2011-09-05 23:46:08 +00:00

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/** \file smoke/intern/WTURBULENCE.cpp
* \ingroup smoke
// This file is part of Wavelet Turbulence.
// Wavelet Turbulence is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Wavelet Turbulence is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Wavelet Turbulence. If not, see <>.
// Copyright 2008 Theodore Kim and Nils Thuerey
// WTURBULENCE handling
// Parallelized turbulence even further. TNT matrix library functions
// rewritten to improve performance.
// - MiikaH
#include "WTURBULENCE.h"
#include "INTERPOLATE.h"
#include "IMAGE.h"
#include "WAVELET_NOISE.h"
#include "FFT_NOISE.h"
#include "LU_HELPER.h"
#include "SPHERE.h"
#include <zlib.h>
#include <math.h>
// needed to access static advection functions
#include "FLUID_3D.h"
#include <omp.h>
#endif // PARALLEL
// 2^ {-5/6}
static const float persistence = 0.56123f;
// constructor
WTURBULENCE::WTURBULENCE(int xResSm, int yResSm, int zResSm, int amplify, int noisetype)
// if noise magnitude is below this threshold, its contribution
// is negilgible, so stop evaluating new octaves
_cullingThreshold = 1e-3;
// factor by which to increase the simulation resolution
_amplify = amplify;
// manually adjust the overall amount of turbulence
// DG - RNA-fied _strength = 2.;
// add the corresponding octaves of noise
_octaves = (int)(log((float)_amplify) / log(2.0f) + 0.5); // XXX DEBUG/ TODO: int casting correct? - dg
// noise resolution
_xResBig = _amplify * xResSm;
_yResBig = _amplify * yResSm;
_zResBig = _amplify * zResSm;
_resBig = Vec3Int(_xResBig, _yResBig, _zResBig);
_invResBig = Vec3(1./(float)_resBig[0], 1./(float)_resBig[1], 1./(float)_resBig[2]);
_slabSizeBig = _xResBig*_yResBig;
_totalCellsBig = _slabSizeBig * _zResBig;
// original / small resolution
_xResSm = xResSm;
_yResSm = yResSm;
_zResSm = zResSm;
_resSm = Vec3Int(xResSm, yResSm, zResSm);
_invResSm = Vec3(1./(float)_resSm[0], 1./(float)_resSm[1], 1./(float)_resSm[2] );
_slabSizeSm = _xResSm*_yResSm;
_totalCellsSm = _slabSizeSm * _zResSm;
// allocate high resolution density field
_totalStepsBig = 0;
_densityBig = new float[_totalCellsBig];
_densityBigOld = new float[_totalCellsBig];
for(int i = 0; i < _totalCellsBig; i++) {
_densityBig[i] =
_densityBigOld[i] = 0.;
// allocate & init texture coordinates
_tcU = new float[_totalCellsSm];
_tcV = new float[_totalCellsSm];
_tcW = new float[_totalCellsSm];
_tcTemp = new float[_totalCellsSm];
// map all
const float dx = 1./(float)(_resSm[0]);
const float dy = 1./(float)(_resSm[1]);
const float dz = 1./(float)(_resSm[2]);
int index = 0;
for (int z = 0; z < _zResSm; z++)
for (int y = 0; y < _yResSm; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < _xResSm; x++, index++)
_tcU[index] = x*dx;
_tcV[index] = y*dy;
_tcW[index] = z*dz;
_tcTemp[index] = 0.;
// noise tiles
_noiseTile = new float[noiseTileSize * noiseTileSize * noiseTileSize];
std::string noiseTileFilename = std::string("noise.wavelets");
generateTile_WAVELET(_noiseTile, noiseTileFilename);
std::string noiseTileFilename = std::string("noise.fft");
generatTile_FFT(_noiseTile, noiseTileFilename);
// destructor
delete[] _densityBig;
delete[] _densityBigOld;
delete[] _tcU;
delete[] _tcV;
delete[] _tcW;
delete[] _tcTemp;
delete[] _noiseTile;
// Change noise type
// type (1<<0) = wavelet / 2
// type (1<<1) = FFT / 4
// type (1<<2) = curl / 8
void WTURBULENCE::setNoise(int type)
if(type == (1<<1)) // FFT
// needs fft
#ifdef WITH_FFTW3
std::string noiseTileFilename = std::string("noise.fft");
generatTile_FFT(_noiseTile, noiseTileFilename);
else if(type == (1<<2)) // curl
// TODO: not supported yet
else // standard - wavelet
std::string noiseTileFilename = std::string("noise.wavelets");
generateTile_WAVELET(_noiseTile, noiseTileFilename);
// init direct access functions from blender
void WTURBULENCE::initBlenderRNA(float *strength)
_strength = strength;
