Sergey Sharybin 42b3463030 Bundle new upstream version of libmv from own branch
This version of libmv includes new gflags and glog libraries which makes
it possible to compile libmv with clang compiler.

Also remove code from CMakeLists which was disabling libmv if using clang.

Tested on linux with gcc-4.6 and clang-3.0, windows cmake+msvc and scons+mingw.
Could be some issues with other platforms/build system which shall be simple to resolve.
2012-03-11 19:52:25 +00:00

1961 lines
72 KiB

// Copyright (c) 1999, Google Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
// met:
// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
// distribution.
// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
// this software without specific prior written permission.
// ---
// Revamped and reorganized by Craig Silverstein
// This file contains the implementation of all our command line flags
// stuff. Here's how everything fits together
// * FlagRegistry owns CommandLineFlags owns FlagValue.
// * FlagSaver holds a FlagRegistry (saves it at construct time,
// restores it at destroy time).
// * CommandLineFlagParser lives outside that hierarchy, but works on
// CommandLineFlags (modifying the FlagValues).
// * Free functions like SetCommandLineOption() work via one of the
// above (such as CommandLineFlagParser).
// In more detail:
// -- The main classes that hold flag data:
// FlagValue holds the current value of a flag. It's
// pseudo-templatized: every operation on a FlagValue is typed. It
// also deals with storage-lifetime issues (so flag values don't go
// away in a destructor), which is why we need a whole class to hold a
// variable's value.
// CommandLineFlag is all the information about a single command-line
// flag. It has a FlagValue for the flag's current value, but also
// the flag's name, type, etc.
// FlagRegistry is a collection of CommandLineFlags. There's the
// global registry, which is where flags defined via DEFINE_foo()
// live. But it's possible to define your own flag, manually, in a
// different registry you create. (In practice, multiple registries
// are used only by FlagSaver).
// A given FlagValue is owned by exactly one CommandLineFlag. A given
// CommandLineFlag is owned by exactly one FlagRegistry. FlagRegistry
// has a lock; any operation that writes to a FlagValue or
// CommandLineFlag owned by that registry must acquire the
// FlagRegistry lock before doing so.
// --- Some other classes and free functions:
// CommandLineFlagInfo is a client-exposed version of CommandLineFlag.
// Once it's instantiated, it has no dependencies or relationships
// with any other part of this file.
// FlagRegisterer is the helper class used by the DEFINE_* macros to
// allow work to be done at global initialization time.
// CommandLineFlagParser is the class that reads from the commandline
// and instantiates flag values based on that. It needs to poke into
// the innards of the FlagValue->CommandLineFlag->FlagRegistry class
// hierarchy to do that. It's careful to acquire the FlagRegistry
// lock before doing any writing or other non-const actions.
// GetCommandLineOption is just a hook into registry routines to
// retrieve a flag based on its name. SetCommandLineOption, on the
// other hand, hooks into CommandLineFlagParser. Other API functions
// are, similarly, mostly hooks into the functionality described above.
// This comes first to ensure we define __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS in time.
#include "config.h"
#if defined(HAVE_INTTYPES_H) && !defined(__STDC_FORMAT_MACROS)
# define __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS 1 // gcc requires this to get PRId64, etc.
#include "gflags/gflags.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
# include <fnmatch.h>
#include <stdarg.h> // For va_list and related operations
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <utility> // for pair<>
#include <vector>
#include "mutex.h"
#include "util.h"
#define PATH_SEPARATOR '/'
// Special flags, type 1: the 'recursive' flags. They set another flag's val.
DEFINE_string(flagfile, "",
"load flags from file");
DEFINE_string(fromenv, "",
"set flags from the environment"
" [use 'export FLAGS_flag1=value']");
DEFINE_string(tryfromenv, "",
"set flags from the environment if present");
// Special flags, type 2: the 'parsing' flags. They modify how we parse.
DEFINE_string(undefok, "",
"comma-separated list of flag names that it is okay to specify "
"on the command line even if the program does not define a flag "
"with that name. IMPORTANT: flags in this list that have "
"arguments MUST use the flag=value format");
using std::map;
using std::pair;
using std::sort;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
// This is used by the unittest to test error-exit code
void GFLAGS_DLL_DECL (*gflags_exitfunc)(int) = &exit; // from stdlib.h
// The help message indicating that the commandline flag has been
// 'stripped'. It will not show up when doing "-help" and its
// variants. The flag is stripped if STRIP_FLAG_HELP is set to 1
// before including base/gflags.h
// This is used by this file, and also in
const char kStrippedFlagHelp[] = "\001\002\003\004 (unknown) \004\003\002\001";
namespace {
// There are also 'reporting' flags, in
static const char kError[] = "ERROR: ";
// Indicates that undefined options are to be ignored.
// Enables deferred processing of flags in dynamically loaded libraries.
static bool allow_command_line_reparsing = false;
static bool logging_is_probably_set_up = false;
// This is a 'prototype' validate-function. 'Real' validate
// functions, take a flag-value as an argument: ValidateFn(bool) or
// ValidateFn(uint64). However, for easier storage, we strip off this
// argument and then restore it when actually calling the function on
// a flag value.
typedef bool (*ValidateFnProto)();
// Whether we should die when reporting an error.
enum DieWhenReporting { DIE, DO_NOT_DIE };
// Report Error and exit if requested.
static void ReportError(DieWhenReporting should_die, const char* format, ...) {
char error_message[255];
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, format);
vsnprintf(error_message, sizeof(error_message), format, ap);
fprintf(stderr, "%s", error_message);
fflush(stderr); // should be unnecessary, but cygwin's rxvt buffers stderr
if (should_die == DIE) gflags_exitfunc(1);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// FlagValue
// This represent the value a single flag might have. The major
// functionality is to convert from a string to an object of a
// given type, and back. Thread-compatible.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class CommandLineFlag;
class FlagValue {
FlagValue(void* valbuf, const char* type, bool transfer_ownership_of_value);
bool ParseFrom(const char* spec);
string ToString() const;
friend class CommandLineFlag; // for many things, including Validate()
friend class GOOGLE_NAMESPACE::FlagSaverImpl; // calls New()
friend class FlagRegistry; // checks value_buffer_ for flags_by_ptr_ map
template <typename T> friend T GetFromEnv(const char*, const char*, T);
friend bool TryParseLocked(const CommandLineFlag*, FlagValue*,
const char*, string*); // for New(), CopyFrom()
enum ValueType {
FV_BOOL = 0,
FV_INT32 = 1,
FV_INT64 = 2,
FV_UINT64 = 3,
const char* TypeName() const;
bool Equal(const FlagValue& x) const;
FlagValue* New() const; // creates a new one with default value
void CopyFrom(const FlagValue& x);
int ValueSize() const;
// Calls the given validate-fn on value_buffer_, and returns
// whatever it returns. But first casts validate_fn_proto to a
// function that takes our value as an argument (eg void
// (*validate_fn)(bool) for a bool flag).
bool Validate(const char* flagname, ValidateFnProto validate_fn_proto) const;
void* value_buffer_; // points to the buffer holding our data
int8 type_; // how to interpret value_
bool owns_value_; // whether to free value on destruct
FlagValue(const FlagValue&); // no copying!
void operator=(const FlagValue&);
// This could be a templated method of FlagValue, but doing so adds to the
// size of the .o. Since there's no type-safety here anyway, macro is ok.
