2011-02-25 10:51:01 +00:00

946 lines
29 KiB

/** \file elbeem/intern/ntl_bsptree.cpp
* \ingroup elbeem
* El'Beem - Free Surface Fluid Simulation with the Lattice Boltzmann Method
* Copyright 2003-2006 Nils Thuerey
* Tree container for fast triangle intersects
#include "ntl_bsptree.h"
#include "utilities.h"
#include <algorithm>
/*! Static global variable for sorting direction */
int globalSortingAxis;
/*! Access to points array for sorting */
vector<ntlVec3Gfx> *globalSortingPoints;
#define TREE_DOUBLEI 300
/* try axis selection? */
bool chooseAxis = 0;
/* do median search? */
int doSort = 0;
//! struct for a single node in the bsp tree
class BSPNode {
BSPNode() {};
ntlVec3Gfx min,max; /* AABB for node */
vector<ntlTriangle *> *members; /* stored triangles */
BSPNode *child[2]; /* pointer to children nodes */
char axis; /* division axis */
char cloneVec; /* is this vector a clone? */
//! check if node is a leaf
inline bool isLeaf() const {
return (child[0] == NULL);
//! an element node stack
class BSPStackElement {
//! tree node
BSPNode *node;
//! min and maximum distance along axis
gfxReal mindist, maxdist;
//! bsp tree stack
class BSPStack {
//! current stack element
int stackPtr;
//! stack storage
BSPStackElement elem[ BSP_STACK_SIZE ];
//! triangle bounding box for quick tree subdivision
class TriangleBBox {
//! start and end of triangle bounding box
ntlVec3Gfx start, end;
* calculate tree statistics
void calcStats(BSPNode *node, int depth, int &noLeafs, gfxReal &avgDepth, gfxReal &triPerLeaf,int &totalTris)
if(node->members != NULL) {
totalTris += node->members->size();
//depth = 15; // DBEUG!
if( (node->child[0]==NULL) && (node->child[1]==NULL) ) {
// leaf
avgDepth += depth;
triPerLeaf += node->members->size();
} else {
for(int i=0;i<2;i++)
calcStats(node->child[i], depth+1, noLeafs, avgDepth, triPerLeaf, totalTris);
* triangle comparison function for median search
bool lessTriangleAverage(const ntlTriangle *x, const ntlTriangle *y)
return x->getAverage(globalSortingAxis) < y->getAverage(globalSortingAxis);
* triangle AABB intersection
bool ntlTree::checkAABBTriangle(ntlVec3Gfx &min, ntlVec3Gfx &max, ntlTriangle *tri)
// test only BB of triangle
TriangleBBox *bbox = &mpTBB[ tri->getBBoxId() ];
if( bbox->end[0] < min[0] ) return false;
if( bbox->start[0] > max[0] ) return false;
if( bbox->end[1] < min[1] ) return false;
if( bbox->start[1] > max[1] ) return false;
if( bbox->end[2] < min[2] ) return false;
if( bbox->start[2] > max[2] ) return false;
return true;
* Default constructor
ntlTree::ntlTree() :
mStart(0.0), mEnd(0.0), mMaxDepth( 5 ), mMaxListLength( 5 ), mpRoot( NULL) ,
mpNodeStack( NULL), mpVertices( NULL ), mpVertNormals( NULL ), mpTriangles( NULL ),
mCurrentDepth(0), mCurrentNodes(0), mTriDoubles(0)
errFatal( "ntlTree","Uninitialized BSP Tree!\n",SIMWORLD_INITERROR );
* Constructor with init
//ntlTree::ntlTree(int depth, int objnum, vector<ntlVec3Gfx> *vertices, vector<ntlVec3Gfx> *normals, vector<ntlTriangle> *trilist) :