// Get the smallest valid x derivative
// Takes the one-sided finite difference in both directions and
// selects the smaller of the two
static float minDx(int x, int y, int z, float* input, Vec3Int res)
const int index = x + y * res[0] + z * res[0] * res[1];
const int maxx = res[0]-2;
// get grid values
float center = input[index];
float left = (x <= 1) ? FLT_MAX : input[index - 1];
float right = (x >= maxx) ? FLT_MAX : input[index + 1];
const float dx = res[0];
// get all the derivative estimates
float dLeft = (x <= 1) ? FLT_MAX : (center - left) * dx;
float dRight = (x >= maxx) ? FLT_MAX : (right - center) * dx;
float dCenter = (x <= 1 || x >= maxx) ? FLT_MAX : (right - left) * dx * 0.5f;
// if it's on a boundary, only one estimate is valid
if (x <= 1) return dRight;
if (x >= maxx) return dLeft;
// if it's not on a boundary, get the smallest one
float finalD;
finalD = (fabs(dCenter) < fabs(dRight)) ? dCenter : dRight;
finalD = (fabs(finalD) < fabs(dLeft)) ? finalD : dLeft;
return finalD;
// get the smallest valid y derivative
// Takes the one-sided finite difference in both directions and
// selects the smaller of the two
static float minDy(int x, int y, int z, float* input, Vec3Int res)
const int index = x + y * res[0] + z * res[0] * res[1];
const int maxy = res[1]-2;
// get grid values
float center = input[index];
float down = (y <= 1) ? FLT_MAX : input[index - res[0]];
float up = (y >= maxy) ? FLT_MAX : input[index + res[0]];
const float dx = res[1]; // only for square domains
// get all the derivative estimates
float dDown = (y <= 1) ? FLT_MAX : (center - down) * dx;
float dUp = (y >= maxy) ? FLT_MAX : (up - center) * dx;
float dCenter = (y <= 1 || y >= maxy) ? FLT_MAX : (up - down) * dx * 0.5f;
// if it's on a boundary, only one estimate is valid
if (y <= 1) return dUp;
if (y >= maxy) return dDown;
// if it's not on a boundary, get the smallest one
float finalD = (fabs(dCenter) < fabs(dUp)) ? dCenter : dUp;
finalD = (fabs(finalD) < fabs(dDown)) ? finalD : dDown;
return finalD;
// get the smallest valid z derivative
// Takes the one-sided finite difference in both directions and
// selects the smaller of the two
static float minDz(int x, int y, int z, float* input, Vec3Int res)
const int slab = res[0]*res[1];
const int index = x + y * res[0] + z * slab;
const int maxz = res[2]-2;
// get grid values
float center = input[index];
float front = (z <= 1) ? FLT_MAX : input[index - slab];
float back = (z >= maxz) ? FLT_MAX : input[index + slab];
const float dx = res[2]; // only for square domains
// get all the derivative estimates
float dfront = (z <= 1) ? FLT_MAX : (center - front) * dx;
float dback = (z >= maxz) ? FLT_MAX : (back - center) * dx;
float dCenter = (z <= 1 || z >= maxz) ? FLT_MAX : (back - front) * dx * 0.5f;
// if it's on a boundary, only one estimate is valid
if (z <= 1) return dback;
if (z >= maxz) return dfront;
// if it's not on a boundary, get the smallest one
float finalD = (fabs(dCenter) < fabs(dback)) ? dCenter : dback;
finalD = (fabs(finalD) < fabs(dfront)) ? finalD : dfront;
return finalD;
// handle texture coordinates (advection, reset, eigenvalues),
// Beware -- uses big density maccormack as temporary arrays
void WTURBULENCE::advectTextureCoordinates (float dtOrg, float* xvel, float* yvel, float* zvel, float *tempBig1, float *tempBig2) {
// advection
SWAP_POINTERS(_tcTemp, _tcU);
FLUID_3D::copyBorderX(_tcTemp, _resSm, 0 , _resSm[2]);
FLUID_3D::copyBorderY(_tcTemp, _resSm, 0 , _resSm[2]);
FLUID_3D::copyBorderZ(_tcTemp, _resSm, 0 , _resSm[2]);
FLUID_3D::advectFieldMacCormack1(dtOrg, xvel, yvel, zvel,
_tcTemp, tempBig1, _resSm, 0 , _resSm[2]);
FLUID_3D::advectFieldMacCormack2(dtOrg, xvel, yvel, zvel,
_tcTemp, _tcU, tempBig1, tempBig2, _resSm, NULL, 0 , _resSm[2]);
SWAP_POINTERS(_tcTemp, _tcV);
FLUID_3D::copyBorderX(_tcTemp, _resSm, 0 , _resSm[2]);
FLUID_3D::copyBorderY(_tcTemp, _resSm, 0 , _resSm[2]);
FLUID_3D::copyBorderZ(_tcTemp, _resSm, 0 , _resSm[2]);
