Benoit Bolsee 386122ada6 BGE performance, 4th round: logic
This commit extends the technique of dynamic linked list to the logic
system to eliminate as much as possible temporaries, map lookup or 
full scan. The logic engine is now free of memory allocation, which is
an important stability factor. 

The overhead of the logic system is reduced by a factor between 3 and 6
depending on the logic setup. This is the speed-up you can expect on 
a logic setup using simple bricks. Heavy bricks like python controllers
and ray sensors will still take about the same time to execute so the
speed up will be less important.

The core of the logic engine has been much reworked but the functionality
is still the same except for one thing: the priority system on the 
execution of controllers. The exact same remark applies to actuators but
I'll explain for controllers only:

Previously, it was possible, with the "executePriority" attribute to set
a controller to run before any other controllers in the game. Other than
that, the sequential execution of controllers, as defined in Blender was
guaranteed by default.

With the new system, the sequential execution of controllers is still 
guaranteed but only within the controllers of one object. the user can
no longer set a controller to run before any other controllers in the
game. The "executePriority" attribute controls the execution of controllers
within one object. The priority is a small number starting from 0 for the
first controller and incrementing for each controller.

If this missing feature is a must, a special method can be implemented
to set a controller to run before all other controllers.

Other improvements:
- Systematic use of reference in parameter passing to avoid unnecessary data copy
- Use pre increment in iterator instead of post increment to avoid temporary allocation
- Use const char* instead of STR_String whenever possible to avoid temporary allocation
- Fix reference counting bugs (memory leak)
- Fix a crash in certain cases of state switching and object deletion
- Minor speed up in property sensor
- Removal of objects during the game is a lot faster
2009-05-10 20:53:58 +00:00