#define VALUE_AS(type) *reinterpret_cast<type*>(value_buffer_)
#define OTHER_VALUE_AS(fv, type) *reinterpret_cast<type*>(fv.value_buffer_)
#define SET_VALUE_AS(type, value) VALUE_AS(type) = (value)
FlagValue::FlagValue(void* valbuf, const char* type,
bool transfer_ownership_of_value)
: value_buffer_(valbuf),
owns_value_(transfer_ownership_of_value) {
for (type_ = 0; type_ <= FV_MAX_INDEX; ++type_) {
if (!strcmp(type, TypeName())) {
assert(type_ <= FV_MAX_INDEX); // Unknown typename
FlagValue::~FlagValue() {
if (!owns_value_) {
switch (type_) {
case FV_BOOL: delete reinterpret_cast<bool*>(value_buffer_); break;
case FV_INT32: delete reinterpret_cast<int32*>(value_buffer_); break;
case FV_INT64: delete reinterpret_cast<int64*>(value_buffer_); break;
case FV_UINT64: delete reinterpret_cast<uint64*>(value_buffer_); break;
case FV_DOUBLE: delete reinterpret_cast<double*>(value_buffer_); break;
case FV_STRING: delete reinterpret_cast<string*>(value_buffer_); break;
bool FlagValue::ParseFrom(const char* value) {
if (type_ == FV_BOOL) {
const char* kTrue[] = { "1", "t", "true", "y", "yes" };
const char* kFalse[] = { "0", "f", "false", "n", "no" };
COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(kTrue) == sizeof(kFalse), true_false_equal);
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(kTrue)/sizeof(*kTrue); ++i) {
if (strcasecmp(value, kTrue[i]) == 0) {
SET_VALUE_AS(bool, true);
return true;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, kFalse[i]) == 0) {
SET_VALUE_AS(bool, false);
return true;
return false; // didn't match a legal input
} else if (type_ == FV_STRING) {
SET_VALUE_AS(string, value);
return true;
// OK, it's likely to be numeric, and we'll be using a strtoXXX method.
if (value[0] == '\0') // empty-string is only allowed for string type.
return false;
char* end;
// Leading 0x puts us in base 16. But leading 0 does not put us in base 8!
// It caused too many bugs when we had that behavior.
int base = 10; // by default
if (value[0] == '0' && (value[1] == 'x' || value[1] == 'X'))
base = 16;
errno = 0;
switch (type_) {
case FV_INT32: {
const int64 r = strto64(value, &end, base);
if (errno || end != value + strlen(value)) return false; // bad parse
if (static_cast<int32>(r) != r) // worked, but number out of range
return false;
SET_VALUE_AS(int32, static_cast<int32>(r));
return true;
case FV_INT64: {
const int64 r = strto64(value, &end, base);
if (errno || end != value + strlen(value)) return false; // bad parse
SET_VALUE_AS(int64, r);
return true;
case FV_UINT64: {
while (*value == ' ') value++;
if (*value == '-') return false; // negative number
const uint64 r = strtou64(value, &end, base);
if (errno || end != value + strlen(value)) return false; // bad parse
SET_VALUE_AS(uint64, r);
return true;
case FV_DOUBLE: {
const double r = strtod(value, &end);
if (errno || end != value + strlen(value)) return false; // bad parse
SET_VALUE_AS(double, r);
return true;
default: {
assert(false); // unknown type
return false;
string FlagValue::ToString() const {
char intbuf[64]; // enough to hold even the biggest number
switch (type_) {
case FV_BOOL:
return VALUE_AS(bool) ? "true" : "false";
case FV_INT32:
snprintf(intbuf, sizeof(intbuf), "%"PRId32, VALUE_AS(int32));
return intbuf;
case FV_INT64:
snprintf(intbuf, sizeof(intbuf), "%"PRId64, VALUE_AS(int64));
return intbuf;
case FV_UINT64:
snprintf(intbuf, sizeof(intbuf), "%"PRIu64, VALUE_AS(uint64));
return intbuf;
snprintf(intbuf, sizeof(intbuf), "%.17g", VALUE_AS(double));
return intbuf;
return VALUE_AS(string);
return ""; // unknown type
bool FlagValue::Validate(const char* flagname,
ValidateFnProto validate_fn_proto) const {
switch (type_) {
case FV_BOOL:
return reinterpret_cast<bool (*)(const char*, bool)>(
validate_fn_proto)(flagname, VALUE_AS(bool));
case FV_INT32:
return reinterpret_cast<bool (*)(const char*, int32)>(
validate_fn_proto)(flagname, VALUE_AS(int32));
case FV_INT64:
return reinterpret_cast<bool (*)(const char*, int64)>(
validate_fn_proto)(flagname, VALUE_AS(int64));
case FV_UINT64:
return reinterpret_cast<bool (*)(const char*, uint64)>(
validate_fn_proto)(flagname, VALUE_AS(uint64));
return reinterpret_cast<bool (*)(const char*, double)>(
validate_fn_proto)(flagname, VALUE_AS(double));
return reinterpret_cast<bool (*)(const char*, const string&)>(
validate_fn_proto)(flagname, VALUE_AS(string));
assert(false); // unknown type
return false;
const char* FlagValue::TypeName() const {
static const char types[] =
if (type_ > FV_MAX_INDEX) {
return "";
// Directly indexing the strigns in the 'types' string, each of them
// is 7 bytes long.
return &types[type_ * 7];
bool FlagValue::Equal(const FlagValue& x) const {
if (type_ != x.type_)
return false;
switch (type_) {
case FV_BOOL: return VALUE_AS(bool) == OTHER_VALUE_AS(x, bool);
case FV_INT32: return VALUE_AS(int32) == OTHER_VALUE_AS(x, int32);
case FV_INT64: return VALUE_AS(int64) == OTHER_VALUE_AS(x, int64);
case FV_UINT64: return VALUE_AS(uint64) == OTHER_VALUE_AS(x, uint64);
case FV_DOUBLE: return VALUE_AS(double) == OTHER_VALUE_AS(x, double);
case FV_STRING: return VALUE_AS(string) == OTHER_VALUE_AS(x, string);
default: assert(false); return false; // unknown type
FlagValue* FlagValue::New() const {
const char *type = TypeName();
switch (type_) {
case FV_BOOL: return new FlagValue(new bool(false), type, true);
case FV_INT32: return new FlagValue(new int32(0), type, true);
case FV_INT64: return new FlagValue(new int64(0), type, true);
case FV_UINT64: return new FlagValue(new uint64(0), type, true);
case FV_DOUBLE: return new FlagValue(new double(0.0), type, true);
case FV_STRING: return new FlagValue(new string, type, true);
default: assert(false); return NULL; // unknown type
void FlagValue::CopyFrom(const FlagValue& x) {
assert(type_ == x.type_);
switch (type_) {
case FV_BOOL: SET_VALUE_AS(bool, OTHER_VALUE_AS(x, bool)); break;
case FV_INT32: SET_VALUE_AS(int32, OTHER_VALUE_AS(x, int32)); break;
case FV_INT64: SET_VALUE_AS(int64, OTHER_VALUE_AS(x, int64)); break;
case FV_UINT64: SET_VALUE_AS(uint64, OTHER_VALUE_AS(x, uint64)); break;
case FV_DOUBLE: SET_VALUE_AS(double, OTHER_VALUE_AS(x, double)); break;
case FV_STRING: SET_VALUE_AS(string, OTHER_VALUE_AS(x, string)); break;
default: assert(false); // unknown type
int FlagValue::ValueSize() const {
if (type_ > FV_MAX_INDEX) {
assert(false); // unknown type
return 0;
static const uint8 valuesize[] = {
return valuesize[type_];
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// CommandLineFlag
// This represents a single flag, including its name, description,
// default value, and current value. Mostly this serves as a
// struct, though it also knows how to register itself.
// All CommandLineFlags are owned by a (exactly one)
// FlagRegistry. If you wish to modify fields in this class, you
// should acquire the FlagRegistry lock for the registry that owns
// this flag.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class CommandLineFlag {
// Note: we take over memory-ownership of current_val and default_val.