ntlTree::ntlTree(int depth, int objnum, ntlScene *scene, int triFlagMask) :
mStart(0.0), mEnd(0.0), mMaxDepth( depth ), mMaxListLength( objnum ), mpRoot( NULL) ,
mpNodeStack( NULL), mpTBB( NULL ),
mTriangleMask( 0xFFFF ),
mCurrentDepth(0), mCurrentNodes(0), mTriDoubles(0)
// init scene data pointers
mpVertices = scene->getVertexPointer();
mpVertNormals = scene->getVertexNormalPointer();
mpTriangles = scene->getTrianglePointer();
mTriangleMask = triFlagMask;
if(mpTriangles == NULL) {
errFatal( "ntlTree Cons","no triangle list!\n",SIMWORLD_INITERROR);
if(mpTriangles->size() == 0) {
warnMsg( "ntlTree::ntlTree","No triangles ("<< mpTriangles->size() <<")!\n");
mStart = mEnd = ntlVec3Gfx(0,0,0);
if(depth>=BSP_STACK_SIZE) {
errFatal( "ntlTree::ntlTree","Depth to high ("<< mMaxDepth <<")!\n", SIMWORLD_INITERROR );
/* check triangles (a bit inefficient, but we dont know which vertices belong
to this tree), and generate bounding boxes */
mppTriangles = new vector<ntlTriangle *>;
int noOfTriangles = mpTriangles->size();
mpTBB = new TriangleBBox[ noOfTriangles ];
int bbCount = 0;
mStart = mEnd = (*mpVertices)[ mpTriangles->front().getPoints()[0] ];
for (vector<ntlTriangle>::iterator iter = mpTriangles->begin();
iter != mpTriangles->end();
iter++ ) {
//errorOut(" d "<< convertFlags2String((int)(*iter).getFlags()) <<" "<< convertFlags2String( (int)mTriangleMask)<<" add? "<<( ((int)(*iter).getFlags() & (int)mTriangleMask) != 0 ) );
// discard triangles that dont match mask
if( ((int)(*iter).getFlags() & (int)mTriangleMask) == 0 ) {
// test? TODO
ntlVec3Gfx tnormal = (*mpVertNormals)[ (*iter).getPoints()[0] ]+
(*mpVertNormals)[ (*iter).getPoints()[1] ]+
(*mpVertNormals)[ (*iter).getPoints()[2] ];
ntlVec3Gfx triangleNormal = (*iter).getNormal();
if( equal(triangleNormal, ntlVec3Gfx(0.0)) ) continue;
if( equal( tnormal, ntlVec3Gfx(0.0)) ) continue;
// */
ntlVec3Gfx bbs, bbe;
for(int i=0;i<3;i++) {
int index = (*iter).getPoints()[i];
ntlVec3Gfx tp = (*mpVertices)[ index ];
//errMsg("TreeDebug"," Point "<<i<<" = "<<tp<<" ");
if(tp[0] < mStart[0]) mStart[0]= tp[0];
if(tp[0] > mEnd[0]) mEnd[0]= tp[0];
if(tp[1] < mStart[1]) mStart[1]= tp[1];
if(tp[1] > mEnd[1]) mEnd[1]= tp[1];
if(tp[2] < mStart[2]) mStart[2]= tp[2];
if(tp[2] > mEnd[2]) mEnd[2]= tp[2];
if(i==0) {
bbs = bbe = tp;
} else {
if( tp[0] < bbs[0] ) bbs[0] = tp[0];
if( tp[0] > bbe[0] ) bbe[0] = tp[0];
if( tp[1] < bbs[1] ) bbs[1] = tp[1];
if( tp[1] > bbe[1] ) bbe[1] = tp[1];
if( tp[2] < bbs[2] ) bbs[2] = tp[2];
if( tp[2] > bbe[2] ) bbe[2] = tp[2];
mppTriangles->push_back( &(*iter) );
//errMsg("TreeDebug","Triangle "<<(*mpVertices)[(*iter).getPoints()[0]]<<" "<<(*mpVertices)[(*iter).getPoints()[1]]<<" "<<(*mpVertices)[(*iter).getPoints()[2]]<<" ");
// add BB
mpTBB[ bbCount ].start = bbs;
mpTBB[ bbCount ].end = bbe;
(*iter).setBBoxId( bbCount );
/* slighlty enlarge bounding tolerance for tree
to avoid problems with triangles paralell to slabs */
mStart -= ntlVec3Gfx( getVecEpsilon() );
