Erwin Coumans feb4f51103 Added Bullet library.
Only windows projectfiles for now.
Will ask Hans to get unix makefiles done.
2005-07-16 09:58:01 +00:00

574 lines
14 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2005 Erwin Coumans
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
* and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
* provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies.
* Erwin Coumans makes no representations about the suitability
* of this software for any purpose.
* It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
#include "BU_EdgeEdge.h"
#include "BU_Screwing.h"
#include <SimdPoint3.h>
#include <SimdPoint3.h>
//#include "BU_IntervalArithmeticPolynomialSolver.h"
#include "BU_AlgebraicPolynomialSolver.h"
#define BU_Polynomial BU_AlgebraicPolynomialSolver
#define BU_Polynomial BU_IntervalArithmeticPolynomialSolver
bool BU_EdgeEdge::GetTimeOfImpact(
const BU_Screwing& screwAB,
const SimdPoint3& a,//edge in object A
const SimdVector3& u,
const SimdPoint3& c,//edge in object B
const SimdVector3& v,
SimdScalar &minTime,
SimdScalar &lambda1,
SimdScalar& mu1
bool hit=false;
SimdScalar lambda;
SimdScalar mu;
const SimdScalar w=screwAB.GetW();
const SimdScalar s=screwAB.GetS();
if (SimdFuzzyZero(s) &&
//no motion, no collision
return false;
if (SimdFuzzyZero(w) )
//pure translation W=0, S <> 0
//no trig, f(t)=t
SimdScalar det = u.y()*v.x()-u.x()*v.y();
if (!SimdFuzzyZero(det))
lambda = (a.x()*v.y() - c.x() * v.y() - v.x() * a.y() + v.x() * c.y()) / det;
mu = (u.y() * a.x() - u.y() * c.x() - u.x() * a.y() + u.x() * c.y()) / det;
if (mu >=0 && mu <= 1 && lambda >= 0 && lambda <= 1)
// single potential collision is
SimdScalar t = (c.z()-a.z()+mu*v.z()-lambda*u.z())/s;
//if this is on the edge, and time t within [0..1] report hit
if (t>=0 && t <= minTime)
hit = true;
lambda1 = lambda;
mu1 = mu;
} else
//parallel case, not yet
} else
if (SimdFuzzyZero(s) )
if (SimdFuzzyZero(u.z()) )
if (SimdFuzzyZero(v.z()) )
if (SimdFuzzyZero(a.z()-c.z()))
//printf("NOT YET planar problem, 4 vertex=edge cases\n");
} else
//printf("parallel but distinct planes, no collision\n");
return false;
} else
SimdScalar mu = (a.z() - c.z())/v.z();
if (0<=mu && mu <= 1)
// printf("NOT YET//u.z()=0,v.z()<>0\n");
} else
return false;
} else
if (SimdFuzzyZero(v.z()) )
lambda = (c.z() - a.z())/u.z();
if (0<=lambda && lambda <= 1)
SimdPoint3 rotPt(a.x()+lambda * u.x(), a.y()+lambda * u.y(),0.f);
SimdScalar r2 = rotPt.length2();//px*px + py*py;
//either y=a*x+b, or x = a*x+b...
//depends on whether value v.x() is zero or not
SimdScalar aa;
SimdScalar bb;
if (SimdFuzzyZero(v.x()))
aa = v.x()/v.y();
bb= c.x()+ (-c.y() /v.y()) *v.x();
} else
//line is c+mu*v;
//x = c.x()+mu*v.x();
//mu = ((x-c.x())/v.x());
//y = c.y()+((x-c.x())/v.x())*v.y();
//y = c.y()+ (-c.x() /v.x()) *v.y() + (x /v.x()) *v.y();
//y = a*x+b,where a = v.y()/v.x(), b= c.y()+ (-c.x() /v.x()) *v.y();
aa = v.y()/v.x();
bb= c.y()+ (-c.x() /v.x()) *v.y();
SimdScalar disc = aa*aa*r2 + r2 - bb*bb;
if (disc <0)
//edge doesn't intersect the circle (motion of the vertex)
return false;
SimdScalar rad = sqrtf(r2);
if (SimdFuzzyZero(disc))
SimdPoint3 intersectPt;
SimdScalar mu;
//intersectionPoint edge with circle;
if (SimdFuzzyZero(v.x()))
intersectPt.setY( (-2*aa*bb)/(2*(aa*aa+1)));
intersectPt.setX( aa*intersectPt.y()+bb );
mu = ((intersectPt.y()-c.y())/v.y());
} else
mu = ((intersectPt.getX()-c.getX())/v.getX());
if (0 <= mu && mu <= 1)
hit = Calc2DRotationPointPoint(rotPt,rad,screwAB.GetW(),intersectPt,minTime);
//only one solution
} else
//two points...
