Willian Padovani Germano 4b01aa7aa5 Scripts:
The orange -> HEAD merge reverted some scripts to older versions. This only
affected the ones that already existed before the orange branch.
Minor issue, easy to fix.

All in all, kudos to kaito, Hos and others for all the hard work in
bringing (coding, merging) all these changes to the main branch.
2006-01-29 19:17:53 +00:00

497 lines
18 KiB

Name: 'Motion Capture (.bvh)...'
Blender: 239
Group: 'Import'
Tip: 'Import a (.bvh) motion capture file'
__author__ = "Campbell Barton"
__url__ = ("blender", "elysiun")
__version__ = "1.0.4 05/12/04"
__bpydoc__ = """\
This script imports BVH motion capture data to Blender.
Supported: Poser 3.01<br>
Known issues:<br>
Jean-Michel Soler improved importer to support Poser 3.01 files;<br>
Jean-Baptiste Perin wrote a script to create an armature out of the
Empties created by this importer, it's in the Scripts window -> Scripts -> Animation menu.
# $Id$
# BVH Import script 1.05 patched by Campbell #
# Modified to use Mathutils for matrix math, #
# Fixed possible joint naming bug, #
# Imports BVH's with bad EOF gracefully #
# Fixed duplicate joint names, make them unique #
# Use \r as well as \n for newlines #
# Added suppot for nodes with 0 motion channels #
# Rotation IPOs never cross more then 180d #
# fixes sub frame tweening and time scaling #
# 5x overall speedup. #
# 06/12/2005, #
# BVH Import script 1.04 patched by jms #
# Small modif for blender 2.40 #
# 04/12/2005, #
# BVH Import script 1.03 patched by Campbell #
# Small optimizations and scale input #
# 01/01/2005, #
# BVH Import script 1.02 patched by Jm Soler #
# to the Poser 3.01 bvh file #
# 28/12/2004, #
# BVH Import script 1.0 by Campbell Barton #
# 25/03/2004, euler rotation code taken from #
# Reevan Mckay's BVH import script v1.1 #
# if you have any questions about this scrip. #
# email me #
# TODO: #
# * Create bones when importing #
# * Make an IPO jitter removal script #
# * Work out a better naming system #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# BVH Import v1.05 by Campbell Barton (AKA Ideasman)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
import Blender
from Blender import Window, Object, Scene, Ipo, Draw
from Blender.Scene import Render
# Attempt to load psyco, speed things up
import psyco
print 'using psyco to speed up BVH importing'
#print 'psyco is not present on this system'
def main():
global scale
scale = None
# Update as we load?
debug = 0
def getScale():
return Draw.PupFloatInput('BVH Scale: ', 0.01, 0.001, 10.0, 0.1, 3)
# MAIN FUNCTION - All things are done from here #
def loadBVH(filename):
global scale
print '\nBVH Importer 1.05 by Campbell Barton (Ideasman) -'
objectCurveMapping = {}
objectNameMapping = {}
objectMotiondataMapping = {}
# Here we store the Ipo curves in the order they load.
channelCurves = []
# Object list
# We need this so we can loop through the objects and edit there IPO's
# Chenging there rotation to EULER rotation
objectList = []
if scale == None:
tempscale = getScale()
if tempscale:
scale = tempscale
scale = 0.01
# Unique names, dont reuse any of these names.
uniqueObNames = [ for ob in Object.Get()]
# FUNCTIONS ====================================#
def getUniqueObName(name):
i = 0
newname = name[:min(len(name), 12)] # Concatinate to 12 chars
while newname in uniqueObNames:
newname = name + str(i)
return newname
# Change the order rotation is applied.
RotationMatrix = Blender.Mathutils.RotationMatrix
MATRIX_IDENTITY_3x3 = Blender.Mathutils.Matrix([1.0,0.0,0.0],[0.0,1.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0,1.0])
def eulerRotate(x,y,z):
x,y,z = x%360,y%360,z%360 # Clamp all values between 0 and 360, values outside this raise an error.
xmat = RotationMatrix(x,3,'x')
ymat = RotationMatrix(y,3,'y')
zmat = RotationMatrix(z,3,'z')
# Standard BVH multiplication order, apply the rotation in the order Z,X,Y
return (ymat*(xmat * (zmat * MATRIX_IDENTITY_3x3))).toEuler()
currentFrame = 1 # Set the initial frame to import all data to.
