2012-07-16 23:23:33 +00:00

1524 lines
67 KiB

* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2012 Blender Foundation.
* All rights reserved.
* The Original Code is: all of this file.
* Contributor(s): Peter Larabell.
/** \file raskter.c
* \ingroup RASKTER
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "raskter.h"
//#define __PLX__FAKE_AA__
//#define __PLX_KD_TREE__
#ifdef __PLX_KD_TREE__
#include "kdtree.h"
* Sort all the edges of the input polygon by Y, then by X, of the "first" vertex encountered.
* This will ensure we can scan convert the entire poly in one pass.
* Really the poly should be clipped to the frame buffer's dimensions here for speed of drawing
* just the poly. Since the DEM code could end up being coupled with this, we'll keep it separate
* for now.
void preprocess_all_edges(struct r_fill_context *ctx, struct poly_vert *verts, int num_verts, struct e_status *open_edge) {
int i;
int xbeg;
int ybeg;
int xend;
int yend;
int dx;
int dy;
int temp_pos;
int xdist;
struct e_status *e_new;
struct e_status *next_edge;
struct e_status **next_edge_ref;
struct poly_vert *v;
/* set up pointers */
v = verts;
ctx->all_edges = NULL;
/* initialize some boundaries */
ctx->rb.xmax = v[0].x;
ctx->rb.xmin = v[0].x;
ctx->rb.ymax = v[0].y;
ctx->rb.ymin = v[0].y;
/* loop all verts */
for(i = 0; i < num_verts; i++) {
/* determine beginnings and endings of edges, linking last vertex to first vertex */
xbeg = v[i].x;
ybeg = v[i].y;
/* keep track of our x and y bounds */
if(xbeg >= ctx->rb.xmax) {
ctx->rb.xmax = xbeg;
} else if(xbeg <= ctx->rb.xmin) {
ctx->rb.xmin = xbeg;
if(ybeg >= ctx->rb.ymax) {
ctx->rb.ymax= ybeg;
} else if(ybeg <= ctx->rb.ymin) {
if(i) {
/* we're not at the last vert, so end of the edge is the previous vertex */
xend = v[i - 1].x;
yend = v[i - 1].y;
} else {
/* we're at the first vertex, so the "end" of this edge is the last vertex */
xend = v[num_verts - 1].x;
yend = v[num_verts - 1].y;
/* make sure our edges are facing the correct direction */
if(ybeg > yend) {
/* flip the Xs */
temp_pos = xbeg;
xbeg = xend;
xend = temp_pos;
/* flip the Ys */
temp_pos = ybeg;
ybeg = yend;
yend = temp_pos;
/* calculate y delta */
dy = yend - ybeg;
/* dont draw horizontal lines directly, they are scanned as part of the edges they connect, so skip em. :) */
if(dy) {
/* create the edge and determine it's slope (for incremental line drawing) */
e_new = open_edge++;
/* calculate x delta */
dx = xend - xbeg;
if(dx > 0) {
e_new->xdir = 1;
xdist = dx;
} else {
e_new->xdir = -1;
xdist = -dx;
e_new->x = xbeg;
e_new->ybeg = ybeg;
e_new->num = dy;
e_new->drift_dec = dy;
/* calculate deltas for incremental drawing */
if(dx >= 0) {
e_new->drift = 0;
} else {
e_new->drift = -dy + 1;
if(dy >= xdist) {
e_new->drift_inc = xdist;
e_new->xshift = 0;
} else {
e_new->drift_inc = xdist % dy;
e_new->xshift = (xdist / dy) * e_new->xdir;
next_edge_ref = &ctx->all_edges;
/* link in all the edges, in sorted order */
for(;;) {
next_edge = *next_edge_ref;
if(!next_edge || (next_edge->ybeg > ybeg) || ((next_edge->ybeg == ybeg) && (next_edge->x >= xbeg))) {
e_new->e_next = next_edge;
*next_edge_ref = e_new;
next_edge_ref = &next_edge->e_next;
* This function clips drawing to the frame buffer. That clipping will likely be moved into the preprocessor
* for speed, but waiting on final design choices for curve-data before eliminating data the DEM code will need
* if it ends up being coupled with this function.
static int rast_scan_fill(struct r_fill_context *ctx, struct poly_vert *verts, int num_verts, float intensity) {
int x_curr; /* current pixel position in X */
int y_curr; /* current scan line being drawn */
int yp; /* y-pixel's position in frame buffer */
int swixd = 0; /* whether or not edges switched position in X */
float *cpxl; /* pixel pointers... */
float *mpxl;
float *spxl;
struct e_status *e_curr; /* edge pointers... */
struct e_status *e_temp;
struct e_status *edgbuf;
struct e_status **edgec;
* If the number of verts specified to render as a polygon is less than 3,
* return immediately. Obviously we cant render a poly with sides < 3. The
* return for this we set to 1, simply so it can be distinguished from the
* next place we could return, /home/guest/blender-svn/soc-2011-tomato/intern/raskter/raskter.
* which is a failure to allocate memory.
if(num_verts < 3) {
* Try to allocate an edge buffer in memory. needs to be the size of the edge tracking data
* multiplied by the number of edges, which is always equal to the number of verts in
* a 2D polygon. Here we return 0 to indicate a memory allocation failure, as opposed to a 1 for
* the preceeding error, which was a rasterization request on a 2D poly with less than
* 3 sides.
if((edgbuf = (struct e_status *)(malloc(sizeof(struct e_status) * num_verts))) == NULL) {
* Do some preprocessing on all edges. This constructs a table structure in memory of all
* the edge properties and can "flip" some edges so sorting works correctly.
preprocess_all_edges(ctx, verts, num_verts, edgbuf);
/* can happen with a zero area mask */
if (ctx->all_edges == NULL) {
* Set the pointer for tracking the edges currently in processing to NULL to make sure
* we don't get some crazy value after initialization.
ctx->possible_edges = NULL;
* Loop through all scan lines to be drawn. Since we sorted by Y values during
* preprocess_all_edges(), we can already exact values for the lowest and
* highest Y values we could possibly need by induction. The preprocessing sorted
* out edges by Y position, we can cycle the current edge being processed once
* it runs out of Y pixels. When we have no more edges, meaning the current edge
* is NULL after setting the "current" edge to be the previous current edge's
* "next" edge in the Y sorted edge connection chain, we can stop looping Y values,
* since we can't possibly have more scan lines if we ran out of edges. :)
* TODO: This clips Y to the frame buffer, which should be done in the preprocessor, but for now is done here.