//intersectionPoint edge with circle;
SimdPoint3 intersectPt;
//intersectionPoint edge with circle;
if (SimdFuzzyZero(v.x()))
SimdScalar mu;
mu = ((intersectPt.getY()-c.getY())/v.getY());
if (0.f <= mu && mu <= 1.f)
hit = Calc2DRotationPointPoint(rotPt,rad,screwAB.GetW(),intersectPt,minTime);
mu = ((intersectPt.getY()-c.getY())/v.getY());
if (0 <= mu && mu <= 1)
hit = hit || Calc2DRotationPointPoint(rotPt,rad,screwAB.GetW(),intersectPt,minTime);
} else
SimdScalar mu;
mu = ((intersectPt.getX()-c.getX())/v.getX());
if (0 <= mu && mu <= 1)
hit = Calc2DRotationPointPoint(rotPt,rad,screwAB.GetW(),intersectPt,minTime);
mu = ((intersectPt.getX()-c.getX())/v.getX());
if (0.f <= mu && mu <= 1.f)
hit = hit || Calc2DRotationPointPoint(rotPt,rad,screwAB.GetW(),intersectPt,minTime);
int k=0;
} else
return false;
} else
//printf("general case with s=0\n");
hit = GetTimeOfImpactGeneralCase(screwAB,a,u,c,v,minTime,lambda,mu);
if (hit)
lambda1 = lambda;
mu1 = mu;
} else
//printf("general case, W<>0,S<>0\n");
hit = GetTimeOfImpactGeneralCase(screwAB,a,u,c,v,minTime,lambda,mu);
if (hit)
lambda1 = lambda;
mu1 = mu;
//W <> 0,pure rotation
return hit;
bool BU_EdgeEdge::GetTimeOfImpactGeneralCase(
const BU_Screwing& screwAB,
const SimdPoint3& a,//edge in object A
const SimdVector3& u,
const SimdPoint3& c,//edge in object B
const SimdVector3& v,
SimdScalar &minTime,
SimdScalar &lambda,
SimdScalar& mu
bool hit = false;
SimdScalar coefs[4];
BU_Polynomial polynomialSolver;
int numroots = 0;
SimdScalar eps=1e-15f;
SimdScalar eps2=1e-20f;
SimdScalar s=screwAB.GetS();
SimdScalar w = screwAB.GetW();
SimdScalar ax = a.x();
SimdScalar ay = a.y();
SimdScalar az = a.z();
SimdScalar cx = c.x();
SimdScalar cy = c.y();
SimdScalar cz = c.z();
SimdScalar vx = v.x();
SimdScalar vy = v.y();
SimdScalar vz = v.z();
SimdScalar ux = u.x();
SimdScalar uy = u.y();
SimdScalar uz = u.z();
if (!SimdFuzzyZero(v.z()))
//Maple Autogenerated C code
SimdScalar t1,t2,t3,t4,t7,t8,t10;
SimdScalar t13,t14,t15,t16,t17,t18,t19,t20;
SimdScalar t21,t22,t23,t24,t25,t26,t27,t28,t29,t30;
SimdScalar t31,t32,t33,t34,t35,t36,t39,t40;
SimdScalar t41,t43,t48;
SimdScalar t63;
SimdScalar aa,bb,cc,dd;//the coefficients
t1 = v.y()*s; t2 = t1*u.x();
t3 = v.x()*s;
t4 = t3*u.y();
t7 = tanf(w/2.0f);
t8 = 1.0f/t7;
t10 = 1.0f/v.z();
aa = (t2-t4)*t8*t10;
t13 = a.x()*t7;
t14 = u.z()*v.y();
t15 = t13*t14;
t16 = u.x()*v.z();
t17 = a.y()*t7;