# makeJoint: Here we use the node data #
# from the BVA file to create an empty #
BVH2BLEND_TX_NAME = {'Xposition':'LocX','Yposition':'LocY','Zposition':'LocZ','Xrotation':'RotX','Yrotation':'RotY','Zrotation':'RotZ'}
def makeJoint(name, parent, offset, channels):
ob = Object.New('Empty', name) # New object, ob is shorter and nicer to use.
objectNameMapping[name] = ob # place the object in the current scene
ob.sel = 1
# Make me a child of another empty.
# Vale of None will make the empty a root node (no parent)
if parent[-1]: # != None
obParent = objectNameMapping[parent[-1]] # We use this a bit so refrence it here.
obParent.makeParent([ob], 1, 0) #ojbs, noninverse, 1 = not fast.
# Offset Empty from BVH's initial joint location.
ob.setLocation(offset[0]*scale, offset[1]*scale, offset[2]*scale)
# Add Ipo's for necessary channels
newIpo = Ipo.New('Object', name)
obname =
for channelType in channels:
channelType = BVH2BLEND_TX_NAME[channelType]
curve = newIpo.addCurve(channelType)
objectCurveMapping[(obname, channelType)] = curve
# Add to object list
# Redraw if debugging
if debug: Blender.Redraw()
# makeEnd: Here we make an end node #
# This is needed when adding the last bone #
def makeEnd(parent, offset):
new_name = parent[-1] + '_end'
ob = Object.New('Empty', new_name) # New object, ob is shorter and nicer to use.
objectNameMapping[new_name] = ob
ob.sel = 1
# Dont check for a parent, an end node MUST have a parent
obParent = objectNameMapping[parent[-1]] # We use this a bit so refrence it here.
obParent.makeParent([ob], 1, 0) #ojbs, noninverse, 1 = not fast.
# Offset Empty
ob.setLocation(offset[0]*scale, offset[1]*scale, offset[2]*scale)
# Redraw if debugging
if debug: Blender.Redraw()
# END FUNCTION DEFINITIONS ====================================#
time1 = Blender.sys.time()
# Get the current scene.
scn = Scene.GetCurrent()
#context = scn.getRenderingContext()
# DeSelect All
for ob in scn.getChildren():
ob.sel = 0
# File loading stuff
# Open the file for importing
file = open(filename, 'r')
# Seperate into a list of lists, each line a list of words.
lines = file.readlines()
# Non standard carrage returns?
if len(lines) == 1:
lines = lines[0].split('\r')
# Split by whitespace.
lines =[ll for ll in [ [w for w in l.split() if w != '\n' ] for l in lines] if ll]
# End file loading code
# Create Hirachy as empties
if lines[0][0] == 'HIERARCHY':
print 'Importing the BVH Hierarchy for:', filename
return 'ERROR: This is not a BVH file'
# A liniar list of ancestors to keep track of a single objects heratage
# at any one time, this is appended and removed, dosent store tree- just a liniar list.
# ZERO is a place holder that means we are a root node. (no parents)
parent = [None]
#channelList, sync with objectList: [[channelType1, channelType2...], [channelType1, channelType2...)]
channelList = []
channelIndex = -1
lineIdx = 0 # An index for the file.
