forked from bartvdbraak/blender
use arrays instead of textures for general storage on this card (image textures are still stored as texture). Textures were found to be faster on older cards, but the limits on 1D texture size have not increased along with the memory size, which meant that the full 6 GB could not be used. The performance actually seems to be slightly better with arrays in some tests on Titan. For older cards there seems to be a bit of a mix, some are better and others not. We may change those to use arrays too, but more testing is needed, only Titan and Tesla K20 (sm_35) is changed for now. The fact that arrays are faster is a bit surprising, as others found textures to be faster on Kepler. However even if they were, the memory limitation is more important to solve anyway.
1199 lines
34 KiB
1199 lines
34 KiB
* Adapted from code Copyright 2009-2010 NVIDIA Corporation
* Modifications Copyright 2011, Blender Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* "Persistent while-while kernel" used in:
* "Understanding the Efficiency of Ray Traversal on GPUs",
* Timo Aila and Samuli Laine,
* Proc. High-Performance Graphics 2009
/* bottom-most stack entry, indicating the end of traversal */
#define ENTRYPOINT_SENTINEL 0x76543210
/* 64 object BVH + 64 mesh BVH + 64 object node splitting */
#define BVH_STACK_SIZE 192
#define BVH_NODE_SIZE 4
#define TRI_NODE_SIZE 3
/* silly workaround for float extended precision that happens when compiling
* without sse support on x86, it results in different results for float ops
* that you would otherwise expect to compare correctly */
#if !defined(__i386__) || defined(__SSE__)
#define NO_EXTENDED_PRECISION volatile
__device_inline float3 bvh_inverse_direction(float3 dir)
/* avoid divide by zero (ooeps = exp2f(-80.0f)) */
float ooeps = 0.00000000000000000000000082718061255302767487140869206996285356581211090087890625f;
float3 idir;
idir.x = 1.0f/((fabsf(dir.x) > ooeps)? dir.x: copysignf(ooeps, dir.x));
idir.y = 1.0f/((fabsf(dir.y) > ooeps)? dir.y: copysignf(ooeps, dir.y));
idir.z = 1.0f/((fabsf(dir.z) > ooeps)? dir.z: copysignf(ooeps, dir.z));
return idir;
__device_inline void bvh_instance_push(KernelGlobals *kg, int object, const Ray *ray, float3 *P, float3 *idir, float *t, const float tmax)
Transform tfm = object_fetch_transform(kg, object, OBJECT_INVERSE_TRANSFORM);
*P = transform_point(&tfm, ray->P);
float3 dir = transform_direction(&tfm, ray->D);
float len;
dir = normalize_len(dir, &len);
*idir = bvh_inverse_direction(dir);
if(*t != FLT_MAX)
*t *= len;
__device_inline void bvh_instance_pop(KernelGlobals *kg, int object, const Ray *ray, float3 *P, float3 *idir, float *t, const float tmax)
if(*t != FLT_MAX) {
Transform tfm = object_fetch_transform(kg, object, OBJECT_TRANSFORM);
*t *= len(transform_direction(&tfm, 1.0f/(*idir)));
*P = ray->P;
*idir = bvh_inverse_direction(ray->D);
#ifdef __OBJECT_MOTION__
__device_inline void bvh_instance_motion_push(KernelGlobals *kg, int object, const Ray *ray, float3 *P, float3 *idir, float *t, Transform *tfm, const float tmax)
Transform itfm;
*tfm = object_fetch_transform_motion_test(kg, object, ray->time, &itfm);
*P = transform_point(&itfm, ray->P);
float3 dir = transform_direction(&itfm, ray->D);
float len;
dir = normalize_len(dir, &len);
*idir = bvh_inverse_direction(dir);
if(*t != FLT_MAX)
*t *= len;
__device_inline void bvh_instance_motion_pop(KernelGlobals *kg, int object, const Ray *ray, float3 *P, float3 *idir, float *t, Transform *tfm, const float tmax)
if(*t != FLT_MAX)
*t *= len(transform_direction(tfm, 1.0f/(*idir)));
*P = ray->P;
*idir = bvh_inverse_direction(ray->D);
/* Sven Woop's algorithm */
__device_inline bool bvh_triangle_intersect(KernelGlobals *kg, Intersection *isect,
float3 P, float3 idir, uint visibility, int object, int triAddr)
/* compute and check intersection t-value */
