Daniel Genrich 286c2ca80b Smoke:
* cache for low res (deactivating high res for now)
* new way of view3d rendering of smoke (no longer 3 axes) -using 3dtexture now (introduced into gpu/intern)
* introducing LZO and LZMA libs into extern (makefiles missing for now)
* reducing memory usage after simulating for the frame ended (freeing temporary buffers)
* splitting smoke into 2 modifier for the cache-sake (it cannot handle more than 1 cache on the same modifier-index)
* no color on gui anymore
* fixing non-power-of-2 resolutions (hopefully)
* fixing select-deselect of domain drawing bug
* fixing drawobject.c coding style (making Ton happy) ;-)

HINT #1: If scons doesn't work -> cmakefiles are up-to-date, couldn't test scons (but i tried to mantain them, too)

CODERS HINT #1: we really need a way to disable adding all modifiers through "Add Modifiers" dropdown!

WARNING #1: before applying this commit, deactivate your SMOKE DOMAIN in your old files and save them then. You can open them then savely after that.

WARNING #2: File and cache format of smoke can be changed, this is not final!
2009-08-20 00:33:59 +00:00

285 lines
7.1 KiB

import bpy
def smoke_panel_enabled_low(smd):
if smd.smoke_type == 'TYPE_DOMAIN':
return smd.domain.point_cache.baked==False
return True
class PhysicButtonsPanel(bpy.types.Panel):
__space_type__ = "PROPERTIES"
__region_type__ = "WINDOW"
__context__ = "physics"
def poll(self, context):
ob = context.object
rd = context.scene.render_data
return (ob and ob.type == 'MESH') and (not rd.use_game_engine)
class PHYSICS_PT_smoke(PhysicButtonsPanel):
__label__ = "Smoke"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
md = context.smoke
ob = context.object
split = layout.split()
split.operator_context = 'EXEC_DEFAULT'
if md:
# remove modifier + settings
split.set_context_pointer("modifier", md)
split.itemO("object.modifier_remove", text="Remove")
row = split.row(align=True)
row.itemR(md, "render", text="")
row.itemR(md, "realtime", text="")
# add modifier
split.item_enumO("object.modifier_add", "type", 'SMOKE', text="Add")
if md:
# layout.enabled = smoke_panel_enabled(md)
layout.itemR(md, "smoke_type", expand=True)
if md.smoke_type == 'TYPE_DOMAIN':
domain = md.domain_settings
split = layout.split()
col = split.column()
col.itemR(domain, "maxres", text="Divisions")
col = split.column()
col.itemR(domain, "alpha")
col.itemR(domain, "beta")
col.itemR(domain, "dissolve_smoke", text="Dissolve")
sub = col.column() = domain.dissolve_smoke
sub.itemR(domain, "dissolve_speed", text="Speed")
sub.itemR(domain, "dissolve_smoke_log", text="Slow")
elif md.smoke_type == 'TYPE_FLOW':
flow = md.flow_settings
split = layout.split()
col = split.column()
col.itemR(flow, "outflow")
col.itemL(text="Particle System:")
col.item_pointerR(flow, "psys", ob, "particle_systems", text="")
if md.flow_settings.outflow:
col = split.column()
col = split.column()
col.itemR(flow, "temperature")
col.itemR(flow, "density")
#elif md.smoke_type == 'TYPE_COLL':
# layout.itemS()
class PHYSICS_PT_smoke_groups(PhysicButtonsPanel):
__label__ = "Smoke Groups"
__default_closed__ = True
def poll(self, context):
md = context.smoke
if md:
return (md.smoke_type == 'TYPE_DOMAIN')
return False
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
group = context.smoke.domain_settings
split = layout.split()
col = split.column()
col.itemL(text="Flow Group:")
col.itemR(group, "fluid_group", text="")
#col.itemL(text="Effector Group:")
#col.itemR(group, "eff_group", text="")
col = split.column()
col.itemL(text="Collision Group:")
col.itemR(group, "coll_group", text="")
