Campbell Barton c4b4e2922f more updates, mostly 2.3 error checking, nice messages when pythons not installed and some nendo import optimizations.
BPyMesh will work with the exception of the redux function in py2.3
2006-07-03 20:17:40 +00:00

1822 lines
65 KiB

Name: 'LightWave (.lwo)...'
Blender: 239
Group: 'Import'
Tooltip: 'Import LightWave Object File Format'
__author__ = "Alessandro Pirovano, Anthony D'Agostino (Scorpius)"
__url__ = ("blender", "elysiun",
"Anthony's homepage,", "Alessandro's homepage,")
importername = "lwo_import 0.3.0a - devel"
# +---------------------------------------------------------+
# | Save your work before and after use. |
# | Please report any useful comment to: |
# | |
# | Thanks |
# +---------------------------------------------------------+
# +---------------------------------------------------------+
# | Copyright (c) 2002 Anthony D'Agostino |
# | |
# | |
# | April 21, 2002 |
# | Import Export Suite v0.5 |
# +---------------------------------------------------------+
# | Read and write LightWave Object File Format (*.lwo) |
# +---------------------------------------------------------+
# +---------------------------------------------------------+
# | Alessandro Pirovano tweaked starting on March 2005 |
# | |
# +---------------------------------------------------------+
# +----------------------------------------------------------
# | GPL license block
# |
# | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# | it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# | the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# | (at your option) any later version.
# |
# | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# | GNU General Public License for more details.
# |
# | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# | Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# +----------------------------------------------------------
# +---------------------------------------------------------+
# | Release log: |
# | 0.2.2 : This code works with Blender 2.42 RC3 |
# | Added a new PolyFill function for BPYMesh's |
# | ngon() to use, checked compatibility |
# | lightwaves ngons are imported as fgons |
# | Checked compatibility against 1711 lwo files |
# | 0.2.1 : This code works with Blender 2.40 RC1 |
# | modified material mode assignment to deal with |
# | Python API modification |
# | Changed script license to GNU GPL |
# | 0.2.0: This code works with Blender 2.40a2 or up |
# | Major rewrite to deal with large meshes |
# | - 2 pass file parsing |
# | - lower memory footprint |
# | (as long as python gc allows) |
# | 2.40a2 - Removed subsurf settings patches=poly |
# | 2.40a2 - Edge generation instead of 2vert faces |
# | 0.1.16: fixed (try 2) texture offset calculations |
# | added hint on axis mapping |
# | added hint on texture blending mode |
# | added hint on texture transparency setting |
# | search images in original directory first |
# | fixed texture order application |
# | 0.1.15: added release log |
# | fixed texture offset calculations (non-UV) |
# | fixed reverting vertex order in face generation |
# | associate texture on game-engine settings |
# | vector math definitely based on mathutils |
# | search images in "Images" and "../Images" dir |
# | revised logging facility |
# | fixed subsurf texture and material mappings |
# | 0.1.14: patched missing mod_vector (not definitive) |
# | 0.1.13: first public release |
# +---------------------------------------------------------+
#blender related import
import Blender
# use for comprehensiveImageLoad
import BPyImage
# Use this ngon function
import BPyMesh
#python specific modules import
import struct, chunk, os, cStringIO
struct= chunk= os= cStringIO= None
# ===========================================================
# === Utility Preamble ======================================
# ===========================================================
textname = None
type_list = type(list())
type_dict = type(dict())
#uncomment the following line to enable logging facility to the named text object
#textname = "lwo_log"
# ===========================================================
# ===========================================================
# === Make sure it is a string ... deal with strange chars ==
# ===========================================================
def safestring(st):
myst = ""
for ll in xrange(len(st)):
if st[ll] < " ":
myst += "#"
myst += st[ll]
return myst
class dotext:
_NO = 0 #use internal to class only
LOG = 1 #write only to LOG
CON = 2 #write to both LOG and CONSOLE
def __init__(self, tname, where=LOG):
self.dwhere = where #defaults on console only
if (tname==None):
print "*** not using text object to log script"
self.txtobj = None
tlist = Blender.Text.Get()
for i in xrange(len(tlist)):
if (tlist[i].getName()==tname):
#print tname, " text object found and cleared!"