float4 v00 = kernel_tex_fetch(__tri_woop, triAddr*TRI_NODE_SIZE+0);
float4 v11 = kernel_tex_fetch(__tri_woop, triAddr*TRI_NODE_SIZE+1);
float3 dir = 1.0f/idir;
float Oz = v00.w - P.x*v00.x - P.y*v00.y - P.z*v00.z;
float invDz = 1.0f/(dir.x*v00.x + dir.y*v00.y + dir.z*v00.z);
float t = Oz * invDz;
if(t > 0.0f && t < isect->t) {
/* compute and check barycentric u */
float Ox = v11.w + P.x*v11.x + P.y*v11.y + P.z*v11.z;
float Dx = dir.x*v11.x + dir.y*v11.y + dir.z*v11.z;
float u = Ox + t*Dx;
if(u >= 0.0f) {
/* compute and check barycentric v */
float4 v22 = kernel_tex_fetch(__tri_woop, triAddr*TRI_NODE_SIZE+2);
float Oy = v22.w + P.x*v22.x + P.y*v22.y + P.z*v22.z;
float Dy = dir.x*v22.x + dir.y*v22.y + dir.z*v22.z;
float v = Oy + t*Dy;
if(v >= 0.0f && u + v <= 1.0f) {
/* visibility flag test. we do it here under the assumption
* that most triangles are culled by node flags */
if(kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_visibility, triAddr) & visibility)
/* record intersection */
isect->prim = triAddr;
isect->object = object;
isect->u = u;
isect->v = v;
isect->t = t;
return true;
return false;
#ifdef __HAIR__
__device_inline void curvebounds(float *lower, float *upper, float *extremta, float *extrema, float *extremtb, float *extremb, float p0, float p1, float p2, float p3)
float halfdiscroot = (p2 * p2 - 3 * p3 * p1);
float ta = -1.0f;
float tb = -1.0f;
*extremta = -1.0f;
*extremtb = -1.0f;
*upper = p0;
*lower = p0 + p1 + p2 + p3;
*extrema = *upper;
*extremb = *lower;
if(*lower >= *upper) {
*upper = *lower;
*lower = p0;
if(halfdiscroot >= 0) {
halfdiscroot = sqrt(halfdiscroot);
ta = (-p2 - halfdiscroot) / (3 * p3);
tb = (-p2 + halfdiscroot) / (3 * p3);
float t2;
float t3;
if(ta > 0.0f && ta < 1.0f) {
t2 = ta * ta;
t3 = t2 * ta;
*extremta = ta;
*extrema = p3 * t3 + p2 * t2 + p1 * ta + p0;
if(*extrema > *upper) {
*upper = *extrema;
if(*extrema < *lower) {
*lower = *extrema;
if(tb > 0.0f && tb < 1.0f) {
t2 = tb * tb;
t3 = t2 * tb;
*extremtb = tb;
*extremb = p3 * t3 + p2 * t2 + p1 * tb + p0;
if(*extremb >= *upper) {
*upper = *extremb;
if(*extremb <= *lower) {
*lower = *extremb;
__device_inline bool bvh_cardinal_curve_intersect(KernelGlobals *kg, Intersection *isect,
float3 P, float3 idir, uint visibility, int object, int curveAddr, int segment, uint *lcg_state, float difl, float extmax)
float epsilon = 0.0f;
float r_st, r_en;
int depth = kernel_data.curve.subdivisions;
int flags = kernel_data.curve.curveflags;
int prim = kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_index, curveAddr);
float3 curve_coef[4];
/* curve Intersection check */
float3 dir = 1.0f/idir;
/* obtain curve parameters */
/* ray transform created - this should be created at beginning of intersection loop */
Transform htfm;
float d = sqrtf(dir.x * dir.x + dir.z * dir.z);
htfm = make_transform(
dir.z / d, 0, -dir.x /d, 0,
-dir.x * dir.y /d, d, -dir.y * dir.z /d, 0,
dir.x, dir.y, dir.z, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1);
float4 v00 = kernel_tex_fetch(__curves, prim);
int k0 = __float_as_int(v00.x) + segment;
int k1 = k0 + 1;
int ka = max(k0 - 1,__float_as_int(v00.x));
int kb = min(k1 + 1,__float_as_int(v00.x) + __float_as_int(v00.y) - 1);
float4 P0 = kernel_tex_fetch(__curve_keys, ka);
float4 P1 = kernel_tex_fetch(__curve_keys, k0);
float4 P2 = kernel_tex_fetch(__curve_keys, k1);
float4 P3 = kernel_tex_fetch(__curve_keys, kb);
float3 p0 = transform_point(&htfm, float4_to_float3(P0) - P);
float3 p1 = transform_point(&htfm, float4_to_float3(P1) - P);
float3 p2 = transform_point(&htfm, float4_to_float3(P2) - P);
float3 p3 = transform_point(&htfm, float4_to_float3(P3) - P);
float fc = 0.71f;
curve_coef[0] = p1;
curve_coef[1] = -fc*p0 + fc*p2;
curve_coef[2] = 2.0f * fc * p0 + (fc - 3.0f) * p1 + (3.0f - 2.0f * fc) * p2 - fc * p3;
