Campbell Barton 41c0236aaa GPL2 header from firebird (without disclaimer), notice theres no copyright attributed and only the GPLv2 (without the v2 or later clause).
Contributors list isnt used much in our C code so probably its easier if people just use svn blame for this.

Can change if this isnt acceptable but I guessed people didnt care so much since most scripts had no header.
2009-10-31 20:16:59 +00:00

455 lines
14 KiB

# This software is distributable under the terms of the GNU
# General Public License (GPL) v2, the text of which can be found at
# Installing, importing or otherwise
# using this module constitutes acceptance of the terms of this License.
import bpy
class DataButtonsPanel(bpy.types.Panel):
bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
bl_context = "modifier"
class DATA_PT_modifiers(DataButtonsPanel):
bl_label = "Modifiers"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
ob = context.object
row = layout.row()
row.item_menu_enumO("object.modifier_add", "type")
for md in ob.modifiers:
box = layout.template_modifier(md)
if box:
# match enum type to our functions, avoids a lookup table.
getattr(self, md.type)(box, ob, md)
# the mt.type enum is (ab)used for a lookup on function names
# avoid lengthy if statements
# so each type must have a function here.
def ARMATURE(self, layout, ob, md):
layout.itemR(md, "object")
split = layout.split(percentage=0.5)
split.itemL(text="Vertex Group:")
sub = split.split(percentage=0.7)
sub.item_pointerR(md, "vertex_group", ob, "vertex_groups", text="")
subsub = sub.row() = md.vertex_group
subsub.itemR(md, "invert")
split = layout.split()
col = split.column()
col.itemL(text="Bind To:")
col.itemR(md, "use_vertex_groups", text="Vertex Groups")
col.itemR(md, "use_bone_envelopes", text="Bone Envelopes")
col = split.column()
col.itemR(md, "quaternion")
col.itemR(md, "multi_modifier")
def ARRAY(self, layout, ob, md):
layout.itemR(md, "fit_type")
if md.fit_type == 'FIXED_COUNT':
layout.itemR(md, "count")
elif md.fit_type == 'FIT_LENGTH':
layout.itemR(md, "length")
elif md.fit_type == 'FIT_CURVE':
layout.itemR(md, "curve")
split = layout.split()
col = split.column()
col.itemR(md, "constant_offset")
sub = col.column() = md.constant_offset
sub.itemR(md, "constant_offset_displacement", text="")
col.itemR(md, "merge_adjacent_vertices", text="Merge")
sub = col.column() = md.merge_adjacent_vertices
sub.itemR(md, "merge_end_vertices", text="First Last")
sub.itemR(md, "merge_distance", text="Distance")
col = split.column()
col.itemR(md, "relative_offset")
sub = col.column() = md.relative_offset
sub.itemR(md, "relative_offset_displacement", text="")
col.itemR(md, "add_offset_object")
sub = col.column() = md.add_offset_object
sub.itemR(md, "offset_object", text="")
col = layout.column()
col.itemR(md, "start_cap")
col.itemR(md, "end_cap")
def BEVEL(self, layout, ob, md):
row = layout.row()
row.itemR(md, "width")
row.itemR(md, "only_vertices")
layout.itemL(text="Limit Method:")
layout.row().itemR(md, "limit_method", expand=True)
if md.limit_method == 'ANGLE':
layout.itemR(md, "angle")
elif md.limit_method == 'WEIGHT':
layout.row().itemR(md, "edge_weight_method", expand=True)
def BOOLEAN(self, layout, ob, md):
layout.itemR(md, "operation")
layout.itemR(md, "object")
def BUILD(self, layout, ob, md):
split = layout.split()
col = split.column()
col.itemR(md, "start")
col.itemR(md, "length")
col = split.column()
col.itemR(md, "randomize")
sub = col.column() = md.randomize
sub.itemR(md, "seed")
def CAST(self, layout, ob, md):
layout.itemR(md, "cast_type")
layout.itemR(md, "object")
if md.object:
layout.itemR(md, "use_transform")
flow = layout.column_flow()
flow.itemR(md, "x")
flow.itemR(md, "y")
flow.itemR(md, "z")
flow.itemR(md, "factor")
flow.itemR(md, "radius")
flow.itemR(md, "size")
layout.itemR(md, "from_radius")
layout.item_pointerR(md, "vertex_group", ob, "vertex_groups")
def CLOTH(self, layout, ob, md):
layout.itemL(text="See Cloth panel.")
def COLLISION(self, layout, ob, md):
layout.itemL(text="See Collision panel.")