t18 = t16*t17;
t19 = u.y()*v.z();
t20 = t13*t19;
t21 = v.y()*u.x();
t22 = c.z()*t7;
t23 = t21*t22;
t24 = v.x()*a.z();
t25 = t7*u.y();
t26 = t24*t25;
t27 = c.y()*t7;
t28 = t16*t27;
t29 = a.z()*t7;
t30 = t21*t29;
t31 = u.z()*v.x();
t32 = t31*t27;
t33 = t31*t17;
t34 = c.x()*t7;
t35 = t34*t19;
t36 = t34*t14;
t39 = v.x()*c.z();
t40 = t39*t25;
t41 = 2.0f*t1*u.y()-t15+t18-t20-t23-t26+t28+t30+t32+t33-t35-t36+2.0f*t3*u.x()+t40;
bb = t41*t8*t10;
t43 = t7*u.x();
t48 = u.y()*v.y();
cc = (-2.0f*t39*t43+2.0f*t24*t43+t4-2.0f*t48*t22+2.0f*t34*t16-2.0f*t31*t13-t2
t63 = -t36+t26+t32-t40+t23+t35-t20+t18-t28-t33+t15-t30;
dd = t63*t8*t10;
} else
SimdScalar t1,t2,t3,t4,t7,t8,t10;
SimdScalar t13,t14,t15,t16,t17,t18,t19,t20;
SimdScalar t21,t22,t23,t24,t25,t26,t27,t28,t29,t30;
SimdScalar t31,t32,t33,t34,t35,t36,t37,t38,t57;
SimdScalar p1,p2,p3,p4;
t1 = uy*s;
t2 = t1*vx;
t3 = ux*s;
t4 = t3*vy;
t7 = tanf(w/2.0f);
t8 = 1/t7;
t10 = 1/uz;
t13 = ux*az;
t14 = t7*vy;
t15 = t13*t14;
t16 = ax*t7;
t17 = uy*vz;
t18 = t16*t17;
t19 = cx*t7;
t20 = t19*t17;
t21 = vy*uz;
t22 = t19*t21;
t23 = ay*t7;
t24 = vx*uz;
t25 = t23*t24;
t26 = uy*cz;
t27 = t7*vx;
t28 = t26*t27;
t29 = t16*t21;
t30 = cy*t7;
t31 = ux*vz;
t32 = t30*t31;
t33 = ux*cz;
t34 = t33*t14;
t35 = t23*t31;
t36 = t30*t24;
t37 = uy*az;
t38 = t37*t27;
p4 = (-t2+t4)*t8*t10;
p3 = 2.0f*t1*vy+t15-t18-t20-t22+t25+t28-t29+t32-t34+t35+t36-t38+2.0f*t3*vx;
p2 = -2.0f*t33*t27-2.0f*t26*t14-2.0f*t23*t21+2.0f*t37*t14+2.0f*t30*t17+2.0f*t13
t57 = -t22+t29+t36-t25-t32+t34+t35-t28-t15+t20-t18+t38;
p1 = t57*t8*t10;
coefs[0] = p4;
coefs[1] = p3;
coefs[2] = p2;
coefs[1] = p1;
numroots = polynomialSolver.Solve3Cubic(coefs[0],coefs[1],coefs[2],coefs[3]);
for (int i=0;i<numroots;i++)
//SimdScalar tau = roots[i];//polynomialSolver.GetRoot(i);
SimdScalar tau = polynomialSolver.GetRoot(i);
//check whether mu and lambda are in range [0..1]
if (!SimdFuzzyZero(v.z()))
SimdScalar A1=(ux-ux*tau*tau-2.f*tau*uy)-((1.f+tau*tau)*vx*uz/vz);
SimdScalar B1=((1.f+tau*tau)*(cx*tanf(1.f/2.f*w)*vz+
lambda = B1/A1;
mu = (a.z()-c.z()+lambda*u.z()+(s*tau)/(tanf(w/2.f)))/v.z();
//double check in original equation
SimdScalar lhs = (a.x()+lambda*u.x())
lhs = lambda*((ux-ux*tau*tau-2.f*tau*uy)-((1.f+tau*tau)*vx*uz/vz));
SimdScalar rhs = c.x()+mu*v.x();
rhs = ((1.f+tau*tau)*(cx*tanf(1.f/2.f*w)*vz+vx*az*tanf(1.f/2.f*w)-
SimdScalar res = coefs[0]*tau*tau*tau+
//lhs should be rhs !
