Dalai Felinto eec3eaba08 Cycles Bake
Expand Cycles to use the new baking API in Blender.

It works on the selected object, and the panel can be accessed in the Render panel (similar to where it is for the Blender Internal).

It bakes for the active texture of each material of the object. The active texture is currently defined as the active Image Texture node present in the material nodetree. If you don't want the baking to override an existent material, make sure the active Image Texture node is not connected to the nodetree. The active texture is also the texture shown in the viewport in the rendered mode.

Remember to save your images after the baking is complete.

Note: Bake currently only works in the CPU
Note: This is not supported by Cycles standalone because a lot of the work is done in Blender as part of the operator only, not the engine (Cycles).


Supported Passes:
Data Passes
 * Normal
 * UV
 * Diffuse/Glossy/Transmission/Subsurface/Emit Color

Light Passes
 * AO
 * Combined
 * Shadow
 * Diffuse/Glossy/Transmission/Subsurface/Emit Direct/Indirect
 * Environment

Review: D421
Reviewed by: Campbell Barton, Brecht van Lommel, Sergey Sharybin, Thomas Dinge

Original design by Brecht van Lommel.

The entire commit history can be found on the branch: bake-cycles
2014-05-02 21:19:09 -03:00

206 lines
4.6 KiB

* Copyright 2011-2013 Blender Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License
#ifndef __SESSION_H__
#define __SESSION_H__
#include "buffers.h"
#include "device.h"
#include "tile.h"
#include "util_progress.h"
#include "util_stats.h"
#include "util_thread.h"
#include "util_vector.h"
class BufferParams;
class Device;
class DeviceScene;
class DisplayBuffer;
class Progress;
class RenderBuffers;
class Scene;
/* Session Parameters */
class SessionParams {
DeviceInfo device;
bool background;
bool progressive_refine;
string output_path;
bool progressive;
bool experimental;
int samples;
int2 tile_size;
TileOrder tile_order;
int start_resolution;
int threads;
bool display_buffer_linear;
double cancel_timeout;
double reset_timeout;
double text_timeout;
enum { OSL, SVM } shadingsystem;
background = false;
progressive_refine = false;
output_path = "";
progressive = false;
experimental = false;
samples = USHRT_MAX;
tile_size = make_int2(64, 64);
start_resolution = INT_MAX;
threads = 0;
display_buffer_linear = false;
cancel_timeout = 0.1;
reset_timeout = 0.1;
text_timeout = 1.0;
shadingsystem = SVM;
tile_order = TILE_CENTER;
bool modified(const SessionParams& params)
{ return !(device.type == params.device.type
&& ==
&& background == params.background
&& progressive_refine == params.progressive_refine
&& output_path == params.output_path
/* && samples == params.samples */
&& progressive ==
&& experimental == params.experimental
&& tile_size == params.tile_size
&& start_resolution == params.start_resolution
&& threads == params.threads
&& display_buffer_linear == params.display_buffer_linear
&& cancel_timeout == params.cancel_timeout
&& reset_timeout == params.reset_timeout
&& text_timeout == params.text_timeout
&& tile_order == params.tile_order
&& shadingsystem == params.shadingsystem); }
/* Session
* This is the class that contains the session thread, running the render
* control loop and dispatching tasks. */
class Session {
Device *device;
Scene *scene;
RenderBuffers *buffers;
DisplayBuffer *display;
Progress progress;
SessionParams params;
TileManager tile_manager;
Stats stats;
boost::function<void(RenderTile&)> write_render_tile_cb;
boost::function<void(RenderTile&)> update_render_tile_cb;
Session(const SessionParams& params);
void start();
bool draw(BufferParams& params, DeviceDrawParams& draw_params);
void wait();
bool ready_to_reset();
void reset(BufferParams& params, int samples);
void set_samples(int samples);
void set_pause(bool pause);
void update_scene();
void device_free();
struct DelayedReset {
thread_mutex mutex;
bool do_reset;
BufferParams params;
int samples;
} delayed_reset;
void run();
void update_status_time(bool show_pause = false, bool show_done = false);
void tonemap(int sample);
void path_trace();
void reset_(BufferParams& params, int samples);
void run_cpu();
bool draw_cpu(BufferParams& params, DeviceDrawParams& draw_params);
void reset_cpu(BufferParams& params, int samples);
void run_gpu();
bool draw_gpu(BufferParams& params, DeviceDrawParams& draw_params);
void reset_gpu(BufferParams& params, int samples);
bool acquire_tile(Device *tile_device, RenderTile& tile);
void update_tile_sample(RenderTile& tile);
void release_tile(RenderTile& tile);
void update_progress_sample();
bool device_use_gl;
thread *session_thread;
volatile bool display_outdated;
volatile bool gpu_draw_ready;
volatile bool gpu_need_tonemap;
thread_condition_variable gpu_need_tonemap_cond;
bool pause;
thread_condition_variable pause_cond;
thread_mutex pause_mutex;
thread_mutex tile_mutex;
thread_mutex buffers_mutex;
thread_mutex display_mutex;
bool kernels_loaded;
double start_time;
double reset_time;
double preview_time;
double paused_time;
/* progressive refine */
double last_update_time;
bool update_progressive_refine(bool cancel);
vector<RenderBuffers *> tile_buffers;
#endif /* __SESSION_H__ */