while lineIdx < len(lines) -1:
if lines[lineIdx][0] == 'ROOT' or lines[lineIdx][0] == 'JOINT':
# Join spaces into 1 word with underscores joining it.
if len(lines[lineIdx]) > 2:
lines[lineIdx][1] = '_'.join(lines[lineIdx][1:])
lines[lineIdx] = lines[lineIdx][:2]
# MAY NEED TO SUPPORT MULTIPLE ROOT's HERE!!!, Still unsure weather multiple roots are possible.??
# Make sure the names are unique- Object names will match joint names exactly and both will be unique.
name = getUniqueObName(lines[lineIdx][1])
print '%snode: %s, parent: %s' % (len(parent) * ' ', name, parent[-1])
lineIdx += 2 # Incriment to the next line (Offset)
offset = ( float(lines[lineIdx][1]), float(lines[lineIdx][2]), float(lines[lineIdx][3]) )
lineIdx += 1 # Incriment to the next line (Channels)
# newChannel[Xposition, Yposition, Zposition, Xrotation, Yrotation, Zrotation]
# newChannel references indecies to the motiondata,
# if not assigned then -1 refers to the last value that will be added on loading at a value of zero, this is appended
# We'll add a zero value onto the end of the MotionDATA so this is always refers to a value.
newChannel = [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]
for channel in lines[lineIdx][2:]:
channelIndex += 1 # So the index points to the right channel
if channel == 'Xposition':
newChannel[0] = channelIndex
elif channel == 'Yposition':
newChannel[1] = channelIndex
elif channel == 'Zposition':
newChannel[2] = channelIndex
elif channel == 'Xrotation':
newChannel[3] = channelIndex
elif channel == 'Yrotation':
newChannel[4] = channelIndex
elif channel == 'Zrotation':
newChannel[5] = channelIndex
channels = lines[lineIdx][2:]
# Call funtion that uses the gatrhered data to make an empty.
makeJoint(name, parent, offset, channels)
# If we have another child then we can call ourselves a parent, else
# Account for an end node
if lines[lineIdx][0] == 'End' and lines[lineIdx][1] == 'Site': # There is somtimes a name after 'End Site' but we will ignore it.
lineIdx += 2 # Incriment to the next line (Offset)
offset = ( float(lines[lineIdx][1]), float(lines[lineIdx][2]), float(lines[lineIdx][3]) )
makeEnd(parent, offset)
# Just so we can remove the Parents in a uniform way- End end never has kids
# so this is a placeholder
if len(lines[lineIdx]) == 1 and lines[lineIdx][0] == '}': # == ['}']
parent.pop() # Remove the last item
# BVH Structure loaded, Now import motion #
if len(lines[lineIdx]) == 1 and lines[lineIdx][0] == 'MOTION':
print '\nImporting motion data'
lineIdx += 3 # Set the cursor to the first frame
# Add a ZERO keyframe, this keeps the rig #
# so when we export we know where all the #
# joints start from #
for obIdx, ob in enumerate(objectList):
obname =
if channelList[obIdx][0] != -1:
objectCurveMapping[obname, 'LocX'].addBezier((currentFrame,0))
objectMotiondataMapping[obname, 'LocX'] = []
if channelList[obIdx][1] != -1:
objectCurveMapping[obname, 'LocY'].addBezier((currentFrame,0))
objectMotiondataMapping[obname, 'LocY'] = []
if channelList[obIdx][2] != -1:
objectCurveMapping[obname, 'LocZ'].addBezier((currentFrame,0))
objectMotiondataMapping[obname, 'LocZ'] = []
channelList[obIdx][3] != -1 or\
channelList[obIdx][4] != -1 or\
channelList[obIdx][5] != -1:
objectMotiondataMapping[obname, 'RotX'] = []
objectMotiondataMapping[obname, 'RotY'] = []
objectMotiondataMapping[obname, 'RotZ'] = []
# Loop through frames, each line a frame #
MOTION_DATA_LINE_LEN = len(lines[lineIdx])
while lineIdx < len(lines):
line = lines[lineIdx]
if MOTION_DATA_LINE_LEN != len(line):
print 'ERROR: Incomplete motion data on line %i, finishing import.' % lineIdx
# Exit loop if we are past the motiondata.
# Some BVH's have extra tags like 'CONSTRAINTS and MOTIONTAGS'
# I dont know what they do and I dont care, they'll be ignored here.
if len(line) < len(objectList):
print '...ending on unknown tags'
currentFrame += 1 # Incriment to next frame
# Import motion data and assign it to an IPO #
line.append(0.0) # Use this as a dummy var for objects that dont have a loc/rotate channel.
