Kent Mein b9a19f1ea7 Did all of the .h's in source
#include <config.h>

also the's were from previous patch adding
the system depend stuff to

2002-11-25 11:16:17 +00:00

285 lines
9.0 KiB

#ifndef SM_OBJECT_H
#define SM_OBJECT_H
#include <vector>
#include "solid.h"
#include "SM_Callback.h"
#include "SM_MotionState.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <config.h>
class SM_FhObject;
// Properties of dynamic objects
struct SM_ShapeProps {
MT_Scalar m_mass; // Total mass
MT_Scalar m_inertia; // Inertia, should be a tensor some time
MT_Scalar m_lin_drag; // Linear drag (air, water) 0 = concrete, 1 = vacuum
MT_Scalar m_ang_drag; // Angular drag
MT_Scalar m_friction_scaling[3]; // Scaling for anisotropic friction. Component in range [0, 1]
bool m_do_anisotropic; // Should I do anisotropic friction?
bool m_do_fh; // Should the object have a linear Fh spring?
bool m_do_rot_fh; // Should the object have an angular Fh spring?
// Properties of collidable objects (non-ghost objects)
struct SM_MaterialProps {
MT_Scalar m_restitution; // restitution of energie after a collision 0 = inelastic, 1 = elastic
MT_Scalar m_friction; // Coulomb friction (= ratio between the normal en maximum friction force)
MT_Scalar m_fh_spring; // Spring constant (both linear and angular)
MT_Scalar m_fh_damping; // Damping factor (linear and angular) in range [0, 1]
MT_Scalar m_fh_distance; // The range above the surface where Fh is active.
bool m_fh_normal; // Should the object slide off slopes?
class SM_Object : public SM_MotionState {
SM_Object() ;
DT_ShapeHandle shape,
const SM_MaterialProps *materialProps,
const SM_ShapeProps *shapeProps,
SM_Object *dynamicParent
virtual ~SM_Object();
bool isDynamic() const;
/* nzc experimental. There seem to be two places where kinematics
* are evaluated: proceedKinematic (called from SM_Scene) and
* proceed() in this object. I'll just try and bunge these out for
* now. */
void suspend(void);
void resume(void);
void suspendDynamics();
void restoreDynamics();
bool isGhost() const;
void suspendMaterial();
void restoreMaterial();
SM_FhObject *getFhObject() const;
void registerCallback(SM_Callback& callback);
void calcXform();
void notifyClient();
// Save the current state information for use in the
// velocity computation in the next frame.
void proceedKinematic(MT_Scalar timeStep);
void saveReactionForce(MT_Scalar timeStep) ;
void clearForce() ;
void clearMomentum() ;
void setMargin(MT_Scalar margin) ;
MT_Scalar getMargin() const ;
const SM_MaterialProps *getMaterialProps() const ;
const SM_ShapeProps *getShapeProps() const ;
void setPosition(const MT_Point3& pos);
void setOrientation(const MT_Quaternion& orn);
void setScaling(const MT_Vector3& scaling);
* set an external velocity. This velocity complements
* the physics velocity. So setting it does not override the
* physics velocity. It is your responsibility to clear
* this external velocity. This velocity is not subject to
* friction or damping.
void setExternalLinearVelocity(const MT_Vector3& lin_vel) ;
void addExternalLinearVelocity(const MT_Vector3& lin_vel) ;
/** Override the physics velocity */
void addLinearVelocity(const MT_Vector3& lin_vel);
void setLinearVelocity(const MT_Vector3& lin_vel);
* Set an external angular velocity. This velocity complemetns
* the physics angular velocity so does not override it. It is
* your responsibility to clear this velocity. This velocity
* is not subject to friction or damping.
void setExternalAngularVelocity(const MT_Vector3& ang_vel) ;
void addExternalAngularVelocity(const MT_Vector3& ang_vel);
/** Override the physics angular velocity */
void addAngularVelocity(const MT_Vector3& ang_vel);
void setAngularVelocity(const MT_Vector3& ang_vel);
/** Clear the external velocities */
void clearCombinedVelocities();
* Tell the physics system to combine the external velocity
* with the physics velocity.
void resolveCombinedVelocities(
const MT_Vector3 & lin_vel,
const MT_Vector3 & ang_vel
) ;
MT_Scalar getInvMass() const;
MT_Scalar getInvInertia() const ;
