Campbell Barton 8ead648fd1 Spring Cleaning
* removed radiosity render code, DNA and RNA (left in radio render pass options), we'll get GI to replace this probably, better allow baking to vertex colors for people who used this.
* removed deprecated solid physics library, sumo integrations and qhull, a dependency
* removed ODE, was no longer being build or supported
* remove BEOS and AMIGA defines and references in Makefiles.
2009-06-21 16:18:38 +00:00

557 lines
21 KiB
Executable File

import os
import os.path
import SCons.Options
import SCons.Variables
import subprocess
except ImportError:
import string
import glob
import shutil
import sys
Variables = SCons.Variables
BoolVariable = SCons.Variables.BoolVariable
def print_arguments(args, bc):
if len(args):
for k,v in args.iteritems():
if type(v)==list:
v = ' '.join(v)
print '\t'+bc.OKBLUE+k+bc.ENDC+' = '+bc.OKGREEN + v + bc.ENDC
print '\t'+bc.WARNING+'No command-line arguments given'+bc.ENDC
def validate_arguments(args, bc):
opts_list = [
# Have options here that scons expects to be lists
opts_list_split = [
arg_list = ['BF_DEBUG', 'BF_QUIET', 'BF_CROSS', 'BF_UPDATE',
okdict = {}
for k,v in args.iteritems():
if (k in opts_list) or (k in arg_list):
okdict[k] = v
elif k in opts_list_split:
okdict[k] = v.split() # "" have already been stripped
print '\t'+bc.WARNING+'Invalid argument: '+bc.ENDC+k+'='+v
return okdict
def print_targets(targs, bc):
if len(targs)>0:
for t in targs:
print '\t'+bc.OKBLUE+t+bc.ENDC
print '\t'+bc.WARNING+'No targets given, using '+bc.ENDC+bc.OKGREEN+'default'+bc.ENDC
def validate_targets(targs, bc):
valid_list = ['.', 'blender', 'blenderstatic', 'blenderplayer', 'webplugin',
'blendernogame', 'blenderstaticnogame', 'blenderlite', 'release',
'everything', 'clean', 'install-bin', 'install', 'nsis']
oklist = []
for t in targs:
if t in valid_list:
print '\t'+bc.WARNING+'Invalid target: '+bc.ENDC+t
return oklist
class ourSpawn:
def ourspawn(self, sh, escape, cmd, args, env):
newargs = string.join(args[1:], ' ')
cmdline = cmd + " " + newargs
startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO()
startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
stderr=subprocess.PIPE, startupinfo=startupinfo, shell = False)
data, err = proc.communicate()
rv = proc.wait()
if rv:
print "====="
print err
print "====="
return rv
def SetupSpawn( env ):
buf = ourSpawn()
buf.ourenv = env
env['SPAWN'] = buf.ourspawn
def read_opts(cfg, args):
localopts = Variables.Variables(cfg, args)
('LCGDIR', 'location of cvs lib dir'),
(BoolVariable('WITH_BF_PYTHON', 'Compile with python', True)),
