Alexandr Kuznetsov e2429d6492 Woo Hoo. First git commit.
Changes for VC2013

Now, I can build Blender with VC2013 with Cycles, Collada, OpenExr,OpenImageIO disabled. Also, you need VC2008 sp1 installed to make old libs compatible.
2013-11-29 15:13:12 -05:00

471 lines
16 KiB

/** \file elbeem/intern/particletracer.cpp
* \ingroup elbeem
* El'Beem - Free Surface Fluid Simulation with the Lattice Boltzmann Method
* Copyright 2003-2006 Nils Thuerey
* Particle Viewer/Tracer
#include <stdio.h>
//#include "../libs/my_gl.h"
//#include "../libs/my_glu.h"
/* own lib's */
#include "particletracer.h"
#include "ntl_matrices.h"
#include "ntl_ray.h"
#include "ntl_matrices.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include <zlib.h>
// particle object id counter
int ParticleObjectIdCnt = 1;
* Standard constructor
ParticleTracer::ParticleTracer() :
//mTrailLength(1), mTrailInterval(1),mTrailIntervalCounter(0),
mStart(-1.0), mEnd(1.0),
mSimStart(-1.0), mSimEnd(1.0),
mPartScale(0.1) , mPartHeadDist( 0.1 ), mPartTailDist( -0.1 ), mPartSegments( 4 ),
mValueCutoffTop(0.0), mValueCutoffBottom(0.0),
mDumpParts(0), //mDumpText(0),
mDumpTextInterval(0.), mDumpTextLastTime(0.), mDumpTextCount(0),
mNumInitialParts(0), mpTrafo(NULL),
mInitStart(-1.), mInitEnd(-1.),
mPrevs(), mTrailTimeLast(0.), mTrailInterval(-1.), mTrailLength(0)
ParticleTracer::~ParticleTracer() {
if(mpTrafo) delete mpTrafo;
//! parse settings from attributes (dont use own list!)
void ParticleTracer::parseAttrList(AttributeList *att)
AttributeList *tempAtt = mpAttrs;
mpAttrs = att;
mNumInitialParts = mpAttrs->readInt("particles",mNumInitialParts, "ParticleTracer","mNumInitialParts", false);
//errMsg(" NUMP"," "<<mNumInitialParts);
mPartScale = mpAttrs->readFloat("part_scale",mPartScale, "ParticleTracer","mPartScale", false);
mPartHeadDist = mpAttrs->readFloat("part_headdist",mPartHeadDist, "ParticleTracer","mPartHeadDist", false);
mPartTailDist = mpAttrs->readFloat("part_taildist",mPartTailDist, "ParticleTracer","mPartTailDist", false);
mPartSegments = mpAttrs->readInt ("part_segments",mPartSegments, "ParticleTracer","mPartSegments", false);
mValueScale = mpAttrs->readInt ("part_valscale",mValueScale, "ParticleTracer","mValueScale", false);
mValueCutoffTop = mpAttrs->readFloat("part_valcutofftop",mValueCutoffTop, "ParticleTracer","mValueCutoffTop", false);
mValueCutoffBottom = mpAttrs->readFloat("part_valcutoffbottom",mValueCutoffBottom, "ParticleTracer","mValueCutoffBottom", false);
mDumpParts = mpAttrs->readInt ("part_dump",mDumpParts, "ParticleTracer","mDumpParts", false);
// mDumpText deprecatd, use mDumpTextInterval>0. instead
mShowOnly = mpAttrs->readInt ("part_showonly",mShowOnly, "ParticleTracer","mShowOnly", false);
mDumpTextFile= mpAttrs->readString("part_textdumpfile",mDumpTextFile, "ParticleTracer","mDumpTextFile", false);
mDumpTextInterval= mpAttrs->readFloat("part_textdumpinterval",mDumpTextInterval, "ParticleTracer","mDumpTextInterval", false);
string matPart;
matPart = mpAttrs->readString("material_part", "default", "ParticleTracer","material", false);
setMaterialName( matPart );
mInitStart = mpAttrs->readFloat("part_initstart",mInitStart, "ParticleTracer","mInitStart", false);
mInitEnd = mpAttrs->readFloat("part_initend", mInitEnd, "ParticleTracer","mInitEnd", false);
// unused...
