Benoit Bolsee 149d231d69 VideoTexture: new ImageMirror class for easy mirror (and portal) creation
The new class VideoTexture.ImageMirror() is available to perform
automatic mirror rendering.


    scene:    reference to the scene that will be rendered.
              Both observer and mirror must be part of that scene.
    observer: reference to a game object used as view point for
              mirror rendering: the scene will be rendered through
              the mirror as if the active camera was at the observer 
              location. Usually the observer is the active camera
              but you can use any game obejct.
    mirror:   reference to the mesh object holding the mirror.
    material: material ID of the mirror texture as returned by 
              VideoTexture.materialID(). The mirror is formed by 
              the polygons mapped to that material.

There are no specific methods or attributes. ImageMirror inherits 
all methods and attributes from ImageRender. You must refresh the
parent VideoTexture.Texture object regularly to update the mirror 

Guidelines on how to create a working mirror:
- Use a texture that is specific to the mirror so that the mirror 
  rendering only appears on the mirror.
- The mirror must be planar; the algorithm works well only for planar
  or quasi planar mirror. For spherical mirror, you will get better
  results with ImageRender and a camera at the center of the mirror. 
  ImageMirror automatically computes the mirror orientation and 
  position. The mirror doesn't need to be rectangular, it can be 
  circular or take any form provided it is planar.
- The mirror up direction must be along the Z axis in local mesh
  coordinates. If the mirror is not vertical, ImageMirror will 
  compute the up direction as being the projection of the Z axis
  on the mirror plane.
- UV mapping must be set right to get correct mirror rendering:
  - make a planar projection of the mirror polygons (Unwrap or projection from view)
  - eventually rotate the projection so that UV up direction corresponds to the mesh Z axis
  - scale the projection so that the extreme points touch the border of the texture
  - flip the UV projection horizontally (scale -1 on X axis). This is needed
    because the mirror texture is rendered from the back of the mirror and
    thus is reversed from the view point of the observer. Horizontal flip 
    in the UV map restores the correct orientation.

Besides these simple rules, the mirror rendering is completely automatic. 
In particular, you don't need to allocate a camera for the rendering, 
ImageMirror creates dynamically a camera for that. The reflection is correct
even on large angles. The mirror can be a dynamic and moving object, the 
algorithm always computes the correct camera position based on observer 
relative position. You don't have to worry about mirror position in the scene: 
the algorithm automatically computes the camera frustum so that any object 
behind the mirror is not rendered.

- observer and mirror are references to game objects. ImageMirror keeps
  a pointer to them but does not increment the reference count. You must ensure 
  that these game objects are not deleted as long as you refresh() the ImageMirror
  object. You must release the ImageMirror object before you delete the game
  objects. To release the ImageMirror object (normally stored in GameLogic),
  just assign it to None.
- Mirror rendering is automatically skipped when the observer is behind the mirror
  but it is not disabled when the mirror is out of sight of the observer.
  You should only refresh the mirror when you know that the observer is likely to see it.
  For example, no need to refresh a car inner mirror when the player is not in the car.


  contr = GameLogic.getCurrentController()
  # object holding the mirror
  mirror = contr.getOwner()
  scene = GameLogic.getCurrentScene()
  # observer will be the active camere
  camera = scene.getObjectList()['OBCamera']
  matID = VideoTexture.materialID(mirror, 'IMmirror.png')
  GameLogic.mirror = VideoTexture.Texture(mirror, matID)
  GameLogic.mirror.source = VideoTexture.ImageMirror(scene,camera,mirror,matID)
  # to render the mirror, just call GameLogic.mirror.refresh(True) on each frame.

You can download a demo game (with a video file) here:

For those who have already downloaded the demo, you can just update the blend file:
2008-12-04 16:07:46 +00:00

93 lines
2.3 KiB

/* $Id$
This source file is part of VideoTexture library
Copyright (c) 2006 The Zdeno Ash Miklas
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to
#if !defined TEXTURE_H
#define TEXTURE_H
#include <PyObjectPlus.h>
#include <structmember.h>
#include <DNA_image_types.h>
#include <BL_Texture.h>
#include <KX_BlenderMaterial.h>
#include "ImageBase.h"
#include "BlendType.h"
#include "Exception.h"
// type Texture declaration
struct Texture
// texture is using blender material
bool m_useMatTexture;
// video texture bind code
unsigned int m_actTex;
// original texture bind code
unsigned int m_orgTex;
// original texture saved
bool m_orgSaved;
// texture image for game materials
Image * m_imgTexture;
// texture for blender materials
BL_Texture * m_matTexture;
// use mipmapping
bool m_mipmap;
// scaled image buffer
unsigned int * m_scaledImg;
// scaled image buffer size
unsigned int m_scaledImgSize;
// last refresh
double m_lastClock;
// image source
PyImage * m_source;
// Texture type description
extern PyTypeObject TextureType;
// load texture
void loadTexture (unsigned int texId, unsigned int * texture, short * size,
bool mipmap = false);
// get material
RAS_IPolyMaterial * getMaterial (PyObject *obj, short matID);
// get material ID
short getMaterialID (PyObject * obj, char * name);
// Exceptions
extern ExceptionID MaterialNotAvail;
// object type
extern BlendType<KX_GameObject> gameObjectType;