('BF_PYTHON', 'base path for python', ''),
('BF_PYTHON_VERSION', 'Python version to use', ''),
('BF_PYTHON_INC', 'include path for Python headers', ''),
('BF_PYTHON_BINARY', 'Path to the Python interpreter', ''),
('BF_PYTHON_LIB', 'Python library', ''),
('BF_PYTHON_LIB_STATIC', 'Python static libraries', ''),
('BF_PYTHON_LIBPATH', 'Library path', ''),
('BF_PYTHON_LINKFLAGS', 'Python link flags', ''),
(BoolVariable('WITH_BF_STATICPYTHON', 'Staticly link to python', False)),
(BoolVariable('BF_NO_ELBEEM', 'Disable Fluid Sim', False)),
('BF_PROFILE_FLAGS', 'Profiling compiler flags', ''),
(BoolVariable('WITH_BF_OPENAL', 'Use OpenAL if true', False)),
('BF_OPENAL', 'base path for OpenAL', ''),
('BF_OPENAL_INC', 'include path for python headers', ''),
('BF_OPENAL_LIB', 'Path to OpenAL library', ''),
('BF_OPENAL_LIB_STATIC', 'Path to OpenAL static library', ''),
('BF_OPENAL_LIBPATH', 'Path to OpenAL library', ''),
(BoolVariable('WITH_BF_STATICOPENAL', 'Staticly link to openal', False)),
(BoolVariable('WITH_BF_SDL', 'Use SDL if true', False)),
('BF_SDL', 'SDL base path', ''),
('BF_SDL_INC', 'SDL include path', ''), #$(shell $(BF_SDL)/bin/sdl-config --cflags)
('BF_SDL_LIB', 'SDL library', ''), #$(shell $(BF_SDL)/bin/sdl-config --libs) -lSDL_mixer
('BF_SDL_LIBPATH', 'SDL library path', ''),
('BF_PTHREADS', 'Pthreads base path', ''),
('BF_PTHREADS_INC', 'Pthreads include path', ''),
('BF_PTHREADS_LIB', 'Pthreads library', ''),
('BF_PTHREADS_LIBPATH', 'Pthreads library path', ''),
(BoolVariable('WITH_BF_OPENEXR', 'Use OPENEXR if true', True)),
(BoolVariable('WITH_BF_STATICOPENEXR', 'Staticly link to OpenEXR', False)),
('BF_OPENEXR', 'OPENEXR base path', ''),
('BF_OPENEXR_INC', 'OPENEXR include path', ''),
('BF_OPENEXR_LIB', 'OPENEXR library', ''),
('BF_OPENEXR_LIBPATH', 'OPENEXR library path', ''),
('BF_OPENEXR_LIB_STATIC', 'OPENEXR static library', ''),
(BoolVariable('WITH_BF_DDS', 'Use DDS if true', True)),
(BoolVariable('WITH_BF_FFMPEG', 'Use FFMPEG if true', False)),
('BF_FFMPEG', 'FFMPEG base path', ''),
('BF_FFMPEG_LIB', 'FFMPEG library', ''),
('BF_FFMPEG_EXTRA', 'FFMPEG flags that must be preserved', ''),
('BF_FFMPEG_INC', 'FFMPEG includes', ''),
('BF_FFMPEG_LIBPATH', 'FFMPEG library path', ''),
(BoolVariable('WITH_BF_OGG', 'Use OGG, THEORA, VORBIS in FFMPEG if true',
('BF_OGG', 'OGG base path', ''),
('BF_OGG_LIB', 'OGG library', ''),
(BoolVariable('WITH_BF_JPEG', 'Use JPEG if true', True)),
('BF_JPEG', 'JPEG base path', ''),
('BF_JPEG_INC', 'JPEG include path', ''),
('BF_JPEG_LIB', 'JPEG library', ''),