* Will get changed once DEM code gets in.
for(y_curr = ctx->all_edges->ybeg; (ctx->all_edges || ctx->possible_edges); y_curr++) {
* Link any edges that start on the current scan line into the list of
* edges currently needed to draw at least this, if not several, scan lines.
* Set the current edge to the beginning of the list of edges to be rasterized
* into this scan line.
* We could have lots of edge here, so iterate over all the edges needed. The
* preprocess_all_edges() function sorted edges by X within each chunk of Y sorting
* so we safely cycle edges to thier own "next" edges in order.
* At each iteration, make sure we still have a non-NULL edge.
for(edgec = &ctx->possible_edges; ctx->all_edges && (ctx->all_edges->ybeg == y_curr);) {
x_curr = ctx->all_edges->x; /* Set current X position. */
for(;;) { /* Start looping edges. Will break when edges run out. */
e_curr = *edgec; /* Set up a current edge pointer. */
if(!e_curr || (e_curr->x >= x_curr)) { /* If we have an no edge, or we need to skip some X-span, */
e_temp = ctx->all_edges->e_next; /* set a temp "next" edge to test. */
*edgec = ctx->all_edges; /* Add this edge to the list to be scanned. */
ctx->all_edges->e_next = e_curr; /* Set up the next edge. */
edgec = &ctx->all_edges->e_next; /* Set our list to the next edge's location in memory. */
ctx->all_edges = e_temp; /* Skip the NULL or bad X edge, set pointer to next edge. */
break; /* Stop looping edges (since we ran out or hit empty X span. */
} else {
edgec = &e_curr->e_next; /* Set the pointer to the edge list the "next" edge. */
* Determine the current scan line's offset in the pixel buffer based on its Y position.
* Basically we just multiply the current scan line's Y value by the number of pixels in each line.
yp = y_curr * ctx->rb.sizex;
* Set a "scan line pointer" in memory. The location of the buffer plus the row offset.
spxl = ctx->rb.buf + (yp);
* Set up the current edge to the first (in X) edge. The edges which could possibly be in this
* list were determined in the preceeding edge loop above. They were already sorted in X by the
* initial processing function.
* At each iteration, test for a NULL edge. Since we'll keep cycling edge's to their own "next" edge
* we will eventually hit a NULL when the list runs out.
for(e_curr = ctx->possible_edges; e_curr; e_curr = e_curr->e_next) {
* Calculate a span of pixels to fill on the current scan line.
* Set the current pixel pointer by adding the X offset to the scan line's start offset.
* Cycle the current edge the next edge.
* Set the max X value to draw to be one less than the next edge's first pixel. This way we are
* sure not to ever get into a situation where we have overdraw. (drawing the same pixel more than
* one time because it's on a vertex connecting two edges)
* Then blast through all the pixels in the span, advancing the pointer and setting the color to white.
* TODO: Here we clip to the scan line, this is not efficient, and should be done in the preprocessor,
* but for now it is done here until the DEM code comes in.
/* set up xmin and xmax bounds on this scan line */
cpxl = spxl + MAX2(e_curr->x, 0);
e_curr = e_curr->e_next;
mpxl = spxl + MIN2(e_curr->x, ctx->rb.sizex) - 1;
if((y_curr >= 0) && (y_curr < ctx->rb.sizey)) {
/* draw the pixels. */
for(; cpxl <= mpxl; *cpxl++ += intensity);
* Loop through all edges of polygon that could be hit by this scan line,
* and figure out their x-intersections with the next scan line.
* Either A.) we wont have any more edges to test, or B.) we just add on the
* slope delta computed in preprocessing step. Since this draws non-antialiased
* polygons, we dont have fractional positions, so we only move in x-direction
* when needed to get all the way to the next pixel over...
for(edgec = &ctx->possible_edges; (e_curr = *edgec);) {
if(!(--(e_curr->num))) {
*edgec = e_curr->e_next;
} else {
e_curr->x += e_curr->xshift;
if((e_curr->drift += e_curr->drift_inc) > 0) {
e_curr->x += e_curr->xdir;
e_curr->drift -= e_curr->drift_dec;
edgec = &e_curr->e_next;
* It's possible that some edges may have crossed during the last step, so we'll be sure
* that we ALWAYS intersect scan lines in order by shuffling if needed to make all edges
* sorted by x-intersection coordinate. We'll always scan through at least once to see if
* edges crossed, and if so, we set the 'swixd' flag. If 'swixd' gets set on the initial
* pass, then we know we need to sort by x, so then cycle through edges again and perform
* the sort.-
if(ctx->possible_edges) {
for(edgec = &ctx->possible_edges; (e_curr = *edgec)->e_next; edgec = &(*edgec)->e_next) {
/* if the current edge hits scan line at greater X than the next edge, we need to exchange the edges */
if(e_curr->x > e_curr->e_next->x) {
*edgec = e_curr->e_next;
/* exchange the pointers */
e_temp = e_curr->e_next->e_next;
e_curr->e_next->e_next = e_curr;
e_curr->e_next = e_temp;
/* set flag that we had at least one switch */
swixd = 1;
/* if we did have a switch, look for more (there will more if there was one) */
for(;;) {
/* reset exchange flag so it's only set if we encounter another one */
swixd = 0;
for(edgec = &ctx->possible_edges; (e_curr = *edgec)->e_next; edgec = &(*edgec)->e_next) {
/* again, if current edge hits scan line at higher X than next edge, exchange the edges and set flag */
if(e_curr->x > e_curr->e_next->x) {
*edgec = e_curr->e_next;
/* exchange the pointers */
e_temp = e_curr->e_next->e_next;
e_curr->e_next->e_next = e_curr;
e_curr->e_next = e_temp;
/* flip the exchanged flag */
swixd = 1;
/* if we had no exchanges, we're done reshuffling the pointers */
if(!swixd) {
return 1;
int PLX_raskterize(float(*base_verts)[2], int num_base_verts,
float *buf, int buf_x, int buf_y, int do_mask_AA) {
int subdiv_AA = (do_mask_AA != 0)? 0:0;
int i; /* i: Loop counter. */
int sAx;
int sAy;
struct poly_vert *ply; /* ply: Pointer to a list of integer buffer-space vertex coordinates. */
struct r_fill_context ctx = {0};
const float buf_x_f = (float)(buf_x);
const float buf_y_f = (float)(buf_y);
float div_offset=(1.0f / (float)(subdiv_AA));
float div_offset_static = 0.5f * (float)(subdiv_AA) * div_offset;
* Allocate enough memory for our poly_vert list. It'll be the size of the poly_vert
* data structure multiplied by the number of base_verts.
