2008-10-14 22:31:10 +00:00

197 lines
4.6 KiB

# $Id$
Documentation for the Rasterizer module.
Example Uses an L{SCA_MouseSensor}, and two L{KX_ObjectActuator}s to implement MouseLook::
# To use a mouse movement sensor "Mouse" and a
# motion actuator to mouse look:
import Rasterizer
import GameLogic
# SCALE sets the speed of motion
SCALE=[1, 0.5]
co = GameLogic.getCurrentController()
obj = co.getOwner()
mouse = co.getSensor("Mouse")
lmotion = co.getActuator("LMove")
wmotion = co.getActuator("WMove")
# Transform the mouse coordinates to see how far the mouse has moved.
def mousePos():
x = (Rasterizer.getWindowWidth()/2 - mouse.getXPosition())*SCALE[0]
y = (Rasterizer.getWindowHeight()/2 - mouse.getYPosition())*SCALE[1]
return (x, y)
pos = mousePos()
# Set the amount of motion: X is applied in world coordinates...
lmotion.setTorque(0.0, 0.0, pos[0], False)
# ...Y is applied in local coordinates
wmotion.setTorque(-pos[1], 0.0, 0.0, True)
# Activate both actuators
GameLogic.addActiveActuator(lmotion, True)
GameLogic.addActiveActuator(wmotion, True)
# Centre the mouse
Rasterizer.setMousePosition(Rasterizer.getWindowWidth()/2, Rasterizer.getWindowHeight()/2)
@var KX_TEXFACE_MATERIAL: Materials as defined by the texture face settings.
@var KX_BLENDER_MULTITEX_MATERIAL: Materials approximating blender materials with multitexturing.
@var KX_BLENDER_GLSL_MATERIAL: Materials approximating blender materials with GLSL.
def getWindowWidth():
Gets the width of the window (in pixels)
@rtype: integer
def getWindowHeight():
Gets the height of the window (in pixels)
@rtype: integer
def makeScreenshot(filename):
Writes a screenshot to the given filename.
If filename starts with // the image will be saved relative to the current directory.
If the filename contains # it will be replaced with the frame number.
The standalone player saves .png files. It does not support colour space conversion
or gamma correction.
When run from Blender, makeScreenshot supports Iris, IrisZ, TGA, Raw TGA, PNG, HamX, and Jpeg.
Gamma, Colourspace conversion and Jpeg compression are taken from the Render settings panels.
@type filename: string
def enableVisibility(visible):
Doesn't really do anything...
def showMouse(visible):
Enables or disables the operating system mouse cursor.
@type visible: boolean
def setMousePosition(x, y):
Sets the mouse cursor position.
@type x: integer
@type y: integer
def setBackgroundColor(rgba):
Sets the window background colour.
@type rgba: list [r, g, b, a]
def setMistColor(rgb):
Sets the mist colour.
@type rgb: list [r, g, b]
def setMistStart(start):
Sets the mist start value. Objects further away than start will have mist applied to them.
@type start: float
def setMistEnd(end):
Sets the mist end value. Objects further away from this will be coloured solid with
the colour set by setMistColor().
@type end: float
def setEyeSeparation(eyesep):
Sets the eye separation for stereo mode.
@param eyesep: The distance between the left and right eye.
@type eyesep: float
def getEyeSeparation():
Gets the current eye separation for stereo mode.
@rtype: float
def setFocalLength(focallength):
Sets the focal length for stereo mode.
@param focallength: The focal length.
@type focallength: float
def getFocalLength():
Gets the current focal length for stereo mode.
@rtype: float
def setMaterialMode(mode):
Set the material mode to use for OpenGL rendering.
@note: Changes will only affect newly created scenes.
def getMaterialMode(mode):
Get the material mode to use for OpenGL rendering.
def setGLSLMaterialSetting(setting, enable):
Enables or disables a GLSL material setting.
@type setting: string (lights, shaders, shadows, ramps, nodes, extra_textures)
@type enable: boolean
def getGLSLMaterialSetting(setting, enable):
Get the state of a GLSL material setting.
@type setting: string (lights, shaders, shadows, ramps, nodes, extra_textures)
@rtype: boolean
def drawLine(fromVec,toVec,color):
Draw a line in the 3D scene.
@param fromVec: the origin of the line
@type fromVec: list [x, y, z]
@param toVec: the end of the line
@type toVec: list [x, y, z]
@param color: the color of the line
@type color: list [r, g, b]