mEnd += ntlVec3Gfx( getVecEpsilon() );
/* init root node and stack */
mpNodeStack = new BSPStack;
mpRoot = new BSPNode;
mpRoot->min = mStart;
mpRoot->max = mEnd;
mpRoot->axis = AXIS_X;
mpRoot->members = mppTriangles;
mpRoot->child[0] = mpRoot->child[1] = NULL;
mpRoot->cloneVec = 0;
globalSortingPoints = mpVertices;
mpTriDist = new char[ mppTriangles->size() ];
mNumNodes = 1;
mAbortSubdiv = 0;
/* create tree */
debugOutInter( "Generating BSP Tree... (Nodes "<< mCurrentNodes <<
", Depth "<<mCurrentDepth<< ") ", 2, 2000 );
subdivide(mpRoot, 0, AXIS_X);
debMsgStd("ntlTree::ntlTree",DM_MSG,"Generated Tree: Nodes "<< mCurrentNodes <<
", Depth "<<mCurrentDepth<< " with "<<noOfTriangles<<" triangles", 2 );
delete [] mpTriDist;
delete [] mpTBB;
mpTriDist = NULL;
/* calculate some stats about tree */
int noLeafs = 0;
gfxReal avgDepth = 0.0;
gfxReal triPerLeaf = 0.0;
int totalTris = 0;
calcStats(mpRoot,0, noLeafs, avgDepth, triPerLeaf, totalTris);
avgDepth /= (gfxReal)noLeafs;
triPerLeaf /= (gfxReal)noLeafs;
debMsgStd("ntlTree::ntlTree",DM_MSG,"Tree ("<<doSort<<","<<chooseAxis<<") Stats: Leafs:"<<noLeafs<<", avgDepth:"<<avgDepth<<
", triPerLeaf:"<<triPerLeaf<<", triDoubles:"<<mTriDoubles<<", totalTris:"<<totalTris
<<" nodes:"<<mNumNodes
//<<" T"<< (totalTris%3) // 0=ich, 1=f, 2=a
, 2 );
if(mAbortSubdiv) {
errMsg("ntlTree::ntlTree","Aborted... "<<mNumNodes);
mpRoot = NULL;
* Destructor
/* delete tree, and all members except for the root node */
if(mpNodeStack) delete mpNodeStack;
* subdivide tree
void ntlTree::subdivide(BSPNode *node, int depth, int axis)
int nextAxis=0; /* next axis to partition */
int allTriDistSet = (1<<0)|(1<<1); // all mpTriDist flags set?
//errorOut(" "<<node<<" depth:"<<depth<<" m:"<<node->members->size() <<" "<<node->min<<" - "<<node->max );
if(depth>mCurrentDepth) mCurrentDepth = depth;
node->child[0] = node->child[1] = NULL;
if( ( (int)node->members->size() > mMaxListLength) &&
(depth < mMaxDepth )
&& (node->cloneVec<10)
&& (!mAbortSubdiv)
) {
gfxReal planeDiv = 0.499999; // position of plane division
// determine next subdivision axis
int newaxis = 0;
gfxReal extX = node->max[0]-node->min[0];
gfxReal extY = node->max[1]-node->min[1];
gfxReal extZ = node->max[2]-node->min[2];
if( extY>extX ) {
if( extZ>extY ) {
newaxis = 2;
} else {
newaxis = 1;
} else {
if( extZ>extX ) {
newaxis = 2;
} else {
newaxis = 0;
axis = node->axis = newaxis;
// init child nodes
for( int i=0; i<2; i++) {
/* status output */
if(mCurrentNodes % 13973 ==0) {
debugOutInter( "NTL Generating BSP Tree ("<<doSort<<","<<chooseAxis<<") ... (Nodes "<< mCurrentNodes <<
", Depth "<<mCurrentDepth<< ") " , 2, 2000);
/* create new node */
node->child[i] = new BSPNode;
node->child[i]->min = node->min;
node->child[i]->max = node->max;
node->child[i]->max = node->max;
node->child[i]->child[0] = NULL;
node->child[i]->child[1] = NULL;
node->child[i]->members = NULL;
nextAxis = (axis+1)%3;
node->child[i]->axis = nextAxis;
// abort when using 256MB only for tree...