//int mTrailLength = 0; // UNUSED
//int mTrailInterval= 0; // UNUSED
mTrailLength = mpAttrs->readInt("traillength",mTrailLength, "ParticleTracer","mTrailLength", false);
mTrailInterval= mpAttrs->readFloat("trailinterval",mTrailInterval, "ParticleTracer","mTrailInterval", false);
// restore old list
mpAttrs = tempAtt;
* draw the particle array
void ParticleTracer::draw()
* init trafo matrix
void ParticleTracer::initTrafoMatrix() {
ntlVec3Gfx scale = ntlVec3Gfx(
ntlVec3Gfx trans = mStart;
if(!mpTrafo) mpTrafo = new ntlMat4Gfx(0.0);
for(int i=0; i<3; i++) { mpTrafo->value[i][i] = scale[i]; }
for(int i=0; i<3; i++) { mpTrafo->value[i][3] = trans[i]; }
* adapt time step by rescaling velocities
void ParticleTracer::adaptPartTimestep(float factor) {
for(size_t i=0; i<mParts.size(); i++) {
mParts[i].setVel( mParts[i].getVel() * factor );
* add a particle at this position
void ParticleTracer::addParticle(float x, float y, float z) {
ntlVec3Gfx p(x,y,z);
ParticleObject part( p );
mParts.push_back( part );
void ParticleTracer::addFullParticle(ParticleObject &np) {
mParts.push_back( np );
void ParticleTracer::cleanup() {
// cleanup
int last = (int)mParts.size()-1;
if(mDumpTextInterval>0.) { errMsg("ParticleTracer::cleanup","Skipping cleanup due to text dump..."); return; }
for(int i=0; i<=last; i++) {
if( mParts[i].getActive()==false ) {
ParticleObject *p = &mParts[i];
ParticleObject *p2 = &mParts[last];
*p = *p2; last--; mParts.pop_back();
*! dump particles if desired
void ParticleTracer::notifyOfDump(int dumptype, int frameNr,char *frameNrStr,string outfilename, double simtime) {
debMsgStd("ParticleTracer::notifyOfDump",DM_MSG,"obj:"<<this->getName()<<" frame:"<<frameNrStr<<" dumpp"<<mDumpParts<<" t"<<simtime, 10); // DEBUG
(mDumpParts>0)) {
// dump to binary file
std::ostringstream boutfilename("");
boutfilename << outfilename <<"_particles_" << frameNrStr;
if(glob_mpactive) {
if(glob_mpindex>0) { boutfilename << "mp"<<glob_mpindex; }
boutfilename << ".gz";
debMsgStd("ParticleTracer::notifyOfDump",DM_MSG,"B-Dumping: "<< this->getName() <<", particles:"<<mParts.size()<<" "<< " to "<<boutfilename.str()<<" #"<<frameNr , 7);
//debMsgStd("ParticleTracer::notifyOfDump",DM_MSG,"B-Dumping: partgeodeb sim:"<<mSimStart<<","<<mSimEnd<<" geosize:"<<mStart<<","<<mEnd,2 );
// output to zipped file
gzFile gzf;
gzf = gzopen(boutfilename.str().c_str(), "wb1");
if(gzf) {
int numParts;
if(sizeof(numParts)!=4) { errMsg("ParticleTracer::notifyOfDump","Invalid int size"); return; }
// only dump active particles
numParts = 0;
for(size_t i=0; i<mParts.size(); i++) {
if(!mParts[i].getActive()) continue;
gzwrite(gzf, &numParts, sizeof(numParts));
for(size_t i=0; i<mParts.size(); i++) {
if(!mParts[i].getActive()) { continue; }
ParticleObject *p = &mParts[i];
//int type = p->getType(); // export whole type info
int type = p->getFlags(); // debug export whole type & status info
ntlVec3Gfx pos = p->getPos();
float size = p->getSize();
if(type&PART_FLOAT) { // WARNING same handling for dump!
// add one gridcell offset
//pos[2] += 1.0;
// display as drop for now externally
//else if(type&PART_TRACER) { type |= PART_DROP; }
pos = (*mpTrafo) * pos;
ntlVec3Gfx v = p->getVel();
v[0] *= mpTrafo->value[0][0];
v[1] *= mpTrafo->value[1][1];
v[2] *= mpTrafo->value[2][2];
// FIXME check: pos = (*mpTrafo) * pos;
gzwrite(gzf, &type, sizeof(type));
gzwrite(gzf, &size, sizeof(size));
for(int j=0; j<3; j++) { gzwrite(gzf, &pos[j], sizeof(float)); }
for(int j=0; j<3; j++) { gzwrite(gzf, &v[j], sizeof(float)); }
gzclose( gzf );
} // dump?