curve_coef[3] = -fc * p0 + (2.0f - fc) * p1 + (fc - 2.0f) * p2 + fc * p3;
r_st = P1.w;
r_en = P2.w;
float r_curr = max(r_st, r_en);
if((flags & CURVE_KN_RIBBONS) || !(flags & CURVE_KN_BACKFACING))
epsilon = 2 * r_curr;
/* find bounds - this is slow for cubic curves */
float upper, lower;
float zextrem[4];
curvebounds(&lower, &upper, &zextrem[0], &zextrem[1], &zextrem[2], &zextrem[3], curve_coef[0].z, curve_coef[1].z, curve_coef[2].z, curve_coef[3].z);
if(lower - r_curr > isect->t || upper + r_curr < epsilon)
return false;
/* minimum width extension */
float mw_extension = min(difl * fabsf(upper), extmax);
float r_ext = mw_extension + r_curr;
float xextrem[4];
curvebounds(&lower, &upper, &xextrem[0], &xextrem[1], &xextrem[2], &xextrem[3], curve_coef[0].x, curve_coef[1].x, curve_coef[2].x, curve_coef[3].x);
if(lower > r_ext || upper < -r_ext)
return false;
float yextrem[4];
curvebounds(&lower, &upper, &yextrem[0], &yextrem[1], &yextrem[2], &yextrem[3], curve_coef[0].y, curve_coef[1].y, curve_coef[2].y, curve_coef[3].y);
if(lower > r_ext || upper < -r_ext)
return false;
/* setup recurrent loop */
int level = 1 << depth;
int tree = 0;
float resol = 1.0f / (float)level;
bool hit = false;
/* begin loop */
while(!(tree >> (depth))) {
float i_st = tree * resol;
float i_en = i_st + (level * resol);
float3 p_st = ((curve_coef[3] * i_st + curve_coef[2]) * i_st + curve_coef[1]) * i_st + curve_coef[0];
float3 p_en = ((curve_coef[3] * i_en + curve_coef[2]) * i_en + curve_coef[1]) * i_en + curve_coef[0];
float bminx = min(p_st.x, p_en.x);
float bmaxx = max(p_st.x, p_en.x);
float bminy = min(p_st.y, p_en.y);
float bmaxy = max(p_st.y, p_en.y);
float bminz = min(p_st.z, p_en.z);
float bmaxz = max(p_st.z, p_en.z);
if(xextrem[0] >= i_st && xextrem[0] <= i_en) {
bminx = min(bminx,xextrem[1]);
bmaxx = max(bmaxx,xextrem[1]);
if(xextrem[2] >= i_st && xextrem[2] <= i_en) {
bminx = min(bminx,xextrem[3]);
bmaxx = max(bmaxx,xextrem[3]);
if(yextrem[0] >= i_st && yextrem[0] <= i_en) {
bminy = min(bminy,yextrem[1]);
bmaxy = max(bmaxy,yextrem[1]);
if(yextrem[2] >= i_st && yextrem[2] <= i_en) {
bminy = min(bminy,yextrem[3]);
bmaxy = max(bmaxy,yextrem[3]);
if(zextrem[0] >= i_st && zextrem[0] <= i_en) {
bminz = min(bminz,zextrem[1]);
bmaxz = max(bmaxz,zextrem[1]);
if(zextrem[2] >= i_st && zextrem[2] <= i_en) {
bminz = min(bminz,zextrem[3]);
bmaxz = max(bmaxz,zextrem[3]);
float r1 = r_st + (r_en - r_st) * i_st;
float r2 = r_st + (r_en - r_st) * i_en;
r_curr = max(r1, r2);
mw_extension = min(difl * fabsf(bmaxz), extmax);
float r_ext = mw_extension + r_curr;
float coverage = 1.0f;
if (bminz - r_curr > isect->t || bmaxz + r_curr < epsilon || bminx > r_ext|| bmaxx < -r_ext|| bminy > r_ext|| bmaxy < -r_ext) {
/* the bounding box does not overlap the square centered at O */
tree += level;
level = tree & -tree;
else if (level == 1) {
/* the maximum recursion depth is reached.
* check if dP0.(Q-P0)>=0 and dPn.(Pn-Q)>=0.
* dP* is reversed if necessary.*/
float t = isect->t;
float u = 0.0f;
if(flags & CURVE_KN_RIBBONS) {
float3 tg = (p_en - p_st);
float w = tg.x * tg.x + tg.y * tg.y;
if (w == 0) {
level = tree & -tree;
w = -(p_st.x * tg.x + p_st.y * tg.y) / w;
w = clamp((float)w, 0.0f, 1.0f);
/* compute u on the curve segment */
u = i_st * (1 - w) + i_en * w;
r_curr = r_st + (r_en - r_st) * u;
/* compare x-y distances */
float3 p_curr = ((curve_coef[3] * u + curve_coef[2]) * u + curve_coef[1]) * u + curve_coef[0];
float3 dp_st = (3 * curve_coef[3] * i_st + 2 * curve_coef[2]) * i_st + curve_coef[1];
if (dot(tg, dp_st)< 0)
dp_st *= -1;
if (dot(dp_st, -p_st) + p_curr.z * dp_st.z < 0) {
level = tree & -tree;
float3 dp_en = (3 * curve_coef[3] * i_en + 2 * curve_coef[2]) * i_en + curve_coef[1];
if (dot(tg, dp_en) < 0)
dp_en *= -1;
if (dot(dp_en, p_en) - p_curr.z * dp_en.z < 0) {
level = tree & -tree;
/* compute coverage */