if(mNumNodes*sizeof(BSPNode)> 1024*1024*512) mAbortSubdiv = 1;
/* current division plane */
if(!i) {
node->child[i]->min[axis] = node->min[axis];
node->child[i]->max[axis] = node->min[axis] + planeDiv*
} else {
node->child[i]->min[axis] = node->min[axis] + planeDiv*
node->child[i]->max[axis] = node->max[axis];
/* process the two children */
int thisTrisFor[2] = {0,0};
int thisTriDoubles[2] = {0,0};
for(int t=0;t<(int)node->members->size();t++) mpTriDist[t] = 0;
for( int i=0; i<2; i++) {
/* distribute triangles */
int t = 0;
for (vector<ntlTriangle *>::iterator iter = node->members->begin();
iter != node->members->end(); iter++ ) {
/* add triangle, check bounding box axis */
TriangleBBox *bbox = &mpTBB[ (*iter)->getBBoxId() ];
bool isintersect = true;
if( bbox->end[axis] < node->child[i]->min[axis] ) isintersect = false;
else if( bbox->start[axis] > node->child[i]->max[axis] ) isintersect = false;
if(isintersect) {
// add flag to vector
mpTriDist[t] |= (1<<i);
// count no. of triangles for vector init
if(mpTriDist[t] == allTriDistSet) {
mTriDoubles++; // TODO check for small geo tree??
} /* end of loop over all triangles */
} // i
/* distribute triangles */
bool haveCloneVec[2] = {false, false};
for( int i=0; i<2; i++) {
node->child[i]->members = new vector<ntlTriangle *>( thisTrisFor[i] );
node->child[i]->cloneVec = 0;
int tind0 = 0;
int tind1 = 0;
if( (!haveCloneVec[0]) || (!haveCloneVec[1]) ){
int t = 0; // triangle index counter
for (vector<ntlTriangle *>::iterator iter = node->members->begin();
iter != node->members->end(); iter++ ) {
if(!haveCloneVec[0]) {
if( (mpTriDist[t] & 1) == 1) {
(*node->child[0]->members)[tind0] = (*iter); // dont use push_back for preinited size!
if(!haveCloneVec[1]) {
if( (mpTriDist[t] & 2) == 2) {
(*node->child[1]->members)[tind1] = (*iter); // dont use push_back for preinited size!
} /* end of loop over all triangles */
// subdivide children
for( int i=0; i<2; i++) {
/* recurse */
subdivide( node->child[i], depth+1, nextAxis );
/* if we are here, this are childs, so we dont need the members any more... */
/* delete unecessary members */
if( (!haveCloneVec[0]) && (!haveCloneVec[1]) && (node->cloneVec == 0) ){
delete node->members;
node->members = NULL;
} /* subdivision necessary */
* triangle intersection with triangle pointer,
* returns t,u,v by references
// float values
//! the minimal triangle determinant length
#define RAY_TRIANGLE_EPSILON (1e-07)
// double values
//! the minimal triangle determinant length
#define RAY_TRIANGLE_EPSILON (1e-15)
* intersect ray with BSPtree
inline void ntlRay::intersectTriangle(vector<ntlVec3Gfx> *mpV, ntlTriangle *tri, gfxReal &t, gfxReal &u, gfxReal &v) const
/* (cf. moeller&haines, page 305) */
ntlVec3Gfx e0 = (*mpV)[ tri->getPoints()[0] ];
ntlVec3Gfx e1 = (*mpV)[ tri->getPoints()[1] ] - e0;
ntlVec3Gfx e2 = (*mpV)[ tri->getPoints()[2] ] - e0;
ntlVec3Gfx p = cross( mDirection, e2 );
gfxReal divisor = dot(e1, p);
if((divisor > -RAY_TRIANGLE_EPSILON)&&(divisor < RAY_TRIANGLE_EPSILON)) return;
gfxReal invDivisor = 1/divisor;
ntlVec3Gfx s = mOrigin - e0;
u = invDivisor * dot(s, p);
if( (u<0.0-RAY_TRIANGLE_EPSILON) || (u>1.0+RAY_TRIANGLE_EPSILON) ) return;
ntlVec3Gfx q = cross( s,e1 );
v = invDivisor * dot(mDirection, q);
if( (v<0.0-RAY_TRIANGLE_EPSILON) || ((u+v)>1.0+RAY_TRIANGLE_EPSILON) ) return;
t = invDivisor * dot(e2, q);
void ntlTree::intersect(const ntlRay &ray, gfxReal &distance,
ntlVec3Gfx &normal,
ntlTriangle *&tri,
int flags, bool forceNonsmooth) const
gfxReal mint = GFX_REAL_MAX; /* current minimal t */