('BF_JPEG_LIBPATH', 'JPEG library path', ''),
(BoolVariable('WITH_BF_OPENJPEG', 'Use OPENJPEG if true', False)),
('BF_OPENJPEG', 'OPENJPEG base path', ''),
('BF_OPENJPEG_INC', 'OPENJPEG include path', ''),
('BF_OPENJPEG_LIB', 'OPENJPEG library', ''),
('BF_OPENJPEG_LIBPATH', 'OPENJPEG library path', ''),
(BoolVariable('WITH_BF_REDCODE', 'Use REDCODE if true', False)),
('BF_REDCODE', 'REDCODE base path', ''),
('BF_REDCODE_INC', 'REDCODE include path', ''),
('BF_REDCODE_LIB', 'REDCODE library', ''),
('BF_REDCODE_LIBPATH', 'REDCODE library path', ''),
(BoolVariable('WITH_BF_PNG', 'Use PNG if true', True)),
('BF_PNG', 'PNG base path', ''),
('BF_PNG_INC', 'PNG include path', ''),
('BF_PNG_LIB', 'PNG library', ''),
('BF_PNG_LIBPATH', 'PNG library path', ''),
('BF_TIFF', 'TIFF base path', ''),
('BF_TIFF_INC', 'TIFF include path', ''),
('BF_TIFF_LIB', 'TIFF library', ''),
('BF_TIFF_LIBPATH', 'TIFF library path', ''),
(BoolVariable('WITH_BF_ZLIB', 'Use ZLib if true', True)),
('BF_ZLIB', 'ZLib base path', ''),
('BF_ZLIB_INC', 'ZLib include path', ''),
('BF_ZLIB_LIB', 'ZLib library', ''),
('BF_ZLIB_LIBPATH', 'ZLib library path', ''),
(BoolVariable('WITH_BF_INTERNATIONAL', 'Use Gettext if true', True)),
('BF_GETTEXT', 'gettext base path', ''),
('BF_GETTEXT_INC', 'gettext include path', ''),
('BF_GETTEXT_LIB', 'gettext library', ''),
('BF_GETTEXT_LIBPATH', 'gettext library path', ''),
(BoolVariable('WITH_BF_ICONV', 'Use iconv if true', True)),
('BF_ICONV', 'iconv base path', ''),
('BF_ICONV_INC', 'iconv include path', ''),
('BF_ICONV_LIB', 'iconv library', ''),
('BF_ICONV_LIBPATH', 'iconv library path', ''),
(BoolVariable('WITH_BF_GAMEENGINE', 'Build with gameengine' , False)),
(BoolVariable('WITH_BF_BULLET', 'Use Bullet if true', True)),
('BF_BULLET', 'Bullet base dir', ''),
('BF_BULLET_INC', 'Bullet include path', ''),
('BF_BULLET_LIB', 'Bullet library', ''),
('BF_WINTAB', 'WinTab base dir', ''),
('BF_WINTAB_INC', 'WinTab include dir', ''),
('BF_CXX', 'c++ base path for libstdc++, only used when static linking', ''),
(BoolVariable('WITH_BF_STATICCXX', 'static link to stdc++', False)),
('BF_CXX_LIB_STATIC', 'static library path for stdc++', ''),
##BF_NSPR = $(LCGDIR)/nspr
##BF_NSPR_INC = -I$(BF_NSPR)/include -I$(BF_NSPR)/include/nspr
### Uncomment the following line to use Mozilla inplace of netscape
### Location of MOZILLA/Netscape header files...
##BF_MOZILLA = $(LCGDIR)/mozilla
##BF_MOZILLA_INC = -I$(BF_MOZILLA)/include/mozilla/nspr -I$(BF_MOZILLA)/include/mozilla -I$(BF_MOZILLA)/include/mozilla/xpcom -I$(BF_MOZILLA)/include/mozilla/idl