CommandLineFlag(const char* name, const char* help, const char* filename,
FlagValue* current_val, FlagValue* default_val);
const char* name() const { return name_; }
const char* help() const { return help_; }
const char* filename() const { return file_; }
const char* CleanFileName() const; // nixes irrelevant prefix such as homedir
string current_value() const { return current_->ToString(); }
string default_value() const { return defvalue_->ToString(); }
const char* type_name() const { return defvalue_->TypeName(); }
ValidateFnProto validate_function() const { return validate_fn_proto_; }
const void* flag_ptr() const { return current_->value_buffer_; }
void FillCommandLineFlagInfo(struct CommandLineFlagInfo* result);
// If validate_fn_proto_ is non-NULL, calls it on value, returns result.
bool Validate(const FlagValue& value) const;
bool ValidateCurrent() const { return Validate(*current_); }
// for SetFlagLocked() and setting flags_by_ptr_
friend class FlagRegistry;
friend class GOOGLE_NAMESPACE::FlagSaverImpl; // for cloning the values
// set validate_fn
friend bool AddFlagValidator(const void*, ValidateFnProto);
// This copies all the non-const members: modified, processed, defvalue, etc.
void CopyFrom(const CommandLineFlag& src);
void UpdateModifiedBit();
const char* const name_; // Flag name
const char* const help_; // Help message
const char* const file_; // Which file did this come from?
bool modified_; // Set after default assignment?
FlagValue* defvalue_; // Default value for flag
FlagValue* current_; // Current value for flag
// This is a casted, 'generic' version of validate_fn, which actually
// takes a flag-value as an arg (void (*validate_fn)(bool), say).
// When we pass this to current_->Validate(), it will cast it back to
// the proper type. This may be NULL to mean we have no validate_fn.
ValidateFnProto validate_fn_proto_;
CommandLineFlag(const CommandLineFlag&); // no copying!
void operator=(const CommandLineFlag&);
CommandLineFlag::CommandLineFlag(const char* name, const char* help,
const char* filename,
FlagValue* current_val, FlagValue* default_val)
: name_(name), help_(help), file_(filename), modified_(false),
defvalue_(default_val), current_(current_val), validate_fn_proto_(NULL) {
CommandLineFlag::~CommandLineFlag() {
delete current_;
delete defvalue_;
const char* CommandLineFlag::CleanFileName() const {
// Compute top-level directory & file that this appears in
// search full path backwards.
// Stop going backwards at kRootDir; and skip by the first slash.
static const char kRootDir[] = ""; // can set this to root directory,
if (sizeof(kRootDir)-1 == 0) // no prefix to strip
return filename();
const char* clean_name = filename() + strlen(filename()) - 1;
while ( clean_name > filename() ) {
if (*clean_name == PATH_SEPARATOR) {
if (strncmp(clean_name, kRootDir, sizeof(kRootDir)-1) == 0) {
clean_name += sizeof(kRootDir)-1; // past root-dir
while ( *clean_name == PATH_SEPARATOR ) ++clean_name; // Skip any slashes
return clean_name;
void CommandLineFlag::FillCommandLineFlagInfo(
CommandLineFlagInfo* result) {
result->name = name();
result->type = type_name();
result->description = help();
result->current_value = current_value();
result->default_value = default_value();
result->filename = CleanFileName();
result->is_default = !modified_;
result->has_validator_fn = validate_function() != NULL;
result->flag_ptr = flag_ptr();
void CommandLineFlag::UpdateModifiedBit() {
// Update the "modified" bit in case somebody bypassed the
// Flags API and wrote directly through the FLAGS_name variable.
if (!modified_ && !current_->Equal(*defvalue_)) {
modified_ = true;
void CommandLineFlag::CopyFrom(const CommandLineFlag& src) {
// Note we only copy the non-const members; others are fixed at construct time
if (modified_ != src.modified_) modified_ = src.modified_;
if (!current_->Equal(*src.current_)) current_->CopyFrom(*src.current_);
if (!defvalue_->Equal(*src.defvalue_)) defvalue_->CopyFrom(*src.defvalue_);
if (validate_fn_proto_ != src.validate_fn_proto_)
validate_fn_proto_ = src.validate_fn_proto_;
bool CommandLineFlag::Validate(const FlagValue& value) const {
if (validate_function() == NULL)
return true;
return value.Validate(name(), validate_function());
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// FlagRegistry
// A FlagRegistry singleton object holds all flag objects indexed
// by their names so that if you know a flag's name (as a C
// string), you can access or set it. If the function is named
// FooLocked(), you must own the registry lock before calling
// the function; otherwise, you should *not* hold the lock, and
// the function will acquire it itself if needed.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
struct StringCmp { // Used by the FlagRegistry map class to compare char*'s
bool operator() (const char* s1, const char* s2) const {
return (strcmp(s1, s2) < 0);
class FlagRegistry {
FlagRegistry() {
~FlagRegistry() {
// Not using STLDeleteElements as that resides in util and this
// class is base.
for (FlagMap::iterator p = flags_.begin(), e = flags_.end(); p != e; ++p) {
CommandLineFlag* flag = p->second;
delete flag;
static void DeleteGlobalRegistry() {
delete global_registry_;
global_registry_ = NULL;
// Store a flag in this registry. Takes ownership of the given pointer.
void RegisterFlag(CommandLineFlag* flag);
void Lock() { lock_.Lock(); }
void Unlock() { lock_.Unlock(); }
// Returns the flag object for the specified name, or NULL if not found.
CommandLineFlag* FindFlagLocked(const char* name);
// Returns the flag object whose current-value is stored at flag_ptr.
// That is, for whom current_->value_buffer_ == flag_ptr
CommandLineFlag* FindFlagViaPtrLocked(const void* flag_ptr);
// A fancier form of FindFlag that works correctly if name is of the
// form flag=value. In that case, we set key to point to flag, and
// modify v to point to the value (if present), and return the flag
// with the given name. If the flag does not exist, returns NULL
// and sets error_message.
CommandLineFlag* SplitArgumentLocked(const char* argument,
string* key, const char** v,
string* error_message);
// Set the value of a flag. If the flag was successfully set to
// value, set msg to indicate the new flag-value, and return true.
// Otherwise, set msg to indicate the error, leave flag unchanged,
// and return false. msg can be NULL.
bool SetFlagLocked(CommandLineFlag* flag, const char* value,
FlagSettingMode set_mode, string* msg);
static FlagRegistry* GlobalRegistry(); // returns a singleton registry
friend class GOOGLE_NAMESPACE::FlagSaverImpl; // reads all the flags in order to copy them
friend class CommandLineFlagParser; // for ValidateAllFlags
friend void GOOGLE_NAMESPACE::GetAllFlags(vector<CommandLineFlagInfo>*);
// The map from name to flag, for FindFlagLocked().
typedef map<const char*, CommandLineFlag*, StringCmp> FlagMap;
typedef FlagMap::iterator FlagIterator;
typedef FlagMap::const_iterator FlagConstIterator;
FlagMap flags_;
// The map from current-value pointer to flag, fo FindFlagViaPtrLocked().
typedef map<const void*, CommandLineFlag*> FlagPtrMap;
FlagPtrMap flags_by_ptr_;
static FlagRegistry* global_registry_; // a singleton registry
Mutex lock_;
static Mutex global_registry_lock_;
static void InitGlobalRegistry();
// Disallow
FlagRegistry(const FlagRegistry&);
FlagRegistry& operator=(const FlagRegistry&);
class FlagRegistryLock {
explicit FlagRegistryLock(FlagRegistry* fr) : fr_(fr) { fr_->Lock(); }
~FlagRegistryLock() { fr_->Unlock(); }
FlagRegistry *const fr_;
void FlagRegistry::RegisterFlag(CommandLineFlag* flag) {
pair<FlagIterator, bool> ins =
flags_.insert(pair<const char*, CommandLineFlag*>(flag->name(), flag));
if (ins.second == false) { // means the name was already in the map
if (strcmp(ins.first->second->filename(), flag->filename()) != 0) {
ReportError(DIE, "ERROR: flag '%s' was defined more than once "
"(in files '%s' and '%s').\n",
} else {
ReportError(DIE, "ERROR: something wrong with flag '%s' in file '%s'. "
"One possibility: file '%s' is being linked both statically "
"and dynamically into this executable.\n",
flag->filename(), flag->filename());
// Also add to the flags_by_ptr_ map.
