != '' # Its possible that theres no texture vert just he vert and normal eg 1//2
index = int(objVert[1])-1
if index < 1:
index = len_uvMapList+index+1
if len_uvMapList > index:
vtIdxLs.append(index) # Seperate UV coords
# BAD FILE, I have found this so I account for it.
# Could ignore this- only happens with 1 in 1000 files.
badObjFaceTexCo +=1
fHasUV = 0
# Dont add a UV to the face if its larger then the UV coord list
# The OBJ file would have to be corrupt or badly written for thi to happen
# but account for it anyway.
if len(vtIdxLs) > 0:
if vtIdxLs[-1] > len_uvMapList:
fHasUV = 0
badObjUvs +=1 # ERROR, Cont
# Quads only, we could import quads using the method below but it polite to import a quad as a quad.
if len(vIdxLs) == 2:
# Edge
for i in (0,1):
if currentUsedVertListSmoothGroup[vIdxLs[i]] == 0:
faceQuadVList[i] = vertList[vIdxLs[i]]
currentUsedVertListSmoothGroup[vIdxLs[i]] = len(currentMesh.verts)-1
faceQuadVList[i] = currentMesh.verts[currentUsedVertListSmoothGroup[vIdxLs[i]]]
currentMesh.addEdge(faceQuadVList[0], faceQuadVList[1])
elif len(vIdxLs) == 4:
# Have found some files where wach face references the same vert
# - This causes a bug and stopts the import so lets check here
if vIdxLs[0] == vIdxLs[1] or\
vIdxLs[0] == vIdxLs[2] or\
vIdxLs[0] == vIdxLs[3] or\
vIdxLs[1] == vIdxLs[2] or\
vIdxLs[1] == vIdxLs[3] or\
vIdxLs[2] == vIdxLs[3]:
for i in quadList: # quadList == [0,1,2,3]
if currentUsedVertListSmoothGroup[vIdxLs[i]] == 0:
faceQuadVList[i] = vertList[vIdxLs[i]]
currentUsedVertListSmoothGroup[vIdxLs[i]] = len(currentMesh.verts)-1
faceQuadVList[i] = currentMesh.verts[currentUsedVertListSmoothGroup[vIdxLs[i]]]
f = NMesh.Face(faceQuadVList)
if fHasUV:
f.uv = [uvMapList[ vtIdxLs[0] ],uvMapList[ vtIdxLs[1] ],uvMapList[ vtIdxLs[2] ],uvMapList[ vtIdxLs[3] ]]
if currentImg:
f.image = currentImg
f.mode &= TEX_OFF_FLAG
f.mat = contextMeshMatIdx
f.smooth = currentSmooth
currentMesh.faces.append(f) # move the face onto the mesh
elif len(vIdxLs) >= 3: # This handles tri's and fans
for i in range(len(vIdxLs)-2):
if vIdxLs[0] == vIdxLs[i+1] or\
vIdxLs[0] == vIdxLs[i+2] or\
vIdxLs[i+1] == vIdxLs[i+2]:
for k, j in [(0,0), (1,i+1), (2,i+2)]:
if currentUsedVertListSmoothGroup[vIdxLs[j]] == 0:
faceTriVList[k] = vertList[vIdxLs[j]]
currentUsedVertListSmoothGroup[vIdxLs[j]] = len(currentMesh.verts)-1
faceTriVList[k] = currentMesh.verts[currentUsedVertListSmoothGroup[vIdxLs[j]]]
f = NMesh.Face(faceTriVList)
if fHasUV:
f.uv = [uvMapList[vtIdxLs[0]], uvMapList[vtIdxLs[i+1]], uvMapList[vtIdxLs[i+2]]]
if currentImg:
f.image = currentImg
f.mode &= TEX_OFF_FLAG
f.mat = contextMeshMatIdx
f.smooth = currentSmooth
currentMesh.faces.append(f) # move the face onto the mesh
elif l[0] == 's':
# No value? then turn on.
if len(l) == 1:
currentSmooth = True
currentSmoothGroup = '(null)'
currentUsedVertListSmoothGroup = currentUsedVertList[currentSmoothGroup]
except KeyError:
currentUsedVertListSmoothGroup = VERT_USED_LIST[:]
currentUsedVertList[currentSmoothGroup] = currentUsedVertListSmoothGroup
if l[1] == 'off':
currentSmooth = False
currentSmoothGroup = '(null)'
# We all have a null group so dont need to try
currentUsedVertListSmoothGroup = currentUsedVertList['(null)']
currentSmooth = True
currentSmoothGroup = '_'.join(l[1:])
elif l[0] == 'o' or l[0] == 'g':
# Forget about the current image
currentImg = None
# This makes sure that if an object and a group have the same name then
# they are not put into the same object.
# Only make a new group.object name if the verts in the existing object have been used, this is obscure
# but some files face groups seperating verts and faces which results in silly things. (no groups have names.)
if len(l) > 1:
currentObjectName = '_'.join(l[1:])
else: # No name given
# Make a new empty name
if l[0] == 'g': # Make a blank group name
currentObjectName = 'unnamed_grp_%d' % currentUnnamedGroupIdx
currentUnnamedGroupIdx +=1
else: # is an object.