if debug: Blender.Redraw()
for obIdx, ob in enumerate(objectList):
obname =
obChannel = channelList[obIdx]
if channelList[obIdx][0] != -1:
objectMotiondataMapping[obname, 'LocX'].append((currentFrame, scale * float( line[obChannel[0]] )))
if channelList[obIdx][1] != -1:
objectMotiondataMapping[obname, 'LocY'].append((currentFrame, scale * float( line[obChannel[1]] )))
if channelList[obIdx][2] != -1:
objectMotiondataMapping[obname, 'LocZ'].append((currentFrame, scale * float( line[obChannel[2]] )))
if obChannel[3] != -1 or obChannel[4] != -1 or obChannel[5] != -1:
x, y, z = eulerRotate(float( line[obChannel[3]] ), float( line[obChannel[4]] ), float( line[obChannel[5]] ))
x,y,z = x/10.0, y/10.0, z/10.0 # For IPO's 36 is 360d
motionMappingRotX = objectMotiondataMapping[obname, 'RotX']
motionMappingRotY = objectMotiondataMapping[obname, 'RotY']
motionMappingRotZ = objectMotiondataMapping[obname, 'RotZ']
# Make interpolation not cross between 180d, thjis fixes sub frame interpolation and time scaling.
# Will go from (355d to 365d) rather then to (355d to 5d) - inbetween these 2 there will now be a correct interpolation.
if len(motionMappingRotX) > 1:
while (motionMappingRotX[-1][1] - x) > 18: x+=36
while (motionMappingRotX[-1][1] - x) < -18: x-=36
while (motionMappingRotY[-1][1] - y) > 18: y+=36
while (motionMappingRotY[-1][1] - y) < -18: y-=36
while (motionMappingRotZ[-1][1] - z) > 18: z+=36
while (motionMappingRotZ[-1][1] - z) < -18: z-=36
motionMappingRotX.append((currentFrame, x))
motionMappingRotY.append((currentFrame, y))
motionMappingRotZ.append((currentFrame, z))
# Done importing motion data #
lineIdx += 1
# Now Write the motion to the IPO's #
for key, motion_data in objectMotiondataMapping.iteritems():
# Strip the motion data where all the points have the same falue.
i = len(motion_data) -2
while i > 0 and len(motion_data) > 2:
if motion_data[i][1] == motion_data[i-1][1] == motion_data[i+1][1]:
# Done stripping.
obname, tx_type = key
curve = objectCurveMapping[obname, tx_type]
for point_data in motion_data:
curve.addBezier( point_data )
# Imported motion to an IPO
# No point in looking further, when this loop is done
# There is nothine else left to do
# Main file loop
lineIdx += 1
print 'bvh import time for %i frames: %.6f' % (currentFrame, Blender.sys.time() - time1)
Blender.Window.FileSelector(loadBVH, "Import BVH")
#loadBVH('/metavr/mocap/bvh/dg-306-g.bvh') # Incompleate EOF
#loadBVH('/metavr/mocap/bvh/wa8lk.bvh') # duplicate joint names, \r line endings.
#loadBVH('/metavr/mocap/bvh/walk4.bvh') # 0 channels
scale = 0.01
import os
DIR = '/metavr/mocap/bvh/'
for f in os.listdir(DIR):
if f.endswith('.bvh'):
s = Scene.New(f)
loadBVH(DIR + f)
if __name__ == '__main__':