def CURVE(self, layout, ob, md):
layout.itemR(md, "object")
layout.item_pointerR(md, "vertex_group", ob, "vertex_groups")
layout.itemR(md, "deform_axis")
def DECIMATE(self, layout, ob, md):
layout.itemR(md, "ratio")
layout.itemR(md, "face_count")
def DISPLACE(self, layout, ob, md):
layout.item_pointerR(md, "vertex_group", ob, "vertex_groups")
layout.itemR(md, "texture")
layout.itemR(md, "midlevel")
layout.itemR(md, "strength")
layout.itemR(md, "direction")
layout.itemR(md, "texture_coordinates")
if md.texture_coordinates == 'OBJECT':
layout.itemR(md, "texture_coordinate_object", text="Object")
elif md.texture_coordinates == 'UV' and ob.type == 'MESH':
layout.item_pointerR(md, "uv_layer",, "uv_textures")
def EDGE_SPLIT(self, layout, ob, md):
split = layout.split()
col = split.column()
col.itemR(md, "use_edge_angle", text="Edge Angle")
sub = col.column() = md.use_edge_angle
sub.itemR(md, "split_angle")
col = split.column()
col.itemR(md, "use_sharp", text="Sharp Edges")
def EXPLODE(self, layout, ob, md):
layout.item_pointerR(md, "vertex_group", ob, "vertex_groups")
layout.itemR(md, "protect")
flow = layout.column_flow(2)
flow.itemR(md, "split_edges")
flow.itemR(md, "unborn")
flow.itemR(md, "alive")
flow.itemR(md, "dead")
layout.itemO("object.explode_refresh", text="Refresh");
def FLUID_SIMULATION(self, layout, ob, md):
layout.itemL(text="See Fluid panel.")
def HOOK(self, layout, ob, md):
col = layout.column()
col.itemR(md, "object")
if md.object and md.object.type == 'ARMATURE':
layout.item_pointerR(md, "subtarget",, "bones", text="Bone")
layout.item_pointerR(md, "vertex_group", ob, "vertex_groups")
split = layout.split()
split.itemR(md, "falloff")
split.itemR(md, "force", slider=True)
row = layout.row()
row.itemO("object.hook_reset", text="Reset")
row.itemO("object.hook_recenter", text="Recenter")
if ob.mode == 'EDIT':
row = layout.row()
row.itemO("object.hook_select", text="Select")
row.itemO("object.hook_assign", text="Assign")
def LATTICE(self, layout, ob, md):
layout.itemR(md, "object")
layout.item_pointerR(md, "vertex_group", ob, "vertex_groups")
def MASK(self, layout, ob, md):
layout.itemR(md, "mode")
if md.mode == 'ARMATURE':
layout.itemR(md, "armature")
elif md.mode == 'VERTEX_GROUP':
layout.item_pointerR(md, "vertex_group", ob, "vertex_groups")
layout.itemR(md, "inverse")
def MESH_DEFORM(self, layout, ob, md):
layout.itemR(md, "object")
layout.item_pointerR(md, "vertex_group", ob, "vertex_groups")
layout.itemR(md, "invert")
if md.is_bound:
layout.itemO("object.meshdeform_bind", text="Unbind")
layout.itemO("object.meshdeform_bind", text="Bind")
row = layout.row()
row.itemR(md, "precision")
row.itemR(md, "dynamic")
def MIRROR(self, layout, ob, md):
layout.itemR(md, "merge_limit")
split = layout.split()
col = split.column()
col.itemR(md, "x")
col.itemR(md, "y")
col.itemR(md, "z")
col = split.column()
col.itemR(md, "mirror_u")
col.itemR(md, "mirror_v")
col = split.column()
col.itemR(md, "clip", text="Do Clipping")
col.itemR(md, "mirror_vertex_groups", text="Vertex Group")
layout.itemR(md, "mirror_object")
def MULTIRES(self, layout, ob, md):
layout.itemR(md, "subdivision_type")
row = layout.row()
row.itemO("object.multires_subdivide", text="Subdivide")
row.itemO("object.multires_higher_levels_delete", text="Delete Higher")
layout.itemR(md, "level")
def PARTICLE_INSTANCE(self, layout, ob, md):
layout.itemR(md, "object")
layout.itemR(md, "particle_system_number")
flow = layout.column_flow()
flow.itemR(md, "normal")
flow.itemR(md, "children")
flow.itemR(md, "size")
flow.itemR(md, "path")
if md.path:
flow.itemR(md, "keep_shape")
flow.itemR(md, "unborn")
flow.itemR(md, "alive")
flow.itemR(md, "dead")
flow.itemL(md, "")
if md.path:
flow.itemR(md, "axis", text="")
if md.path:
row = layout.row()
row.itemR(md, "position", slider=True)
row.itemR(md, "random_position", text = "Random", slider=True)
def PARTICLE_SYSTEM(self, layout, ob, md):
layout.itemL(text="See Particle panel.")