FLUID_3D::advectFieldMacCormack1(dtOrg, xvel, yvel, zvel,
_tcTemp, tempBig1, _resSm, 0 , _resSm[2]);
FLUID_3D::advectFieldMacCormack2(dtOrg, xvel, yvel, zvel,
_tcTemp, _tcV, tempBig1, tempBig2, _resSm, NULL, 0 , _resSm[2]);
SWAP_POINTERS(_tcTemp, _tcW);
FLUID_3D::copyBorderX(_tcTemp, _resSm, 0 , _resSm[2]);
FLUID_3D::copyBorderY(_tcTemp, _resSm, 0 , _resSm[2]);
FLUID_3D::copyBorderZ(_tcTemp, _resSm, 0 , _resSm[2]);
FLUID_3D::advectFieldMacCormack1(dtOrg, xvel, yvel, zvel,
_tcTemp, tempBig1, _resSm, 0 , _resSm[2]);
FLUID_3D::advectFieldMacCormack2(dtOrg, xvel, yvel, zvel,
_tcTemp, _tcW, tempBig1, tempBig2, _resSm, NULL, 0 , _resSm[2]);
// Compute the eigenvalues of the advected texture
void WTURBULENCE::computeEigenvalues(float *_eigMin, float *_eigMax) {
// stats
float maxeig = -1.;
float mineig = 10.;
// texture coordinate eigenvalues
for (int z = 1; z < _zResSm-1; z++) {
for (int y = 1; y < _yResSm-1; y++)
for (int x = 1; x < _xResSm-1; x++)
const int index = x+ y *_resSm[0] + z*_slabSizeSm;
// compute jacobian
float jacobian[3][3] = {
{ minDx(x, y, z, _tcU, _resSm), minDx(x, y, z, _tcV, _resSm), minDx(x, y, z, _tcW, _resSm) } ,
{ minDy(x, y, z, _tcU, _resSm), minDy(x, y, z, _tcV, _resSm), minDy(x, y, z, _tcW, _resSm) } ,
{ minDz(x, y, z, _tcU, _resSm), minDz(x, y, z, _tcV, _resSm), minDz(x, y, z, _tcW, _resSm) }
// ONLY compute the eigenvalues after checking that the matrix
// is nonsingular
sLU LU = computeLU(jacobian);
if (isNonsingular(LU))
// get the analytic eigenvalues, quite slow right now...
Vec3 eigenvalues = Vec3(1.);
computeEigenvalues3x3( &eigenvalues[0], jacobian);
_eigMax[index] = MAX3V(eigenvalues);
_eigMin[index] = MIN3V(eigenvalues);
maxeig = MAX(_eigMax[index],maxeig);
mineig = MIN(_eigMin[index],mineig);
_eigMax[index] = 10.0f;
_eigMin[index] = 0.1;
// advect & reset texture coordinates based on eigenvalues
void WTURBULENCE::resetTextureCoordinates(float *_eigMin, float *_eigMax)
// allowed deformation of the textures
const float limit = 2.f;
const float limitInv = 1./limit;
// standard reset
int resets = 0;
const float dx = 1./(float)(_resSm[0]);
const float dy = 1./(float)(_resSm[1]);
const float dz = 1./(float)(_resSm[2]);
for (int z = 1; z < _zResSm-1; z++)
for (int y = 1; y < _yResSm-1; y++)
for (int x = 1; x < _xResSm-1; x++)
const int index = x+ y *_resSm[0] + z*_slabSizeSm;
if (_eigMax[index] > limit || _eigMin[index] < limitInv)
_tcU[index] = (float)x * dx;
_tcV[index] = (float)y * dy;
_tcW[index] = (float)z * dz;
// Compute the highest frequency component of the wavelet
// decomposition
void WTURBULENCE::decomposeEnergy(float *_energy, float *_highFreqEnergy)
// do the decomposition -- the goal here is to have
// the energy with the high frequency component stomped out
// stored in _tcTemp when it is done. _highFreqEnergy is only used
// as an additional temp array
// downsample input
downsampleXNeumann(_highFreqEnergy, _energy, _xResSm, _yResSm, _zResSm);
downsampleYNeumann(_tcTemp, _highFreqEnergy, _xResSm, _yResSm, _zResSm);
downsampleZNeumann(_highFreqEnergy, _tcTemp, _xResSm, _yResSm, _zResSm);
// upsample input
upsampleZNeumann(_tcTemp, _highFreqEnergy, _xResSm, _yResSm, _zResSm);
upsampleYNeumann(_highFreqEnergy, _tcTemp, _xResSm, _yResSm, _zResSm);
upsampleXNeumann(_tcTemp, _highFreqEnergy, _xResSm, _yResSm, _zResSm);
// subtract the down and upsampled field from the original field --
// what should be left over is solely the high frequency component
int index = 0;
for (int z = 0; z < _zResSm; z++)
for (int y = 0; y < _yResSm; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < _xResSm; x++, index++) {
// brute force reset of boundaries
if(z >= _zResSm - 1 || x >= _xResSm - 1 || y >= _yResSm - 1 || z <= 0 || y <= 0 || x <= 0)
_highFreqEnergy[index] = 0.;
_highFreqEnergy[index] = _energy[index] - _tcTemp[index];
// compute velocity from energies and march into obstacles
// for wavelet decomposition