flags_by_ptr_[flag->current_->value_buffer_] = flag;
CommandLineFlag* FlagRegistry::FindFlagLocked(const char* name) {
FlagConstIterator i = flags_.find(name);
if (i == flags_.end()) {
return NULL;
} else {
return i->second;
CommandLineFlag* FlagRegistry::FindFlagViaPtrLocked(const void* flag_ptr) {
FlagPtrMap::const_iterator i = flags_by_ptr_.find(flag_ptr);
if (i == flags_by_ptr_.end()) {
return NULL;
} else {
return i->second;
CommandLineFlag* FlagRegistry::SplitArgumentLocked(const char* arg,
string* key,
const char** v,
string* error_message) {
// Find the flag object for this option
const char* flag_name;
const char* value = strchr(arg, '=');
if (value == NULL) {
*v = NULL;
} else {
// Strip out the "=value" portion from arg
key->assign(arg, value-arg);
*v = ++value; // advance past the '='
flag_name = key->c_str();
CommandLineFlag* flag = FindFlagLocked(flag_name);
if (flag == NULL) {
// If we can't find the flag-name, then we should return an error.
// The one exception is if 1) the flag-name is 'nox', 2) there
// exists a flag named 'x', and 3) 'x' is a boolean flag.
// In that case, we want to return flag 'x'.
if (!(flag_name[0] == 'n' && flag_name[1] == 'o')) {
// flag-name is not 'nox', so we're not in the exception case.
*error_message = StringPrintf("%sunknown command line flag '%s'\n",
kError, key->c_str());
return NULL;
flag = FindFlagLocked(flag_name+2);
if (flag == NULL) {
// No flag named 'x' exists, so we're not in the exception case.
*error_message = StringPrintf("%sunknown command line flag '%s'\n",
kError, key->c_str());
return NULL;
if (strcmp(flag->type_name(), "bool") != 0) {
// 'x' exists but is not boolean, so we're not in the exception case.
*error_message = StringPrintf(
"%sboolean value (%s) specified for %s command line flag\n",
kError, key->c_str(), flag->type_name());
return NULL;
// We're in the exception case!
// Make up a fake value to replace the "no" we stripped out
key->assign(flag_name+2); // the name without the "no"
*v = "0";
// Assign a value if this is a boolean flag
if (*v == NULL && strcmp(flag->type_name(), "bool") == 0) {
*v = "1"; // the --nox case was already handled, so this is the --x case
return flag;
bool TryParseLocked(const CommandLineFlag* flag, FlagValue* flag_value,
const char* value, string* msg) {
// Use tenative_value, not flag_value, until we know value is valid.
FlagValue* tentative_value = flag_value->New();
if (!tentative_value->ParseFrom(value)) {
if (msg) {
"%sillegal value '%s' specified for %s flag '%s'\n",
kError, value,
flag->type_name(), flag->name());
delete tentative_value;
return false;
} else if (!flag->Validate(*tentative_value)) {
if (msg) {
"%sfailed validation of new value '%s' for flag '%s'\n",
kError, tentative_value->ToString().c_str(),
delete tentative_value;
return false;
} else {
if (msg) {
StringAppendF(msg, "%s set to %s\n",
flag->name(), flag_value->ToString().c_str());
delete tentative_value;
return true;
bool FlagRegistry::SetFlagLocked(CommandLineFlag* flag,
const char* value,
FlagSettingMode set_mode,
string* msg) {
switch (set_mode) {
// set or modify the flag's value
if (!TryParseLocked(flag, flag->current_, value, msg))
return false;
flag->modified_ = true;
// set the flag's value, but only if it hasn't been set by someone else
if (!flag->modified_) {
if (!TryParseLocked(flag, flag->current_, value, msg))
return false;
flag->modified_ = true;
} else {
*msg = StringPrintf("%s set to %s",
flag->name(), flag->current_value().c_str());
// modify the flag's default-value
if (!TryParseLocked(flag, flag->defvalue_, value, msg))
return false;
if (!flag->modified_) {
// Need to set both defvalue *and* current, in this case
TryParseLocked(flag, flag->current_, value, NULL);
default: {
// unknown set_mode
return false;
return true;
// Get the singleton FlagRegistry object
FlagRegistry* FlagRegistry::global_registry_ = NULL;
Mutex FlagRegistry::global_registry_lock_(Mutex::LINKER_INITIALIZED);
FlagRegistry* FlagRegistry::GlobalRegistry() {
MutexLock acquire_lock(&global_registry_lock_);
if (!global_registry_) {
global_registry_ = new FlagRegistry;
return global_registry_;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// CommandLineFlagParser
// Parsing is done in two stages. In the first, we go through
// argv. For every flag-like arg we can make sense of, we parse
// it and set the appropriate FLAGS_* variable. For every flag-
// like arg we can't make sense of, we store it in a vector,
// along with an explanation of the trouble. In stage 2, we
// handle the 'reporting' flags like --help and --mpm_version.
// (This is via a call to HandleCommandLineHelpFlags(), in
// An optional stage 3 prints out the error messages.
// This is a bit of a simplification. For instance, --flagfile
// is handled as soon as it's seen in stage 1, not in stage 2.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class CommandLineFlagParser {
// The argument is the flag-registry to register the parsed flags in
explicit CommandLineFlagParser(FlagRegistry* reg) : registry_(reg) {}
~CommandLineFlagParser() {}
// Stage 1: Every time this is called, it reads all flags in argv.
// However, it ignores all flags that have been successfully set
// before. Typically this is only called once, so this 'reparsing'
// behavior isn't important. It can be useful when trying to
// reparse after loading a dll, though.
uint32 ParseNewCommandLineFlags(int* argc, char*** argv, bool remove_flags);
// Stage 2: print reporting info and exit, if requested.
// In
// Stage 3: validate all the commandline flags that have validators
// registered.
void ValidateAllFlags();
// Stage 4: report any errors and return true if any were found.
bool ReportErrors();
// Set a particular command line option. "newval" is a string
// describing the new value that the option has been set to. If
// option_name does not specify a valid option name, or value is not
// a valid value for option_name, newval is empty. Does recursive
// processing for --flagfile and --fromenv. Returns the new value
// if everything went ok, or empty-string if not. (Actually, the
// return-string could hold many flag/value pairs due to --flagfile.)
// NB: Must have called registry_->Lock() before calling this function.
string ProcessSingleOptionLocked(CommandLineFlag* flag,
const char* value,
FlagSettingMode set_mode);
// Set a whole batch of command line options as specified by contentdata,
// which is in flagfile format (and probably has been read from a flagfile).
// Returns the new value if everything went ok, or empty-string if
// not. (Actually, the return-string could hold many flag/value
// pairs due to --flagfile.)
// NB: Must have called registry_->Lock() before calling this function.
string ProcessOptionsFromStringLocked(const string& contentdata,
FlagSettingMode set_mode);
// These are the 'recursive' flags, defined at the top of this file.
// Whenever we see these flags on the commandline, we must take action.
