forked from bartvdbraak/blender
fixes ‘friend declaration specifying a default argument must be a definition’, based on information from here:
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268 lines
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* \file
* This file contains the definition of classes for a
* Rall Algebra of (subset of) the classes defined in frames,
* i.e. classes that contain a set (value,derivative,2nd derivative)
* and define operations on that set
* this classes are usefull for automatic differentiation ( <-> symbolic diff ,
* <-> numeric diff).
* Defines VectorAcc, RotationAcc, FrameAcc, doubleAcc.
* Look at the corresponding classes Vector Rotation Frame Twist and
* Wrench for the semantics of the methods.
* It also contains the 2nd derivative <-> RFrames.h
* \author
* Erwin Aertbelien, Div. PMA, Dep. of Mech. Eng., K.U.Leuven
* \version
* ORO_Geometry V0.2
* \par History
* - $log$
* \par Release
* $Name: $
#ifndef RRFRAMES_H
#define RRFRAMES_H
#include "utilities/rall2d.h"
#include "frames.hpp"
namespace KDL {
class TwistAcc;
typedef Rall2d<double,double,double> doubleAcc;
class VectorAcc
Vector p; //!< position vector
Vector v; //!< velocity vector
Vector dv; //!< acceleration vector
VectorAcc():p(),v(),dv() {}
explicit VectorAcc(const Vector& _p):p(_p),v(Vector::Zero()),dv(Vector::Zero()) {}
VectorAcc(const Vector& _p,const Vector& _v):p(_p),v(_v),dv(Vector::Zero()) {}
VectorAcc(const Vector& _p,const Vector& _v,const Vector& _dv):
p(_p),v(_v),dv(_dv) {}
IMETHOD VectorAcc& operator = (const VectorAcc& arg);
IMETHOD VectorAcc& operator = (const Vector& arg);
IMETHOD VectorAcc& operator += (const VectorAcc& arg);
IMETHOD VectorAcc& operator -= (const VectorAcc& arg);
IMETHOD static VectorAcc Zero();
IMETHOD void ReverseSign();
IMETHOD doubleAcc Norm();
IMETHOD friend VectorAcc operator + (const VectorAcc& r1,const VectorAcc& r2);
IMETHOD friend VectorAcc operator - (const VectorAcc& r1,const VectorAcc& r2);
IMETHOD friend VectorAcc operator + (const Vector& r1,const VectorAcc& r2);
IMETHOD friend VectorAcc operator - (const Vector& r1,const VectorAcc& r2);
IMETHOD friend VectorAcc operator + (const VectorAcc& r1,const Vector& r2);
IMETHOD friend VectorAcc operator - (const VectorAcc& r1,const Vector& r2);
IMETHOD friend VectorAcc operator * (const VectorAcc& r1,const VectorAcc& r2);
IMETHOD friend VectorAcc operator * (const VectorAcc& r1,const Vector& r2);
IMETHOD friend VectorAcc operator * (const Vector& r1,const VectorAcc& r2);
IMETHOD friend VectorAcc operator * (const VectorAcc& r1,double r2);
IMETHOD friend VectorAcc operator * (double r1,const VectorAcc& r2);
IMETHOD friend VectorAcc operator * (const doubleAcc& r1,const VectorAcc& r2);
IMETHOD friend VectorAcc operator * (const VectorAcc& r2,const doubleAcc& r1);
IMETHOD friend VectorAcc operator*(const Rotation& R,const VectorAcc& x);
IMETHOD friend VectorAcc operator / (const VectorAcc& r1,double r2);
IMETHOD friend VectorAcc operator / (const VectorAcc& r2,const doubleAcc& r1);
IMETHOD friend bool Equal(const VectorAcc& r1,const VectorAcc& r2,double eps);
IMETHOD friend bool Equal(const Vector& r1,const VectorAcc& r2,double eps);
IMETHOD friend bool Equal(const VectorAcc& r1,const Vector& r2,double eps);
IMETHOD friend VectorAcc operator - (const VectorAcc& r);
IMETHOD friend doubleAcc dot(const VectorAcc& lhs,const VectorAcc& rhs);
IMETHOD friend doubleAcc dot(const VectorAcc& lhs,const Vector& rhs);
IMETHOD friend doubleAcc dot(const Vector& lhs,const VectorAcc& rhs);
class RotationAcc
Rotation R; //!< rotation matrix
Vector w; //!< angular velocity vector
Vector dw; //!< angular acceration vector
RotationAcc():R(),w() {}
explicit RotationAcc(const Rotation& R_):R(R_),w(Vector::Zero()){}
RotationAcc(const Rotation& R_,const Vector& _w,const Vector& _dw):
R(R_),w(_w),dw(_dw) {}
IMETHOD RotationAcc& operator = (const RotationAcc& arg);
IMETHOD RotationAcc& operator = (const Rotation& arg);
IMETHOD static RotationAcc Identity();
IMETHOD RotationAcc Inverse() const;
IMETHOD VectorAcc Inverse(const VectorAcc& arg) const;
IMETHOD VectorAcc Inverse(const Vector& arg) const;
IMETHOD VectorAcc operator*(const VectorAcc& arg) const;
IMETHOD VectorAcc operator*(const Vector& arg) const;
// Rotations
// The SetRot.. functions set the value of *this to the appropriate rotation matrix.