float r_ext = r_curr;
coverage = 1.0f;
if(difl != 0.0f) {
mw_extension = min(difl * fabsf(bmaxz), extmax);
r_ext = mw_extension + r_curr;
float d = sqrtf(p_curr.x * p_curr.x + p_curr.y * p_curr.y);
float d0 = d - r_curr;
float d1 = d + r_curr;
if (d0 >= 0)
coverage = (min(d1 / mw_extension, 1.0f) - min(d0 / mw_extension, 1.0f)) * 0.5f;
else // inside
coverage = (min(d1 / mw_extension, 1.0f) + min(-d0 / mw_extension, 1.0f)) * 0.5f;
if (p_curr.x * p_curr.x + p_curr.y * p_curr.y >= r_ext * r_ext || p_curr.z <= epsilon) {
level = tree & -tree;
/* compare z distances */
if (isect->t < p_curr.z) {
level = tree & -tree;
t = p_curr.z;
else {
float l = len(p_en - p_st);
/* minimum width extension */
float or1 = r1;
float or2 = r2;
if(difl != 0.0f) {
mw_extension = min(len(p_st - P) * difl, extmax);
or1 = r1 < mw_extension ? mw_extension : r1;
mw_extension = min(len(p_en - P) * difl, extmax);
or2 = r2 < mw_extension ? mw_extension : r2;
/* --- */
float3 tg = (p_en - p_st) / l;
float gd = (or2 - or1) / l;
float difz = -dot(p_st,tg);
float cyla = 1.0f - (tg.z * tg.z * (1 + gd*gd));
float halfb = (-p_st.z - tg.z*(difz + gd*(difz*gd + or1)));
float tcentre = -halfb/cyla;
float zcentre = difz + (tg.z * tcentre);
float3 tdif = - p_st;
tdif.z += tcentre;
float tdifz = dot(tdif,tg);
float tb = 2*(tdif.z - tg.z*(tdifz + gd*(tdifz*gd + or1)));
float tc = dot(tdif,tdif) - tdifz * tdifz * (1 + gd*gd) - or1*or1 - 2*or1*tdifz*gd;
float td = tb*tb - 4*cyla*tc;
if (td < 0.0f) {
level = tree & -tree;
float rootd = sqrtf(td);
float correction = ((-tb - rootd)/(2*cyla));
t = tcentre + correction;
float w = (zcentre + (tg.z * correction))/l;
float3 dp_st = (3 * curve_coef[3] * i_st + 2 * curve_coef[2]) * i_st + curve_coef[1];
if (dot(tg, dp_st)< 0)
dp_st *= -1;
float3 dp_en = (3 * curve_coef[3] * i_en + 2 * curve_coef[2]) * i_en + curve_coef[1];
if (dot(tg, dp_en) < 0)
dp_en *= -1;
if(flags & CURVE_KN_BACKFACING && (dot(dp_st, -p_st) + t * dp_st.z < 0 || dot(dp_en, p_en) - t * dp_en.z < 0 || isect->t < t || t <= 0.0f)) {
correction = ((-tb + rootd)/(2*cyla));
t = tcentre + correction;
w = (zcentre + (tg.z * correction))/l;
if (dot(dp_st, -p_st) + t * dp_st.z < 0 || dot(dp_en, p_en) - t * dp_en.z < 0 || isect->t < t || t <= 0.0f) {
level = tree & -tree;
w = clamp((float)w, 0.0f, 1.0f);
/* compute u on the curve segment */
u = i_st * (1 - w) + i_en * w;
r_curr = r1 + (r2 - r1) * w;
r_ext = or1 + (or2 - or1) * w;
coverage = r_curr/r_ext;
/* we found a new intersection */
/* stochastic fade from minimum width */
if(lcg_state && coverage != 1.0f) {
if(lcg_step_float(lcg_state) > coverage)
return hit;
/* visibility flag test. we do it here under the assumption
* that most triangles are culled by node flags */
if(kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_visibility, curveAddr) & visibility)
/* record intersection */
isect->prim = curveAddr;
isect->segment = segment;
isect->object = object;
isect->u = u;
isect->v = 0.0f;
/*isect->v = 1.0f - coverage; */
isect->t = t;
hit = true;
level = tree & -tree;
else {
/* split the curve into two curves and process */
level = level >> 1;
return hit;
__device_inline bool bvh_curve_intersect(KernelGlobals *kg, Intersection *isect,
float3 P, float3 idir, uint visibility, int object, int curveAddr, int segment, uint *lcg_state, float difl, float extmax)
/* curve Intersection check */
int flags = kernel_data.curve.curveflags;
int prim = kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_index, curveAddr);
float4 v00 = kernel_tex_fetch(__curves, prim);
int cnum = __float_as_int(v00.x);
int k0 = cnum + segment;
int k1 = k0 + 1;
float4 P1 = kernel_tex_fetch(__curve_keys, k0);
float4 P2 = kernel_tex_fetch(__curve_keys, k1);
float or1 = P1.w;
float or2 = P2.w;
float3 p1 = float4_to_float3(P1);
float3 p2 = float4_to_float3(P2);
/* minimum width extension */
float r1 = or1;
