Erwin Coumans 2e6d576182 Sorry to break the cvs-closed status, so if you really need to make a new 2.40 build, just disable the game engine if it doesn't compile for a platform. Again, sorry if this breaks non-windows platforms, but I hope people help to get this amazing fix working for all platforms. Armature-fixing contribution from Snailrose. Also lots of cool things from Snailrose and Lagan.
Armatures are back
Split screen
Double sided lightning
Ambient lighting
Alpha test
Material IPO support (one per object atm)
Blender materials
GLSL shaders - Python access
Up to three texture samplers from the material panel ( 2D & Cube map )
Python access to a second set of uv coordinates

2006-01-06 03:46:54 +00:00

118 lines
2.6 KiB

#ifndef __BL_SHADER_H__
#define __BL_SHADER_H__
#include "PyObjectPlus.h"
#include "BL_Material.h"
// -----------------------------------
// user state management
typedef struct uSampler
unsigned int type;
int pass;
int unit;
int loc;
unsigned int glTexture;
#define SAMP_2D 1
#define SAMP_CUBE 2
// -----------------------------------
typedef struct uBlending
unsigned int pass;
int src; // GL_ blend func values
int dest;
float const_color[4];
// -----------------------------------
// ----------------
class BL_Shader : public PyObjectPlus
unsigned int mShader,
int mPass;
bool mOk;
bool mUse;
uSampler mSampler[MAXTEX];
uBlending mBlending;
char* vertProg;
char* fragProg;
bool LinkProgram();
void printInfo(unsigned int pr);
BL_Shader(int n, PyTypeObject *T=&Type);
virtual ~BL_Shader();
char* GetVertPtr();
char* GetFragPtr();
void SetVertPtr( char *vert );
void SetFragPtr( char *frag );
// ---
int getNumPass() {return mPass;}
bool use() {return mUse;}
// ---
// access
const uSampler* getSampler(int i);
const uBlending* getBlending( int pass );
const bool Ok()const;
unsigned int GetProg();
unsigned int GetVertexShader();
unsigned int GetFragmentShader();
void InitializeSampler(
int type,
int unit,
int pass,
unsigned int texture
// -----------------------------------
// python interface
virtual PyObject* _getattr(const STR_String& attr);
KX_PYMETHOD_DOC( BL_Shader, setSource );
KX_PYMETHOD_DOC( BL_Shader, delSource );
KX_PYMETHOD_DOC( BL_Shader, getVertexProg );
KX_PYMETHOD_DOC( BL_Shader, getFragmentProg );
KX_PYMETHOD_DOC( BL_Shader, setNumberOfPasses );
// -----------------------------------
KX_PYMETHOD_DOC( BL_Shader, isValid);
KX_PYMETHOD_DOC( BL_Shader, validate);
KX_PYMETHOD_DOC( BL_Shader, setUniform4f );
KX_PYMETHOD_DOC( BL_Shader, setUniform3f );
KX_PYMETHOD_DOC( BL_Shader, setUniform2f );
KX_PYMETHOD_DOC( BL_Shader, setUniform1f );
KX_PYMETHOD_DOC( BL_Shader, setUniform4i );
KX_PYMETHOD_DOC( BL_Shader, setUniform3i );
KX_PYMETHOD_DOC( BL_Shader, setUniform2i );
KX_PYMETHOD_DOC( BL_Shader, setUniform1i );
KX_PYMETHOD_DOC( BL_Shader, setUniformfv );
KX_PYMETHOD_DOC( BL_Shader, setUniformiv );
KX_PYMETHOD_DOC( BL_Shader, setUniformMatrix4 );
KX_PYMETHOD_DOC( BL_Shader, setUniformMatrix3 );
// these come from within the material buttons
// sampler2d/samplerCube work
KX_PYMETHOD_DOC( BL_Shader, setSampler);
// user blending funcs
KX_PYMETHOD_DOC( BL_Shader, setBlending );