### Will fall back to look in BF_MOZILLA_INC/nspr and BF_MOZILLA_LIB
### if this is not set.
### Be paranoid regarding library creation (do not update archives)
### enable freetype2 support for text objects
(BoolVariable('WITH_BF_FREETYPE', 'Use FreeType2 if true', True)),
('BF_FREETYPE', 'Freetype base path', ''),
('BF_FREETYPE_INC', 'Freetype include path', ''),
('BF_FREETYPE_LIB', 'Freetype library', ''),
('BF_FREETYPE_LIBPATH', 'Freetype library path', ''),
(BoolVariable('WITH_BF_OPENMP', 'Use OpenMP if true', False)),
(BoolVariable('WITH_BF_QUICKTIME', 'Use QuickTime if true', False)),
('BF_QUICKTIME', 'QuickTime base path', ''),
('BF_QUICKTIME_INC', 'QuickTime include path', ''),
('BF_QUICKTIME_LIB', 'QuickTime library', ''),
('BF_QUICKTIME_LIBPATH', 'QuickTime library path', ''),
(BoolVariable('WITH_BF_STATICOPENGL', 'Use MESA if true', True)),
('BF_OPENGL', 'OpenGL base path', ''),
('BF_OPENGL_INC', 'OpenGL include path', ''),
('BF_OPENGL_LIB', 'OpenGL libraries', ''),
('BF_OPENGL_LIBPATH', 'OpenGL library path', ''),
('BF_OPENGL_LIB_STATIC', 'OpenGL static libraries', ''),
('BF_OPENGL_LINKFLAGS', 'OpenGL link flags', ''),
(BoolVariable('WITH_BF_PLAYER', 'Build blenderplayer if true', False)),
(BoolVariable('WITH_BF_NOBLENDER', 'Do not build blender if true', False)),
('CFLAGS', 'C only flags', ''),
('CCFLAGS', 'Generic C and C++ flags', ''),
('CXXFLAGS', 'C++ only flags', ''),
('CPPFLAGS', 'Defines', ''),
('REL_CFLAGS', 'C only release flags', ''),
('REL_CCFLAGS', 'Generic C and C++ release flags', ''),
('REL_CXXFLAGS', 'C++ only release flags', ''),
('C_WARN', 'C warning flags', ''),
('CC_WARN', 'Generic C and C++ warning flags', ''),
('CXX_WARN', 'C++ only warning flags', ''),
('LLIBS', 'Platform libs', ''),
('PLATFORM_LINKFLAGS', 'Platform linkflags', ''),
(BoolVariable('BF_PROFILE', 'Add profiling information if true', False)),
('BF_PROFILE_CFLAGS', 'C only profiling flags', ''),
('BF_PROFILE_CCFLAGS', 'C and C++ profiling flags', ''),
('BF_PROFILE_CXXFLAGS', 'C++ only profiling flags', ''),
('BF_PROFILE_LINKFLAGS', 'Profile linkflags', ''),
(BoolVariable('BF_DEBUG', 'Add debug flags if true', False)),
('BF_DEBUG_CFLAGS', 'C only debug flags', ''),
('BF_DEBUG_CCFLAGS', 'C and C++ debug flags', ''),
('BF_DEBUG_CXXFLAGS', 'C++ only debug flags', ''),
(BoolVariable('BF_BSC', 'Create .bsc files (msvc only)', True)),
('BF_BUILDDIR', 'Build dir', ''),
('BF_INSTALLDIR', 'Installation dir', ''),
('BF_DOCDIR', 'Dir where BPy documentation will be created', ''),
('CC', 'C compiler to use', ''),
('CXX', 'C++ compiler to use', ''),
(BoolVariable('BF_BUILDINFO', 'Buildtime in splash if true', True)),
(BoolVariable('BF_TWEAK_MODE', 'Enable tweak mode if true', False)),
(BoolVariable('BF_SPLIT_SRC', 'Split src lib into several chunks if true', False)),
(BoolVariable('WITHOUT_BF_INSTALL', 'dont install if true', False)),
(BoolVariable('BF_FANCY', 'Enable fancy output if true', True)),
(BoolVariable('BF_QUIET', 'Enable silent output if true', True)),
(BoolVariable('WITH_BF_BINRELOC', 'Enable relocatable binary (linux only)', False)),
(BoolVariable('WITH_BF_LCMS', 'Enable color correction with lcms', False)),
('BF_LCMS_LIB', 'LCMSlibrary', 'lcms'),
('BF_X264_CONFIG', 'configuration flags for x264', ''),
('BF_XVIDCORE_CONFIG', 'configuration flags for xvidcore', ''),
(BoolVariable('WITH_BF_DOCS', 'Generate API documentation', False)),
('BF_CONFIG', 'SCons python config file used to set default options', ''),
('BF_NUMJOBS', 'Number of build processes to spawn', '1'),
('BF_MSVS', 'Generate MSVS project files and solution', False)
) # end of opts.AddOptions()
return localopts
def NSIS_print(target, source, env):
return "Creating NSIS installer for Blender 3D"
def NSIS_Installer(target=None, source=None, env=None):
if env['OURPLATFORM'] != 'win32-vc' and env['OURPLATFORM'] != 'win32-mingw':
print "NSIS installer is only available on Windows."