void WTURBULENCE::computeEnergy(float *_energy, float* xvel, float* yvel, float* zvel, unsigned char *obstacles)
// compute everywhere
for (int x = 0; x < _totalCellsSm; x++)
_energy[x] = 0.5f * (xvel[x] * xvel[x] + yvel[x] * yvel[x] + zvel[x] * zvel[x]);
FLUID_3D::copyBorderX(_energy, _resSm, 0 , _resSm[2]);
FLUID_3D::copyBorderY(_energy, _resSm, 0 , _resSm[2]);
FLUID_3D::copyBorderZ(_energy, _resSm, 0 , _resSm[2]);
// pseudo-march the values into the obstacles
// the wavelet upsampler only uses a 3x3 support neighborhood, so
// propagating the values in by 4 should be sufficient
int index;
// iterate
for (int iter = 0; iter < 4; iter++)
index = _slabSizeSm + _xResSm + 1;
for (int z = 1; z < _zResSm - 1; z++, index += 2 * _xResSm)
for (int y = 1; y < _yResSm - 1; y++, index += 2)
for (int x = 1; x < _xResSm - 1; x++, index++)
if (obstacles[index] && obstacles[index] != RETIRED)
float sum = 0.0f;
int valid = 0;
if (!obstacles[index + 1] || obstacles[index + 1] == RETIRED)
sum += _energy[index + 1];
if (!obstacles[index - 1] || obstacles[index - 1] == RETIRED)
sum += _energy[index - 1];
if (!obstacles[index + _xResSm] || obstacles[index + _xResSm] == RETIRED)
sum += _energy[index + _xResSm];
if (!obstacles[index - _xResSm] || obstacles[index - _xResSm] == RETIRED)
sum += _energy[index - _xResSm];
if (!obstacles[index + _slabSizeSm] || obstacles[index + _slabSizeSm] == RETIRED)
sum += _energy[index + _slabSizeSm];
if (!obstacles[index - _slabSizeSm] || obstacles[index - _slabSizeSm] == RETIRED)
sum += _energy[index - _slabSizeSm];
if (valid > 0)
_energy[index] = sum / (float)valid;
obstacles[index] = MARCHED;
index = _slabSizeSm + _xResSm + 1;
for (int z = 1; z < _zResSm - 1; z++, index += 2 * _xResSm)
for (int y = 1; y < _yResSm - 1; y++, index += 2)
for (int x = 1; x < _xResSm - 1; x++, index++)
if (obstacles[index] == MARCHED)
obstacles[index] = RETIRED;
index = _slabSizeSm + _xResSm + 1;
for (int z = 1; z < _zResSm - 1; z++, index += 2 * _xResSm)
for (int y = 1; y < _yResSm - 1; y++, index += 2)
for (int x = 1; x < _xResSm - 1; x++, index++)
if (obstacles[index])
obstacles[index] = 1;
// Evaluate derivatives
Vec3 WTURBULENCE::WVelocity(Vec3 orgPos)
// arbitrarily offset evaluation points
const Vec3 p1 = orgPos + Vec3(NOISE_TILE_SIZE/2.0,0,0);
const Vec3 p2 = orgPos + Vec3(0,NOISE_TILE_SIZE/2.0,0);
const Vec3 p3 = orgPos + Vec3(0,0,NOISE_TILE_SIZE/2.0);
const float f1y = WNoiseDy(p1, _noiseTile);
const float f1z = WNoiseDz(p1, _noiseTile);
const float f2x = WNoiseDx(p2, _noiseTile);
const float f2z = WNoiseDz(p2, _noiseTile);
const float f3x = WNoiseDx(p3, _noiseTile);
const float f3y = WNoiseDy(p3, _noiseTile);
Vec3 ret = Vec3(
f3y - f2z,
f1z - f3x,
f2x - f1y );
return ret;
// Evaluate derivatives with Jacobian
Vec3 WTURBULENCE::WVelocityWithJacobian(Vec3 orgPos, float* xUnwarped, float* yUnwarped, float* zUnwarped)
// arbitrarily offset evaluation points
const Vec3 p1 = orgPos + Vec3(NOISE_TILE_SIZE/2.0,0,0);
const Vec3 p2 = orgPos + Vec3(0,NOISE_TILE_SIZE/2.0,0);
const Vec3 p3 = orgPos + Vec3(0,0,NOISE_TILE_SIZE/2.0);
Vec3 final;
final[0] = WNoiseDx(p1, _noiseTile);
final[1] = WNoiseDy(p1, _noiseTile);
final[2] = WNoiseDz(p1, _noiseTile);
// UNUSED const float f1x = xUnwarped[0] * final[0] + xUnwarped[1] * final[1] + xUnwarped[2] * final[2];
const float f1y = yUnwarped[0] * final[0] + yUnwarped[1] * final[1] + yUnwarped[2] * final[2];
const float f1z = zUnwarped[0] * final[0] + zUnwarped[1] * final[1] + zUnwarped[2] * final[2];
final[0] = WNoiseDx(p2, _noiseTile);
final[1] = WNoiseDy(p2, _noiseTile);
final[2] = WNoiseDz(p2, _noiseTile);
const float f2x = xUnwarped[0] * final[0] + xUnwarped[1] * final[1] + xUnwarped[2] * final[2];
// UNUSED const float f2y = yUnwarped[0] * final[0] + yUnwarped[1] * final[1] + yUnwarped[2] * final[2];
const float f2z = zUnwarped[0] * final[0] + zUnwarped[1] * final[1] + zUnwarped[2] * final[2];
final[0] = WNoiseDx(p3, _noiseTile);