float r2 = or2;
if(difl != 0.0f) {
float pixelsize = min(len(p1 - P) * difl, extmax);
r1 = or1 < pixelsize ? pixelsize : or1;
pixelsize = min(len(p2 - P) * difl, extmax);
r2 = or2 < pixelsize ? pixelsize : or2;
/* --- */
float mr = max(r1,r2);
float3 dif = P - p1;
float3 dir = 1.0f/idir;
float l = len(p2 - p1);
float sp_r = mr + 0.5f * l;
float3 sphere_dif = P - ((p1 + p2) * 0.5f);
float sphere_b = dot(dir,sphere_dif);
sphere_dif = sphere_dif - sphere_b * dir;
sphere_b = dot(dir,sphere_dif);
float sdisc = sphere_b * sphere_b - len_squared(sphere_dif) + sp_r * sp_r;
if(sdisc < 0.0f)
return false;
/* obtain parameters and test midpoint distance for suitable modes */
float3 tg = (p2 - p1) / l;
float gd = (r2 - r1) / l;
float dirz = dot(dir,tg);
float difz = dot(dif,tg);
float a = 1.0f - (dirz*dirz*(1 + gd*gd));
float halfb = dot(dir,dif) - dirz*(difz + gd*(difz*gd + r1));
float tcentre = -halfb/a;
float zcentre = difz + (dirz * tcentre);
if((tcentre > isect->t) && !(flags & CURVE_KN_ACCURATE))
return false;
if((zcentre < 0 || zcentre > l) && !(flags & CURVE_KN_ACCURATE) && !(flags & CURVE_KN_INTERSECTCORRECTION))
return false;
/* test minimum separation */
float3 cprod = cross(tg, dir);
float3 cprod2 = cross(tg, dif);
float cprodsq = len_squared(cprod);
float cprod2sq = len_squared(cprod2);
float distscaled = dot(cprod,dif);
if(cprodsq == 0)
distscaled = cprod2sq;
distscaled = (distscaled*distscaled)/cprodsq;
if(distscaled > mr*mr)
return false;
/* calculate true intersection */
float3 tdif = P - p1 + tcentre * dir;
float tdifz = dot(tdif,tg);
float tb = 2*(dot(dir,tdif) - dirz*(tdifz + gd*(tdifz*gd + r1)));
float tc = dot(tdif,tdif) - tdifz * tdifz * (1 + gd*gd) - r1*r1 - 2*r1*tdifz*gd;
float td = tb*tb - 4*a*tc;
if (td < 0.0f)
return false;
float rootd = 0.0f;
float correction = 0.0f;
if(flags & CURVE_KN_ACCURATE) {
rootd = sqrtf(td);
correction = ((-tb - rootd)/(2*a));
float t = tcentre + correction;
if(t < isect->t) {
rootd = sqrtf(td);
correction = ((-tb - rootd)/(2*a));
t = tcentre + correction;
float z = zcentre + (dirz * correction);
bool backface = false;
if(flags & CURVE_KN_BACKFACING && (t < 0.0f || z < 0 || z > l)) {
backface = true;
correction = ((-tb + rootd)/(2*a));
t = tcentre + correction;
z = zcentre + (dirz * correction);
/* stochastic fade from minimum width */
float adjradius = or1 + z * (or2 - or1) / l;
adjradius = adjradius / (r1 + z * gd);
if(lcg_state && adjradius != 1.0f) {
if(lcg_step_float(lcg_state) > adjradius)
return false;
/* --- */
if(t > 0.0f && t < isect->t && z >= 0 && z <= l) {
float enc_ratio = kernel_data.curve.encasing_ratio;
if((dot(P - p1, tg) > -r1 * enc_ratio) && (dot(P - p2, tg) < r2 * enc_ratio)) {
float a2 = 1.0f - (dirz*dirz*(1 + gd*gd*enc_ratio*enc_ratio));
float c2 = dot(dif,dif) - difz * difz * (1 + gd*gd*enc_ratio*enc_ratio) - r1*r1*enc_ratio*enc_ratio - 2*r1*difz*gd*enc_ratio;
if(a2*c2 < 0.0f)
return false;
/* visibility flag test. we do it here under the assumption
* that most triangles are culled by node flags */
if(kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_visibility, curveAddr) & visibility)
/* record intersection */
isect->prim = curveAddr;
isect->segment = segment;
isect->object = object;
isect->u = z/l;
isect->v = td/(4*a*a);
/*isect->v = 1.0f - adjradius;*/
isect->t = t;
isect->u = -isect->u;
return true;
return false;
#ifdef __SUBSURFACE__
/* Special ray intersection routines for subsurface scattering. In that case we
* only want to intersect with primitives in the same object, and if case of
* multiple hits we pick a single random primitive as the intersection point. */
__device_inline void bvh_triangle_intersect_subsurface(KernelGlobals *kg, Intersection *isect_array,
float3 P, float3 idir, int object, int triAddr, float tmax, uint *num_hits, uint *lcg_state, int max_hits)