// These are called by ProcessSingleOptionLocked and, similarly, return
// new values if everything went ok, or the empty-string if not.
string ProcessFlagfileLocked(const string& flagval, FlagSettingMode set_mode);
// diff fromenv/tryfromenv
string ProcessFromenvLocked(const string& flagval, FlagSettingMode set_mode,
bool errors_are_fatal);
FlagRegistry* const registry_;
map<string, string> error_flags_; // map from name to error message
// This could be a set<string>, but we reuse the map to minimize the .o size
map<string, string> undefined_names_; // --[flag] name was not registered
// Parse a list of (comma-separated) flags.
static void ParseFlagList(const char* value, vector<string>* flags) {
for (const char *p = value; p && *p; value = p) {
p = strchr(value, ',');
size_t len;
if (p) {
len = p - value;
} else {
len = strlen(value);
if (len == 0)
ReportError(DIE, "ERROR: empty flaglist entry\n");
if (value[0] == '-')
ReportError(DIE, "ERROR: flag \"%*s\" begins with '-'\n", len, value);
flags->push_back(string(value, len));
// Snarf an entire file into a C++ string. This is just so that we
// can do all the I/O in one place and not worry about it everywhere.
// Plus, it's convenient to have the whole file contents at hand.
// Adds a newline at the end of the file.
#define PFATAL(s) do { perror(s); gflags_exitfunc(1); } while (0)
static string ReadFileIntoString(const char* filename) {
const int kBufSize = 8092;
char buffer[kBufSize];
string s;
FILE* fp = fopen(filename, "r");
if (!fp) PFATAL(filename);
size_t n;
while ( (n=fread(buffer, 1, kBufSize, fp)) > 0 ) {
if (ferror(fp)) PFATAL(filename);
s.append(buffer, n);
return s;
uint32 CommandLineFlagParser::ParseNewCommandLineFlags(int* argc, char*** argv,
bool remove_flags) {
const char *program_name = strrchr((*argv)[0], PATH_SEPARATOR); // nix path
program_name = (program_name == NULL ? (*argv)[0] : program_name+1);
int first_nonopt = *argc; // for non-options moved to the end
for (int i = 1; i < first_nonopt; i++) {
char* arg = (*argv)[i];
// Like getopt(), we permute non-option flags to be at the end.
if (arg[0] != '-' || // must be a program argument
(arg[0] == '-' && arg[1] == '\0')) { // "-" is an argument, not a flag
memmove((*argv) + i, (*argv) + i+1, (*argc - (i+1)) * sizeof((*argv)[i]));
(*argv)[*argc-1] = arg; // we go last
first_nonopt--; // we've been pushed onto the stack
i--; // to undo the i++ in the loop
if (arg[0] == '-') arg++; // allow leading '-'
if (arg[0] == '-') arg++; // or leading '--'
// -- alone means what it does for GNU: stop options parsing
if (*arg == '\0') {
first_nonopt = i+1;
// Find the flag object for this option
string key;
const char* value;
string error_message;
CommandLineFlag* flag = registry_->SplitArgumentLocked(arg, &key, &value,
if (flag == NULL) {
undefined_names_[key] = ""; // value isn't actually used
error_flags_[key] = error_message;
if (value == NULL) {
// Boolean options are always assigned a value by SplitArgumentLocked()
assert(strcmp(flag->type_name(), "bool") != 0);
if (i+1 >= first_nonopt) {
// This flag needs a value, but there is nothing available
error_flags_[key] = (string(kError) + "flag '" + (*argv)[i] + "'"
+ " is missing its argument");
if (flag->help() && flag->help()[0] > '\001') {
// Be useful in case we have a non-stripped description.
error_flags_[key] += string("; flag description: ") + flag->help();
error_flags_[key] += "\n";
break; // we treat this as an unrecoverable error
} else {
value = (*argv)[++i]; // read next arg for value
// Heuristic to detect the case where someone treats a string arg
// like a bool:
// --my_string_var --foo=bar
// We look for a flag of string type, whose value begins with a
// dash, and where the flag-name and value are separated by a
// space rather than an '='.
// To avoid false positives, we also require the word "true"
// or "false" in the help string. Without this, a valid usage
// "-lat -30.5" would trigger the warning. The common cases we
// want to solve talk about true and false as values.
if (value[0] == '-'
&& strcmp(flag->type_name(), "string") == 0
&& (strstr(flag->help(), "true")
|| strstr(flag->help(), "false"))) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Did you really mean to set flag '"
<< flag->name() << "' to the value '"
<< value << "'?";
// TODO(csilvers): only set a flag if we hadn't set it before here
ProcessSingleOptionLocked(flag, value, SET_FLAGS_VALUE);
if (remove_flags) { // Fix up argc and argv by removing command line flags
(*argv)[first_nonopt-1] = (*argv)[0];
(*argv) += (first_nonopt-1);
(*argc) -= (first_nonopt-1);
first_nonopt = 1; // because we still don't count argv[0]
logging_is_probably_set_up = true; // because we've parsed --logdir, etc.
return first_nonopt;
string CommandLineFlagParser::ProcessFlagfileLocked(const string& flagval,
FlagSettingMode set_mode) {
if (flagval.empty())
return "";
string msg;
vector<string> filename_list;
ParseFlagList(flagval.c_str(), &filename_list); // take a list of filenames
for (size_t i = 0; i < filename_list.size(); ++i) {
const char* file = filename_list[i].c_str();
msg += ProcessOptionsFromStringLocked(ReadFileIntoString(file), set_mode);
return msg;
string CommandLineFlagParser::ProcessFromenvLocked(const string& flagval,
FlagSettingMode set_mode,
bool errors_are_fatal) {
if (flagval.empty())
return "";
string msg;
vector<string> flaglist;
ParseFlagList(flagval.c_str(), &flaglist);
for (size_t i = 0; i < flaglist.size(); ++i) {
const char* flagname = flaglist[i].c_str();
CommandLineFlag* flag = registry_->FindFlagLocked(flagname);
if (flag == NULL) {
error_flags_[flagname] =
StringPrintf("%sunknown command line flag '%s' "
"(via --fromenv or --tryfromenv)\n",
kError, flagname);
undefined_names_[flagname] = "";
const string envname = string("FLAGS_") + string(flagname);
const char* envval = getenv(envname.c_str());
if (!envval) {
if (errors_are_fatal) {
error_flags_[flagname] = (string(kError) + envname +
" not found in environment\n");
// Avoid infinite recursion.
if ((strcmp(envval, "fromenv") == 0) ||
(strcmp(envval, "tryfromenv") == 0)) {
error_flags_[flagname] =
StringPrintf("%sinfinite recursion on environment flag '%s'\n",
kError, envval);
msg += ProcessSingleOptionLocked(flag, envval, set_mode);
return msg;
string CommandLineFlagParser::ProcessSingleOptionLocked(
CommandLineFlag* flag, const char* value, FlagSettingMode set_mode) {
string msg;
if (value && !registry_->SetFlagLocked(flag, value, set_mode, &msg)) {
error_flags_[flag->name()] = msg;
return "";
// The recursive flags, --flagfile and --fromenv and --tryfromenv,
// must be dealt with as soon as they're seen. They will emit
// messages of their own.
if (strcmp(flag->name(), "flagfile") == 0) {
msg += ProcessFlagfileLocked(FLAGS_flagfile, set_mode);
} else if (strcmp(flag->name(), "fromenv") == 0) {
// last arg indicates envval-not-found is fatal (unlike in --tryfromenv)
msg += ProcessFromenvLocked(FLAGS_fromenv, set_mode, true);
} else if (strcmp(flag->name(), "tryfromenv") == 0) {
msg += ProcessFromenvLocked(FLAGS_tryfromenv, set_mode, false);
return msg;
void CommandLineFlagParser::ValidateAllFlags() {
FlagRegistryLock frl(registry_);
for (FlagRegistry::FlagConstIterator i = registry_->flags_.begin();
i != registry_->flags_.end(); ++i) {
if (!i->second->ValidateCurrent()) {
// only set a message if one isn't already there. (If there's
// an error message, our job is done, even if it's not exactly
// the same error.)
if (error_flags_[i->second->name()].empty())
error_flags_[i->second->name()] =
string(kError) + "--" + i->second->name() +
" must be set on the commandline"
" (default value fails validation)\n";
bool CommandLineFlagParser::ReportErrors() {
// error_flags_ indicates errors we saw while parsing.