final[1] = WNoiseDy(p3, _noiseTile);
final[2] = WNoiseDz(p3, _noiseTile);
const float f3x = xUnwarped[0] * final[0] + xUnwarped[1] * final[1] + xUnwarped[2] * final[2];
const float f3y = yUnwarped[0] * final[0] + yUnwarped[1] * final[1] + yUnwarped[2] * final[2];
// UNUSED const float f3z = zUnwarped[0] * final[0] + zUnwarped[1] * final[1] + zUnwarped[2] * final[2];
Vec3 ret = Vec3(
f3y - f2z,
f1z - f3x,
f2x - f1y );
return ret;
// perform an actual noise advection step
/*void WTURBULENCE::stepTurbulenceReadable(float dtOrg, float* xvel, float* yvel, float* zvel, unsigned char *obstacles)
// enlarge timestep to match grid
const float dt = dtOrg * _amplify;
const float invAmp = 1.0f / _amplify;
float *tempBig1 = new float[_totalCellsBig];
float *tempBig2 = new float[_totalCellsBig];
float *bigUx = new float[_totalCellsBig];
float *bigUy = new float[_totalCellsBig];
float *bigUz = new float[_totalCellsBig];
float *_energy = new float[_totalCellsSm];
float *highFreqEnergy = new float[_totalCellsSm];
float *eigMin = new float[_totalCellsSm];
float *eigMax = new float[_totalCellsSm];
memset(tempBig1, 0, sizeof(float)*_totalCellsBig);
memset(tempBig2, 0, sizeof(float)*_totalCellsBig);
memset(highFreqEnergy, 0, sizeof(float)*_totalCellsSm);
memset(eigMin, 0, sizeof(float)*_totalCellsSm);
memset(eigMax, 0, sizeof(float)*_totalCellsSm);
// prepare textures
advectTextureCoordinates(dtOrg, xvel,yvel,zvel, tempBig1, tempBig2);
// compute eigenvalues of the texture coordinates
computeEigenvalues(eigMin, eigMax);
// do wavelet decomposition of energy
computeEnergy(_energy, xvel, yvel, zvel, obstacles);
decomposeEnergy(_energy, highFreqEnergy);
// zero out coefficients inside of the obstacle
for (int x = 0; x < _totalCellsSm; x++)
if (obstacles[x]) _energy[x] = 0.f;
float maxVelocity = 0.;
for (int z = 1; z < _zResBig - 1; z++)
for (int y = 1; y < _yResBig - 1; y++)
for (int x = 1; x < _xResBig - 1; x++)
// get unit position for both fine and coarse grid
const Vec3 pos = Vec3(x,y,z);
const Vec3 posSm = pos * invAmp;
// get grid index for both fine and coarse grid
const int index = x + y *_xResBig + z *_slabSizeBig;
const int indexSmall = (int)posSm[0] + (int)posSm[1] * _xResSm + (int)posSm[2] * _slabSizeSm;
// get a linearly interpolated velocity and texcoords
// from the coarse grid
Vec3 vel = INTERPOLATE::lerp3dVec( xvel,yvel,zvel,
posSm[0], posSm[1], posSm[2], _xResSm,_yResSm,_zResSm);
Vec3 uvw = INTERPOLATE::lerp3dVec( _tcU,_tcV,_tcW,
posSm[0], posSm[1], posSm[2], _xResSm,_yResSm,_zResSm);
// multiply the texture coordinate by _resSm so that turbulence
// synthesis begins at the first octave that the coarse grid
// cannot capture
Vec3 texCoord = Vec3(uvw[0] * _resSm[0],
uvw[1] * _resSm[1],
uvw[2] * _resSm[2]);
// retrieve wavelet energy at highest frequency
float energy = INTERPOLATE::lerp3d(
highFreqEnergy, posSm[0],posSm[1],posSm[2], _xResSm, _yResSm, _zResSm);
// base amplitude for octave 0
float coefficient = sqrtf(2.0f * fabs(energy));
const float amplitude = *_strength * fabs(0.5 * coefficient) * persistence;
// add noise to velocity, but only if the turbulence is
// sufficiently undeformed, and the energy is large enough
// to make a difference
const bool addNoise = eigMax[indexSmall] < 2. &&
eigMin[indexSmall] > 0.5;
if (addNoise && amplitude > _cullingThreshold) {
// base amplitude for octave 0
float amplitudeScaled = amplitude;
for (int octave = 0; octave < _octaves; octave++)
// multiply the vector noise times the maximum allowed
// noise amplitude at this octave, and add it to the total
vel += WVelocity(texCoord) * amplitudeScaled;
// scale coefficient for next octave
amplitudeScaled *= persistence;
texCoord *= 2.0f;
// Store velocity + turbulence in big grid for maccormack step
// If you wanted to save memory, you would instead perform a
// semi-Lagrangian backtrace for the current grid cell here. Then
// you could just throw the velocity away.