519 lines
16 KiB

* $Id$
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV.
* All rights reserved.
* The Original Code is: all of this file.
* Contributor(s): none yet.
* KX_MouseFocusSensor determines mouse in/out/over events.
#ifdef WIN32
// This warning tells us about truncation of __long__ stl-generated names.
// It can occasionally cause DevStudio to have internal compiler warnings.
#pragma warning( disable : 4786 )
#include "MT_Point3.h"
#include "RAS_FramingManager.h"
#include "RAS_ICanvas.h"
#include "RAS_IRasterizer.h"
#include "SCA_IScene.h"
#include "KX_Scene.h"
#include "KX_Camera.h"
#include "KX_MouseFocusSensor.h"
#include "KX_PyMath.h"
#include "KX_RayCast.h"
#include "KX_IPhysicsController.h"
#include "PHY_IPhysicsController.h"
#include "PHY_IPhysicsEnvironment.h"
#include "KX_ClientObjectInfo.h"
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Native functions */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
KX_MouseFocusSensor::KX_MouseFocusSensor(SCA_MouseManager* eventmgr,
int startx,
int starty,
short int mousemode,
int focusmode,
KX_Scene* kxscene,
KX_KetsjiEngine *kxengine,
SCA_IObject* gameobj,
PyTypeObject* T)
: SCA_MouseSensor(eventmgr, startx, starty, mousemode, gameobj, T),
void KX_MouseFocusSensor::Init()
m_mouse_over_in_previous_frame = (m_invert)?true:false;
m_positive_event = false;
m_hitObject = 0;
m_reset = true;
bool KX_MouseFocusSensor::Evaluate()
bool result = false;
bool obHasFocus = false;
bool reset = m_reset && m_level;
// cout << "evaluate focus mouse sensor "<<endl;
m_reset = false;
if (m_focusmode) {
/* Focus behaviour required. Test mouse-on. The rest is
* equivalent to handling a key. */
obHasFocus = ParentObjectHasFocus();
if (!obHasFocus) {
m_positive_event = false;
if (m_mouse_over_in_previous_frame) {
result = true;
} else {
m_positive_event = true;
if (!m_mouse_over_in_previous_frame) {
result = true;
if (reset) {
// force an event
result = true;
} else {
/* No focus behaviour required: revert to the basic mode. This
* mode is never used, because the converter never makes this
* sensor for a mouse-key event. It is here for
* completeness. */
result = SCA_MouseSensor::Evaluate();
m_positive_event = (m_val!=0);
m_mouse_over_in_previous_frame = obHasFocus;
return result;
bool KX_MouseFocusSensor::RayHit(KX_ClientObjectInfo* client_info, KX_RayCast* result, void * const data)
KX_GameObject* hitKXObj = client_info->m_gameobject;
/* Is this me? In the ray test, there are a lot of extra checks
* for aliasing artefacts from self-hits. That doesn't happen
* here, so a simple test suffices. Or does the camera also get
* self-hits? (No, and the raysensor shouldn't do it either, since
* self-hits are excluded by setting the correct ignore-object.)
* Hitspots now become valid. */
KX_GameObject* thisObj = (KX_GameObject*) GetParent();
if ((m_focusmode == 2) || hitKXObj == thisObj)
m_hitObject = hitKXObj;
m_hitPosition = result->m_hitPoint;
m_hitNormal = result->m_hitNormal;
return true;
return true; // object must be visible to trigger
//return false; // occluded objects can trigger
bool KX_MouseFocusSensor::ParentObjectHasFocusCamera(KX_Camera *cam)
/* All screen handling in the gameengine is done by GL,
* specifically the model/view and projection parts. The viewport
* part is in the creator.
* The theory is this:
* WCS - world coordinates
* -> wcs_camcs_trafo ->
* camCS - camera coordinates
* -> camcs_clip_trafo ->
* clipCS - normalized device coordinates?
* -> normview_win_trafo
* winCS - window coordinates
* The first two transforms are respectively the model/view and
* the projection matrix. These are passed to the rasterizer, and
* we store them in the camera for easy access.
* For normalized device coords (xn = x/w, yn = y/w/zw) the
* windows coords become (lb = left bottom)
* xwin = [(xn + 1.0) * width]/2 + x_lb
* ywin = [(yn + 1.0) * height]/2 + y_lb
* Inverting (blender y is flipped!):
* xn = 2(xwin - x_lb)/width - 1.0
* yn = 2(ywin - y_lb)/height - 1.0
* = 2(height - y_blender - y_lb)/height - 1.0
* = 1.0 - 2(y_blender - y_lb)/height
* */
/* Because we don't want to worry about resize events, camera
* changes and all that crap, we just determine this over and
* over. Stop whining. We have lots of other calculations to do
* here as well. These reads are not the main cost. If there is no
* canvas, the test is irrelevant. The 1.0 makes sure the
* calculations don't bomb. Maybe we should explicitly guard for
* division by 0.0...*/
RAS_Rect area, viewport;