void applyForceField(const MT_Vector3& accel) ;
void applyCenterForce(const MT_Vector3& force) ;
void applyTorque(const MT_Vector3& torque) ;
void applyImpulse(const MT_Point3& attach, const MT_Vector3& impulse) ;
void applyCenterImpulse(const MT_Vector3& impulse);
void applyAngularImpulse(const MT_Vector3& impulse);
MT_Point3 getWorldCoord(const MT_Point3& local) const;
MT_Vector3 getVelocity(const MT_Point3& local) const;
const MT_Vector3& getReactionForce() const ;
void getMatrix(double *m) const ;
const double *getMatrix() const ;
// Still need this???
const MT_Transform& getScaledTransform() const;
DT_ObjectHandle getObjectHandle() const ;
DT_ShapeHandle getShapeHandle() const ;
void setClientObject(void *clientobj) ;
void *getClientObject() ;
SM_Object *getDynamicParent() ;
void integrateForces(MT_Scalar timeStep);
void integrateMomentum(MT_Scalar timeSteo);
void setRigidBody(bool is_rigid_body) ;
bool isRigidBody() const ;
// This is the callback for handling collisions of dynamic objects
void *client_data,
void *object1,
void *object2,
const DT_CollData *coll_data
// return the actual linear_velocity of this object this
// is the addition of m_combined_lin_vel and m_lin_vel.
) const ;
) const ;
typedef std::vector<SM_Callback *> T_CallbackList;
T_CallbackList m_callbackList; // Each object can have multiple callbacks from the client (=game engine)
SM_Object *m_dynamicParent; // Collisions between parent and children are ignored
// as the collision callback now has only information
// on an SM_Object, there must be a way that the SM_Object client
// can identify it's clientdata after a collision
void *m_client_object;
DT_ShapeHandle m_shape; // Shape for collision detection
// Material and shape properties are not owned by this class.
const SM_MaterialProps *m_materialProps;
const SM_MaterialProps *m_materialPropsBackup; // Backup in case the object temporarily becomes a ghost.
const SM_ShapeProps *m_shapeProps;
const SM_ShapeProps *m_shapePropsBackup; // Backup in case the object's dynamics is temporarily suspended
DT_ObjectHandle m_object; // A handle to the corresponding object in SOLID.
MT_Scalar m_margin; // Offset for the object's shape (also for collision detection)
MT_Vector3 m_scaling; // Non-uniform scaling of the object's shape
double m_ogl_matrix[16]; // An OpenGL-type 4x4 matrix
MT_Transform m_xform; // The object's local coordinate system
MT_Transform m_prev_xform; // The object's local coordinate system in the previous frame
SM_MotionState m_prev_state; // The object's motion state in the previous frame
MT_Scalar m_timeStep; // The duration of the last frame
MT_Vector3 m_reaction_impulse; // The accumulated impulse resulting from collisions
MT_Vector3 m_reaction_force; // The reaction force derived from the reaction impulse
unsigned int m_kinematic : 1; // Have I been displaced (translated, rotated, scaled) in this frame?
unsigned int m_prev_kinematic : 1; // Have I been displaced (translated, rotated, scaled) in the previous frame?
unsigned int m_is_rigid_body : 1; // Should friction give me a change in angular momentum?
MT_Vector3 m_lin_mom; // Linear momentum (linear velocity times mass)
MT_Vector3 m_ang_mom; // Angular momentum (angualr velocity times inertia)
MT_Vector3 m_force; // Force on center of mass (afffects linear momentum)
MT_Vector3 m_torque; // Torque around center of mass (affects angualr momentum)
// Here are the values of externally set linear and angular
// velocity. These are updated from the outside
// (actuators and python) each frame and combined with the
// physics values. At the end of each frame (at the end of a
// call to proceed) they are set to zero. This allows the
// outside world to contribute to the velocity of an object
// but still have it react to physics.
MT_Vector3 m_combined_lin_vel;
MT_Vector3 m_combined_ang_vel;
// The force and torque are the accumulated forces and torques applied by the client (game logic, python).
SM_FhObject *m_fh_object; // The ray object used for Fh
bool m_suspended; // Is this object frozen?