* In the event of a failure to allocate the memory, return 0, so this error can
* be distinguished as a memory allocation error.
if((ply = (struct poly_vert *)(malloc(sizeof(struct poly_vert) * num_base_verts))) == NULL) {
ctx.rb.buf = buf; /* Set the output buffer pointer. */
ctx.rb.sizex = buf_x; /* Set the output buffer size in X. (width) */
ctx.rb.sizey = buf_y; /* Set the output buffer size in Y. (height) */
* Loop over all verts passed in to be rasterized. Each vertex's X and Y coordinates are
* then converted from normalized screen space (0.0 <= POS <= 1.0) to integer coordinates
* in the buffer-space coordinates passed in inside buf_x and buf_y.
* It's worth noting that this function ONLY outputs fully white pixels in a mask. Every pixel
* drawn will be 1.0f in value, there is no anti-aliasing.
if(!subdiv_AA) {
for(i = 0; i < num_base_verts; i++) { /* Loop over all base_verts. */
ply[i].x = (int)((base_verts[i][0] * buf_x_f) + 0.5f); /* Range expand normalized X to integer buffer-space X. */
ply[i].y = (int)((base_verts[i][1] * buf_y_f) + 0.5f); /* Range expand normalized Y to integer buffer-space Y. */
i = rast_scan_fill(&ctx, ply, num_base_verts,1.0f); /* Call our rasterizer, passing in the integer coords for each vert. */
} else {
for(sAx=0; sAx < subdiv_AA; sAx++) {
for(sAy=0; sAy < subdiv_AA; sAy++) {
for(i=0; i < num_base_verts; i++) {
ply[i].x = (int)((base_verts[i][0]*buf_x_f)+0.5f - div_offset_static + (div_offset*(float)(sAx)));
ply[i].y = (int)((base_verts[i][1]*buf_y_f)+0.5f - div_offset_static + (div_offset*(float)(sAy)));
i = rast_scan_fill(&ctx, ply, num_base_verts,(1.0f / (float)(subdiv_AA*subdiv_AA)));
free(ply); /* Free the memory allocated for the integer coordinate table. */
return(i); /* Return the value returned by the rasterizer. */
* This function clips drawing to the frame buffer. That clipping will likely be moved into the preprocessor
* for speed, but waiting on final design choices for curve-data before eliminating data the DEM code will need
* if it ends up being coupled with this function.
static int rast_scan_feather(struct r_fill_context *ctx,
float(*base_verts_f)[2], int num_base_verts,
struct poly_vert *feather_verts, float(*feather_verts_f)[2], int num_feather_verts) {
int x_curr; /* current pixel position in X */
int y_curr; /* current scan line being drawn */
int yp; /* y-pixel's position in frame buffer */
int swixd = 0; /* whether or not edges switched position in X */
float *cpxl; /* pixel pointers... */
float *mpxl;
float *spxl;
struct e_status *e_curr; /* edge pointers... */
struct e_status *e_temp;
struct e_status *edgbuf;
struct e_status **edgec;
/* from dem */
int a; // a = temporary pixel index buffer loop counter
float fsz; // size of the frame
unsigned int rsl; // long used for finding fast 1.0/sqrt
float rsf; // float used for finding fast 1.0/sqrt
const float rsopf = 1.5f; // constant float used for finding fast 1.0/sqrt
//unsigned int gradientFillOffset;
float t;
float ud; // ud = unscaled edge distance
float dmin; // dmin = minimum edge distance
float odist; // odist = current outer edge distance
float idist; // idist = current inner edge distance
float dx; // dx = X-delta (used for distance proportion calculation)
float dy; // dy = Y-delta (used for distance proportion calculation)
float xpxw = (1.0f / (float)(ctx->rb.sizex)); // xpxw = normalized pixel width
float ypxh = (1.0f / (float)(ctx->rb.sizey)); // ypxh = normalized pixel height
#ifdef __PLX_KD_TREE__
void *res_kdi;
void *res_kdo;
float clup[2];
* If the number of verts specified to render as a polygon is less than 3,
* return immediately. Obviously we cant render a poly with sides < 3. The
* return for this we set to 1, simply so it can be distinguished from the
* next place we could return,
* which is a failure to allocate memory.
if(num_feather_verts < 3) {
* Try to allocate an edge buffer in memory. needs to be the size of the edge tracking data
* multiplied by the number of edges, which is always equal to the number of verts in
* a 2D polygon. Here we return 0 to indicate a memory allocation failure, as opposed to a 1 for
* the preceeding error, which was a rasterization request on a 2D poly with less than
* 3 sides.
if((edgbuf = (struct e_status *)(malloc(sizeof(struct e_status) * num_feather_verts))) == NULL) {
* Do some preprocessing on all edges. This constructs a table structure in memory of all
* the edge properties and can "flip" some edges so sorting works correctly.
preprocess_all_edges(ctx, feather_verts, num_feather_verts, edgbuf);
/* can happen with a zero area mask */
if (ctx->all_edges == NULL) {
* Set the pointer for tracking the edges currently in processing to NULL to make sure
* we don't get some crazy value after initialization.
ctx->possible_edges = NULL;
* Loop through all scan lines to be drawn. Since we sorted by Y values during
* preprocess_all_edges(), we can already exact values for the lowest and
* highest Y values we could possibly need by induction. The preprocessing sorted
* out edges by Y position, we can cycle the current edge being processed once
* it runs out of Y pixels. When we have no more edges, meaning the current edge
* is NULL after setting the "current" edge to be the previous current edge's
* "next" edge in the Y sorted edge connection chain, we can stop looping Y values,
* since we can't possibly have more scan lines if we ran out of edges. :)
* TODO: This clips Y to the frame buffer, which should be done in the preprocessor, but for now is done here.
* Will get changed once DEM code gets in.
for(y_curr = ctx->all_edges->ybeg; (ctx->all_edges || ctx->possible_edges); y_curr++) {
* Link any edges that start on the current scan line into the list of
* edges currently needed to draw at least this, if not several, scan lines.
* Set the current edge to the beginning of the list of edges to be rasterized
* into this scan line.
* We could have lots of edge here, so iterate over all the edges needed. The
* preprocess_all_edges() function sorted edges by X within each chunk of Y sorting
* so we safely cycle edges to thier own "next" edges in order.