m_kxengine->GetSceneViewport(m_kxscene, cam, area, viewport);
/* Check if the mouse is in the viewport */
if (( m_x < viewport.m_x2 && // less then right
m_x > viewport.m_x1 && // more then then left
m_y < viewport.m_y2 && // below top
m_y > viewport.m_y1) == 0) // above bottom
return false;
float height = float(viewport.m_y2 - viewport.m_y1 + 1);
float width = float(viewport.m_x2 - viewport.m_x1 + 1);
float x_lb = float(viewport.m_x1);
float y_lb = float(viewport.m_y1);
MT_Vector4 frompoint;
MT_Vector4 topoint;
/* There's some strangeness I don't fully get here... These values
* _should_ be wrong! - see from point Z values */
/* build the from and to point in normalized device coordinates
* Looks like normailized device coordinates are [-1,1] in x [-1,1] in y
* [0,-1] in z
* The actual z coordinates used don't have to be exact just infront and
* behind of the near and far clip planes.
frompoint.setValue( (2 * (m_x-x_lb) / width) - 1.0,
1.0 - (2 * (m_y - y_lb) / height),
/*cam->GetCameraData()->m_perspective ? 0.0:cdata->m_clipstart,*/ /* real clipstart is scaled in ortho for some reason, zero is ok */
0.0, /* nearclip, see above comments */
1.0 );
topoint.setValue( (2 * (m_x-x_lb) / width) - 1.0,
1.0 - (2 * (m_y-y_lb) / height),
cam->GetCameraData()->m_perspective ? 1.0:cam->GetCameraData()->m_clipend, /* farclip, see above comments */
1.0 );
/* camera to world */
MT_Transform wcs_camcs_tranform = cam->GetWorldToCamera();
MT_Transform cams_wcs_transform;
MT_Matrix4x4 camcs_wcs_matrix = MT_Matrix4x4(cams_wcs_transform);
/* badly defined, the first time round.... I wonder why... I might
* want to guard against floating point errors here.*/
MT_Matrix4x4 clip_camcs_matrix = MT_Matrix4x4(cam->GetProjectionMatrix());
/* shoot-points: clip to cam to wcs . win to clip was already done.*/
frompoint = clip_camcs_matrix * frompoint;
topoint = clip_camcs_matrix * topoint;
frompoint = camcs_wcs_matrix * frompoint;
topoint = camcs_wcs_matrix * topoint;
/* from hom wcs to 3d wcs: */
m_prevSourcePoint.setValue( frompoint[0]/frompoint[3],
m_prevTargetPoint.setValue( topoint[0]/topoint[3],
/* 2. Get the object from PhysicsEnvironment */
/* Shoot! Beware that the first argument here is an
* ignore-object. We don't ignore anything... */
KX_IPhysicsController* physics_controller = cam->GetPhysicsController();
PHY_IPhysicsEnvironment* physics_environment = m_kxscene->GetPhysicsEnvironment();
KX_RayCast::Callback<KX_MouseFocusSensor> callback(this,physics_controller);
KX_RayCast::RayTest(physics_environment, m_prevSourcePoint, m_prevTargetPoint, callback);
if (m_hitObject)
return true;
return false;
bool KX_MouseFocusSensor::ParentObjectHasFocus()
m_hitObject = 0;
KX_Camera *cam= m_kxscene->GetActiveCamera();
return true;
list<class KX_Camera*>* cameras = m_kxscene->GetCameras();
list<KX_Camera*>::iterator it = cameras->begin();
while(it != cameras->end())
if(((*it) != cam) && (*it)->GetViewport())
if (ParentObjectHasFocusCamera(*it))
return true;
return false;
const MT_Point3& KX_MouseFocusSensor::RaySource() const
return m_prevSourcePoint;
const MT_Point3& KX_MouseFocusSensor::RayTarget() const
return m_prevTargetPoint;
const MT_Point3& KX_MouseFocusSensor::HitPosition() const
return m_hitPosition;
const MT_Vector3& KX_MouseFocusSensor::HitNormal() const
return m_hitNormal;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Python functions */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Integration hooks ------------------------------------------------------- */
PyTypeObject KX_MouseFocusSensor::Type = {
#if (PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02060000)
PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)
/* python 2.5 and below */
PyObject_HEAD_INIT( NULL ) /* required py macro */
0, /* ob_size */
PyParentObject KX_MouseFocusSensor::Parents[] = {
PyMethodDef KX_MouseFocusSensor::Methods[] = {
{"getRayTarget", (PyCFunction) KX_MouseFocusSensor::sPyGetRayTarget, METH_NOARGS, (PY_METHODCHAR)GetRayTarget_doc},
{"getRaySource", (PyCFunction) KX_MouseFocusSensor::sPyGetRaySource, METH_NOARGS, (PY_METHODCHAR)GetRaySource_doc},
{"getHitObject",(PyCFunction) KX_MouseFocusSensor::sPyGetHitObject,METH_NOARGS, (PY_METHODCHAR)GetHitObject_doc},
{"getHitPosition",(PyCFunction) KX_MouseFocusSensor::sPyGetHitPosition,METH_NOARGS, (PY_METHODCHAR)GetHitPosition_doc},
{"getHitNormal",(PyCFunction) KX_MouseFocusSensor::sPyGetHitNormal,METH_NOARGS, (PY_METHODCHAR)GetHitNormal_doc},