ntlVec3Gfx retnormal; /* intersection (interpolated) normal */
gfxReal mintu=0.0, mintv=0.0; /* u,v for min t intersection */
BSPNode *curr, *nearChild, *farChild; /* current node and children */
gfxReal planedist, mindist, maxdist;
ntlVec3Gfx pos;
ntlTriangle *hit = NULL;
tri = NULL;
if((maxdist < 0.0) ||
(!mpRoot) ||
(mindist == GFX_REAL_MAX) ||
(maxdist == GFX_REAL_MAX) ) {
distance = -1.0;
mindist -= getVecEpsilon();
maxdist += getVecEpsilon();
/* stack init */
mpNodeStack->elem[0].node = NULL;
mpNodeStack->stackPtr = 1;
curr = mpRoot;
mint = GFX_REAL_MAX;
while(curr != NULL) {
while( !curr->isLeaf() ) {
planedist = distanceToPlane(curr, curr->child[0]->max, ray );
getChildren(curr, ray.getOrigin(), nearChild, farChild );
// check ray direction for small plane distances
if( (planedist>-getVecEpsilon() )&&(planedist< getVecEpsilon() ) ) {
// ray origin on intersection plane
planedist = 0.0;
if(ray.getDirection()[curr->axis]>getVecEpsilon() ) {
// larger coords
curr = curr->child[1];
} else if(ray.getDirection()[curr->axis]<-getVecEpsilon() ) {
// smaller coords
curr = curr->child[0];
} else {
// paralell, order doesnt really matter are min/max/plane ok?
mpNodeStack->elem[ mpNodeStack->stackPtr ].node = curr->child[0];
mpNodeStack->elem[ mpNodeStack->stackPtr ].mindist = planedist;
mpNodeStack->elem[ mpNodeStack->stackPtr ].maxdist = maxdist;
curr = curr->child[1];
maxdist = planedist;
} else {
// normal ray
if( (planedist>maxdist) || (planedist<0.0-getVecEpsilon() ) ) {
curr = nearChild;
} else if(planedist < mindist) {
curr = farChild;
} else {
mpNodeStack->elem[ mpNodeStack->stackPtr ].node = farChild;
mpNodeStack->elem[ mpNodeStack->stackPtr ].mindist = planedist;
mpNodeStack->elem[ mpNodeStack->stackPtr ].maxdist = maxdist;
curr = nearChild;
maxdist = planedist;
/* intersect with current node */
for (vector<ntlTriangle *>::iterator iter = curr->members->begin();
iter != curr->members->end(); iter++ ) {
/* check for triangle flags before intersecting */
if((!flags) || ( ((*iter)->getFlags() & flags) > 0 )) {
if( ((*iter)->getLastRay() == ray.getID() )&&((*iter)->getLastRay()>0) ) {
// was already intersected...
} else {
// we still need to intersect this triangle
gfxReal u=0.0,v=0.0, t=-1.0;
ray.intersectTriangle( mpVertices, (*iter), t,u,v);
(*iter)->setLastRay( ray.getID() );
if( (t > 0.0) && (t<mint) ) {
mint = t;
hit = (*iter);
mintu = u; mintv = v;
} // flags check
/* check if intersection is valid */
if( (mint>0.0) && (mint < GFX_REAL_MAX) ) {
pos = ray.getOrigin() + ray.getDirection()*mint;
if( (pos[0] >= curr->min[0]) && (pos[0] <= curr->max[0]) &&
(pos[1] >= curr->min[1]) && (pos[1] <= curr->max[1]) &&
(pos[2] >= curr->min[2]) && (pos[2] <= curr->max[2]) )
if(forceNonsmooth) {
// calculate triangle normal
ntlVec3Gfx e0,e1,e2;
e0 = (*mpVertices)[ hit->getPoints()[0] ];
e1 = (*mpVertices)[ hit->getPoints()[1] ];
e2 = (*mpVertices)[ hit->getPoints()[2] ];
retnormal = cross( -(e2-e0), (e1-e0) );
} else {
// calculate interpolated normal
retnormal = (*mpVertNormals)[ hit->getPoints()[0] ] * (1.0-mintu-mintv)+
(*mpVertNormals)[ hit->getPoints()[1] ]*mintu +
(*mpVertNormals)[ hit->getPoints()[2] ]*mintv;
normal = retnormal;
distance = mint;
tri = hit;
curr = mpNodeStack->elem[ mpNodeStack->stackPtr ].node;
mindist = mpNodeStack->elem[ mpNodeStack->stackPtr ].mindist;
maxdist = mpNodeStack->elem[ mpNodeStack->stackPtr ].maxdist;
} /* traverse tree */
if(mint == GFX_REAL_MAX) {
distance = -1.0;
} else {
// intersection outside the BSP bounding volumes might occur due to roundoff...