* At each iteration, make sure we still have a non-NULL edge.
for(edgec = &ctx->possible_edges; ctx->all_edges && (ctx->all_edges->ybeg == y_curr);) {
x_curr = ctx->all_edges->x; /* Set current X position. */
for(;;) { /* Start looping edges. Will break when edges run out. */
e_curr = *edgec; /* Set up a current edge pointer. */
if(!e_curr || (e_curr->x >= x_curr)) { /* If we have an no edge, or we need to skip some X-span, */
e_temp = ctx->all_edges->e_next; /* set a temp "next" edge to test. */
*edgec = ctx->all_edges; /* Add this edge to the list to be scanned. */
ctx->all_edges->e_next = e_curr; /* Set up the next edge. */
edgec = &ctx->all_edges->e_next; /* Set our list to the next edge's location in memory. */
ctx->all_edges = e_temp; /* Skip the NULL or bad X edge, set pointer to next edge. */
break; /* Stop looping edges (since we ran out or hit empty X span. */
} else {
edgec = &e_curr->e_next; /* Set the pointer to the edge list the "next" edge. */
* Determine the current scan line's offset in the pixel buffer based on its Y position.
* Basically we just multiply the current scan line's Y value by the number of pixels in each line.
yp = y_curr * ctx->rb.sizex;
* Set a "scan line pointer" in memory. The location of the buffer plus the row offset.
spxl = ctx->rb.buf + (yp);
* Set up the current edge to the first (in X) edge. The edges which could possibly be in this
* list were determined in the preceeding edge loop above. They were already sorted in X by the
* initial processing function.
* At each iteration, test for a NULL edge. Since we'll keep cycling edge's to their own "next" edge
* we will eventually hit a NULL when the list runs out.
for(e_curr = ctx->possible_edges; e_curr; e_curr = e_curr->e_next) {
* Calculate a span of pixels to fill on the current scan line.
* Set the current pixel pointer by adding the X offset to the scan line's start offset.
* Cycle the current edge the next edge.
* Set the max X value to draw to be one less than the next edge's first pixel. This way we are
* sure not to ever get into a situation where we have overdraw. (drawing the same pixel more than
* one time because it's on a vertex connecting two edges)
* Then blast through all the pixels in the span, advancing the pointer and setting the color to white.
* TODO: Here we clip to the scan line, this is not efficient, and should be done in the preprocessor,
* but for now it is done here until the DEM code comes in.
/* set up xmin and xmax bounds on this scan line */
cpxl = spxl + MAX2(e_curr->x, 0);
e_curr = e_curr->e_next;
mpxl = spxl + MIN2(e_curr->x, ctx->rb.sizex) - 1;
if((y_curr >= 0) && (y_curr < ctx->rb.sizey)) {
t = ((float)((cpxl - spxl) % ctx->rb.sizex) + 0.5f) * xpxw;
fsz = ((float)(y_curr) + 0.5f) * ypxh;
/* draw the pixels. */
for(; cpxl <= mpxl; cpxl++, t += xpxw) {
//do feather check
// first check that pixel isn't already full, and only operate if it is not
if(*cpxl < 0.9999f) {
#ifndef __PLX_KD_TREE__
dmin = 2.0f; // reset min distance to edge pixel
for(a = 0; a < num_feather_verts; a++) { // loop through all outer edge buffer pixels
dx = t - feather_verts_f[a][0]; // set dx to gradient pixel column - outer edge pixel row
dy = fsz - feather_verts_f[a][1]; // set dy to gradient pixel row - outer edge pixel column
ud = dx * dx + dy * dy; // compute sum of squares
if(ud < dmin) { // if our new sum of squares is less than the current minimum
dmin = ud; // set a new minimum equal to the new lower value
odist = dmin; // cast outer min to a float
rsf = odist * 0.5f; //
rsl = *(unsigned int *)&odist; // use some peculiar properties of the way bits are stored
rsl = 0x5f3759df - (rsl >> 1); // in floats vs. unsigned ints to compute an approximate
odist = *(float *)&rsl; // reciprocal square root
odist = odist * (rsopf - (rsf * odist * odist)); // -- ** this line can be iterated for more accuracy ** --
odist = odist * (rsopf - (rsf * odist * odist));
dmin = 2.0f; // reset min distance to edge pixel
for(a = 0; a < num_base_verts; a++) { // loop through all inside edge pixels
dx = t - base_verts_f[a][0]; // compute delta in Y from gradient pixel to inside edge pixel
dy = fsz - base_verts_f[a][1]; // compute delta in X from gradient pixel to inside edge pixel
ud = dx * dx + dy * dy; // compute sum of squares
if(ud < dmin) { // if our new sum of squares is less than the current minimum we've found
dmin = ud; // set a new minimum equal to the new lower value
idist = dmin; // cast inner min to a float
rsf = idist * 0.5f; //
rsl = *(unsigned int *)&idist; //
rsl = 0x5f3759df - (rsl >> 1); // see notes above
idist = *(float *)&rsl; //
idist = idist * (rsopf - (rsf * idist * idist)); //
idist = idist * (rsopf - (rsf * idist * idist));
* Note once again that since we are using reciprocals of distance values our
* proportion is already the correct intensity, and does not need to be
* subtracted from 1.0 like it would have if we used real distances.
rsf = idist * 0.5f; //
rsl = *(unsigned int *)&idist; //
rsl = 0x5f3759df - (rsl >> 1); // see notes above
idist = *(float *)&rsl; //
idist = idist * (rsopf - (rsf * idist * idist)); //
idist = idist * (rsopf - (rsf * idist * idist));
rsf = odist * 0.5f; //
rsl = *(unsigned int *)&odist; // use some peculiar properties of the way bits are stored
rsl = 0x5f3759df - (rsl >> 1); // in floats vs. unsigned ints to compute an approximate
odist = *(float *)&rsl; // reciprocal square root
odist = odist * (rsopf - (rsf * odist * odist)); // -- ** this line can be iterated for more accuracy ** --
odist = odist * (rsopf - (rsf * odist * odist));
/* set intensity, do the += so overlapping gradients are additive */
*cpxl = (idist / (idist+odist));
* Loop through all edges of polygon that could be hit by this scan line,
* and figure out their x-intersections with the next scan line.