if (0.<= mu && mu <=1 && 0.<=lambda && lambda <= 1)
} else
//skip this solution, not really touching
SimdScalar t = 2.f*atanf(tau)/screwAB.GetW();
//tau = tan (wt/2) so 2*atan (tau)/w
if (t>=0.f && t<minTime)
printf(" ax = %12.12f\n ay = %12.12f\n az = %12.12f\n",a.x(),a.y(),a.z());
printf(" ux = %12.12f\n uy = %12.12f\n uz = %12.12f\n",u.x(),u.y(),u.z());
printf(" cx = %12.12f\n cy = %12.12f\n cz = %12.12f\n",c.x(),c.y(),c.z());
printf(" vx = %12.12f\n vy = %12.12f\n vz = %12.12f\n",v.x(),v.y(),v.z());
printf(" s = %12.12f\n w = %12.12f\n", s, w);
printf(" tau = %12.12f \n lambda = %12.12f \n mu = %f\n",tau,lambda,mu);
printf(" ---------------------------------------------\n");
// v,u,a,c,s,w
// BU_IntervalArithmeticPolynomialSolver iaSolver;
// int numroots2 = iaSolver.Solve3Cubic(coefs[0],coefs[1],coefs[2],coefs[3]);
minTime = t;
hit = true;
return hit;
//C -S
//S C
bool BU_EdgeEdge::Calc2DRotationPointPoint(const SimdPoint3& rotPt, SimdScalar rotRadius, SimdScalar rotW,const SimdPoint3& intersectPt,SimdScalar& minTime)
bool hit = false;
// now calculate the planeEquation for the vertex motion,
// and check if the intersectionpoint is at the positive side
SimdPoint3 rotPt1(cosf(rotW)*rotPt.x()-sinf(rotW)*rotPt.y(),
SimdVector3 rotVec = rotPt1-rotPt;
SimdVector3 planeNormal( -rotVec.y() , rotVec.x() ,0.f);
//SimdPoint3 pt(a.x(),a.y());//for sake of readability,could write dot directly
SimdScalar planeD =;
SimdScalar dist = (;
hit = (dist >= -0.001);
//if (hit)
// minTime = 0;
//calculate the time of impact, using the fact of
//toi = alpha / screwAB.getW();
// cos (alpha) = adjacent/hypothenuse;
//adjacent = dotproduct(ipedge,point);
//hypothenuse = sqrt(r2);
SimdScalar adjacent =;
SimdScalar hypo = rotRadius;
SimdScalar alpha = acosf(adjacent/hypo);
SimdScalar t = alpha / rotW;
if (t >= 0 && t < minTime)
hit = true;
minTime = t;
} else
hit = false;
return hit;
bool BU_EdgeEdge::GetTimeOfImpactVertexEdge(
const BU_Screwing& screwAB,
const SimdPoint3& a,//edge in object A
const SimdVector3& u,
const SimdPoint3& c,//edge in object B
const SimdVector3& v,
SimdScalar &minTime,
SimdScalar &lamda,
SimdScalar& mu
return false;