class PHYSICS_PT_smoke_cache(PhysicButtonsPanel):
__label__ = "Smoke Cache"
__default_closed__ = True
def poll(self, context):
md = context.smoke
if md:
return (md.smoke_type == 'TYPE_DOMAIN')
return False
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
md = context.smoke
if md.smoke_type == 'TYPE_DOMAIN':
domain = md.domain_settings
cache = domain.point_cache
layout.set_context_pointer("PointCache", cache)
row = layout.row()
row.template_list(cache, "point_cache_list", cache, "active_point_cache_index")
col = row.column(align=True)
col.itemO("ptcache.add_new", icon="ICON_ZOOMIN", text="")
col.itemO("ptcache.remove", icon="ICON_ZOOMOUT", text="")
row = layout.row()
row.itemR(cache, "name")
row = layout.row()
row.itemR(cache, "start_frame")
row.itemR(cache, "end_frame")
row = layout.row()
if cache.baked == True:
row.itemO("ptcache.free_bake", text="Free Bake")
row.item_booleanO("ptcache.bake", "bake", True, text="Bake")
subrow = row.row()
subrow.enabled = cache.frames_skipped or cache.outdated
subrow.itemO("ptcache.bake", "bake", False, text="Calculate to Current Frame")
row = layout.row()
#row.enabled = smoke_panel_enabled(psys)
row.itemO("ptcache.bake_from_cache", text="Current Cache to Bake")
row = layout.row()
#row.enabled = smoke_panel_enabled(psys)
row = layout.row()
row.itemO("ptcache.bake_all", "bake", True, text="Bake All Dynamics")
row.itemO("ptcache.free_bake_all", text="Free All Bakes")
layout.itemO("ptcache.bake_all", "bake", False, text="Update All Dynamics to current frame")
class PHYSICS_PT_smoke_highres(PhysicButtonsPanel):
__label__ = "Smoke High Resolution"
__default_closed__ = True
def poll(self, context):
md = context.smoke
if md:
return (md.smoke_type == 'TYPE_DOMAIN')
return False
def draw_header(self, context):
layout = self.layout
high = context.smoke.domain_settings
layout.itemR(high, "highres", text="")
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
md = context.smoke_hr
if md:
split = layout.split()
col = split.column()
col.itemR(md, "amplify", text="Divisions")
sub = split.column()
sub.itemL(text="Noise Method:")
sub.row().itemR(md, "noise_type", text="")
sub.itemR(md, "strength")
sub.itemR(md, "show_highres")
class PHYSICS_PT_smoke_cache_highres(PhysicButtonsPanel):
__label__ = "Smoke Cache"
__default_closed__ = True
def poll(self, context):
return (context.smoke_hr != None)
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
md = context.smoke_hr
if md:
cache = md.point_cache
layout.set_context_pointer("PointCache", cache)
row = layout.row()
row.template_list(cache, "point_cache_list", cache, "active_point_cache_index")
col = row.column(align=True)
col.itemO("ptcache.add_new", icon="ICON_ZOOMIN", text="")
col.itemO("ptcache.remove", icon="ICON_ZOOMOUT", text="")
row = layout.row()
row.itemR(cache, "name")
row = layout.row()
row.itemR(cache, "start_frame")
row.itemR(cache, "end_frame")
row = layout.row()
if cache.baked == True:
row.itemO("ptcache.free_bake", text="Free Bake")
row.item_booleanO("ptcache.bake", "bake", True, text="Bake")
subrow = row.row()
subrow.enabled = cache.frames_skipped or cache.outdated
subrow.itemO("ptcache.bake", "bake", False, text="Calculate to Current Frame")
row = layout.row()
#row.enabled = smoke_panel_enabled(psys)
row.itemO("ptcache.bake_from_cache", text="Current Cache to Bake")
row = layout.row()
#row.enabled = smoke_panel_enabled(psys)
row = layout.row()
row.itemO("ptcache.bake_all", "bake", True, text="Bake All Dynamics")
row.itemO("ptcache.free_bake_all", text="Free All Bakes")
layout.itemO("ptcache.bake_all", "bake", False, text="Update All Dynamics to current frame")