* Either A.) we wont have any more edges to test, or B.) we just add on the
* slope delta computed in preprocessing step. Since this draws non-antialiased
* polygons, we dont have fractional positions, so we only move in x-direction
* when needed to get all the way to the next pixel over...
for(edgec = &ctx->possible_edges; (e_curr = *edgec);) {
if(!(--(e_curr->num))) {
*edgec = e_curr->e_next;
} else {
e_curr->x += e_curr->xshift;
if((e_curr->drift += e_curr->drift_inc) > 0) {
e_curr->x += e_curr->xdir;
e_curr->drift -= e_curr->drift_dec;
edgec = &e_curr->e_next;
* It's possible that some edges may have crossed during the last step, so we'll be sure
* that we ALWAYS intersect scan lines in order by shuffling if needed to make all edges
* sorted by x-intersection coordinate. We'll always scan through at least once to see if
* edges crossed, and if so, we set the 'swixd' flag. If 'swixd' gets set on the initial
* pass, then we know we need to sort by x, so then cycle through edges again and perform
* the sort.-
if(ctx->possible_edges) {
for(edgec = &ctx->possible_edges; (e_curr = *edgec)->e_next; edgec = &(*edgec)->e_next) {
/* if the current edge hits scan line at greater X than the next edge, we need to exchange the edges */
if(e_curr->x > e_curr->e_next->x) {
*edgec = e_curr->e_next;
/* exchange the pointers */
e_temp = e_curr->e_next->e_next;
e_curr->e_next->e_next = e_curr;
e_curr->e_next = e_temp;
/* set flag that we had at least one switch */
swixd = 1;
/* if we did have a switch, look for more (there will more if there was one) */
for(;;) {
/* reset exchange flag so it's only set if we encounter another one */
swixd = 0;
for(edgec = &ctx->possible_edges; (e_curr = *edgec)->e_next; edgec = &(*edgec)->e_next) {
/* again, if current edge hits scan line at higher X than next edge,
* exchange the edges and set flag */
if(e_curr->x > e_curr->e_next->x) {
*edgec = e_curr->e_next;
/* exchange the pointers */
e_temp = e_curr->e_next->e_next;
e_curr->e_next->e_next = e_curr;
e_curr->e_next = e_temp;
/* flip the exchanged flag */
swixd = 1;
/* if we had no exchanges, we're done reshuffling the pointers */
if(!swixd) {
return 1;
int PLX_raskterize_feather(float(*base_verts)[2], int num_base_verts, float(*feather_verts)[2], int num_feather_verts,
float *buf, int buf_x, int buf_y) {
//void plx_floatsort(float(*f)[2], unsigned int n, int sortby);
int i; /* i: Loop counter. */
struct poly_vert *fe; /* fe: Pointer to a list of integer buffer-space feather vertex coords. */
struct r_fill_context ctx = {0};
/* for faster multiply */
const float buf_x_f = (float)buf_x;
const float buf_y_f = (float)buf_y;
#ifdef __PLX_KD_TREE__
ctx.kdi = kd_create(2);
ctx.kdo = kd_create(2);
* Allocate enough memory for our poly_vert list. It'll be the size of the poly_vert
* data structure multiplied by the number of verts.
* In the event of a failure to allocate the memory, return 0, so this error can
* be distinguished as a memory allocation error.
if((fe = (struct poly_vert *)(malloc(sizeof(struct poly_vert) * num_feather_verts))) == NULL) {
* Loop over all verts passed in to be rasterized. Each vertex's X and Y coordinates are
* then converted from normalized screen space (0.0 <= POS <= 1.0) to integer coordinates
* in the buffer-space coordinates passed in inside buf_x and buf_y.
* It's worth noting that this function ONLY outputs fully white pixels in a mask. Every pixel
* drawn will be 1.0f in value, there is no anti-aliasing.
for(i = 0; i < num_feather_verts; i++) { /* Loop over all verts. */
fe[i].x = (int)((feather_verts[i][0] * buf_x_f) + 0.5f); /* Range expand normalized X to integer buffer-space X. */
fe[i].y = (int)((feather_verts[i][1] * buf_y_f) + 0.5f); /* Range expand normalized Y to integer buffer-space Y. */
#ifdef __PLX_KD_TREE__
ctx.rb.buf = buf; /* Set the output buffer pointer. */
ctx.rb.sizex = buf_x; /* Set the output buffer size in X. (width) */
ctx.rb.sizey = buf_y; /* Set the output buffer size in Y. (height) */
/* pre-sort the sets of edge verts on y */
/* Call our rasterizer, passing in the integer coords for each vert. */
i = rast_scan_feather(&ctx, base_verts, num_base_verts, fe, feather_verts, num_feather_verts);
return i; /* Return the value returned by the rasterizer. */
#ifndef __PLX__FAKE_AA__
int get_range_expanded_pixel_coord(float normalized_value, int max_value) {
return (int)((normalized_value * (float)(max_value)) + 0.5f);
__inline float get_pixel_intensity(float *buf, int buf_x, int buf_y, int pos_x, int pos_y) {
if(pos_x < 0 || pos_x >= buf_x || pos_y < 0 || pos_y >= buf_y) {