/* compute and check intersection t-value */
float4 v00 = kernel_tex_fetch(__tri_woop, triAddr*TRI_NODE_SIZE+0);
float4 v11 = kernel_tex_fetch(__tri_woop, triAddr*TRI_NODE_SIZE+1);
float3 dir = 1.0f/idir;
float Oz = v00.w - P.x*v00.x - P.y*v00.y - P.z*v00.z;
float invDz = 1.0f/(dir.x*v00.x + dir.y*v00.y + dir.z*v00.z);
float t = Oz * invDz;
if(t > 0.0f && t < tmax) {
/* compute and check barycentric u */
float Ox = v11.w + P.x*v11.x + P.y*v11.y + P.z*v11.z;
float Dx = dir.x*v11.x + dir.y*v11.y + dir.z*v11.z;
float u = Ox + t*Dx;
if(u >= 0.0f) {
/* compute and check barycentric v */
float4 v22 = kernel_tex_fetch(__tri_woop, triAddr*TRI_NODE_SIZE+2);
float Oy = v22.w + P.x*v22.x + P.y*v22.y + P.z*v22.z;
float Dy = dir.x*v22.x + dir.y*v22.y + dir.z*v22.z;
float v = Oy + t*Dy;
if(v >= 0.0f && u + v <= 1.0f) {
int hit;
if(*num_hits <= max_hits) {
hit = *num_hits - 1;
else {
/* reservoir sampling: if we are at the maximum number of
* hits, randomly replace element or skip it */
hit = lcg_step_uint(lcg_state) % *num_hits;
if(hit >= max_hits)
/* record intersection */
Intersection *isect = &isect_array[hit];
isect->prim = triAddr;
isect->object = object;
isect->u = u;
isect->v = v;
isect->t = t;
/* BVH intersection function variations */
#define BVH_MOTION 2
#define BVH_HAIR 4
#define BVH_FUNCTION_NAME bvh_intersect
#include "kernel_bvh_traversal.h"
#if defined(__INSTANCING__)
#define BVH_FUNCTION_NAME bvh_intersect_instancing
#include "kernel_bvh_traversal.h"
#if defined(__HAIR__)
#define BVH_FUNCTION_NAME bvh_intersect_hair
#include "kernel_bvh_traversal.h"
#if defined(__OBJECT_MOTION__)
#define BVH_FUNCTION_NAME bvh_intersect_motion
#include "kernel_bvh_traversal.h"
#if defined(__HAIR__) && defined(__OBJECT_MOTION__)
#define BVH_FUNCTION_NAME bvh_intersect_hair_motion
#include "kernel_bvh_traversal.h"
#if defined(__SUBSURFACE__)
#define BVH_FUNCTION_NAME bvh_intersect_subsurface
#include "kernel_bvh_subsurface.h"
#if defined(__SUBSURFACE__) && defined(__INSTANCING__)
#define BVH_FUNCTION_NAME bvh_intersect_subsurface_instancing
#include "kernel_bvh_subsurface.h"
#if defined(__SUBSURFACE__) && defined(__HAIR__)
#define BVH_FUNCTION_NAME bvh_intersect_subsurface_hair
#include "kernel_bvh_subsurface.h"
#if defined(__SUBSURFACE__) && defined(__OBJECT_MOTION__)
#define BVH_FUNCTION_NAME bvh_intersect_subsurface_motion
#include "kernel_bvh_subsurface.h"
#if defined(__SUBSURFACE__) && defined(__HAIR__) && defined(__OBJECT_MOTION__)
#define BVH_FUNCTION_NAME bvh_intersect_subsurface_hair_motion
#include "kernel_bvh_subsurface.h"
/* to work around titan bug when using arrays instead of textures */
#if !defined(__KERNEL_CUDA__) || defined(__KERNEL_CUDA_TEX_STORAGE__)
#ifdef __HAIR__
bool scene_intersect(KernelGlobals *kg, const Ray *ray, const uint visibility, Intersection *isect, uint *lcg_state, float difl, float extmax)
bool scene_intersect(KernelGlobals *kg, const Ray *ray, const uint visibility, Intersection *isect)
#ifdef __OBJECT_MOTION__
if(kernel_data.bvh.have_motion) {
#ifdef __HAIR__
return bvh_intersect_hair_motion(kg, ray, isect, visibility, lcg_state, difl, extmax);
#endif /* __HAIR__ */
return bvh_intersect_motion(kg, ray, isect, visibility);
#endif /* __OBJECT_MOTION__ */
#ifdef __HAIR__
return bvh_intersect_hair(kg, ray, isect, visibility, lcg_state, difl, extmax);
#endif /* __HAIR__ */
#ifdef __KERNEL_CPU__
#ifdef __INSTANCING__
return bvh_intersect_instancing(kg, ray, isect, visibility);
#endif /* __INSTANCING__ */
return bvh_intersect(kg, ray, isect, visibility);
#else /* __KERNEL_CPU__ */
#ifdef __INSTANCING__
return bvh_intersect_instancing(kg, ray, isect, visibility);
return bvh_intersect(kg, ray, isect, visibility);
#endif /* __INSTANCING__ */
#endif /* __KERNEL_CPU__ */
/* to work around titan bug when using arrays instead of textures */
#ifdef __SUBSURFACE__