// The Rot... static functions give the value of the appropriate rotation matrix back.
// The DoRot... functions apply a rotation R to *this,such that *this = *this * R.
// IMETHOD void DoRotX(const doubleAcc& angle);
// IMETHOD void DoRotY(const doubleAcc& angle);
// IMETHOD void DoRotZ(const doubleAcc& angle);
// IMETHOD static RRotation RotX(const doubleAcc& angle);
// IMETHOD static RRotation RotY(const doubleAcc& angle);
// IMETHOD static RRotation RotZ(const doubleAcc& angle);
// IMETHOD void SetRot(const Vector& rotaxis,const doubleAcc& angle);
// Along an arbitrary axes. The norm of rotvec is neglected.
// IMETHOD static RotationAcc Rot(const Vector& rotvec,const doubleAcc& angle);
// rotvec has arbitrary norm
// rotation around a constant vector !
// IMETHOD static RotationAcc Rot2(const Vector& rotvec,const doubleAcc& angle);
// rotvec is normalized.
// rotation around a constant vector !
IMETHOD friend RotationAcc operator* (const RotationAcc& r1,const RotationAcc& r2);
IMETHOD friend RotationAcc operator* (const Rotation& r1,const RotationAcc& r2);
IMETHOD friend RotationAcc operator* (const RotationAcc& r1,const Rotation& r2);
IMETHOD friend bool Equal(const RotationAcc& r1,const RotationAcc& r2,double eps);
IMETHOD friend bool Equal(const Rotation& r1,const RotationAcc& r2,double eps);
IMETHOD friend bool Equal(const RotationAcc& r1,const Rotation& r2,double eps);
IMETHOD TwistAcc Inverse(const TwistAcc& arg) const;
IMETHOD TwistAcc Inverse(const Twist& arg) const;
IMETHOD TwistAcc operator * (const TwistAcc& arg) const;
IMETHOD TwistAcc operator * (const Twist& arg) const;
class FrameAcc
RotationAcc M; //!< Rotation,angular velocity, and angular acceleration of frame.
VectorAcc p; //!< Translation, velocity and acceleration of origin.
explicit FrameAcc(const Frame& T_):M(T_.M),p(T_.p) {}
FrameAcc(const Frame& T_,const Twist& _t,const Twist& _dt):
M(T_.M,_t.rot,_dt.rot),p(T_.p,_t.vel,_dt.vel) {}
FrameAcc(const RotationAcc& _M,const VectorAcc& _p):M(_M),p(_p) {}
IMETHOD FrameAcc& operator = (const FrameAcc& arg);
IMETHOD FrameAcc& operator = (const Frame& arg);
IMETHOD static FrameAcc Identity();
IMETHOD FrameAcc Inverse() const;
IMETHOD VectorAcc Inverse(const VectorAcc& arg) const;
IMETHOD VectorAcc operator*(const VectorAcc& arg) const;
IMETHOD VectorAcc operator*(const Vector& arg) const;
IMETHOD VectorAcc Inverse(const Vector& arg) const;
IMETHOD Frame GetFrame() const;
IMETHOD Twist GetTwist() const;
IMETHOD Twist GetAccTwist() const;
IMETHOD friend FrameAcc operator * (const FrameAcc& f1,const FrameAcc& f2);
IMETHOD friend FrameAcc operator * (const Frame& f1,const FrameAcc& f2);
IMETHOD friend FrameAcc operator * (const FrameAcc& f1,const Frame& f2);
IMETHOD friend bool Equal(const FrameAcc& r1,const FrameAcc& r2,double eps);
IMETHOD friend bool Equal(const Frame& r1,const FrameAcc& r2,double eps);
IMETHOD friend bool Equal(const FrameAcc& r1,const Frame& r2,double eps);
IMETHOD TwistAcc Inverse(const TwistAcc& arg) const;
IMETHOD TwistAcc Inverse(const Twist& arg) const;
IMETHOD TwistAcc operator * (const TwistAcc& arg) const;
IMETHOD TwistAcc operator * (const Twist& arg) const;
//very similar to Wrench class.