// But we ignore undefined-names if ok'ed by --undef_ok
if (!FLAGS_undefok.empty()) {
vector<string> flaglist;
ParseFlagList(FLAGS_undefok.c_str(), &flaglist);
for (size_t i = 0; i < flaglist.size(); ++i) {
// We also deal with --no<flag>, in case the flagname was boolean
const string no_version = string("no") + flaglist[i];
if (undefined_names_.find(flaglist[i]) != undefined_names_.end()) {
error_flags_[flaglist[i]] = ""; // clear the error message
} else if (undefined_names_.find(no_version) != undefined_names_.end()) {
error_flags_[no_version] = "";
// Likewise, if they decided to allow reparsing, all undefined-names
// are ok; we just silently ignore them now, and hope that a future
// parse will pick them up somehow.
if (allow_command_line_reparsing) {
for (map<string, string>::const_iterator it = undefined_names_.begin();
it != undefined_names_.end(); ++it)
error_flags_[it->first] = ""; // clear the error message
bool found_error = false;
string error_message;
for (map<string, string>::const_iterator it = error_flags_.begin();
it != error_flags_.end(); ++it) {
if (!it->second.empty()) {
error_message.append(it->, it->second.size());
found_error = true;
if (found_error)
ReportError(DO_NOT_DIE, "%s", error_message.c_str());
return found_error;
string CommandLineFlagParser::ProcessOptionsFromStringLocked(
const string& contentdata, FlagSettingMode set_mode) {
string retval;
const char* flagfile_contents = contentdata.c_str();
bool flags_are_relevant = true; // set to false when filenames don't match
bool in_filename_section = false;
const char* line_end = flagfile_contents;
// We read this file a line at a time.
for (; line_end; flagfile_contents = line_end + 1) {
while (*flagfile_contents && isspace(*flagfile_contents))
line_end = strchr(flagfile_contents, '\n');
size_t len = line_end ? line_end - flagfile_contents
: strlen(flagfile_contents);
string line(flagfile_contents, len);
// Each line can be one of four things:
// 1) A comment line -- we skip it
// 2) An empty line -- we skip it
// 3) A list of filenames -- starts a new filenames+flags section
// 4) A --flag=value line -- apply if previous filenames match
if (line.empty() || line[0] == '#') {
// comment or empty line; just ignore
} else if (line[0] == '-') { // flag
in_filename_section = false; // instead, it was a flag-line
if (!flags_are_relevant) // skip this flag; applies to someone else
const char* name_and_val = line.c_str() + 1; // skip the leading -
if (*name_and_val == '-')
name_and_val++; // skip second - too
string key;
const char* value;
string error_message;
CommandLineFlag* flag = registry_->SplitArgumentLocked(name_and_val,
&key, &value,
// By API, errors parsing flagfile lines are silently ignored.
if (flag == NULL) {
// "WARNING: flagname '" + key + "' not found\n"
} else if (value == NULL) {
// "WARNING: flagname '" + key + "' missing a value\n"
} else {
retval += ProcessSingleOptionLocked(flag, value, set_mode);
} else { // a filename!
if (!in_filename_section) { // start over: assume filenames don't match
in_filename_section = true;
flags_are_relevant = false;
// Split the line up at spaces into glob-patterns
const char* space = line.c_str(); // just has to be non-NULL
for (const char* word = line.c_str(); *space; word = space+1) {
if (flags_are_relevant) // we can stop as soon as we match
space = strchr(word, ' ');
if (space == NULL)
space = word + strlen(word);
const string glob(word, space - word);
// We try matching both against the full argv0 and basename(argv0)
if (glob == ProgramInvocationName() // small optimization
|| glob == ProgramInvocationShortName()
|| fnmatch(glob.c_str(),
|| fnmatch(glob.c_str(),
) {
flags_are_relevant = true;
return retval;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetFromEnv()
// AddFlagValidator()
// These are helper functions for routines like BoolFromEnv() and
// RegisterFlagValidator, defined below. They're defined here so
// they can live in the unnamed namespace (which makes friendship
// declarations for these classes possible).
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
template<typename T>
T GetFromEnv(const char *varname, const char* type, T dflt) {
const char* const valstr = getenv(varname);
if (!valstr)
return dflt;
FlagValue ifv(new T, type, true);
if (!ifv.ParseFrom(valstr))
ReportError(DIE, "ERROR: error parsing env variable '%s' with value '%s'\n",
varname, valstr);
return OTHER_VALUE_AS(ifv, T);
bool AddFlagValidator(const void* flag_ptr, ValidateFnProto validate_fn_proto) {
// We want a lock around this routine, in case two threads try to
// add a validator (hopefully the same one!) at once. We could use
// our own thread, but we need to loook at the registry anyway, so
// we just steal that one.
FlagRegistry* const registry = FlagRegistry::GlobalRegistry();
FlagRegistryLock frl(registry);
// First, find the flag whose current-flag storage is 'flag'.
// This is the CommandLineFlag whose current_->value_buffer_ == flag
CommandLineFlag* flag = registry->FindFlagViaPtrLocked(flag_ptr);
if (!flag) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Ignoring RegisterValidateFunction() for flag pointer "
<< flag_ptr << ": no flag found at that address";
return false;
} else if (validate_fn_proto == flag->validate_function()) {
return true; // ok to register the same function over and over again
} else if (validate_fn_proto != NULL && flag->validate_function() != NULL) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Ignoring RegisterValidateFunction() for flag '"
<< flag->name() << "': validate-fn already registered";
return false;
} else {
flag->validate_fn_proto_ = validate_fn_proto;
return true;
} // end unnamed namespaces
// Now define the functions that are exported via the .h file
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// FlagRegisterer
// This class exists merely to have a global constructor (the
// kind that runs before main(), that goes an initializes each
// flag that's been declared. Note that it's very important we
// don't have a destructor that deletes flag_, because that would
// cause us to delete current_storage/defvalue_storage as well,
// which can cause a crash if anything tries to access the flag
// values in a global destructor.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
FlagRegisterer::FlagRegisterer(const char* name, const char* type,
const char* help, const char* filename,
void* current_storage, void* defvalue_storage) {
if (help == NULL)
help = "";
// FlagValue expects the type-name to not include any namespace
// components, so we get rid of those, if any.
if (strchr(type, ':'))
type = strrchr(type, ':') + 1;
FlagValue* current = new FlagValue(current_storage, type, false);
FlagValue* defvalue = new FlagValue(defvalue_storage, type, false);
// Importantly, flag_ will never be deleted, so storage is always good.
CommandLineFlag* flag = new CommandLineFlag(name, help, filename,
current, defvalue);
FlagRegistry::GlobalRegistry()->RegisterFlag(flag); // default registry
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetAllFlags()
// The main way the FlagRegistry class exposes its data. This
// returns, as strings, all the info about all the flags in
// the main registry, sorted first by filename they are defined
// in, and then by flagname.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
struct FilenameFlagnameCmp {
bool operator()(const CommandLineFlagInfo& a,
const CommandLineFlagInfo& b) const {
int cmp = strcmp(a.filename.c_str(), b.filename.c_str());
if (cmp == 0)
cmp = strcmp(,; // secondary sort key
return cmp < 0;
void GetAllFlags(vector<CommandLineFlagInfo>* OUTPUT) {
FlagRegistry* const registry = FlagRegistry::GlobalRegistry();
for (FlagRegistry::FlagConstIterator i = registry->flags_.begin();
i != registry->flags_.end(); ++i) {
CommandLineFlagInfo fi;
// Now sort the flags, first by filename they occur in, then alphabetically
sort(OUTPUT->begin(), OUTPUT->end(), FilenameFlagnameCmp());
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetArgv()
// GetArgvs()
// GetArgv()
// GetArgv0()
// ProgramInvocationName()
// ProgramInvocationShortName()
// SetUsageMessage()
// ProgramUsage()
// Functions to set and get argv. Typically the setter is called
// by ParseCommandLineFlags. Also can get the ProgramUsage string,
// set by SetUsageMessage.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// These values are not protected by a Mutex because they are normally
// set only once during program startup.