#if !defined(__KERNEL_CUDA__) || defined(__KERNEL_CUDA_TEX_STORAGE__)
uint scene_intersect_subsurface(KernelGlobals *kg, const Ray *ray, Intersection *isect, int subsurface_object, uint *lcg_state, int max_hits)
#ifdef __OBJECT_MOTION__
if(kernel_data.bvh.have_motion) {
#ifdef __HAIR__
return bvh_intersect_subsurface_hair_motion(kg, ray, isect, subsurface_object, lcg_state, max_hits);
#endif /* __HAIR__ */
return bvh_intersect_subsurface_motion(kg, ray, isect, subsurface_object, lcg_state, max_hits);
#endif /* __OBJECT_MOTION__ */
#ifdef __HAIR__
return bvh_intersect_subsurface_hair(kg, ray, isect, subsurface_object, lcg_state, max_hits);
#endif /* __HAIR__ */
#ifdef __KERNEL_CPU__
#ifdef __INSTANCING__
return bvh_intersect_subsurface_instancing(kg, ray, isect, subsurface_object, lcg_state, max_hits);
#endif /* __INSTANCING__ */
return bvh_intersect_subsurface(kg, ray, isect, subsurface_object, lcg_state, max_hits);
#else /* __KERNEL_CPU__ */
#ifdef __INSTANCING__
return bvh_intersect_subsurface_instancing(kg, ray, isect, subsurface_object, lcg_state, max_hits);
return bvh_intersect_subsurface(kg, ray, isect, subsurface_object, lcg_state, max_hits);
#endif /* __INSTANCING__ */
#endif /* __KERNEL_CPU__ */
/* Ray offset to avoid self intersection */
__device_inline float3 ray_offset(float3 P, float3 Ng)
const float epsilon_f = 1e-5f;
/* ideally this should match epsilon_f, but instancing/mblur
* precision makes it problematic */
const float epsilon_test = 1.0f;
const int epsilon_i = 32;
float3 res;
/* x component */
if(fabsf(P.x) < epsilon_test) {
res.x = P.x + Ng.x*epsilon_f;
else {
uint ix = __float_as_uint(P.x);
ix += ((ix ^ __float_as_uint(Ng.x)) >> 31)? -epsilon_i: epsilon_i;
res.x = __uint_as_float(ix);
/* y component */
if(fabsf(P.y) < epsilon_test) {
res.y = P.y + Ng.y*epsilon_f;
else {
uint iy = __float_as_uint(P.y);
iy += ((iy ^ __float_as_uint(Ng.y)) >> 31)? -epsilon_i: epsilon_i;
res.y = __uint_as_float(iy);
/* z component */
if(fabsf(P.z) < epsilon_test) {
res.z = P.z + Ng.z*epsilon_f;
else {
uint iz = __float_as_uint(P.z);
iz += ((iz ^ __float_as_uint(Ng.z)) >> 31)? -epsilon_i: epsilon_i;
res.z = __uint_as_float(iz);
return res;
const float epsilon_f = 1e-4f;
return P + epsilon_f*Ng;
/* Refine triangle intersection to more precise hit point. For rays that travel
* far the precision is often not so good, this reintersects the primitive from
* a closer distance. */
__device_inline float3 bvh_triangle_refine(KernelGlobals *kg, ShaderData *sd, const Intersection *isect, const Ray *ray)
float3 P = ray->P;
float3 D = ray->D;
float t = isect->t;
if(isect->object != ~0) {
#ifdef __OBJECT_MOTION__
Transform tfm = sd->ob_itfm;
Transform tfm = object_fetch_transform(kg, isect->object, OBJECT_INVERSE_TRANSFORM);
P = transform_point(&tfm, P);
D = transform_direction(&tfm, D*t);
D = normalize_len(D, &t);
P = P + D*t;
float4 v00 = kernel_tex_fetch(__tri_woop, isect->prim*TRI_NODE_SIZE+0);
float Oz = v00.w - P.x*v00.x - P.y*v00.y - P.z*v00.z;
float invDz = 1.0f/(D.x*v00.x + D.y*v00.y + D.z*v00.z);
float rt = Oz * invDz;
P = P + D*rt;
if(isect->object != ~0) {
#ifdef __OBJECT_MOTION__
Transform tfm = sd->ob_tfm;
Transform tfm = object_fetch_transform(kg, isect->object, OBJECT_TRANSFORM);
P = transform_point(&tfm, P);
return P;
return P + D*t;
/* same as above, except that isect->t is assumed to be in object space for instancing */
__device_inline float3 bvh_triangle_refine_subsurface(KernelGlobals *kg, ShaderData *sd, const Intersection *isect, const Ray *ray)
float3 P = ray->P;
float3 D = ray->D;
float t = isect->t;
if(isect->object != ~0) {
#ifdef __OBJECT_MOTION__
Transform tfm = sd->ob_itfm;
Transform tfm = object_fetch_transform(kg, isect->object, OBJECT_INVERSE_TRANSFORM);
P = transform_point(&tfm, P);
D = transform_direction(&tfm, D);
D = normalize(D);
P = P + D*t;