bigUx[index] = vel[0];
bigUy[index] = vel[1];
bigUz[index] = vel[2];
// compute the velocity magnitude for substepping later
const float velMag = bigUx[index] * bigUx[index] +
bigUy[index] * bigUy[index] +
bigUz[index] * bigUz[index];
if (velMag > maxVelocity) maxVelocity = velMag;
// zero out velocity inside obstacles
float obsCheck = INTERPOLATE::lerp3dToFloat(
obstacles, posSm[0], posSm[1], posSm[2], _xResSm, _yResSm, _zResSm);
if (obsCheck > 0.95)
bigUx[index] = bigUy[index] = bigUz[index] = 0.;
// prepare density for an advection
SWAP_POINTERS(_densityBig, _densityBigOld);
// based on the maximum velocity present, see if we need to substep,
// but cap the maximum number of substeps to 5
const int maxSubSteps = 5;
maxVelocity = sqrt(maxVelocity) * dt;
int totalSubsteps = (int)(maxVelocity / (float)maxSubSteps);
totalSubsteps = (totalSubsteps < 1) ? 1 : totalSubsteps;
totalSubsteps = (totalSubsteps > maxSubSteps) ? maxSubSteps : totalSubsteps;
const float dtSubdiv = dt / (float)totalSubsteps;
// set boundaries of big velocity grid
FLUID_3D::setZeroX(bigUx, _resBig, 0, _resBig[2]);
FLUID_3D::setZeroY(bigUy, _resBig, 0, _resBig[2]);
FLUID_3D::setZeroZ(bigUz, _resBig, 0, _resBig[2]);
// do the MacCormack advection, with substepping if necessary
for(int substep = 0; substep < totalSubsteps; substep++)
FLUID_3D::advectFieldMacCormack(dtSubdiv, bigUx, bigUy, bigUz,
_densityBigOld, _densityBig, tempBig1, tempBig2, _resBig, NULL);
if (substep < totalSubsteps - 1)
SWAP_POINTERS(_densityBig, _densityBigOld);
} // substep
// wipe the density borders
FLUID_3D::setZeroBorder(_densityBig, _resBig, 0, _resBig[2]);
// reset texture coordinates now in preparation for next timestep
// Shouldn't do this before generating the noise because then the
// eigenvalues stored do not reflect the underlying texture coordinates
resetTextureCoordinates(eigMin, eigMax);
delete[] tempBig1;
delete[] tempBig2;
delete[] bigUx;
delete[] bigUy;
delete[] bigUz;
delete[] _energy;
delete[] highFreqEnergy;
delete[] eigMin;
delete[] eigMax;
// perform the full turbulence algorithm, including OpenMP
// if available
void WTURBULENCE::stepTurbulenceFull(float dtOrg, float* xvel, float* yvel, float* zvel, unsigned char *obstacles)
// enlarge timestep to match grid
const float dt = dtOrg * _amplify;
const float invAmp = 1.0f / _amplify;
float *tempBig1 = (float *)calloc(_totalCellsBig, sizeof(float));
float *tempBig2 = (float *)calloc(_totalCellsBig, sizeof(float));
float *bigUx = (float *)calloc(_totalCellsBig, sizeof(float));
float *bigUy = (float *)calloc(_totalCellsBig, sizeof(float));
float *bigUz = (float *)calloc(_totalCellsBig, sizeof(float));
float *_energy = (float *)calloc(_totalCellsSm, sizeof(float));
float *highFreqEnergy = (float *)calloc(_totalCellsSm, sizeof(float));
float *eigMin = (float *)calloc(_totalCellsSm, sizeof(float));
float *eigMax = (float *)calloc(_totalCellsSm, sizeof(float));
memset(_tcTemp, 0, sizeof(float)*_totalCellsSm);
// prepare textures
advectTextureCoordinates(dtOrg, xvel,yvel,zvel, tempBig1, tempBig2);
// do wavelet decomposition of energy
computeEnergy(_energy, xvel, yvel, zvel, obstacles);
for (int x = 0; x < _totalCellsSm; x++)
if (obstacles[x]) _energy[x] = 0.f;
decomposeEnergy(_energy, highFreqEnergy);
// zero out coefficients inside of the obstacle
for (int x = 0; x < _totalCellsSm; x++)
if (obstacles[x]) highFreqEnergy[x] = 0.f;
Vec3Int ressm(_xResSm, _yResSm, _zResSm);
FLUID_3D::setNeumannX(highFreqEnergy, ressm, 0 , ressm[2]);
FLUID_3D::setNeumannY(highFreqEnergy, ressm, 0 , ressm[2]);
FLUID_3D::setNeumannZ(highFreqEnergy, ressm, 0 , ressm[2]);
int threadval = 1;
threadval = omp_get_max_threads();
// parallel region setup
// Uses omp_get_max_trheads to get number of required cells.