static const char* argv0 = "UNKNOWN"; // just the program name
static const char* cmdline = ""; // the entire command-line
static vector<string> argvs;
static uint32 argv_sum = 0;
static const char* program_usage = NULL;
void SetArgv(int argc, const char** argv) {
static bool called_set_argv = false;
if (called_set_argv) // we already have an argv for you
called_set_argv = true;
assert(argc > 0); // every program has at least a progname
argv0 = strdup(argv[0]); // small memory leak, but fn only called once
string cmdline_string; // easier than doing strcats
for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
if (i != 0) {
cmdline_string += " ";
cmdline_string += argv[i];
cmdline = strdup(cmdline_string.c_str()); // another small memory leak
// Compute a simple sum of all the chars in argv
for (const char* c = cmdline; *c; c++)
argv_sum += *c;
const vector<string>& GetArgvs() { return argvs; }
const char* GetArgv() { return cmdline; }
const char* GetArgv0() { return argv0; }
uint32 GetArgvSum() { return argv_sum; }
const char* ProgramInvocationName() { // like the GNU libc fn
return GetArgv0();
const char* ProgramInvocationShortName() { // like the GNU libc fn
const char* slash = strrchr(argv0, '/');
if (!slash) slash = strrchr(argv0, '\\');
return slash ? slash + 1 : argv0;
void SetUsageMessage(const string& usage) {
if (program_usage != NULL)
ReportError(DIE, "ERROR: SetUsageMessage() called twice\n");
program_usage = strdup(usage.c_str()); // small memory leak
const char* ProgramUsage() {
if (program_usage) {
return program_usage;
return "Warning: SetUsageMessage() never called";
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetVersionString()
// VersionString()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
static const char* version_string = NULL;
void SetVersionString(const string& version) {
if (version_string != NULL)
ReportError(DIE, "ERROR: SetVersionString() called twice\n");
version_string = strdup(version.c_str()); // small memory leak
const char* VersionString() {
return version_string ? version_string : "";
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetCommandLineOption()
// GetCommandLineFlagInfo()
// GetCommandLineFlagInfoOrDie()
// SetCommandLineOption()
// SetCommandLineOptionWithMode()
// The programmatic way to set a flag's value, using a string
// for its name rather than the variable itself (that is,
// SetCommandLineOption("foo", x) rather than FLAGS_foo = x).
// There's also a bit more flexibility here due to the various
// set-modes, but typically these are used when you only have
// that flag's name as a string, perhaps at runtime.
// All of these work on the default, global registry.
// For GetCommandLineOption, return false if no such flag
// is known, true otherwise. We clear "value" if a suitable
// flag is found.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
bool GetCommandLineOption(const char* name, string* value) {
if (NULL == name)
return false;
FlagRegistry* const registry = FlagRegistry::GlobalRegistry();
FlagRegistryLock frl(registry);
CommandLineFlag* flag = registry->FindFlagLocked(name);
if (flag == NULL) {
return false;
} else {
*value = flag->current_value();
return true;
bool GetCommandLineFlagInfo(const char* name, CommandLineFlagInfo* OUTPUT) {
if (NULL == name) return false;
FlagRegistry* const registry = FlagRegistry::GlobalRegistry();
FlagRegistryLock frl(registry);
CommandLineFlag* flag = registry->FindFlagLocked(name);
if (flag == NULL) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
CommandLineFlagInfo GetCommandLineFlagInfoOrDie(const char* name) {
CommandLineFlagInfo info;
if (!GetCommandLineFlagInfo(name, &info)) {
fprintf(stderr, "FATAL ERROR: flag name '%s' doesn't exist\n", name);
gflags_exitfunc(1); // almost certainly gflags_exitfunc()
return info;
string SetCommandLineOptionWithMode(const char* name, const char* value,
FlagSettingMode set_mode) {
string result;
FlagRegistry* const registry = FlagRegistry::GlobalRegistry();
FlagRegistryLock frl(registry);
CommandLineFlag* flag = registry->FindFlagLocked(name);
if (flag) {
CommandLineFlagParser parser(registry);
result = parser.ProcessSingleOptionLocked(flag, value, set_mode);
if (!result.empty()) { // in the error case, we've already logged
// Could consider logging this change
// The API of this function is that we return empty string on error
return result;
string SetCommandLineOption(const char* name, const char* value) {
return SetCommandLineOptionWithMode(name, value, SET_FLAGS_VALUE);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// FlagSaver
// FlagSaverImpl
// This class stores the states of all flags at construct time,
// and restores all flags to that state at destruct time.
// Its major implementation challenge is that it never modifies
// pointers in the 'main' registry, so global FLAG_* vars always
// point to the right place.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class FlagSaverImpl {
// Constructs an empty FlagSaverImpl object.
explicit FlagSaverImpl(FlagRegistry* main_registry)
: main_registry_(main_registry) { }
~FlagSaverImpl() {
// reclaim memory from each of our CommandLineFlags
vector<CommandLineFlag*>::const_iterator it;
for (it = backup_registry_.begin(); it != backup_registry_.end(); ++it)
delete *it;
// Saves the flag states from the flag registry into this object.
// It's an error to call this more than once.
// Must be called when the registry mutex is not held.
void SaveFromRegistry() {
FlagRegistryLock frl(main_registry_);
assert(backup_registry_.empty()); // call only once!
for (FlagRegistry::FlagConstIterator it = main_registry_->flags_.begin();
it != main_registry_->flags_.end();
++it) {
const CommandLineFlag* main = it->second;
// Sets up all the const variables in backup correctly
CommandLineFlag* backup = new CommandLineFlag(
main->name(), main->help(), main->filename(),
main->current_->New(), main->defvalue_->New());
// Sets up all the non-const variables in backup correctly
backup_registry_.push_back(backup); // add it to a convenient list
// Restores the saved flag states into the flag registry. We
// assume no flags were added or deleted from the registry since
// the SaveFromRegistry; if they were, that's trouble! Must be
// called when the registry mutex is not held.
void RestoreToRegistry() {
FlagRegistryLock frl(main_registry_);
vector<CommandLineFlag*>::const_iterator it;
for (it = backup_registry_.begin(); it != backup_registry_.end(); ++it) {
CommandLineFlag* main = main_registry_->FindFlagLocked((*it)->name());
if (main != NULL) { // if NULL, flag got deleted from registry(!)
FlagRegistry* const main_registry_;
vector<CommandLineFlag*> backup_registry_;
FlagSaverImpl(const FlagSaverImpl&); // no copying!
void operator=(const FlagSaverImpl&);
: impl_(new FlagSaverImpl(FlagRegistry::GlobalRegistry())) {
FlagSaver::~FlagSaver() {
delete impl_;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// CommandlineFlagsIntoString()
// ReadFlagsFromString()
// AppendFlagsIntoFile()
// ReadFromFlagsFile()
// These are mostly-deprecated routines that stick the
// commandline flags into a file/string and read them back
// out again. I can see a use for CommandlineFlagsIntoString,
// for creating a flagfile, but the rest don't seem that useful
// -- some, I think, are a poor-man's attempt at FlagSaver --
// and are included only until we can delete them from callers.
// Note they don't save --flagfile flags (though they do save
// the result of having called the flagfile, of course).