float4 v00 = kernel_tex_fetch(__tri_woop, isect->prim*TRI_NODE_SIZE+0);
float Oz = v00.w - P.x*v00.x - P.y*v00.y - P.z*v00.z;
float invDz = 1.0f/(D.x*v00.x + D.y*v00.y + D.z*v00.z);
float rt = Oz * invDz;
P = P + D*rt;
if(isect->object != ~0) {
#ifdef __OBJECT_MOTION__
Transform tfm = sd->ob_tfm;
Transform tfm = object_fetch_transform(kg, isect->object, OBJECT_TRANSFORM);
P = transform_point(&tfm, P);
return P;
return P + D*t;
#ifdef __HAIR__
__device_inline float3 curvetangent(float t, float3 p0, float3 p1, float3 p2, float3 p3)
float fc = 0.71f;
float data[4];
float t2 = t * t;
data[0] = -3.0f * fc * t2 + 4.0f * fc * t - fc;
data[1] = 3.0f * (2.0f - fc) * t2 + 2.0f * (fc - 3.0f) * t;
data[2] = 3.0f * (fc - 2.0f) * t2 + 2.0f * (3.0f - 2.0f * fc) * t + fc;
data[3] = 3.0f * fc * t2 - 2.0f * fc * t;
return data[0] * p0 + data[1] * p1 + data[2] * p2 + data[3] * p3;
__device_inline float3 curvepoint(float t, float3 p0, float3 p1, float3 p2, float3 p3)
float data[4];
float fc = 0.71f;
float t2 = t * t;
float t3 = t2 * t;
data[0] = -fc * t3 + 2.0f * fc * t2 - fc * t;
data[1] = (2.0f - fc) * t3 + (fc - 3.0f) * t2 + 1.0f;
data[2] = (fc - 2.0f) * t3 + (3.0f - 2.0f * fc) * t2 + fc * t;
data[3] = fc * t3 - fc * t2;
return data[0] * p0 + data[1] * p1 + data[2] * p2 + data[3] * p3;
__device_inline float3 bvh_curve_refine(KernelGlobals *kg, ShaderData *sd, const Intersection *isect, const Ray *ray, float t)
int flag = kernel_data.curve.curveflags;
float3 P = ray->P;
float3 D = ray->D;
if(isect->object != ~0) {
#ifdef __OBJECT_MOTION__
Transform tfm = sd->ob_itfm;
Transform tfm = object_fetch_transform(kg, isect->object, OBJECT_INVERSE_TRANSFORM);
P = transform_point(&tfm, P);
D = transform_direction(&tfm, D*t);
D = normalize_len(D, &t);
int prim = kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_index, isect->prim);
float4 v00 = kernel_tex_fetch(__curves, prim);
int k0 = __float_as_int(v00.x) + isect->segment;
int k1 = k0 + 1;
float4 P1 = kernel_tex_fetch(__curve_keys, k0);
float4 P2 = kernel_tex_fetch(__curve_keys, k1);
float l = 1.0f;
float3 tg = normalize_len(float4_to_float3(P2 - P1),&l);
float r1 = P1.w;
float r2 = P2.w;
float gd = ((r2 - r1)/l);
P = P + D*t;
int ka = max(k0 - 1,__float_as_int(v00.x));
int kb = min(k1 + 1,__float_as_int(v00.x) + __float_as_int(v00.y) - 1);
float4 P0 = kernel_tex_fetch(__curve_keys, ka);
float4 P3 = kernel_tex_fetch(__curve_keys, kb);
float3 p[4];
p[0] = float4_to_float3(P0);
p[1] = float4_to_float3(P1);
p[2] = float4_to_float3(P2);
p[3] = float4_to_float3(P3);
tg = normalize(curvetangent(isect->u,p[0],p[1],p[2],p[3]));
float3 p_curr = curvepoint(isect->u,p[0],p[1],p[2],p[3]);
#ifdef __UV__
sd->u = isect->u;
sd->v = 0.0f;
if(kernel_data.curve.curveflags & CURVE_KN_RIBBONS)
sd->Ng = normalize(-(D - tg * (dot(tg,D))));
else {
sd->Ng = normalize(P - p_curr);
sd->Ng = sd->Ng - gd * tg;
sd->Ng = normalize(sd->Ng);
sd->N = sd->Ng;
else {
float3 dif = P - float4_to_float3(P1);
#ifdef __UV__
sd->u = dot(dif,tg)/l;
sd->v = 0.0f;
sd->Ng = -(D - tg * dot(tg,D));
sd->Ng = normalize(sd->Ng);
else {
sd->Ng = (dif - tg * sd->u * l) / (P1.w + sd->u * l * gd);
if (gd != 0.0f) {
sd->Ng = sd->Ng - gd * tg ;
sd->Ng = normalize(sd->Ng);
sd->N = sd->Ng;
sd->N = -(D - tg * dot(tg,D));
sd->N = normalize(sd->N);
sd->N = (dif - tg * sd->u * l) / (P1.w + sd->u * l * gd);
if (gd != 0.0f) {
sd->N = sd->N - gd * tg ;
sd->N = normalize(sd->N);
#ifdef __DPDU__
/* dPdu/dPdv */
sd->dPdu = tg;
sd->dPdv = cross(tg,sd->Ng);
/*add fading parameter for minimum pixel width with transparency bsdf*/
/*sd->curve_transparency = isect->v;*/
/*sd->curve_radius = sd->u * gd * l + r1;*/
if(isect->object != ~0) {
#ifdef __OBJECT_MOTION__
Transform tfm = sd->ob_tfm;
Transform tfm = object_fetch_transform(kg, isect->object, OBJECT_TRANSFORM);
P = transform_point(&tfm, P);
return P;