return 0.0f;
return buf[(pos_y * buf_x) + pos_x];
__inline float get_pixel_intensity_bilinear(float *buf, int buf_x, int buf_y, float u, float v) {
int a;
int b;
int a_plus_1;
int b_plus_1;
float prop_u;
float prop_v;
float inv_prop_u;
float inv_prop_v;
if(u<0.0f || u>1.0f || v<0.0f || v>1.0f) {
return 0.0f;
u = u * (float)(buf_x) - 0.5f;
v = v * (float)(buf_y) - 0.5f;
a = (int)(u);
b = (int)(v);
prop_u = u - (float)(a);
prop_v = v - (float)(b);
inv_prop_u = 1.0f - prop_u;
inv_prop_v = 1.0f - prop_v;
a_plus_1 = MIN2((buf_x-1),a+1);
b_plus_1 = MIN2((buf_y-1),b+1);
return (buf[(b * buf_x) + a] * inv_prop_u + buf[(b*buf_x)+(a_plus_1)] * prop_u)*inv_prop_v+(buf[((b_plus_1) * buf_x)+a] * inv_prop_u + buf[((b_plus_1)*buf_x)+(a_plus_1)] * prop_u) * prop_v;
__inline void set_pixel_intensity(float *buf, int buf_x, int buf_y, int pos_x, int pos_y, float intensity) {
if(pos_x < 0 || pos_x >= buf_x || pos_y < 0 || pos_y >= buf_y) {
buf[(pos_y * buf_x) + pos_x] = intensity;
int PLX_antialias_buffer(float *buf, int buf_x, int buf_y) {
#ifdef __PLX__FAKE_AA__
#ifdef __PLX_GREY_AA__
int i=0;
int sz = buf_x * buf_y;
for(i=0; i<sz; i++) {
buf[i] *= 0.5f;
return 1;
const float jump01 = 1.0f;
const float jump02 = 1.0f;
const float jump03 = 1.0f;
const float jump04 = 1.0f;
const float jump05 = 1.0f;
const float jump06 = 1.5f;
const float jump07 = 2.0f;
const float jump08 = 2.0f;
const float jump09 = 2.0f;
const float jump10 = 2.0f;
const float jump11 = 4.0f;
const float jump12 = 8.0f;
const float edge_threshold = 0.063f;
const float edge_threshold_min = 0.0312f;
const float quality_subpix = 1.0f;
float fpcx,fpcy;
float fpsqx,fpsqy;
float fprevx,fprevy;
float fpfowx,fpfowy;
float offset_dgx,offset_dgy;
float pci;
float pdi;
float pri;
float pui;
float pli;
float uli;
float dri;
float uri;
float dli;
float udi;
float lri;
float fsi;
float ti;
float cdi;
float bi;
float uui;
float ddi;
float eri;
float efi;
float cci;
float ltz;
float spX;
float inv_r;
float spP;
float gdc;
float sdc;
float gedc;
float sedc;
float glu;
float slu;
float gr;
float sr;
float grexp;
float r;
float grc;
float lre;
float ude;
float lre0;
float ude0;
float lre1;
float ude1;
float lre2;
float ude2;
float lre3;
float ude3;
float sdst;
float tg0;
float tg1;
float tg2;
float tg3;
float tg4;
float tg5;
float tg6;
float tg7;
float ugrad;
float dgrad;
float grad;
float gradexp;
float revdst;
float fowdst;
float dst;
float dsts;
float inv_dsts;
float pxOff;
float gpxOff;
float tgpxOff;
float opx;
float opy;
int uls;
int sph;
int revsph;
int fowsph;
int lrsp;
int done;
int revpp;
int revdone;
int fowdone;
int tug_of_war;
int curr_x=0;
int curr_y=0;
opx = (1.0f / (float)(buf_x));
opy = (1.0f / (float)(buf_y));
for(curr_y=0; curr_y < buf_y; curr_y++) {
for(curr_x=0; curr_x < buf_x; curr_x++) {
fpcx = ((float)(curr_x) + 0.5f) * opx;
fpcy = ((float)(curr_y) + 0.5f) * opy;
lumaM = get_pixel_intensity_bilinear(buf, buf_x, buf_y, posM_x, posM_y);
lumaS = get_pixel_intensity_bilinear(buf, buf_x, buf_y, posM_x, posM_y + opy);
lumaE = get_pixel_intensity_bilinear(buf, buf_x, buf_y, posM_x + opx, posM_y);
lumaN = get_pixel_intensity_bilinear(buf, buf_x, buf_y, posM_x, posM_y - opy);
lumaW = get_pixel_intensity_bilinear(buf, buf_x, buf_y, posM_x - opx, posM_y);
pci = get_pixel_intensity(buf, buf_x, buf_y, curr_x, curr_y);
pdi = get_pixel_intensity(buf, buf_x, buf_y, curr_x, curr_y + 1);
pri = get_pixel_intensity(buf, buf_x, buf_y, curr_x + 1, curr_y);
pui = get_pixel_intensity(buf, buf_x, buf_y, curr_x, curr_y - 1);
pli = get_pixel_intensity(buf, buf_x, buf_y, curr_x - 1, curr_y);
gdc = MAX2(pdi, pci);
sdc = MIN2(pdi, pci);
gedc = MAX2(pri, gdc);
sedc = MIN2(pri, sdc);
glu = MAX2(pui, pli);
slu = MIN2(pui, pli);
gr = MAX2(glu, gedc);
sr = MIN2(slu, sedc);
grexp = gr * edge_threshold;
r = gr - sr;
grc = MAX2(edge_threshold_min, grexp);
done = r < grc ? 1:0;
if(done) {
set_pixel_intensity(buf, buf_x, buf_y, curr_x, curr_y, pci);
} else {
uli = get_pixel_intensity_bilinear(buf, buf_x, buf_y, fpcx - opx, fpcy - opy);
dri = get_pixel_intensity_bilinear(buf, buf_x, buf_y, fpcx + opx, fpcy + opy);
uri = get_pixel_intensity_bilinear(buf, buf_x, buf_y, fpcx + opx, fpcy - opy);
dli = get_pixel_intensity_bilinear(buf, buf_x, buf_y, fpcx - opx, fpcy + opy);
udi = pui + pdi;
lri = pli + pri;
inv_r = 1.0f/r;
spP = udi + lri;
lre0 = (-2.0f * pci) + udi;
ude0 = (-2.0f * pci) + lri;
fsi = uri + dri;
ti = uli + uri;
lre1 = (-2.0f * pri) + fsi;
ude1 = (-2.0f * pui) + ti;
cdi = uli + dli;
bi = dli + dri;
lre3 = (ABS(lre0) * 2.0f) + ABS(lre1);
ude3 = (ABS(ude0) * 2.0f) + ABS(ude1);
