Nathan Letwory 975ca91939 Steam Release: Script creation of Steam build files
Script tool for automation of Steam build files for tasks like {T77348}

This script automates creation of the Steam files: download of the archives,
extraction of the archives, preparation of the build scripts (VDF files), actual
building of the Steam game files.


* MacOS machine - Tested on Catalina 10.15.6. Extracting contents from the DMG
  archive did not work Windows nor on Linux using 7-zip. All DMG archives tested
  failed to be extracted. As such only MacOS is known to work.
* Steam SDK downloaded from SteamWorks - The `steamcmd` is used to generate the
  Steam game files. The path to the `steamcmd` is what is actually needed.
* SteamWorks credentials - Needed to log in using `steamcmd`.
* Login to SteamWorks with the `steamcmd` from the command-line at least once -
  Needded to ensure the user is properly logged in. On a new machine the user
  will have to go through two-factor authentication.
* App ID and Depot IDs - Needed to create the VDF files.
* Python 3.x - 3.7 was tested.
* Base URL - for downloading the archives.

Reviewed By: Jeroen Bakker

Differential Revision:
2020-12-16 11:15:18 +01:00

398 lines
14 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import pathlib
import requests
import shutil
import subprocess
from typing import Callable, Iterator, List, Tuple
# supported archive and platform endings, used to create actual archive names
archive_endings = ["", "linux64.tar.xz", "macOS.dmg"]
def add_optional_argument(option: str, help: str) -> None:
global parser
"""Add an optional argument
option (str): Option to add
help (str): Help description for the argument
parser.add_argument(option, help=help, action='store_const', const=1)
def blender_archives(version: str) -> Iterator[str]:
"""Generator for Blender archives for version.
Yields for items in archive_endings an archive name in the form of
version (str): Version string of the form 2.83.2
Iterator[str]: Name in the form of blender-{version}-{ending}
global archive_endings
for ending in archive_endings:
yield f"blender-{version}-{ending}"
def get_archive_type(archive_type: str, version: str) -> str:
"""Return the archive of given type and version.
archive_type (str): extension for archive type to check for
version (str): Version string in the form 2.83.2
Exception: Execption when archive type isn't found
str: archive name for given type
for archive in blender_archives(version):
if archive.endswith(archive_type):
return archive
raise Exception("Unknown archive type")
def execute_command(cmd: List[str], name: str, errcode: int, cwd=".", capture_output=True) -> str:
"""Execute the given command.
Returns the process stdout upon success if any.
On error print message the command with name that has failed. Print stdout
and stderr of the process if any, and then exit with given error code.
cmd (List[str]): Command in list format, each argument as their own item
name (str): Name of command to use when printing to command-line
errcode (int): Error code to use in case of exit()
cwd (str, optional): Folder to use as current work directory for command
execution. Defaults to ".".
capture_output (bool, optional): Whether to capture command output or not.
Defaults to True.
str: stdout if any, or empty string
cmd_process =
cmd, capture_output=capture_output, encoding="UTF-8", cwd=cwd)
if cmd_process.returncode == 0:
if cmd_process.stdout:
return cmd_process.stdout
return ""
print(f"ERROR: {name} failed.")
if cmd_process.stdout:
if cmd_process.stderr:
return ""
def download_archives(base_url: str, archives: Callable[[str], Iterator[str]], version: str, dst_dir: pathlib.Path):
"""Download archives from the given base_url.
Archives is a generator for Blender archive names based on version.
Archive names are appended to the base_url to load from, and appended to
dst_dir to save to.
base_url (str): Base URL to load archives from
archives (Callable[[str], Iterator[str]]): Generator for Blender archive
names based on version
version (str): Version string in the form of 2.83.2
dst_dir (pathlib.Path): Download destination
if base_url[-1] != '/':
base_url = base_url + '/'
for archive in archives(version):
download_url = f"{base_url}{archive}"
target_file = dst_dir.joinpath(archive)
download_file(download_url, target_file)
def download_file(from_url: str, to_file: pathlib.Path) -> None:
"""Download from_url as to_file.
Actual downloading will be skipped if --skipdl is given on the command-line.
from_url (str): Full URL to resource to download
to_file (pathlib.Path): Full path to save downloaded resource as
global args
if not args.skipdl or not to_file.exists():
print(f"Downloading {from_url}")
with open(to_file, "wb") as download_zip:
response = requests.get(from_url)
if response.status_code !=
print(f"ERROR: failed to download {from_url} (status code: {response.status_code})")
print(f"Downloading {from_url} skipped")
print(" ... OK")
def copy_contents_from_dmg_to_path(dmg_file: pathlib.Path, dst: pathlib.Path) -> None:
"""Copy the contents of the given DMG file to the destination folder.
dmg_file (pathlib.Path): Full path to DMG archive to extract from
dst (pathlib.Path): Full path to destination to extract to
hdiutil_attach = ["hdiutil",
attached = execute_command(hdiutil_attach, "hdiutil attach", 1)
# Last line of output is what we want, it is of the form
# /dev/somedisk Apple_HFS /Volumes/Blender
# We want to retain the mount point, and the folder the mount is
# created on. The mounted disk we need for detaching, the folder we
# need to be able to copy the contents to where we can use them
attachment_items = attached.splitlines()[-1].split()
mounted_disk = attachment_items[0]
source_location = pathlib.Path(attachment_items[2], "")