start_dir = os.getcwd()
rel_dir = start_dir + "\\release\\windows\\installer\\"
install_base_dir = start_dir + "\\"
if not os.path.exists(install_base_dir+env['BF_INSTALLDIR']+'/plugins/include'):
for f in glob.glob('source/blender/blenpluginapi/*.h'):
v = open("VERSION")
version =[:-1]
shortver = version.split('.')[0] + version.split('.')[1]
#### change to suit install dir ####
inst_dir = install_base_dir + env['BF_INSTALLDIR']
ns = open("00.sconsblender.nsi","r")
ns_cnt = str(
# set Python version we compile against
ns_cnt = string.replace(ns_cnt, "[PYTHON_VERSION]", env['BF_PYTHON_VERSION'])
# do root
rootlist = []
rootdir = os.listdir(inst_dir+"\\")
for rootitem in rootdir:
if os.path.isdir(inst_dir+"\\"+ rootitem) == 0:
rootlist.append("File \"" + os.path.normpath(inst_dir) + "\\" + rootitem+"\"")
rootstring = string.join(rootlist, "\n ")
rootstring += "\n\n"
ns_cnt = string.replace(ns_cnt, "[ROOTDIRCONTS]", rootstring)
# do delete items
delrootlist = []
for rootitem in rootdir:
if os.path.isdir(inst_dir + rootitem) == 0:
delrootlist.append("Delete $INSTDIR\\" + rootitem)
delrootstring = string.join(delrootlist, "\n ")
delrootstring += "\n"
ns_cnt = string.replace(ns_cnt, "[DELROOTDIRCONTS]", delrootstring)
# do scripts
scriptlist = []
scriptpath = "%s%s" % (inst_dir, "\\.blender\\scripts")
scriptdir = os.listdir(scriptpath)
for scriptitem in scriptdir:
scriptfile = "%s\\%s" % (scriptpath, scriptitem)
if os.path.isdir(scriptfile) == 0:
scriptfile = os.path.normpath(scriptfile)
scriptlist.append("File \"%s\"" % scriptfile)
scriptstring = string.join(scriptlist, "\n ")
scriptstring += "\n\n"
ns_cnt = string.replace(ns_cnt, "[SCRIPTCONTS]", scriptstring)
# do scripts\bpymodules
bpymodlist = []
bpymodpath = "%s%s" % (inst_dir, "\\.blender\\scripts\\bpymodules")
bpymoddir = os.listdir(bpymodpath)
for bpymoditem in bpymoddir:
bpymodfile = "%s\\%s" % (bpymodpath, bpymoditem)
if os.path.isdir(bpymodfile) == 0:
bpymodfile = os.path.normpath(bpymodfile)
bpymodlist.append("File \"%s\"" % bpymodfile)
bpymodstring = string.join(bpymodlist, "\n ")
bpymodstring += "\n\n"
ns_cnt = string.replace(ns_cnt, "[SCRIPTMODCONTS]", bpymodstring)
# do scripts\bpymodules\colladaimex
colladalist = []
bpymodpath = "%s%s" % (inst_dir, "\\.blender\\scripts\\bpymodules\\ColladaImEx")
bpymoddir = os.listdir(bpymodpath)
for bpymoditem in bpymoddir:
bpymodfile = "%s\\%s" % (bpymodpath, bpymoditem)
if os.path.isdir(bpymodfile) == 0:
colladalist.append("File \"%s\"" % bpymodfile)
bpymodstring = string.join(colladalist, "\n ")
bpymodstring += "\n\n"
ns_cnt = string.replace(ns_cnt, "[SCRIPTMODCOLLADACONT]", bpymodstring)
# do scripts\bpydata
bpydatalist = []
bpydatapath = "%s%s" % (inst_dir, "\\.blender\\scripts\\bpydata")
bpydatadir = os.listdir(bpydatapath)
for bpydataitem in bpydatadir:
bpydatafile = "%s\\%s" % (bpydatapath, bpydataitem)
if os.path.isdir(bpydatafile) == 0:
bpydatalist.append("File \"%s\"" % bpydatafile)