//retnormal = (*mpVertNormals)[ hit->getPoints()[0] ] * (1.0-mintu-mintv)+ (*mpVertNormals)[ hit->getPoints()[1] ]*mintu + (*mpVertNormals)[ hit->getPoints()[2] ]*mintv;
if(forceNonsmooth) {
// calculate triangle normal
ntlVec3Gfx e0,e1,e2;
e0 = (*mpVertices)[ hit->getPoints()[0] ];
e1 = (*mpVertices)[ hit->getPoints()[1] ];
e2 = (*mpVertices)[ hit->getPoints()[2] ];
retnormal = cross( -(e2-e0), (e1-e0) );
} else {
// calculate interpolated normal
retnormal = (*mpVertNormals)[ hit->getPoints()[0] ] * (1.0-mintu-mintv)+
(*mpVertNormals)[ hit->getPoints()[1] ]*mintu +
(*mpVertNormals)[ hit->getPoints()[2] ]*mintv;
normal = retnormal;
distance = mint;
tri = hit;
inline void ntlRay::intersectTriangleX(vector<ntlVec3Gfx> *mpV, ntlTriangle *tri, gfxReal &t, gfxReal &u, gfxReal &v) const
/* (cf. moeller&haines, page 305) */
ntlVec3Gfx e0 = (*mpV)[ tri->getPoints()[0] ];
ntlVec3Gfx e1 = (*mpV)[ tri->getPoints()[1] ] - e0;
ntlVec3Gfx e2 = (*mpV)[ tri->getPoints()[2] ] - e0;
//ntlVec3Gfx p = cross( mDirection, e2 );
//ntlVector3Dim<Scalar> cp( (-), (- (1.0 *v[2])), ((1.0 *v[1]) -) );
ntlVec3Gfx p(0.0, -e2[2], e2[1]);
gfxReal divisor = dot(e1, p);
if((divisor > -RAY_TRIANGLE_EPSILON)&&(divisor < RAY_TRIANGLE_EPSILON)) return;
gfxReal invDivisor = 1/divisor;
ntlVec3Gfx s = mOrigin - e0;
u = invDivisor * dot(s, p);
if( (u<0.0-RAY_TRIANGLE_EPSILON) || (u>1.0+RAY_TRIANGLE_EPSILON) ) return;
ntlVec3Gfx q = cross( s,e1 );
//v = invDivisor * dot(mDirection, q);
v = invDivisor * q[0];
if( (v<0.0-RAY_TRIANGLE_EPSILON) || ((u+v)>1.0+RAY_TRIANGLE_EPSILON) ) return;
t = invDivisor * dot(e2, q);
void ntlTree::intersectX(const ntlRay &ray, gfxReal &distance,
ntlVec3Gfx &normal,
ntlTriangle *&tri,
int flags, bool forceNonsmooth) const
gfxReal mint = GFX_REAL_MAX; /* current minimal t */
ntlVec3Gfx retnormal; /* intersection (interpolated) normal */
gfxReal mintu=0.0, mintv=0.0; /* u,v for min t intersection */
BSPNode *curr, *nearChild, *farChild; /* current node and children */
gfxReal planedist, mindist, maxdist;
ntlVec3Gfx pos;
ntlTriangle *hit = NULL;
tri = NULL;
ray.intersectCompleteAABB(mStart,mEnd,mindist,maxdist); // +X
if((maxdist < 0.0) ||
(!mpRoot) ||
(mindist == GFX_REAL_MAX) ||
(maxdist == GFX_REAL_MAX) ) {
distance = -1.0;
mindist -= getVecEpsilon();
maxdist += getVecEpsilon();
/* stack init */
mpNodeStack->elem[0].node = NULL;
mpNodeStack->stackPtr = 1;
curr = mpRoot;
mint = GFX_REAL_MAX;
while(curr != NULL) { // +X
while( !curr->isLeaf() ) {
planedist = distanceToPlane(curr, curr->child[0]->max, ray );
getChildren(curr, ray.getOrigin(), nearChild, farChild );
// check ray direction for small plane distances
if( (planedist>-getVecEpsilon() )&&(planedist< getVecEpsilon() ) ) {
// ray origin on intersection plane
planedist = 0.0;
if(ray.getDirection()[curr->axis]>getVecEpsilon() ) {
// larger coords
curr = curr->child[1];
} else if(ray.getDirection()[curr->axis]<-getVecEpsilon() ) {
// smaller coords
curr = curr->child[0];
} else {
// paralell, order doesnt really matter are min/max/plane ok?