void ParticleTracer::checkDumpTextPositions(double simtime) {
// dfor partial & full dump
if(mDumpTextInterval>0.) {
debMsgStd("ParticleTracer::checkDumpTextPositions",DM_MSG,"t="<<simtime<<" last:"<<mDumpTextLastTime<<" inter:"<<mDumpTextInterval,7);
if((mDumpTextInterval>0.) && (simtime>mDumpTextLastTime+mDumpTextInterval)) {
// dump to binary file
std::ostringstream boutfilename("");
if(mDumpTextFile.length()>1) {
boutfilename << mDumpTextFile << ".cpart2";
} else {
boutfilename << "_particles" << ".cpart2";
debMsgStd("ParticleTracer::checkDumpTextPositions",DM_MSG,"T-Dumping: "<< this->getName() <<", particles:"<<mParts.size()<<" "<< " to "<<boutfilename.str()<<" " , 7);
int numParts = 0;
// only dump bubble particles
for(size_t i=0; i<mParts.size(); i++) {
//if(!mParts[i].getActive()) continue;
//if(!(mParts[i].getType()&PART_BUBBLE)) continue;
// output to text file
//gzFile gzf;
FILE *stf;
if(mDumpTextCount==0) {
//gzf = gzopen(boutfilename.str().c_str(), "w0");
stf = fopen(boutfilename.str().c_str(), "w");
fprintf( stf, "\n\n# cparts generated by elbeem \n# no. of parts \nN %d \n\n",numParts);
// fixed time scale for now
fprintf( stf, "T %f \n\n", 1.0);
} else {
//gzf = gzopen(boutfilename.str().c_str(), "a+0");
stf = fopen(boutfilename.str().c_str(), "a+");
// add current set
if(stf) {
fprintf( stf, "\n\n# new set at frame %d,t%f,p%d --------------------------------- \n\n", mDumpTextCount, simtime, numParts );
fprintf( stf, "S %f \n\n", simtime );
for(size_t i=0; i<mParts.size(); i++) {
ParticleObject *p = &mParts[i];
ntlVec3Gfx pos = p->getPos();
float size = p->getSize();
float infl = 1.;
//if(!mParts[i].getActive()) { size=0.; } // switch "off"
if(!mParts[i].getActive()) { infl=0.; } // switch "off"
if(!mParts[i].getInFluid()) { infl=0.; } // switch "off"
if(mParts[i].getLifeTime()<0.) { infl=0.; } // not yet active...
pos = (*mpTrafo) * pos;
ntlVec3Gfx v = p->getVel();
v[0] *= mpTrafo->value[0][0];
v[1] *= mpTrafo->value[1][1];
v[2] *= mpTrafo->value[2][2];
fprintf( stf, "P %f %f %f \n", pos[0],pos[1],pos[2] );
if(size!=1.0) fprintf( stf, "s %f \n", size );
if(infl!=1.0) fprintf( stf, "i %f \n", infl );
fprintf( stf, "\n" );
fprintf( stf, "# %d end ", mDumpTextCount );
//gzclose( gzf );
fclose( stf );
mDumpTextLastTime += mDumpTextInterval;
void ParticleTracer::checkTrails(double time) {
if(mTrailLength<1) return;
if(time-mTrailTimeLast > mTrailInterval) {
if( (int)mPrevs.size() < mTrailLength) mPrevs.resize( mTrailLength );
for(int i=mPrevs.size()-1; i>0; i--) {
mPrevs[i] = mPrevs[i-1];
//errMsg("TRAIL"," from "<<i<<" to "<<(i-1) );
mPrevs[0] = mParts;
mTrailTimeLast += mTrailInterval;
* Get triangles for rendering
void ParticleTracer::getTriangles(double time, vector<ntlTriangle> *triangles,
vector<ntlVec3Gfx> *vertices,
vector<ntlVec3Gfx> *normals, int objectId )
// suppress warnings...
vertices = NULL; triangles = NULL;
normals = NULL; objectId = 0;
time = 0.;
int pcnt = 0;
// currently not used in blender
objectId = 0; // remove, deprecated
if(mDumpParts>1) {
return; // only dump, no tri-gen
const bool debugParts = false;
int tris = 0;
int segments = mPartSegments;
ntlVec3Gfx scale = ntlVec3Gfx( (mEnd[0]-mStart[0])/(mSimEnd[0]-mSimStart[0]), (mEnd[1]-mStart[1])/(mSimEnd[1]-mSimStart[1]), (mEnd[2]-mStart[2])/(mSimEnd[2]-mSimStart[2]));
ntlVec3Gfx trans = mStart;
time = 0.; // doesnt matter
for(size_t t=0; t<mPrevs.size()+1; t++) {
vector<ParticleObject> *dparts;
if(t==0) {
dparts = &mParts;
} else {
dparts = &mPrevs[t-1];
//errMsg("TRAILT","prevs"<<t<<"/"<<mPrevs.size()<<" parts:"<<dparts->size() );
gfxReal partscale = mPartScale;
if(t>1) {
partscale *= (gfxReal)(mPrevs.size()+1-t) / (gfxReal)(mPrevs.size()+1);
gfxReal partNormSize = 0.01 * partscale;
//for(size_t i=0; i<mParts.size(); i++) {
for(size_t i=0; i<dparts->size(); i++) {
ParticleObject *p = &( (*dparts)[i] ); // mParts[i];
if(mShowOnly!=10) {
// 10=show only deleted
if( p->getActive()==false ) continue;
} else {
if( p->getActive()==true ) continue;
int type = p->getType();
if(mShowOnly>0) {
switch(mShowOnly) {
case 1: if(!(type&PART_BUBBLE)) continue; break;
case 2: if(!(type&PART_DROP)) continue; break;
case 3: if(!(type&PART_INTER)) continue; break;
case 4: if(!(type&PART_FLOAT)) continue; break;
case 5: if(!(type&PART_TRACER)) continue; break;
} else {
// by default dont display inter
if(type&PART_INTER) continue;
ntlVec3Gfx pnew = p->getPos();
if(type&PART_FLOAT) { // WARNING same handling for dump!