class TwistAcc
VectorAcc vel; //!< translational velocity and its 1st and 2nd derivative
VectorAcc rot; //!< rotational velocity and its 1st and 2nd derivative
TwistAcc():vel(),rot() {};
TwistAcc(const VectorAcc& _vel,const VectorAcc& _rot):vel(_vel),rot(_rot) {};
IMETHOD TwistAcc& operator-=(const TwistAcc& arg);
IMETHOD TwistAcc& operator+=(const TwistAcc& arg);
IMETHOD friend TwistAcc operator*(const TwistAcc& lhs,double rhs);
IMETHOD friend TwistAcc operator*(double lhs,const TwistAcc& rhs);
IMETHOD friend TwistAcc operator/(const TwistAcc& lhs,double rhs);
IMETHOD friend TwistAcc operator*(const TwistAcc& lhs,const doubleAcc& rhs);
IMETHOD friend TwistAcc operator*(const doubleAcc& lhs,const TwistAcc& rhs);
IMETHOD friend TwistAcc operator/(const TwistAcc& lhs,const doubleAcc& rhs);
IMETHOD friend TwistAcc operator+(const TwistAcc& lhs,const TwistAcc& rhs);
IMETHOD friend TwistAcc operator-(const TwistAcc& lhs,const TwistAcc& rhs);
IMETHOD friend TwistAcc operator-(const TwistAcc& arg);
IMETHOD friend void SetToZero(TwistAcc& v);
static IMETHOD TwistAcc Zero();
IMETHOD void ReverseSign();
IMETHOD TwistAcc RefPoint(const VectorAcc& v_base_AB);
// Changes the reference point of the RTwist.
// The RVector v_base_AB is expressed in the same base as the RTwist
// The RVector v_base_AB is a RVector from the old point to
// the new point.
// Complexity : 6M+6A
IMETHOD friend bool Equal(const TwistAcc& a,const TwistAcc& b,double eps);
IMETHOD friend bool Equal(const Twist& a,const TwistAcc& b,double eps);
IMETHOD friend bool Equal(const TwistAcc& a,const Twist& b,double eps);
IMETHOD Twist GetTwist() const;
IMETHOD Twist GetTwistDot() const;
friend class RotationAcc;
friend class FrameAcc;
IMETHOD bool Equal(const VectorAcc&, const VectorAcc&, double = epsilon);
IMETHOD bool Equal(const Vector&, const VectorAcc&, double = epsilon);
IMETHOD bool Equal(const VectorAcc&, const Vector&, double = epsilon);
IMETHOD bool Equal(const RotationAcc&, const RotationAcc&, double = epsilon);
IMETHOD bool Equal(const Rotation&, const RotationAcc&, double = epsilon);
IMETHOD bool Equal(const RotationAcc&, const Rotation&, double = epsilon);
IMETHOD bool Equal(const FrameAcc&, const FrameAcc&, double = epsilon);
IMETHOD bool Equal(const Frame&, const FrameAcc&, double = epsilon);
IMETHOD bool Equal(const FrameAcc&, const Frame&, double = epsilon);
IMETHOD bool Equal(const TwistAcc&, const TwistAcc&, double = epsilon);
IMETHOD bool Equal(const Twist&, const TwistAcc&, double = epsilon);
IMETHOD bool Equal(const TwistAcc&, const Twist&, double = epsilon);
#include "frameacc.inl"