bpydatastring = string.join(bpydatalist, "\n ")
bpydatastring += "\n\n"
ns_cnt = string.replace(ns_cnt, "[SCRIPTDATACONTS]", bpydatastring)
# do plugins\include
plugincludelist = []
plugincludepath = "%s%s" % (inst_dir, "\\plugins\\include")
plugincludedir = os.listdir(plugincludepath)
for plugincludeitem in plugincludedir:
plugincludefile = "%s\\%s" % (plugincludepath, plugincludeitem)
if os.path.isdir(plugincludefile) == 0:
if plugincludefile.find('.h') or plugincludefile.find('.DEF'):
plugincludefile = os.path.normpath(plugincludefile)
plugincludelist.append("File \"%s\"" % plugincludefile)
plugincludestring = string.join(plugincludelist, "\n ")
plugincludestring += "\n\n"
ns_cnt = string.replace(ns_cnt, "[PLUGINCONTS]", plugincludestring)
# do scripts\bpydata\config
cfglist = []
cfgpath = "%s%s" % (inst_dir, "\\.blender\\scripts\\bpydata\\config")
cfgdir = os.listdir(cfgpath)
for cfgitem in cfgdir:
cfgfile = "%s\\%s" % (cfgpath, cfgitem)
if os.path.isdir(cfgfile) == 0:
cfglist.append("File \"%s\"" % cfgfile)
cfgstring = string.join(cfglist, "\n ")
cfgstring += "\n\n"
ns_cnt = string.replace(ns_cnt, "[SCRIPTDATACFGCONTS]", cfgstring)
# do dotblender
dotblendlist = []
dotblenddir = os.listdir(inst_dir+"\\.blender")
for dotblenditem in dotblenddir:
if os.path.isdir(inst_dir + "\\.blender\\" + dotblenditem) == 0:
dotblendlist.append("File \"" + os.path.normpath(inst_dir) + "\\.blender\\" +
dotblendstring = string.join(dotblendlist, "\n ")
dotblendstring += "\n\n"
ns_cnt = string.replace(ns_cnt, "[DOTBLENDERCONTS]", dotblendstring)
# do language files
langlist = []
langfiles = []
langdir = os.listdir(inst_dir + "\\.blender\\locale")
for langitem in langdir:
if os.path.isdir(inst_dir + "\\.blender\\locale\\" + langitem) == 1:
langfiles.append("SetOutPath $BLENDERHOME\\.blender\\locale\\" + langitem + "\\LC_MESSAGES")
langfiles.append("File \"" + os.path.normpath(inst_dir) + "\\.blender\\locale\\"
+ langitem + "\\LC_MESSAGES\\\"")
langstring = string.join(langfiles, "\n ")
langstring += "\n\n"
ns_cnt = string.replace(ns_cnt, "[LANGUAGECONTS]", langstring)
# var replacements
ns_cnt = string.replace(ns_cnt, "DISTDIR", os.path.normpath(inst_dir+"\\"))
ns_cnt = string.replace(ns_cnt, "SHORTVER", shortver)
ns_cnt = string.replace(ns_cnt, "VERSION", version)
ns_cnt = string.replace(ns_cnt, "RELDIR", os.path.normpath(rel_dir))
tmpnsi = os.path.normpath(install_base_dir+os.sep+env['BF_BUILDDIR']+os.sep+"00.blender_tmp.nsi")
new_nsis = open(tmpnsi, 'w')
print "Preparing nsis file looks ok\n"
print "try to launch 'makensis' ...make sure it is on the path \n"
cmdline = "makensis " + "\""+tmpnsi+"\""
startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO()
startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
stderr=subprocess.PIPE, startupinfo=startupinfo, shell = True)
data, err = proc.communicate()
rv = proc.wait()
if rv != 0:
print data.strip().split("\n")[-1]
return rv