{"getRayDirection",(PyCFunction) KX_MouseFocusSensor::sPyGetRayDirection,METH_NOARGS, (PY_METHODCHAR)GetRayDirection_doc},
{NULL,NULL} //Sentinel
PyAttributeDef KX_MouseFocusSensor::Attributes[] = {
KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RO_FUNCTION("raySource", KX_MouseFocusSensor, pyattr_get_ray_source),
KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RO_FUNCTION("rayTarget", KX_MouseFocusSensor, pyattr_get_ray_target),
KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RO_FUNCTION("rayDirection", KX_MouseFocusSensor, pyattr_get_ray_direction),
KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RO_FUNCTION("hitObject", KX_MouseFocusSensor, pyattr_get_hit_object),
KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RO_FUNCTION("hitPosition", KX_MouseFocusSensor, pyattr_get_hit_position),
KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RO_FUNCTION("hitNormal", KX_MouseFocusSensor, pyattr_get_hit_normal),
{ NULL } //Sentinel
PyObject* KX_MouseFocusSensor::py_getattro(PyObject *attr) {
PyObject* KX_MouseFocusSensor::py_getattro_dict() {
const char KX_MouseFocusSensor::GetHitObject_doc[] =
"\tReturns the object that was hit by this ray.\n";
PyObject* KX_MouseFocusSensor::PyGetHitObject()
ShowDeprecationWarning("GetHitObject()", "the hitObject property");
if (m_hitObject)
return m_hitObject->GetProxy();
const char KX_MouseFocusSensor::GetHitPosition_doc[] =
"\tReturns the position (in worldcoordinates) where the object was hit by this ray.\n";
PyObject* KX_MouseFocusSensor::PyGetHitPosition()
ShowDeprecationWarning("getHitPosition()", "the hitPosition property");
return PyObjectFrom(m_hitPosition);
const char KX_MouseFocusSensor::GetRayDirection_doc[] =
"\tReturns the direction from the ray (in worldcoordinates) .\n";
PyObject* KX_MouseFocusSensor::PyGetRayDirection()
ShowDeprecationWarning("getRayDirection()", "the rayDirection property");
MT_Vector3 dir = m_prevTargetPoint - m_prevSourcePoint;
if(MT_fuzzyZero(dir)) dir.setValue(0,0,0);
else dir.normalize();
return PyObjectFrom(dir);
const char KX_MouseFocusSensor::GetHitNormal_doc[] =
"\tReturns the normal (in worldcoordinates) at the point of collision where the object was hit by this ray.\n";
PyObject* KX_MouseFocusSensor::PyGetHitNormal()
ShowDeprecationWarning("getHitNormal()", "the hitNormal property");
return PyObjectFrom(m_hitNormal);
/* getRayTarget */
const char KX_MouseFocusSensor::GetRayTarget_doc[] =
"\tReturns the target of the ray that seeks the focus object,\n"
"\tin worldcoordinates.";
PyObject* KX_MouseFocusSensor::PyGetRayTarget()
ShowDeprecationWarning("getRayTarget()", "the rayTarget property");
return PyObjectFrom(m_prevTargetPoint);
/* getRayTarget */
const char KX_MouseFocusSensor::GetRaySource_doc[] =
"\tReturns the source of the ray that seeks the focus object,\n"
"\tin worldcoordinates.";
PyObject* KX_MouseFocusSensor::PyGetRaySource()
ShowDeprecationWarning("getRaySource()", "the raySource property");
return PyObjectFrom(m_prevSourcePoint);
/* Attributes */
PyObject* KX_MouseFocusSensor::pyattr_get_ray_source(void *self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef)
KX_MouseFocusSensor* self= static_cast<KX_MouseFocusSensor*>(self_v);
return PyObjectFrom(self->RaySource());
PyObject* KX_MouseFocusSensor::pyattr_get_ray_target(void *self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef)
KX_MouseFocusSensor* self= static_cast<KX_MouseFocusSensor*>(self_v);
return PyObjectFrom(self->RayTarget());
PyObject* KX_MouseFocusSensor::pyattr_get_ray_direction(void *self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef)
KX_MouseFocusSensor* self= static_cast<KX_MouseFocusSensor*>(self_v);
MT_Vector3 dir = self->RayTarget() - self->RaySource();
if(MT_fuzzyZero(dir)) dir.setValue(0,0,0);
else dir.normalize();
return PyObjectFrom(dir);
PyObject* KX_MouseFocusSensor::pyattr_get_hit_object(void *self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef)
KX_MouseFocusSensor* self= static_cast<KX_MouseFocusSensor*>(self_v);
return self->m_hitObject->GetProxy();
PyObject* KX_MouseFocusSensor::pyattr_get_hit_position(void *self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef)
KX_MouseFocusSensor* self= static_cast<KX_MouseFocusSensor*>(self_v);
return PyObjectFrom(self->HitPosition());
PyObject* KX_MouseFocusSensor::pyattr_get_hit_normal(void *self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef)
KX_MouseFocusSensor* self= static_cast<KX_MouseFocusSensor*>(self_v);
return PyObjectFrom(self->HitNormal());
/* eof */