Francis Laurence 12966aed05 Ok here is the new CSG library that implements boolean operations for blender through the 'C' api in csg/extern/CSG_Interface.h.
As mentioned earlier on bf-commiters mailing list, there is no current *nix make file only an msvc60 project file. I only have a linux box at work and to be honest I want to avoid doing any commits from there! So if some kind soul could sort it out that would be great.

This code only depends on other stuff in the intern library, moto and memutils the CSG lib needs to have their include paths to compile. Other than that its completely self contained.

To speed up the polygon-polygon intersection queries I've used some code (under the GPL) from freesolid2.0 this clearly marked in the appropriate files and Gino van den Bergen still owns the copyright to that material. The algorithm I used in based on one from Paul Nettle described on flipcode ( and I think his work was a derivative of the "Laidlaw algorithm"

There is also some basic 'ear clipping' triangulation code that unfortunately remains unatributable. I have no right to publish this code under the GPL nor BPL for that matter as I have no idea who the original authors are. Its just one of those random bits of internet code.

The stuff used a lot of C++ template features, which on one hand makes it very generic but on the other means that some work will need to be done to get working with other compilters. The msvc60 compiler is not very compliant to the C++ standards with respect to templates so its very difficult to say if this code will compile out of the box on other platforms.

I still haven't committed modifications to booleanops.c in the blender code as without a working library to link to it will break the current build. This needs to be done first!

This code is much simpler than the previous bsp implementation see intern/bsp and this old code should be deprectated/removed. However, whilst this implementation produces less triangles in the output than the bps algo, its still not an optimal solution. This is just hard to do and beyond my humble skills.

Just to make it clear this stuff for the reasons mentioned above and for the fact I'm to mean to give the copyright away to BF is licensed under the GPL only.

