Campbell Barton 8e2efc1dbf rna/python api change: rename Mesh.faces --> tessfaces, since existing scripts are using this to modify the mesh and its confusing that the edits are not kept.
This also makes it clearer that the faces are for tessellated results only.

Added a section on the Gotcha's about upgrading scripts, the pros and cons of MeshTessFace/MeshPoly/BMFace.
and spesifically how to upgrade importers and exporters for 2.63+.
2012-03-23 00:28:29 +00:00

510 lines
16 KiB

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# <pep8-80 compliant>
__all__ = (
def mesh_linked_faces(mesh):
Splits the mesh into connected faces, use this for seperating cubes from
other mesh elements within 1 mesh datablock.
:arg mesh: the mesh used to group with.
:type mesh: :class:`bpy.types.Mesh`
:return: lists of lists containing faces.
:rtype: list
# Build vert face connectivity
vert_faces = [[] for i in range(len(mesh.vertices))]
for f in mesh.faces:
for v in f.vertices:
# sort faces into connectivity groups
face_groups = [[f] for f in mesh.faces]
face_mapping = list(range(len(mesh.faces))) # map old, new face location
# Now clump faces iteratively
ok = True
while ok:
ok = False
for i, f in enumerate(mesh.faces):
mapped_index = face_mapping[f.index]
mapped_group = face_groups[mapped_index]
for v in f.vertices:
for nxt_f in vert_faces[v]:
if nxt_f != f:
nxt_mapped_index = face_mapping[nxt_f.index]
# We are not a part of the same group
if mapped_index != nxt_mapped_index:
ok = True
# Assign mapping to this group so they
# all map to this group
for grp_f in face_groups[nxt_mapped_index]:
face_mapping[grp_f.index] = mapped_index
# Move faces into this group
# remove reference to the list
face_groups[nxt_mapped_index] = None
# return all face groups that are not null
# this is all the faces that are connected in their own lists.
return [fg for fg in face_groups if fg]
def edge_face_count_dict(mesh):
:return: dict of edge keys with their value set to the number of
faces using each edge.
:rtype: dict
face_edge_keys = [face.edge_keys for face in mesh.faces]
face_edge_count = {}
for face_keys in face_edge_keys:
for key in face_keys:
face_edge_count[key] += 1
face_edge_count[key] = 1
return face_edge_count
def edge_face_count(mesh):
:return: list face users for each item in mesh.edges.
:rtype: list
edge_face_count = edge_face_count_dict(mesh)
get = dict.get
return [get(edge_face_count, ed.key, 0) for ed in mesh.edges]
def edge_loops_from_faces(mesh, faces=None, seams=()):
Edge loops defined by faces
Takes me.faces or a list of faces and returns the edge loops
These edge loops are the edges that sit between quads, so they dont touch
1 quad, note: not connected will make 2 edge loops,
both only containing 2 edges.
return a list of edge key lists
[[(0, 1), (4, 8), (3, 8)], ...]
:arg mesh: the mesh used to get edge loops from.
:type mesh: :class:`bpy.types.Mesh`
:arg faces: optional face list to only use some of the meshes faces.
:type faces: :class:`bpy.types.MeshTessFace`, sequence or or NoneType
:return: return a list of edge vertex index lists.
:rtype: list
OTHER_INDEX = 2, 3, 0, 1 # opposite face index
if faces is None:
faces = mesh.faces
edges = {}
for f in faces:
if len(f.vertices) == 4:
edge_keys = f.edge_keys
for i, edkey in enumerate(f.edge_keys):
edges.setdefault(edkey, []).append(edge_keys[OTHER_INDEX[i]])
for edkey in seams:
edges[edkey] = []
# Collect edge loops here
edge_loops = []
for edkey, ed_adj in edges.items():
if 0 < len(ed_adj) < 3: # 1 or 2
# Seek the first edge
context_loop = [edkey, ed_adj[0]]
if len(ed_adj) == 2:
other_dir = ed_adj[1]
other_dir = None
ed_adj[:] = []
flipped = False
while 1:
# from knowing the last 2, look for the next.
ed_adj = edges[context_loop[-1]]
if len(ed_adj) != 2:
# the original edge had 2 other edges
if other_dir and flipped == False:
flipped = True # only flip the list once
ed_adj[:] = []
context_loop.append(other_dir) # save 1 look-up
ed_adj = edges[context_loop[-1]]
if len(ed_adj) != 2:
ed_adj[:] = []
ed_adj[:] = []
i = ed_adj.index(context_loop[-2])
context_loop.append(ed_adj[not i])
# Dont look at this again
ed_adj[:] = []
return edge_loops
def edge_loops_from_edges(mesh, edges=None):
Edge loops defined by edges
Takes me.edges or a list of edges and returns the edge loops
return a list of vertex indices.
[ [1, 6, 7, 2], ...]
closed loops have matching start and end values.
line_polys = []
# Get edges not used by a face
if edges is None:
edges = mesh.edges
if not hasattr(edges, "pop"):
edges = edges[:]
while edges:
current_edge = edges.pop()
vert_end, vert_start = current_edge.vertices[:]
line_poly = [vert_start, vert_end]
ok = True
while ok:
ok = False
#for i, ed in enumerate(edges):
i = len(edges)
while i:
i -= 1
ed = edges[i]
v1, v2 = ed.vertices
if v1 == vert_end:
vert_end = line_poly[-1]
ok = 1
del edges[i]
# break
elif v2 == vert_end:
vert_end = line_poly[-1]
ok = 1
del edges[i]
elif v1 == vert_start:
line_poly.insert(0, v2)
vert_start = line_poly[0]
ok = 1
del edges[i]
# break
elif v2 == vert_start:
line_poly.insert(0, v1)
vert_start = line_poly[0]
ok = 1
del edges[i]
return line_polys
def ngon_tessellate(from_data, indices, fix_loops=True):
Takes a polyline of indices (fgon) and returns a list of face
indicie lists. Designed to be used for importers that need indices for an
fgon to create from existing verts.
from_data: either a mesh, or a list/tuple of vectors.
indices: a list of indices to use this list is the ordered closed polyline
to fill, and can be a subset of the data given.
fix_loops: If this is enabled polylines that use loops to make multiple
polylines are delt with correctly.
from mathutils.geometry import tessellate_polygon
from mathutils import Vector
vector_to_tuple = Vector.to_tuple
if not indices:
return []
def mlen(co):
# manhatten length of a vector, faster then length
return abs(co[0]) + abs(co[1]) + abs(co[2])
def vert_treplet(v, i):
return v, vector_to_tuple(v, 6), i, mlen(v)
def ed_key_mlen(v1, v2):
if v1[3] > v2[3]:
return v2[1], v1[1]
return v1[1], v2[1]
if not fix_loops:
Normal single concave loop filling
if type(from_data) in {tuple, list}:
verts = [Vector(from_data[i]) for ii, i in enumerate(indices)]
verts = [from_data.vertices[i].co for ii, i in enumerate(indices)]
# same as reversed(range(1, len(verts))):
for i in range(len(verts) - 1, 0, -1):
if verts[i][1] == verts[i - 1][0]:
verts.pop(i - 1)
fill = tessellate_polygon([verts])
Seperate this loop into multiple loops be finding edges that are
used twice. This is used by lightwave LWO files a lot
if type(from_data) in {tuple, list}:
verts = [vert_treplet(Vector(from_data[i]), ii)
for ii, i in enumerate(indices)]
verts = [vert_treplet(from_data.vertices[i].co, ii)
for ii, i in enumerate(indices)]
edges = [(i, i - 1) for i in range(len(verts))]
if edges:
edges[0] = (0, len(verts) - 1)
if not verts:
return []
edges_used = set()
edges_doubles = set()
# We need to check if any edges are used twice location based.
for ed in edges:
edkey = ed_key_mlen(verts[ed[0]], verts[ed[1]])
if edkey in edges_used:
# Store a list of unconnected loop segments split by double edges.
# will join later
loop_segments = []
v_prev = verts[0]
context_loop = [v_prev]
loop_segments = [context_loop]
for v in verts:
if v != v_prev:
# Are we crossing an edge we removed?
if ed_key_mlen(v, v_prev) in edges_doubles:
context_loop = [v]
if context_loop and context_loop[-1][1] == v[1]:
#raise "as"
v_prev = v
# Now join loop segments
def join_seg(s1, s2):
if s2[-1][1] == s1[0][1]:
s1, s2 = s2, s1
elif s1[-1][1] == s2[0][1]:
return False
# If were stuill here s1 and s2 are 2 segments in the same polyline
s1.pop() # remove the last vert from s1
s1.extend(s2) # add segment 2 to segment 1
if s1[0][1] == s1[-1][1]: # remove endpoints double
s2[:] = [] # Empty this segment s2 so we don't use it again.
return True
joining_segments = True
while joining_segments:
joining_segments = False
segcount = len(loop_segments)
for j in range(segcount - 1, -1, -1): # reversed(range(segcount)):
seg_j = loop_segments[j]
if seg_j:
for k in range(j - 1, -1, -1): # reversed(range(j)):
if not seg_j:
seg_k = loop_segments[k]
if seg_k and join_seg(seg_j, seg_k):
joining_segments = True
loop_list = loop_segments
for verts in loop_list:
while verts and verts[0][1] == verts[-1][1]:
loop_list = [verts for verts in loop_list if len(verts) > 2]
# vert mapping
vert_map = [None] * len(indices)
ii = 0
for verts in loop_list:
if len(verts) > 2:
for i, vert in enumerate(verts):
vert_map[i + ii] = vert[2]
ii += len(verts)
fill = tessellate_polygon([[v[0] for v in loop] for loop in loop_list])
#raise 'done loop'
# map to original indices
fill = [[vert_map[i] for i in reversed(f)] for f in fill]
if not fill:
print('Warning Cannot scanfill, fallback on a triangle fan.')
fill = [[0, i - 1, i] for i in range(2, len(indices))]
# Use real scanfill.
# See if its flipped the wrong way.
flip = None
for fi in fill:
if flip is not None:
for i, vi in enumerate(fi):
if vi == 0 and fi[i - 1] == 1:
flip = False
elif vi == 1 and fi[i - 1] == 0:
flip = True
if not flip:
for i, fi in enumerate(fill):
fill[i] = tuple([ii for ii in reversed(fi)])
return fill
def face_random_points(num_points, faces):
Generates a list of random points over mesh faces.
:arg num_points: the number of random points to generate on each face.
:type int:
:arg faces: list of the faces to generate points on.
:type faces: :class:`bpy.types.MeshTessFace`, sequence
:return: list of random points over all faces.
:rtype: list
from random import random
from mathutils.geometry import area_tri
# Split all quads into 2 tris, tris remain unchanged
tri_faces = []
for f in faces:
tris = []
verts = f.id_data.vertices
fv = f.vertices[:]
if len(fv) == 4:
# For each face, generate the required number of random points
sampled_points = [None] * (num_points * len(faces))
for i, tf in enumerate(tri_faces):
for k in range(num_points):
# If this is a quad, we need to weight its 2 tris by their area
if len(tf) != 1:
area1 = area_tri(*tf[0])
area2 = area_tri(*tf[1])
area_tot = area1 + area2
area1 = area1 / area_tot
area2 = area2 / area_tot
vecs = tf[0 if (random() < area1) else 1]
vecs = tf[0]
u1 = random()
u2 = random()
u_tot = u1 + u2
if u_tot > 1:
u1 = 1.0 - u1
u2 = 1.0 - u2
side1 = vecs[1] - vecs[0]
side2 = vecs[2] - vecs[0]
p = vecs[0] + u1 * side1 + u2 * side2
sampled_points[num_points * i + k] = p
return sampled_points