float* maxVelMagThreads = new float[threadval];
for (int i=0; i<threadval; i++) maxVelMagThreads[i] = -1.0f;
#pragma omp parallel
{ float maxVelMag1 = 0.;
const int id = omp_get_thread_num(); /*, num = omp_get_num_threads(); */
// vector noise main loop
#pragma omp for schedule(static,1)
for (int zSmall = 0; zSmall < _zResSm; zSmall++)
for (int ySmall = 0; ySmall < _yResSm; ySmall++)
for (int xSmall = 0; xSmall < _xResSm; xSmall++)
const int indexSmall = xSmall + ySmall * _xResSm + zSmall * _slabSizeSm;
// compute jacobian
float jacobian[3][3] = {
{ minDx(xSmall, ySmall, zSmall, _tcU, _resSm), minDx(xSmall, ySmall, zSmall, _tcV, _resSm), minDx(xSmall, ySmall, zSmall, _tcW, _resSm) } ,
{ minDy(xSmall, ySmall, zSmall, _tcU, _resSm), minDy(xSmall, ySmall, zSmall, _tcV, _resSm), minDy(xSmall, ySmall, zSmall, _tcW, _resSm) } ,
{ minDz(xSmall, ySmall, zSmall, _tcU, _resSm), minDz(xSmall, ySmall, zSmall, _tcV, _resSm), minDz(xSmall, ySmall, zSmall, _tcW, _resSm) }
// get LU factorization of texture jacobian and apply
// it to unit vectors
sLU LU = computeLU(jacobian);
float xUnwarped[3], yUnwarped[3], zUnwarped[3];
float xWarped[3], yWarped[3], zWarped[3];
bool nonSingular = isNonsingular(LU);
xUnwarped[0] = 1.0f; xUnwarped[1] = 0.0f; xUnwarped[2] = 0.0f;
yUnwarped[0] = 0.0f; yUnwarped[1] = 1.0f; yUnwarped[2] = 0.0f;
zUnwarped[0] = 0.0f; zUnwarped[1] = 0.0f; zUnwarped[2] = 1.0f;
xWarped[0] = 1.0f; xWarped[1] = 0.0f; xWarped[2] = 0.0f;
yWarped[0] = 0.0f; yWarped[1] = 1.0f; yWarped[2] = 0.0f;
zWarped[0] = 0.0f; zWarped[1] = 0.0f; zWarped[2] = 1.0f;
#if 0
float eigMax = 10.0f;
float eigMin = 0.1f;
if (nonSingular)
solveLU3x3(LU, xUnwarped, xWarped);
solveLU3x3(LU, yUnwarped, yWarped);
solveLU3x3(LU, zUnwarped, zWarped);
// compute the eigenvalues while we have the Jacobian available
Vec3 eigenvalues = Vec3(1.);
computeEigenvalues3x3( &eigenvalues[0], jacobian);
eigMax[indexSmall] = MAX3V(eigenvalues);
eigMin[indexSmall] = MIN3V(eigenvalues);
// make sure to skip one on the beginning and end
int xStart = (xSmall == 0) ? 1 : 0;
int xEnd = (xSmall == _xResSm - 1) ? _amplify - 1 : _amplify;
int yStart = (ySmall == 0) ? 1 : 0;
int yEnd = (ySmall == _yResSm - 1) ? _amplify - 1 : _amplify;
int zStart = (zSmall == 0) ? 1 : 0;
int zEnd = (zSmall == _zResSm - 1) ? _amplify - 1 : _amplify;
for (int zBig = zStart; zBig < zEnd; zBig++)
for (int yBig = yStart; yBig < yEnd; yBig++)
for (int xBig = xStart; xBig < xEnd; xBig++)
const int x = xSmall * _amplify + xBig;
const int y = ySmall * _amplify + yBig;
const int z = zSmall * _amplify + zBig;
// get unit position for both fine and coarse grid
const Vec3 pos = Vec3(x,y,z);
const Vec3 posSm = pos * invAmp;
// get grid index for both fine and coarse grid
const int index = x + y *_xResBig + z *_slabSizeBig;
// get a linearly interpolated velocity and texcoords
// from the coarse grid
Vec3 vel = INTERPOLATE::lerp3dVec( xvel,yvel,zvel,
posSm[0], posSm[1], posSm[2], _xResSm,_yResSm,_zResSm);
Vec3 uvw = INTERPOLATE::lerp3dVec( _tcU,_tcV,_tcW,
posSm[0], posSm[1], posSm[2], _xResSm,_yResSm,_zResSm);
// multiply the texture coordinate by _resSm so that turbulence
// synthesis begins at the first octave that the coarse grid
// cannot capture
Vec3 texCoord = Vec3(uvw[0] * _resSm[0],
uvw[1] * _resSm[1],
uvw[2] * _resSm[2]);
// retrieve wavelet energy at highest frequency
float energy = INTERPOLATE::lerp3d(
highFreqEnergy, posSm[0],posSm[1],posSm[2], _xResSm, _yResSm, _zResSm);
// base amplitude for octave 0
float coefficient = sqrtf(2.0f * fabs(energy));
const float amplitude = *_strength * fabs(0.5 * coefficient) * persistence;
// add noise to velocity, but only if the turbulence is
// sufficiently undeformed, and the energy is large enough
// to make a difference
const bool addNoise = eigMax[indexSmall] < 2. &&
eigMin[indexSmall] > 0.5;
if (addNoise && amplitude > _cullingThreshold) {
// base amplitude for octave 0
float amplitudeScaled = amplitude;
for (int octave = 0; octave < _octaves; octave++)
// multiply the vector noise times the maximum allowed
// noise amplitude at this octave, and add it to the total
vel += WVelocityWithJacobian(texCoord, &xUnwarped[0], &yUnwarped[0], &zUnwarped[0]) * amplitudeScaled;
// scale coefficient for next octave
amplitudeScaled *= persistence;
texCoord *= 2.0f;
// Store velocity + turbulence in big grid for maccormack step
// If you wanted to save memory, you would instead perform a
// semi-Lagrangian backtrace for the current grid cell here. Then
// you could just throw the velocity away.