def SHRINKWRAP(self, layout, ob, md):
layout.itemR(md, "target")
layout.item_pointerR(md, "vertex_group", ob, "vertex_groups")
layout.itemR(md, "offset")
layout.itemR(md, "subsurf_levels")
layout.itemR(md, "mode")
if md.mode == 'PROJECT':
layout.itemR(md, "subsurf_levels")
layout.itemR(md, "auxiliary_target")
row = layout.row()
row.itemR(md, "x")
row.itemR(md, "y")
row.itemR(md, "z")
flow = layout.column_flow()
flow.itemR(md, "negative")
flow.itemR(md, "positive")
flow.itemR(md, "cull_front_faces")
flow.itemR(md, "cull_back_faces")
elif md.mode == 'NEAREST_SURFACEPOINT':
layout.itemR(md, "keep_above_surface")
def SIMPLE_DEFORM(self, layout, ob, md):
layout.itemR(md, "mode")
layout.item_pointerR(md, "vertex_group", ob, "vertex_groups")
layout.itemR(md, "origin")
layout.itemR(md, "relative")
layout.itemR(md, "factor")
layout.itemR(md, "limits")
if md.mode in ('TAPER', 'STRETCH'):
layout.itemR(md, "lock_x_axis")
layout.itemR(md, "lock_y_axis")
def SMOKE(self, layout, ob, md):
layout.itemL(text="See Smoke panel.")
def SMOOTH(self, layout, ob, md):
split = layout.split()
col = split.column()
col.itemR(md, "x")
col.itemR(md, "y")
col.itemR(md, "z")
col = split.column()
col.itemR(md, "factor")
col.itemR(md, "repeat")
layout.item_pointerR(md, "vertex_group", ob, "vertex_groups")
def SOFT_BODY(self, layout, ob, md):
layout.itemL(text="See Soft Body panel.")
def SUBSURF(self, layout, ob, md):
layout.row().itemR(md, "subdivision_type", expand=True)
flow = layout.column_flow()
flow.itemR(md, "levels", text="Preview")
flow.itemR(md, "render_levels", text="Render")
flow.itemR(md, "optimal_draw", text="Optimal Display")
flow.itemR(md, "subsurf_uv")
def SURFACE(self, layout, ob, md):
layout.itemL(text="See Fields panel.")
def UV_PROJECT(self, layout, ob, md):
if ob.type == 'MESH':
layout.item_pointerR(md, "uv_layer",, "uv_textures")
layout.itemR(md, "image")
layout.itemR(md, "override_image")
split = layout.split()
col = split.column()
col.itemL(text="Aspect Ratio:")
sub = col.column(align=True)
sub.itemR(md, "horizontal_aspect_ratio", text="Horizontal")
sub.itemR(md, "vertical_aspect_ratio", text="Vertical")
col = split.column()
sub = col.column(align=True)
sub.itemR(md, "num_projectors", text="Number")
for proj in md.projectors:
sub.itemR(proj, "object", text="")
def WAVE(self, layout, ob, md):
split = layout.split()
col = split.column()
col.itemR(md, "x")
col.itemR(md, "y")
col.itemR(md, "cyclic")
col = split.column()
col.itemR(md, "normals")
sub = col.column() = md.normals
sub.itemR(md, "x_normal", text="X")
sub.itemR(md, "y_normal", text="Y")
sub.itemR(md, "z_normal", text="Z")
split = layout.split()
col = split.column()
sub = col.column(align=True)
sub.itemR(md, "time_offset", text="Offset")
sub.itemR(md, "lifetime", text="Life")
col.itemR(md, "damping_time", text="Damping")
col = split.column()
sub = col.column(align=True)
sub.itemR(md, "start_position_x", text="X")
sub.itemR(md, "start_position_y", text="Y")
col.itemR(md, "falloff_radius", text="Falloff")
layout.itemR(md, "start_position_object")
layout.item_pointerR(md, "vertex_group", ob, "vertex_groups")
layout.itemR(md, "texture")
layout.itemR(md, "texture_coordinates")
if md.texture_coordinates == 'MAP_UV' and ob.type == 'MESH':
layout.item_pointerR(md, "uv_layer",, "uv_textures")
elif md.texture_coordinates == 'OBJECT':
layout.itemR(md, "texture_coordinates_object")
flow = layout.column_flow()
flow.itemR(md, "speed", slider=True)
flow.itemR(md, "height", slider=True)
flow.itemR(md, "width", slider=True)
flow.itemR(md, "narrowness", slider=True)