lre2 = (-2.0f * pli) + cdi;
ude2 = (-2.0f * pdi) + bi;
lre = ABS(lre2) + lre3;
ude = ABS(ude2) + ude3;
spX = cdi + fsi;
sdst = 1.0f / (float)(buf_x);
lrsp = lre >= ude ? 1:0;
tg0 = spP * 2.0f + spX;
if(!lrsp) {
pui = pli;
pdi = pri;
} else {
sdst = 1.0f / (float)(buf_y);
tg1 = (tg0 * (1.0f/12.0f)) - pci;
ugrad = pui - pci;
dgrad = pdi - pci;
uui = pui + pci;
ddi = pdi + pci;
revpp = (ABS(ugrad)) >= (ABS(dgrad)) ? 1:0;
grad = MAX2(ABS(ugrad), ABS(dgrad));
if(revpp) {
sdst = -sdst;
tg2 = MAX2(MIN2(ABS(tg1) * inv_r,1.0f),0.0f);
fpsqx = fpcx;
fpsqy = fpcy;
offset_dgx = (!lrsp) ? 0.0f:(1.0f / (float)(buf_x));
offset_dgy = (lrsp) ? 0.0f:(1.0f / (float)(buf_y));
if(!lrsp) {
fpsqx += sdst * 0.5f;
} else {
fpsqy += sdst * 0.5f;
fprevx = fpsqx - offset_dgx * jump01;
fprevy = fpsqy - offset_dgy * jump01;
fpfowx = fpsqx + offset_dgx * jump01;
fpfowy = fpsqy + offset_dgy * jump01;
tg3 = ((-2.0f)*tg2) + 3.0f;
eri = get_pixel_intensity_bilinear(buf, buf_x, buf_y,fprevx,fprevy);
tg4 = tg2 * tg2;
efi = get_pixel_intensity_bilinear(buf, buf_x, buf_y, fpfowx,fpfowy);
if(!revpp) {
uui = ddi;
gradexp = grad * 1.0f/4.0f;
cci =pci - uui * 0.5f;
tg5 = tg3 * tg4;
ltz = cci < 0.0f ? 1:0;
eri -= uui * 0.5f;
efi -= uui * 0.5f;
revdone = (ABS(eri)) >= gradexp ? 1:0;
fowdone = (ABS(efi)) >= gradexp ? 1:0;
if(!revdone) {
fprevx -= offset_dgx * jump02;
fprevy -= offset_dgy * jump02;
tug_of_war = (!revdone) || (!fowdone) ? 1:0;
if(!fowdone) {
fpfowx += offset_dgx * jump02;
fpfowy += offset_dgy * jump02;
if(tug_of_war) {
if(!revdone) {
eri = get_pixel_intensity_bilinear(buf, buf_x, buf_y, fprevx,fprevy);
if(!fowdone) {
efi = get_pixel_intensity_bilinear(buf, buf_x, buf_y, fpfowx, fpfowy);
if(!revdone) {
eri = eri - uui * 0.5;
if(!fowdone) {
efi = efi - uui * 0.5;
revdone = (ABS(eri)) >= gradexp ? 1:0;
fowdone = (ABS(efi)) >= gradexp ? 1:0;
if(!revdone) {
fprevx -= offset_dgx * jump03;
fprevy -= offset_dgy * jump03;
tug_of_war = (!revdone) || (!fowdone) ? 1:0;
if(!fowdone) {
fpfowx += offset_dgx * jump03;
fpfowy += offset_dgy * jump03;
if(tug_of_war) {
if(!revdone) {
eri = get_pixel_intensity_bilinear(buf, buf_x, buf_y,fprevx,fprevy);
if(!fowdone) {
efi = get_pixel_intensity_bilinear(buf, buf_x, buf_y, fpfowx,fpfowy);
if(!revdone) {
eri = eri - uui * 0.5;
if(!fowdone) {
efi = efi - uui * 0.5;
revdone = (ABS(eri)) >= gradexp ? 1:0;
fowdone = (ABS(efi)) >= gradexp ? 1:0;
if(!revdone) {
fprevx -= offset_dgx * jump04;
fprevy -= offset_dgy * jump04;
tug_of_war = (!revdone) || (!fowdone) ? 1:0;
if(!fowdone) {
fpfowx += offset_dgx * jump04;
fpfowy += offset_dgy * jump04;
if(tug_of_war) {
if(!revdone) {
eri = get_pixel_intensity_bilinear(buf, buf_x, buf_y,fprevx,fprevy);
if(!fowdone) {
efi = get_pixel_intensity_bilinear(buf, buf_x, buf_y, fpfowx,fpfowy);
if(!revdone) {
eri = eri - uui * 0.5;
if(!fowdone) {
efi = efi - uui * 0.5;
revdone = (ABS(eri)) >= gradexp ? 1:0;
fowdone = (ABS(efi)) >= gradexp ? 1:0;
if(!revdone) {
fprevx -= offset_dgx * jump05;
fprevy -= offset_dgy * jump05;
tug_of_war = (!revdone) || (!fowdone) ? 1:0;
if(!fowdone) {
fpfowx += offset_dgx * jump05;
fpfowy += offset_dgy * jump05;
if(tug_of_war) {
if(!revdone) {
eri = get_pixel_intensity_bilinear(buf, buf_x, buf_y,fprevx,fprevy);
if(!fowdone) {
efi = get_pixel_intensity_bilinear(buf, buf_x, buf_y, fpfowx,fpfowy);
if(!revdone) {
eri = eri - uui * 0.5;
if(!fowdone) {
efi = efi - uui * 0.5;
revdone = (ABS(eri)) >= gradexp ? 1:0;
fowdone = (ABS(efi)) >= gradexp ? 1:0;
if(!revdone) {
fprevx -= offset_dgx * jump06;
fprevy -= offset_dgy * jump06;
tug_of_war = (!revdone) || (!fowdone) ? 1:0;
if(!fowdone) {
fpfowx += offset_dgx * jump06;
fpfowy += offset_dgy * jump06;
if(tug_of_war) {
if(!revdone) {
eri = get_pixel_intensity_bilinear(buf, buf_x, buf_y,fprevx,fprevy);
if(!fowdone) {
efi = get_pixel_intensity_bilinear(buf, buf_x, buf_y, fpfowx,fpfowy);
if(!revdone) {
eri = eri - uui * 0.5;
if(!fowdone) {
efi = efi - uui * 0.5;
revdone = (ABS(eri)) >= gradexp ? 1:0;
fowdone = (ABS(efi)) >= gradexp ? 1:0;
if(!revdone) {
fprevx -= offset_dgx * jump07;
fprevy -= offset_dgy * jump07;
tug_of_war = (!revdone) || (!fowdone) ? 1:0;
if(!fowdone) {
fpfowx += offset_dgx * jump07;
fpfowy += offset_dgy * jump07;
if(tug_of_war) {
if(!revdone) {
eri = get_pixel_intensity_bilinear(buf, buf_x, buf_y,fprevx,fprevy);
if(!fowdone) {
efi = get_pixel_intensity_bilinear(buf, buf_x, buf_y, fpfowx,fpfowy);
if(!revdone) {
eri = eri - uui * 0.5;
if(!fowdone) {
efi = efi - uui * 0.5;
revdone = (ABS(eri)) >= gradexp ? 1:0;
fowdone = (ABS(efi)) >= gradexp ? 1:0;
if(!revdone) {
fprevx -= offset_dgx * jump08;