bigUx[index] = vel[0];
bigUy[index] = vel[1];
bigUz[index] = vel[2];
// compute the velocity magnitude for substepping later
const float velMag = bigUx[index] * bigUx[index] +
bigUy[index] * bigUy[index] +
bigUz[index] * bigUz[index];
if (velMag > maxVelMag1) maxVelMag1 = velMag;
// zero out velocity inside obstacles
float obsCheck = INTERPOLATE::lerp3dToFloat(
obstacles, posSm[0], posSm[1], posSm[2], _xResSm, _yResSm, _zResSm);
if (obsCheck > 0.95)
bigUx[index] = bigUy[index] = bigUz[index] = 0.;
} // xyz*/
maxVelMagThreads[id] = maxVelMag1;
maxVelMagThreads[0] = maxVelMag1;
} // omp
// compute maximum over threads
float maxVelMag = maxVelMagThreads[0];
for (int i = 1; i < threadval; i++)
if (maxVelMag < maxVelMagThreads[i])
maxVelMag = maxVelMagThreads[i];
delete [] maxVelMagThreads;
// prepare density for an advection
SWAP_POINTERS(_densityBig, _densityBigOld);
// based on the maximum velocity present, see if we need to substep,
// but cap the maximum number of substeps to 5
const int maxSubSteps = 25;
const int maxVel = 5;
maxVelMag = sqrt(maxVelMag) * dt;
int totalSubsteps = (int)(maxVelMag / (float)maxVel);
totalSubsteps = (totalSubsteps < 1) ? 1 : totalSubsteps;
// printf("totalSubsteps: %d\n", totalSubsteps);
totalSubsteps = (totalSubsteps > maxSubSteps) ? maxSubSteps : totalSubsteps;
const float dtSubdiv = dt / (float)totalSubsteps;
// set boundaries of big velocity grid
FLUID_3D::setZeroX(bigUx, _resBig, 0 , _resBig[2]);
FLUID_3D::setZeroY(bigUy, _resBig, 0 , _resBig[2]);
FLUID_3D::setZeroZ(bigUz, _resBig, 0 , _resBig[2]);
int stepParts = threadval*2; // Dividing parallelized sections into numOfThreads * 2 sections
float partSize = (float)_zResBig/stepParts; // Size of one part;
if (partSize < 4) {stepParts = threadval; // If the slice gets too low (might actually slow things down, change it to larger
partSize = (float)_zResBig/stepParts;}
if (partSize < 4) {stepParts = (int)(ceil((float)_zResBig/4.0f)); // If it's still too low (only possible on future systems with +24 cores), change it to 4
partSize = (float)_zResBig/stepParts;}
int zBegin=0;
int zEnd=_resBig[2];
// do the MacCormack advection, with substepping if necessary
for(int substep = 0; substep < totalSubsteps; substep++)
#pragma omp parallel
#pragma omp for schedule(static,1)
for (int i=0; i<stepParts; i++)
int zBegin = (int)((float)i*partSize + 0.5f);
int zEnd = (int)((float)(i+1)*partSize + 0.5f);
FLUID_3D::advectFieldMacCormack1(dtSubdiv, bigUx, bigUy, bigUz,
_densityBigOld, tempBig1, _resBig, zBegin, zEnd);
#pragma omp barrier
#pragma omp for schedule(static,1)
for (int i=0; i<stepParts; i++)
int zBegin = (int)((float)i*partSize + 0.5f);
int zEnd = (int)((float)(i+1)*partSize + 0.5f);
FLUID_3D::advectFieldMacCormack2(dtSubdiv, bigUx, bigUy, bigUz,
_densityBigOld, _densityBig, tempBig1, tempBig2, _resBig, NULL, zBegin, zEnd);
if (substep < totalSubsteps - 1)
SWAP_POINTERS(_densityBig, _densityBigOld);
} // substep
// wipe the density borders
FLUID_3D::setZeroBorder(_densityBig, _resBig, 0 , _resBig[2]);
// reset texture coordinates now in preparation for next timestep
// Shouldn't do this before generating the noise because then the
// eigenvalues stored do not reflect the underlying texture coordinates
resetTextureCoordinates(eigMin, eigMax);
// output files
// string prefix = string("./amplified.preview/density_bigxy_");
// FLUID_3D::writeImageSliceXY(_densityBig, _resBig, _resBig[2]/2, prefix, _totalStepsBig, 1.0f);
//string df3prefix = string("./df3/density_big_");
//IMAGE::dumpDF3(_totalStepsBig, df3prefix, _densityBig, _resBig[0],_resBig[1],_resBig[2]);
// string pbrtPrefix = string("./pbrt/density_big_");
// IMAGE::dumpPBRT(_totalStepsBig, pbrtPrefix, _densityBig, _resBig[0],_resBig[1],_resBig[2]);