currentObjectName = 'unnamed_ob_%d' % currentUnnamedObjectIdx
currentUnnamedObjectIdx +=1
# If we havnt written to this mesh before then do so.
# if we have then we'll just keep appending to it, this is required for soem files.
# If we are new, or we are not yet in the list of added meshes
# then make us new mesh.
if len(l) == 1 or (not meshDict.has_key(currentObjectName)):
currentMesh = NMesh.GetRaw()
currentUsedVertList = {}
# Sg is a string
currentSmoothGroup = '(null)'
currentUsedVertListSmoothGroup = VERT_USED_LIST[:]
currentUsedVertList[currentSmoothGroup] = currentUsedVertListSmoothGroup
currentMaterialMeshMapping = {}
meshDict[currentObjectName] = (currentMesh, currentUsedVertList, currentMaterialMeshMapping)
contextMeshMatIdx = -1
# Since we have this in Blender then we will check if the current Mesh has the material.
# set the contextMeshMatIdx to the meshs index but only if we have it.
currentMesh, currentUsedVertList, currentMaterialMeshMapping = meshDict[currentObjectName]
#getMeshMaterialIndex(currentMesh, currentMat)
contextMeshMatIdx = currentMaterialMeshMapping[] #getMeshMaterialIndex(currentMesh, currentMat)
except KeyError:
contextMeshMatIdx -1
# For new meshes switch smoothing groups to null
currentSmoothGroup = '(null)'
currentUsedVertListSmoothGroup = currentUsedVertList[currentSmoothGroup]
elif l[0] == 'usemtl':
if len(l) == 1 or l[1] == '(null)':
currentMat = nullMat # We know we have a null mat.
currentMat = materialDict['_'.join(l[1:])]
contextMeshMatIdx = currentMaterialMeshMapping[]
except KeyError:
contextMeshMatIdx = -1 #getMeshMaterialIndex(currentMesh, currentMat)
elif l[0] == 'usemat' or l[0] == 'usemap':
if len(l) == 1 or l[1] == '(null)' or l[1] == 'off':
currentImg = None
# Load an image.
newImgName = stripPath(' '.join(l[1:])) # Use space since its a file name.
# Assume its alredy set in the dict (may or maynot be loaded)
currentImg = imageDict[newImgName]
except KeyError: # Not in dict, add for first time.
# Image has not been added, Try and load the image
currentImg = comprehansiveImageLoad(newImgName, DIR) # Use join in case of spaces
imageDict[newImgName] = currentImg
# These may be None, thats okay.
elif l[0] == 'mtllib':
mtl_fileName.append(' '.join(l[1:]) ) # SHOULD SUPPORT MULTIPLE MTL?
# Applies material properties to materials alredy on the mesh as well as Textures.
for mtl in mtl_fileName:
load_mtl(DIR, mtl, meshDict, materialDict)
importedObjects = []
for mk, me in meshDict.iteritems():
nme = me[0]
# Ignore no vert meshes.
if not nme.verts: # == []
name = getUniqueName(mk)
ob = NMesh.PutRaw(nme, name) = name
# Select all imported objects.
for ob in importedObjects:
ob.sel = 1
if badObjUvs > 0:
print '\tERROR: found %d faces with badly formatted UV coords. everything else went okay.' % badObjUvs
if badObjFaceVerts > 0:
print '\tERROR: found %d faces reusing the same vertex. everything else went okay.' % badObjFaceVerts
if badObjFaceTexCo > 0:
print '\tERROR: found %d faces with invalit texture coords. everything else went okay.' % badObjFaceTexCo
print "obj import time: ", sys.time() - time1
# Batch directory loading.
def load_obj_dir(obj_dir):
# Strip file
obj_dir = stripFile(obj_dir)
time = sys.time()
objFiles = [f for f in os.listdir(obj_dir) if f.lower().endswith('obj')]
Window.DrawProgressBar(0, '')
count = 0
obj_len = len(objFiles)
for obj in objFiles:
newScn = Scene.New(obj)
Window.DrawProgressBar((float(count)/obj_len) - 0.01, '%s: %i of %i' % (obj, count, obj_len))
load_obj(obj_dir + obj)
Window.DrawProgressBar(1, '')
print 'Total obj import "%s" dir: %.2f' % (obj_dir, sys.time() - time)
def main():
TEXT_IMPORT = 'Import a Wavefront OBJ'
TEXT_BATCH_IMPORT = 'Import *.obj to Scenes'
# load_obj("/metavr/file_examples/obj/zombie.obj")
if Window.GetKeyQualifiers() & Window.Qual.SHIFT:
if not os:
Draw.PupMenu('Module "os" not found, needed for batch load, using normal selector.')
Window.FileSelector(load_obj, TEXT_IMPORT)
Window.FileSelector(load_obj_dir, TEXT_BATCH_IMPORT)
Window.FileSelector(load_obj, TEXT_IMPORT)
if __name__ == '__main__':