if(p->getStatus()&PART_IN) { pnew[2] += 0.8; } // offset for display
// add one gridcell offset
//pnew[2] += 1.0;
#if LBMDIM==2
pnew[2] += 0.001; // DEBUG
pnew[2] += 0.009; // DEBUG
ntlVec3Gfx pdir = p->getVel();
gfxReal plen = normalize( pdir );
if( plen < 1e-05) pdir = ntlVec3Gfx(-1.0 ,0.0 ,0.0);
ntlVec3Gfx pos = (*mpTrafo) * pnew;
gfxReal partsize = 0.0;
if(debugParts) errMsg("DebugParts"," i"<<i<<" new"<<pnew<<" vel"<<pdir<<" pos="<<pos );
//if(i==0 &&(debugParts)) errMsg("DebugParts"," i"<<i<<" new"<<pnew[0]<<" pos="<<pos[0]<<" scale="<<scale[0]<<" t="<<trans[0] );
// value length scaling?
if(mValueScale==1) {
partsize = partscale * plen;
} else if(mValueScale==2) {
// cut off scaling
if(plen > mValueCutoffTop) continue;
if(plen < mValueCutoffBottom) continue;
partsize = partscale * plen;
} else {
partsize = partscale; // no length scaling
partsize *= p->getSize()/5.0;
ntlVec3Gfx pstart( mPartHeadDist *partsize, 0.0, 0.0 );
ntlVec3Gfx pend ( mPartTailDist *partsize, 0.0, 0.0 );
gfxReal phi = 0.0;
gfxReal phiD = 2.0*M_PI / (gfxReal)segments;
ntlMat4Gfx cvmat;
pdir *= -1.0;
ntlVec3Gfx cv1 = pdir;
ntlVec3Gfx cv2 = ntlVec3Gfx(pdir[1], -pdir[0], 0.0);
ntlVec3Gfx cv3 = cross( cv1, cv2);
//? for(int l=0; l<3; l++) { cvmat.value[l][0] = cv1[l]; cvmat.value[l][1] = cv2[l]; cvmat.value[l][2] = cv3[l]; }
pstart = (cvmat * pstart);
pend = (cvmat * pend);
for(int s=0; s<segments; s++) {
ntlVec3Gfx p1( 0.0 );
ntlVec3Gfx p2( 0.0 );
gfxReal radscale = partNormSize;
radscale = (partsize+partNormSize)*0.5;
p1[1] += cos(phi) * radscale;
p1[2] += sin(phi) * radscale;
p2[1] += cos(phi + phiD) * radscale;
p2[2] += sin(phi + phiD) * radscale;
ntlVec3Gfx n1 = ntlVec3Gfx( 0.0, cos(phi), sin(phi) );
ntlVec3Gfx n2 = ntlVec3Gfx( 0.0, cos(phi + phiD), sin(phi + phiD) );
ntlVec3Gfx ns = n1*0.5 + n2*0.5;
p1 = (cvmat * p1);
p2 = (cvmat * p2);
sceneAddTriangle( pos+pstart, pos+p1, pos+p2,
ns,n1,n2, ntlVec3Gfx(0.0), 1, triangles,vertices,normals );
sceneAddTriangle( pos+pend , pos+p2, pos+p1,
ns,n2,n1, ntlVec3Gfx(0.0), 1, triangles,vertices,normals );
phi += phiD;
tris += 2;
} // t
debMsgStd("ParticleTracer::getTriangles",DM_MSG,"Dumped "<<pcnt<<"/"<<mParts.size()<<" parts, tris:"<<tris<<", showonly:"<<mShowOnly,10);
return; // DEBUG