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
static string TheseCommandlineFlagsIntoString(
const vector<CommandLineFlagInfo>& flags) {
vector<CommandLineFlagInfo>::const_iterator i;
size_t retval_space = 0;
for (i = flags.begin(); i != flags.end(); ++i) {
// An (over)estimate of how much space it will take to print this flag
retval_space += i->name.length() + i->current_value.length() + 5;
string retval;
for (i = flags.begin(); i != flags.end(); ++i) {
retval += "--";
retval += i->name;
retval += "=";
retval += i->current_value;
retval += "\n";
return retval;
string CommandlineFlagsIntoString() {
vector<CommandLineFlagInfo> sorted_flags;
return TheseCommandlineFlagsIntoString(sorted_flags);
bool ReadFlagsFromString(const string& flagfilecontents,
const char* /*prog_name*/, // TODO(csilvers): nix this
bool errors_are_fatal) {
FlagRegistry* const registry = FlagRegistry::GlobalRegistry();
FlagSaverImpl saved_states(registry);
CommandLineFlagParser parser(registry);
parser.ProcessOptionsFromStringLocked(flagfilecontents, SET_FLAGS_VALUE);
// Should we handle --help and such when reading flags from a string? Sure.
if (parser.ReportErrors()) {
// Error. Restore all global flags to their previous values.
if (errors_are_fatal)
return false;
return true;
// TODO(csilvers): nix prog_name in favor of ProgramInvocationShortName()
bool AppendFlagsIntoFile(const string& filename, const char *prog_name) {
FILE *fp = fopen(filename.c_str(), "a");
if (!fp) {
return false;
if (prog_name)
fprintf(fp, "%s\n", prog_name);
vector<CommandLineFlagInfo> flags;
// But we don't want --flagfile, which leads to weird recursion issues
vector<CommandLineFlagInfo>::iterator i;
for (i = flags.begin(); i != flags.end(); ++i) {
if (strcmp(i->name.c_str(), "flagfile") == 0) {
fprintf(fp, "%s", TheseCommandlineFlagsIntoString(flags).c_str());
return true;
bool ReadFromFlagsFile(const string& filename, const char* prog_name,
bool errors_are_fatal) {
return ReadFlagsFromString(ReadFileIntoString(filename.c_str()),
prog_name, errors_are_fatal);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// BoolFromEnv()
// Int32FromEnv()
// Int64FromEnv()
// Uint64FromEnv()
// DoubleFromEnv()
// StringFromEnv()
// Reads the value from the environment and returns it.
// We use an FlagValue to make the parsing easy.
// Example usage:
// DEFINE_bool(myflag, BoolFromEnv("MYFLAG_DEFAULT", false), "whatever");
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
bool BoolFromEnv(const char *v, bool dflt) {
return GetFromEnv(v, "bool", dflt);
int32 Int32FromEnv(const char *v, int32 dflt) {
return GetFromEnv(v, "int32", dflt);
int64 Int64FromEnv(const char *v, int64 dflt) {
return GetFromEnv(v, "int64", dflt);
uint64 Uint64FromEnv(const char *v, uint64 dflt) {
return GetFromEnv(v, "uint64", dflt);
double DoubleFromEnv(const char *v, double dflt) {
return GetFromEnv(v, "double", dflt);
const char *StringFromEnv(const char *varname, const char *dflt) {
const char* const val = getenv(varname);
return val ? val : dflt;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// RegisterFlagValidator()
// RegisterFlagValidator() is the function that clients use to
// 'decorate' a flag with a validation function. Once this is
// done, every time the flag is set (including when the flag
// is parsed from argv), the validator-function is called.
// These functions return true if the validator was added
// successfully, or false if not: the flag already has a validator,
// (only one allowed per flag), the 1st arg isn't a flag, etc.
// This function is not thread-safe.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
bool RegisterFlagValidator(const bool* flag,
bool (*validate_fn)(const char*, bool)) {
return AddFlagValidator(flag, reinterpret_cast<ValidateFnProto>(validate_fn));
bool RegisterFlagValidator(const int32* flag,
bool (*validate_fn)(const char*, int32)) {
return AddFlagValidator(flag, reinterpret_cast<ValidateFnProto>(validate_fn));
bool RegisterFlagValidator(const int64* flag,
bool (*validate_fn)(const char*, int64)) {
return AddFlagValidator(flag, reinterpret_cast<ValidateFnProto>(validate_fn));
bool RegisterFlagValidator(const uint64* flag,
bool (*validate_fn)(const char*, uint64)) {
return AddFlagValidator(flag, reinterpret_cast<ValidateFnProto>(validate_fn));
bool RegisterFlagValidator(const double* flag,
bool (*validate_fn)(const char*, double)) {
return AddFlagValidator(flag, reinterpret_cast<ValidateFnProto>(validate_fn));
bool RegisterFlagValidator(const string* flag,
bool (*validate_fn)(const char*, const string&)) {
return AddFlagValidator(flag, reinterpret_cast<ValidateFnProto>(validate_fn));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// ParseCommandLineFlags()
// ParseCommandLineNonHelpFlags()
// HandleCommandLineHelpFlags()
// This is the main function called from main(), to actually
// parse the commandline. It modifies argc and argv as described
// at the top of gflags.h. You can also divide this
// function into two parts, if you want to do work between
// the parsing of the flags and the printing of any help output.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
static uint32 ParseCommandLineFlagsInternal(int* argc, char*** argv,
bool remove_flags, bool do_report) {
SetArgv(*argc, const_cast<const char**>(*argv)); // save it for later
FlagRegistry* const registry = FlagRegistry::GlobalRegistry();
CommandLineFlagParser parser(registry);
// When we parse the commandline flags, we'll handle --flagfile,
// --tryfromenv, etc. as we see them (since flag-evaluation order
// may be important). But sometimes apps set FLAGS_tryfromenv/etc.
// manually before calling ParseCommandLineFlags. We want to evaluate
// those too, as if they were the first flags on the commandline.
parser.ProcessFlagfileLocked(FLAGS_flagfile, SET_FLAGS_VALUE);
// Last arg here indicates whether flag-not-found is a fatal error or not
parser.ProcessFromenvLocked(FLAGS_fromenv, SET_FLAGS_VALUE, true);
parser.ProcessFromenvLocked(FLAGS_tryfromenv, SET_FLAGS_VALUE, false);
// Now get the flags specified on the commandline
const int r = parser.ParseNewCommandLineFlags(argc, argv, remove_flags);
if (do_report)
HandleCommandLineHelpFlags(); // may cause us to exit on --help, etc.
// See if any of the unset flags fail their validation checks
if (parser.ReportErrors()) // may cause us to exit on illegal flags
return r;
uint32 ParseCommandLineFlags(int* argc, char*** argv, bool remove_flags) {
return ParseCommandLineFlagsInternal(argc, argv, remove_flags, true);
uint32 ParseCommandLineNonHelpFlags(int* argc, char*** argv,
bool remove_flags) {
return ParseCommandLineFlagsInternal(argc, argv, remove_flags, false);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// AllowCommandLineReparsing()
// ReparseCommandLineNonHelpFlags()
// This is most useful for shared libraries. The idea is if
// a flag is defined in a shared library that is dlopen'ed
// sometime after main(), you can ParseCommandLineFlags before
// the dlopen, then ReparseCommandLineNonHelpFlags() after the
// dlopen, to get the new flags. But you have to explicitly
// Allow() it; otherwise, you get the normal default behavior
// of unrecognized flags calling a fatal error.
// TODO(csilvers): this isn't used. Just delete it?
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
void AllowCommandLineReparsing() {
allow_command_line_reparsing = true;
void ReparseCommandLineNonHelpFlags() {
// We make a copy of argc and argv to pass in
const vector<string>& argvs = GetArgvs();
int tmp_argc = static_cast<int>(argvs.size());
char** tmp_argv = new char* [tmp_argc + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < tmp_argc; ++i)
tmp_argv[i] = strdup(argvs[i].c_str()); // TODO(csilvers): don't dup
ParseCommandLineNonHelpFlags(&tmp_argc, &tmp_argv, false);
for (int i = 0; i < tmp_argc; ++i)
delete[] tmp_argv;
void ShutDownCommandLineFlags() {