Campbell Barton ca983d1825 Cleanup: pep8
2016-07-30 09:00:41 +10:00

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# Copyright (c) 2009 (GPL license)
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# <pep8-80 compliant>
"""Autocomplete with the standard library"""
import re
import rlcompleter
RE_INCOMPLETE_INDEX = re.compile('(.*?)\[[^\]]+$')
TEMP = '__tEmP__' # only \w characters are allowed!
TEMP_N = len(TEMP)
def is_dict(obj):
"""Returns whether obj is a dictionary"""
return hasattr(obj, 'keys') and hasattr(getattr(obj, 'keys'), '__call__')
def is_struct_seq(obj):
"""Returns whether obj is a structured sequence subclass: sys.float_info"""
return isinstance(obj, tuple) and hasattr(obj, 'n_fields')
def complete_names(word, namespace):
"""Complete variable names or attributes
:param word: word to be completed
:type word: str
:param namespace: namespace
:type namespace: dict
:returns: completion matches
:rtype: list of str
>>> complete_names('fo', {'foo': 'bar'})
['foo', 'for', 'format(']
# start completer
completer = rlcompleter.Completer(namespace)
# find matches with std library (don't try to implement this yourself)
completer.complete(word, 0)
return sorted(set(completer.matches))
def complete_indices(word, namespace, obj=None, base=None):
"""Complete a list or dictionary with its indices:
* integer numbers for list
* any keys for dictionary
:param word: word to be completed
:type word: str
:param namespace: namespace
:type namespace: dict
:param obj: object evaluated from base
:param base: substring which can be evaluated into an object
:type base: str
:returns: completion matches
:rtype: list of str
>>> complete_indices('foo', {'foo': range(5)})
['foo[0]', 'foo[1]', 'foo[2]', 'foo[3]', 'foo[4]']
>>> complete_indices('foo', {'foo': {'bar':0, 1:2}})
['foo[1]', "foo['bar']"]
>>> complete_indices("foo['b", {'foo': {'bar':0, 1:2}}, base='foo')
# FIXME: 'foo["b'
if base is None:
base = word
if obj is None:
obj = eval(base, namespace)
except Exception:
return []
if not hasattr(obj, '__getitem__'):
# obj is not a list or dictionary
return []
obj_is_dict = is_dict(obj)
# rare objects have a __getitem__ but no __len__ (eg. BMEdge)
if not obj_is_dict:
obj_len = len(obj)
except TypeError:
return []
if obj_is_dict:
# dictionary type
matches = ['%s[%r]' % (base, key) for key in sorted(obj.keys())]
# list type
matches = ['%s[%d]' % (base, idx) for idx in range(obj_len)]
if word != base:
matches = [match for match in matches if match.startswith(word)]
return matches
def complete(word, namespace, private=True):
"""Complete word within a namespace with the standard rlcompleter
module. Also supports index or key access [].
:param word: word to be completed
:type word: str
:param namespace: namespace
:type namespace: dict
:param private: whether private attribute/methods should be returned
:type private: bool
:returns: completion matches
:rtype: list of str
>>> complete('foo[1', {'foo': range(14)})
['foo[1]', 'foo[10]', 'foo[11]', 'foo[12]', 'foo[13]']
>>> complete('foo[0]', {'foo': [range(5)]})
['foo[0][0]', 'foo[0][1]', 'foo[0][2]', 'foo[0][3]', 'foo[0][4]']
>>> complete('foo[0].i', {'foo': [range(5)]})
['foo[0].index(', 'foo[0].insert(']
>>> complete('rlcompleter', {'rlcompleter': rlcompleter})
# if word is empty -> nothing to complete
if not word:
return []
re_incomplete_index =
if re_incomplete_index:
# ignore incomplete index at the end, e.g 'a[1' -> 'a'
matches = complete_indices(word, namespace,
elif not('[' in word):
matches = complete_names(word, namespace)
elif word[-1] == ']':
matches = [word]
elif '.' in word:
# brackets are normally not allowed -> work around
# remove brackets by using a temp var without brackets
obj, attr = word.rsplit('.', 1)
# do not run the obj expression in the console
namespace[TEMP] = eval(obj, namespace)
except Exception:
return []
matches = complete_names(TEMP + '.' + attr, namespace)
matches = [obj + match[TEMP_N:] for match in matches]
del namespace[TEMP]
# safety net, but when would this occur?
return []
if not matches:
return []
# add '.', '(' or '[' if no match has been found
elif len(matches) == 1 and matches[0] == word:
# try to retrieve the object
obj = eval(word, namespace)
except Exception:
return []
# ignore basic types
if type(obj) in {bool, float, int, str}:
return []
# an extra char '[', '(' or '.' will be added
if hasattr(obj, '__getitem__') and not is_struct_seq(obj):
# list or dictionary
matches = complete_indices(word, namespace, obj)
elif hasattr(obj, '__call__'):
# callables
matches = [word + '(']
# any other type
matches = [word + '.']
# separate public from private
public_matches = [match for match in matches if not('._' in match)]
if private:
private_matches = [match for match in matches if '._' in match]
return public_matches + private_matches
return public_matches