2004-02-10 20:16:44 +00:00

363 lines
7.8 KiB

CSGLib - Software Library for Constructive Solid Geometry
Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Laurence Bourn
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
Please send remarks, questions and bug reports to
#include "CSG_Math.h"
#include "MT_minmax.h"
#include "MT_Point2.h"
#include "MT_Vector2.h"
#include "MT_Plane3.h"
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
inline bool CSG_Geometry::Intersect(
const MT_Plane3& p1,
const MT_Plane3& p2,
MT_Line3& output
) {
MT_Matrix3x3 mat;
mat[0] = p1.Normal();
mat[1] = p2.Normal();
mat[2] = mat[0].cross(mat[1]);
if (mat[2].fuzzyZero())
return false;
MT_Vector3 aPoint(-p1.Scalar(),-p2.Scalar(),0);
output = MT_Line3(MT_Point3(0,0,0) + mat.inverse()*aPoint ,mat[2]);
return true;
inline bool CSG_Geometry::Intersect2DNoBoundsCheck(
const MT_Line3& l1,
const MT_Line3& l2,
int majAxis,
MT_Scalar& l1Param,
MT_Scalar& l2Param
int ind1 = cofacTable[majAxis][0];
int ind2 = cofacTable[majAxis][1];
MT_Scalar Zx = l2.Origin()[ind1] - l1.Origin()[ind1];
MT_Scalar Zy = l2.Origin()[ind2] - l1.Origin()[ind2];
MT_Scalar det = l1.Direction()[ind1]*l2.Direction()[ind2] -
if (MT_fuzzyZero(det))
return false;
l1Param = (l2.Direction()[ind2]*Zx - l2.Direction()[ind1]*Zy)/det;
l2Param = -(-l1.Direction()[ind2]*Zx + l1.Direction()[ind1]*Zy)/det;
return true;
inline bool CSG_Geometry::Intersect2DBoundsCheck(
const MT_Line3& l1,
const MT_Line3& l2,
int majAxis,
MT_Scalar& l1Param,
MT_Scalar& l2Param
) {
bool isect = Intersect2DNoBoundsCheck(l1,l2,majAxis,l1Param,l2Param);
if (!isect) return false;
return l1.IsParameterOnLine(l1Param) && l2.IsParameterOnLine(l2Param);
//IMplementation of CSG_Math
template<typename TGBinder>
inline bool CSG_Math<TGBinder>::IntersectPolyWithLine2D(
const MT_Line3& l,
const TGBinder& p1,
const MT_Plane3& plane,
MT_Scalar& a,
MT_Scalar& b
int majAxis = plane.Normal().closestAxis();
int lastInd = p1.Size()-1;
MT_Scalar isectParam(0);
MT_Scalar isectParam2(0);
int i;
int j = lastInd;
int isectsFound(0);
for (i=0;i<=lastInd; j=i,i++ )
MT_Line3 testLine(p1[j],p1[i]);
if ( CSG_Geometry::Intersect2DBoundsCheck(l,testLine,majAxis,isectParam,isectParam2))
b = MT_max(isectParam,b);
a = MT_min(isectParam,a);
return (isectsFound > 0);
template<typename TGBinder>
inline bool CSG_Math<TGBinder>::InstersectPolyWithLine3D(
const MT_Line3& l,
const TGBinder& p1,
const MT_Plane3& plane,
MT_Scalar& a
// First compute intersection parameter t
MT_Scalar determinant = l.Direction().dot(plane.Normal());
// they are coplanar but we're not interested in that right?
if (MT_fuzzyZero(determinant)) return false;
a = -plane.Scalar() - plane.Normal().dot(l.Origin());
a /= determinant;
// intersection point is behind the ray.
if (a <= 0 ) return false;
// check if line is bounded and if t lies in bounds.
if (!l.IsParameterOnLine(a)) return false;
// calculate the point on the plane
MT_Point3 pointOnPlane = l.Origin() + l.Direction()*a;
// make sure the intersection point is within the polygon
return PointInPolygonTest3D(p1,plane,l.Origin(),pointOnPlane);
template<typename TGBinder>
inline bool CSG_Math<TGBinder>::PointInPolygonTest3D(
const TGBinder& p1,
const MT_Plane3& plane,
const MT_Point3& origin,
const MT_Point3& pointOnPlane
) {
// Form planes with the edges of the polygon and the origin.
// make sure that origin is inside all these planes.
// ONe small detail we have to first workout which side the origin
// is wrt the plane of the polygon.
bool discardSign = plane.signedDistance(origin) < 0 ? true : false;
const int polySize = p1.Size();
MT_Point3 lastPoint = p1[polySize-1];
int i;
for (i=0;i<polySize; ++i)
const MT_Point3& aPoint = p1[i];
MT_Plane3 testPlane(origin,lastPoint,aPoint);
if ((testPlane.signedDistance(pointOnPlane) <= 0) == discardSign)
return false;
lastPoint = aPoint;
return true;
// return 0 = on
// return 1 = in
// return 2 = out
inline int CSG_Geometry::ComputeClassification(
const MT_Scalar& distance,
const MT_Scalar& epsilon
) {
if (MT_abs(distance) < epsilon)
return 0;
} else {
return distance < 0 ? 1 : 2;
// Return the mid-point of the given polygon index.
template <typename TGBinder>
inline MT_Point3 CSG_Math<TGBinder>::PolygonMidPoint(
const TGBinder& p1
MT_Point3 midPoint(0,0,0);
int i;
for (i=0; i < p1.Size(); i++)
midPoint += p1[i];
return MT_Point3(midPoint[0]/i,midPoint[1]/i,midPoint[2]/i);
template <typename TGBinder>
int CSG_Math<TGBinder>::WhichSide(
const TGBinder& p1,
const MT_Plane3& plane1
int output = 0;
int i;
for (i=0; i<p1.Size(); i++)
MT_Scalar signedDistance = plane1.signedDistance(p1[i]);
if (!MT_fuzzyZero(signedDistance))
signedDistance < 0 ? (output |= 1) : (output |=2);
return output;
template <typename TGBinder>
inline MT_Line3 CSG_Math<TGBinder>::PolygonMidPointRay(
const TGBinder& p1,
const MT_Plane3& plane
return MT_Line3(PolygonMidPoint(p1),plane.Normal(),true,false);
template <typename TGBinder>
inline MT_Plane3 CSG_Math<TGBinder>::ComputePlane(
const TGBinder &poly
assert(poly.Size() >= 3);
MT_Point3 plast(poly[poly.Size()-1]);
MT_Point3 pivot;
MT_Vector3 edge;
int j;
for (j=0; j < poly.Size(); j++)
pivot = poly[j];
edge = pivot - plast;
if (!edge.fuzzyZero()) break;
for (; j < poly.Size(); j++)
MT_Vector3 v2 = poly[j] - pivot;
MT_Vector3 v3 = edge.cross(v2);
if (!v3.fuzzyZero())
return MT_Plane3(v3,pivot);
return MT_Plane3();
template <typename TGBinder>
inline BBox CSG_Math<TGBinder>::FitBBox(
const TGBinder& p1
) {
BBox bbox;
for (int i = 0; i < p1.Size(); ++i) {
return bbox;
// we now have enough machinary to intersect 3d polygons
// Compute line of intersect
// Intersect line with each edge in PolygonB record min and max intersection parameters
// Do same for PolygonB. If range of intersections overlap then polys overlap.
// Does not yet deal with 2d case.
template<typename TGBinderA, typename TGBinderB>
inline bool CSG_PolygonIntersector<TGBinderA,TGBinderB>::IntersectPolygons (
const TGBinderA& p1,
const TGBinderB& p2,
const MT_Plane3& plane1,
const MT_Plane3& plane2
MT_Line3 intersectLine;
if (!CSG_Geometry::Intersect(plane1,plane2,intersectLine))
// parrallel planes
return false;
// check intersection of polygons with intersectLine
MT_Scalar p1A,p1B;
MT_Scalar p2A,p2B;
if (
!CSG_Math<TGBinderA>::IntersectPolyWithLine2D(intersectLine,p1,plane1,p1A,p1B) ||
) {
return false;
// see if intersections overlap.
MT_Scalar maxOMin = MT_max(p1A,p2A);
MT_Scalar minOMax = MT_min(p1B,p2B);
return (maxOMin <= minOMax);