mpNodeStack->elem[ mpNodeStack->stackPtr ].node = curr->child[0];
mpNodeStack->elem[ mpNodeStack->stackPtr ].mindist = planedist;
mpNodeStack->elem[ mpNodeStack->stackPtr ].maxdist = maxdist;
curr = curr->child[1];
maxdist = planedist;
} else {
// normal ray
if( (planedist>maxdist) || (planedist<0.0-getVecEpsilon() ) ) {
curr = nearChild;
} else if(planedist < mindist) {
curr = farChild;
} else {
mpNodeStack->elem[ mpNodeStack->stackPtr ].node = farChild;
mpNodeStack->elem[ mpNodeStack->stackPtr ].mindist = planedist;
mpNodeStack->elem[ mpNodeStack->stackPtr ].maxdist = maxdist;
curr = nearChild;
maxdist = planedist;
} // +X
/* intersect with current node */
for (vector<ntlTriangle *>::iterator iter = curr->members->begin();
iter != curr->members->end(); iter++ ) {
/* check for triangle flags before intersecting */
if((!flags) || ( ((*iter)->getFlags() & flags) > 0 )) {
if( ((*iter)->getLastRay() == ray.getID() )&&((*iter)->getLastRay()>0) ) {
// was already intersected...
} else {
// we still need to intersect this triangle
gfxReal u=0.0,v=0.0, t=-1.0;
ray.intersectTriangleX( mpVertices, (*iter), t,u,v);
(*iter)->setLastRay( ray.getID() );
if( (t > 0.0) && (t<mint) ) {
mint = t;
hit = (*iter);
mintu = u; mintv = v;
} // flags check
} // +X
/* check if intersection is valid */
if( (mint>0.0) && (mint < GFX_REAL_MAX) ) {
pos = ray.getOrigin() + ray.getDirection()*mint;
if( (pos[0] >= curr->min[0]) && (pos[0] <= curr->max[0]) &&
(pos[1] >= curr->min[1]) && (pos[1] <= curr->max[1]) &&
(pos[2] >= curr->min[2]) && (pos[2] <= curr->max[2]) )
if(forceNonsmooth) {
// calculate triangle normal
ntlVec3Gfx e0,e1,e2;
e0 = (*mpVertices)[ hit->getPoints()[0] ];
e1 = (*mpVertices)[ hit->getPoints()[1] ];
e2 = (*mpVertices)[ hit->getPoints()[2] ];
retnormal = cross( -(e2-e0), (e1-e0) );
} else {
// calculate interpolated normal
retnormal = (*mpVertNormals)[ hit->getPoints()[0] ] * (1.0-mintu-mintv)+
(*mpVertNormals)[ hit->getPoints()[1] ]*mintu +
(*mpVertNormals)[ hit->getPoints()[2] ]*mintv;
normal = retnormal;
distance = mint;
tri = hit;
} // +X
curr = mpNodeStack->elem[ mpNodeStack->stackPtr ].node;
mindist = mpNodeStack->elem[ mpNodeStack->stackPtr ].mindist;
maxdist = mpNodeStack->elem[ mpNodeStack->stackPtr ].maxdist;
} /* traverse tree */
if(mint == GFX_REAL_MAX) {
distance = -1.0;
} else {
// intersection outside the BSP bounding volumes might occur due to roundoff...