print(f"{source_location} -> {dst}")
shutil.copytree(source_location, dst)
hdiutil_detach = ["hdiutil",
execute_command(hdiutil_detach, "hdiutil detach", 2)
def create_build_script(template_name: str, vars: List[Tuple[str, str]]) -> pathlib.Path:
Create the Steam build script
Use the given template and template variable tuple list.
Returns pathlib.Path to the created script.
template_name (str): [description]
vars (List[Tuple[str, str]]): [description]
pathlib.Path: Full path to the generated script
build_script = pathlib.Path(".", template_name).read_text()
for var in vars:
build_script = build_script.replace(var[0], var[1])
build_script_file = template_name.replace(".template", "")
build_script_path = pathlib.Path(".", build_script_file)
return build_script_path
def clean_up() -> None:
"""Remove intermediate files depending on given command-line arguments
global content_location, args
if not args.leavearch and not args.leaveextracted:
if args.leavearch and not args.leaveextracted:
if args.leaveextracted and not args.leavearch:
import os
def extract_archive(archive: str, extract_folder_name: str,
cmd: List[str], errcode: int) -> None:
"""Extract all files from archive to given folder name.
Will not extract if
target folder already exists, or if --skipextract was given on the
archive (str): Archive name to extract
extract_folder_name (str): Folder name to extract to
cmd (List[str]): Command with arguments to use
errcode (int): Error code to use for exit()
global args, content_location
extract_location = content_location.joinpath(extract_folder_name)
pre_extract = set(content_location.glob("*"))
if not args.skipextract or not extract_location.exists():
print(f"Extracting files from {archive}...")
execute_command(cmd, cmd[0], errcode, cwd=content_location)
# in case we use a non-release archive the naming will be incorrect.
# simply rename to expected target name
post_extract = set(content_location.glob("*"))
diff_extract = post_extract - pre_extract
if not extract_location in diff_extract:
folder_to_rename = list(diff_extract)[0]
print(" OK")
print(f"Skipping extraction {archive}!")
# ==============================================================================
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--baseurl", required=True,
help="The base URL for files to download, "
parser.add_argument("--version", required=True,
help="The Blender version to release, in the form 2.83.3")
parser.add_argument("--appid", required=True,
help="The Blender App ID on Steam")
parser.add_argument("--winid", required=True,
help="The Windows depot ID")
parser.add_argument("--linuxid", required=True,
help="The Linux depot ID")
parser.add_argument("--macosid", required=True,
help="The MacOS depot ID")
parser.add_argument("--steamcmd", required=True,
help="Path to the steamcmd")
parser.add_argument("--steamuser", required=True,
help="The login for the Steam builder user")
parser.add_argument("--steampw", required=True,
help="Login password for the Steam builder user")
"If set the Steam files will not be uploaded")
help="If set don't clean up the downloaded archives")
help="If set don't clean up the extraction folders")
help="If set downloading the archives is skipped if it already exists locally.")
help="If set skips extracting of archives. The tool assumes the archives"
"have already been extracted to their correct locations")
args = parser.parse_args()
VERSIONNODOTS = args.version.replace('.', '')
# ===== set up main locations
content_location = pathlib.Path(".", CONTENT).absolute()
output_location = pathlib.Path(".", OUTPUT).absolute()
content_location.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
output_location.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# ===== login
# Logging into Steam once to ensure the SDK updates itself properly. If we don't
# do that the combined +login and +run_app_build_http at the end of the tool
# will fail.
steam_login = [args.steamcmd,
print("Logging in to Steam...")
execute_command(steam_login, "Login to Steam", 10)
print(" OK")
# ===== prepare Steam build scripts
template_vars = [
("[APPID]", args.appid),
("[VERSION]", args.version),
("[WINID]", args.winid),
("[LINUXID]", args.linuxid),
("[MACOSID]", args.macosid),
("[DRYRUN]", f"{args.dryrun}" if args.dryrun else "0")
blender_app_build = create_build_script(
"blender_app_build.vdf.template", template_vars)
create_build_script("depot_build_win.vdf.template", template_vars)
create_build_script("depot_build_linux.vdf.template", template_vars)
create_build_script("depot_build_macos.vdf.template", template_vars)
# ===== download archives
download_archives(args.baseurl, blender_archives,
args.version, content_location)
# ===== set up file and folder names
zipped_blender = get_archive_type("zip", args.version)
zip_extract_folder = zipped_blender.replace(".zip", "")
tarxz_blender = get_archive_type("tar.xz", args.version)
tarxz_extract_folder = tarxz_blender.replace(".tar.xz", "")
dmg_blender = get_archive_type("dmg", args.version)
dmg_extract_folder = dmg_blender.replace(".dmg", "")
# ===== extract
unzip_cmd = ["unzip", "-q"]
extract_archive(zipped_blender, zip_extract_folder, unzip_cmd, 3)
untarxz_cmd = ["tar", "-xf"]
extract_archive(tarxz_blender, tarxz_extract_folder, untarxz_cmd, 4)
if not args.skipextract or not content_location.joinpath(dmg_extract_folder).exists():
print("Extracting files from Blender MacOS archive...")
blender_dmg = content_location.joinpath(dmg_blender)
target_location = content_location.joinpath(
dmg_extract_folder, "")
copy_contents_from_dmg_to_path(blender_dmg, target_location)
print(" OK")
print("Skipping extraction of .dmg!")
# ===== building
print("Build Steam game files...")
steam_build = [args.steamcmd,
execute_command(steam_build, "Build with steamcmd", 13)
print(" OK")