fprevy -= offset_dgy * jump08;
tug_of_war = (!revdone) || (!fowdone) ? 1:0;
if(!fowdone) {
fpfowx += offset_dgx * jump08;
fpfowy += offset_dgy * jump08;
if(tug_of_war) {
if(!revdone) {
eri = get_pixel_intensity_bilinear(buf, buf_x, buf_y,fprevx,fprevy);
if(!fowdone) {
efi = get_pixel_intensity_bilinear(buf, buf_x, buf_y, fpfowx,fpfowy);
if(!revdone) {
eri = eri - uui * 0.5;
if(!fowdone) {
efi = efi - uui * 0.5;
revdone = (ABS(eri)) >= gradexp ? 1:0;
fowdone = (ABS(efi)) >= gradexp ? 1:0;
if(!revdone) {
fprevx -= offset_dgx * jump09;
fprevy -= offset_dgy * jump09;
tug_of_war = (!revdone) || (!fowdone) ? 1:0;
if(!fowdone) {
fpfowx += offset_dgx * jump09;
fpfowy += offset_dgy * jump09;
if(tug_of_war) {
if(!revdone) {
eri = get_pixel_intensity_bilinear(buf, buf_x, buf_y,fprevx,fprevy);
if(!fowdone) {
efi = get_pixel_intensity_bilinear(buf, buf_x, buf_y, fpfowx,fpfowy);
if(!revdone) {
eri = eri - uui * 0.5;
if(!fowdone) {
efi = efi - uui * 0.5;
revdone = (ABS(eri)) >= gradexp ? 1:0;
fowdone = (ABS(efi)) >= gradexp ? 1:0;
if(!revdone) {
fprevx -= offset_dgx * jump10;
fprevy -= offset_dgy * jump10;
tug_of_war = (!revdone) || (!fowdone) ? 1:0;
if(!fowdone) {
fpfowx += offset_dgx * jump10;
fpfowy += offset_dgy * jump10;
if(tug_of_war) {
if(!revdone) {
eri = get_pixel_intensity_bilinear(buf, buf_x, buf_y,fprevx,fprevy);
if(!fowdone) {
efi = get_pixel_intensity_bilinear(buf, buf_x, buf_y, fpfowx,fpfowy);
if(!revdone) {
eri = eri - uui * 0.5;
if(!fowdone) {
efi = efi - uui * 0.5;
revdone = (ABS(eri)) >= gradexp ? 1:0;
fowdone = (ABS(efi)) >= gradexp ? 1:0;
if(!revdone) {
fprevx -= offset_dgx * jump11;
fprevy -= offset_dgy * jump11;
tug_of_war = (!revdone) || (!fowdone) ? 1:0;
if(!fowdone) {
fpfowx += offset_dgx * jump11;
fpfowy += offset_dgy * jump11;
if(tug_of_war) {
if(!revdone) {
eri = get_pixel_intensity_bilinear(buf, buf_x, buf_y,fprevx,fprevy);
if(!fowdone) {
efi = get_pixel_intensity_bilinear(buf, buf_x, buf_y, fpfowx,fpfowy);
if(!revdone) {
eri = eri - uui * 0.5;
if(!fowdone) {
efi = efi - uui * 0.5;
revdone = (ABS(eri)) >= gradexp ? 1:0;
fowdone = (ABS(efi)) >= gradexp ? 1:0;
if(!revdone) {
fprevx -= offset_dgx * jump12;
fprevy -= offset_dgy * jump12;
tug_of_war = (!revdone) || (!fowdone) ? 1:0;
if(!fowdone) {
fpfowx += offset_dgx * jump12;
fpfowy += offset_dgy * jump12;
revdst = fpcx - fprevx;
fowdst = fpfowx - fpcx;
if(!lrsp) {
revdst = fpcy - fprevy;
fowdst = fpfowy - fpcy;
revsph = ((eri < 0.0f) ? 1:0) != ltz ? 1:0;
dsts = (fowdst + revdst);
fowsph = ((efi < 0.0f) ? 1:0) != ltz ? 1:0;
inv_dsts = 1.0f/dsts;
uls = revdst < fowdst ? 1:0;
dst = MIN2(revdst, fowdst);
sph = (uls==1) ? revsph:fowsph;
tg6 = tg5 * tg5;
pxOff = (dst * (-inv_dsts)) + 0.5f;
tg7 = tg6 * quality_subpix;
gpxOff = (sph==1) ? pxOff : 0.0f;
tgpxOff = MAX2(gpxOff, tg7);
if(!lrsp) {
fpcx += tgpxOff * sdst;
} else {
fpcy += tgpxOff * sdst;
set_pixel_intensity(buf,buf_x,buf_y,curr_x,curr_y,get_pixel_intensity_bilinear(buf, buf_x, buf_y, fpcx,fpcy));
return 1;
#define SWAP_POLYVERT(a,b) point_temp[0]=(a)[0]; point_temp[1]=(a)[1]; (a)[0]=(b)[0]; (a)[1]=(b)[1]; (b)[0]=point_temp[0]; (b)[1]=point_temp[1];
#define __PLX_SMALL_COUNT__ 13
void plx_floatsort(float(*f)[2], unsigned int n, int sortby) {
unsigned int a;
unsigned int b;
unsigned int c;
unsigned int d=1;
unsigned int hold;
unsigned int index_list[50];
int index_offset=0;
float t[2];
float point_temp[2];
for(;;) {
if(hold-d < __PLX_SMALL_COUNT__) {
for(b=d+1; b<=hold; b++) {
for(a=b-1; a>=d; a--) {
if(f[a][sortby] <= t[sortby]) {
if(index_offset < 0) {
} else {
c=(d+hold) >> 1;
if(f[d][sortby] > f[hold][sortby]) {
if(f[d+1][sortby] > f[hold][sortby]) {
if(f[d][sortby] > f[d+1][sortby]) {
for(;;) {
do a++;
while(f[a][sortby] < t[sortby]);
do b--;
while(f[b][sortby] > t[sortby]);
if(b < a) {
if(index_offset > __PLX_SMALL_COUNT__) {
if(hold-a+1 >= b-d) {
} else {
int plx_find_lower_bound(float v, float(*a)[2], int num_feather_verts) {
int x;
int l;
int r;
for(;;) {
// interpolation style search
//x=l+(v-a[l][1])*(r-l) / (a[r][1]-a[l][1]);
// binary search
x=(l+r) / 2;
if(v<a[x][1]) {
} else {
if((v>a[x-1][1] && v <= a[x][1]) || l>r) {
if(v>a[x-1][1] && v <= a[x][1]) {
return x;
} else {
return num_feather_verts;
int plx_find_upper_bound(float v, float(*a)[2], int num_feather_verts) {
int x;
int l;
int r;
for(;;) {
// interpolation style search
//x=l+(v-a[l][1])*(r-l) / (a[r][1]-a[l][1]);
// binary search
x=(l+r) / 2;
if(v<a[x][1]) {
} else {
if((v>=a[x-1][1] && v < a[x][1]) || l>r) {
if(v>=a[x-1][1] && v < a[x][1]) {
return x-1;
} else {
return num_feather_verts;