if(forceNonsmooth) {
// calculate triangle normal
ntlVec3Gfx e0,e1,e2;
e0 = (*mpVertices)[ hit->getPoints()[0] ];
e1 = (*mpVertices)[ hit->getPoints()[1] ];
e2 = (*mpVertices)[ hit->getPoints()[2] ];
retnormal = cross( -(e2-e0), (e1-e0) );
} else {
// calculate interpolated normal
retnormal = (*mpVertNormals)[ hit->getPoints()[0] ] * (1.0-mintu-mintv)+
(*mpVertNormals)[ hit->getPoints()[1] ]*mintu +
(*mpVertNormals)[ hit->getPoints()[2] ]*mintv;
normal = retnormal;
distance = mint;
tri = hit;
} // +X
* distance to plane function for nodes
gfxReal ntlTree::distanceToPlane(BSPNode *curr, ntlVec3Gfx plane, ntlRay ray) const
return ( (plane[curr->axis]-ray.getOrigin()[curr->axis]) / ray.getDirection()[curr->axis] );
* return ordering of children nodes relatice to origin point
void ntlTree::getChildren(BSPNode *curr, ntlVec3Gfx origin, BSPNode *&node_near, BSPNode *&node_far) const
if(curr->child[0]->max[ curr->axis ] >= origin[ curr->axis ]) {
node_near = curr->child[0];
node_far = curr->child[1];
} else {
node_near = curr->child[1];
node_far = curr->child[0];
* delete a node of the tree with all sub nodes
* dont delete root members
void ntlTree::deleteNode(BSPNode *curr)
if(!curr) return;
if(curr->child[0] != NULL)
if(curr->child[1] != NULL)
if(curr->members != NULL) delete curr->members;
delete curr;
* intersect only front or backsides
* currently unused
inline void ntlRay::intersectTriangleFront(vector<ntlVec3Gfx> *mpV, ntlTriangle *tri, gfxReal &t, gfxReal &u, gfxReal &v) const
ntlVec3Gfx e0 = (*mpV)[ tri->getPoints()[0] ];
ntlVec3Gfx e1 = (*mpV)[ tri->getPoints()[1] ] - e0;
ntlVec3Gfx e2 = (*mpV)[ tri->getPoints()[2] ] - e0;
ntlVec3Gfx p = cross( mDirection, e2 );
gfxReal a = dot(e1, p);
if(a < RAY_TRIANGLE_EPSILON) return; // cull backsides
gfxReal f = 1/a;
ntlVec3Gfx s = mOrigin - e0;
u = f * dot(s, p);
if( (u<0.0-RAY_TRIANGLE_EPSILON) || (u>1.0+RAY_TRIANGLE_EPSILON) ) return;
ntlVec3Gfx q = cross( s,e1 );
v = f * dot(mDirection, q);
if( (v<0.0-RAY_TRIANGLE_EPSILON) || ((u+v)>1.0+RAY_TRIANGLE_EPSILON) ) return;
t = f * dot(e2, q);
inline void ntlRay::intersectTriangleBack(vector<ntlVec3Gfx> *mpV, ntlTriangle *tri, gfxReal &t, gfxReal &u, gfxReal &v) const
ntlVec3Gfx e0 = (*mpV)[ tri->getPoints()[0] ];
ntlVec3Gfx e1 = (*mpV)[ tri->getPoints()[1] ] - e0;
ntlVec3Gfx e2 = (*mpV)[ tri->getPoints()[2] ] - e0;
ntlVec3Gfx p = cross( mDirection, e2 );
gfxReal a = dot(e1, p);
if(a > -RAY_TRIANGLE_EPSILON) return; // cull frontsides
gfxReal f = 1/a;
ntlVec3Gfx s = mOrigin - e0;
u = f * dot(s, p);
if( (u<0.0-RAY_TRIANGLE_EPSILON) || (u>1.0+RAY_TRIANGLE_EPSILON) ) return;
ntlVec3Gfx q = cross( s,e1 );
v = f * dot(mDirection, q);
if( (v<0.0-RAY_TRIANGLE_EPSILON) || ((u+v)>1.0+RAY_TRIANGLE_EPSILON) ) return;
t = f * dot(e2, q);