self.txtobj = tlist[i]
#print tname, " text object not found and created!"
self.txtobj = Blender.Text.New(tname)
# end def __init__
def write(self, wstring, maxlen=100):
if (self.txtobj==None): return
while (1):
ll = len(wstring)
if (ll>maxlen):
wstring = (wstring[maxlen:])
# end def write
def pstring(self, ppstring, where = _NO):
if where == dotext._NO: where = self.dwhere
if where == dotext.CON:
print ppstring
# end def pstring
def plist(self, pplist, where = _NO):
self.pprint ("list:[")
for pp in xrange(len(pplist)):
self.pprint ("[%d] -> %s" % (pp, pplist[pp]), where)
self.pprint ("]")
# end def plist
def pdict(self, pdict, where = _NO):
self.pprint ("dict:{", where)
for pp in pdict.iterkeys():
self.pprint ("[%s] -> %s" % (pp, pdict[pp]), where)
self.pprint ("}")
# end def pdict
def pprint(self, parg, where = _NO):
if parg == None:
self.pstring("_None_", where)
elif type(parg) == type_list:
self.plist(parg, where)
elif type(parg) == type_dict:
self.pdict(parg, where)
self.pstring(safestring(str(parg)), where)
# end def pprint
def logcon(self, parg):
self.pprint(parg, dotext.CON)
# end def logcon
# endclass dotext
#uncomment the following line to log all messages on both console and logfile
# ===========================================================
# === Main read functions ===================================
# ===========================================================
# =============================
# === Read LightWave Format ===
# =============================
def read(filename):
global tobj
tobj.logcon ("This is: %s" % importername)
tobj.logcon ("Importing file:")
tobj.logcon (filename)
for ob in Blender.Scene.GetCurrent().getChildren():
ob.sel= 0
start = Blender.sys.time()
file = open(filename, "rb")
editmode = Blender.Window.EditMode() # are we in edit mode? If so ...
if editmode: Blender.Window.EditMode(0) # leave edit mode before getting the mesh # === LWO header ===
form_id, form_size, form_type = struct.unpack(">4s1L4s",
if (form_type == "LWOB"):
read_lwob(file, filename)
elif (form_type == "LWO2"):
read_lwo2(file, filename)
tobj.logcon ("Can't read a file with the form_type: %s" %form_type)
Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(1.0, "") # clear progressbar
end = Blender.sys.time()
seconds = " in %.2f %s" % (end-start, "seconds")
if form_type == "LWO2": fmt = " (v6.0 Format)"
if form_type == "LWOB": fmt = " (v5.5 Format)"
message = "Successfully imported " + os.path.basename(filename) + fmt + seconds
tobj.logcon (message)
if editmode: Blender.Window.EditMode(1) # optional, just being nice
# enddef read
# =================================
# === Read LightWave 5.5 format ===
# =================================
def read_lwob(file, filename):
#This function is directly derived from the LWO2 import routine
#dropping all the material analysis parts
global tobj
tobj.logcon("LightWave 5.5 format")
dir_part = Blender.sys.dirname(filename)
fname_part = Blender.sys.basename(filename)
#ask_weird = 1
#first initialization of data structures
defaultname = os.path.splitext(fname_part)[0]
tag_list = [] #tag list: global for the whole file?
surf_list = [] #surf list: global for the whole file?
clip_list = [] #clip list: global for the whole file?
object_index = 0
object_list = None
objspec_list = None
#add default material for orphaned faces, if any
surf_list.append({'NAME': "_Orphans", 'g_MAT': Blender.Material.New("_Orphans")})
#pass 2: effectively generate objects
tobj.logcon ("Pass 1: dry import")
objspec_list = ["imported", {}, [], [], {}, {}, 0, {}, {}]
# === LWO header ===
form_id, form_size, form_type = struct.unpack(">4s1L4s",
if (form_type != "LWOB"):
tobj.logcon ("??? Inconsistent file type: %s" %form_type)
while 1:
lwochunk = chunk.Chunk(file)
except EOFError:
tobj.pprint(" ")
if lwochunk.chunkname == "LAYR":
tobj.pprint("---- LAYR")
objname = read_layr(lwochunk)
if objspec_list != None: #create the object
create_objects(clip_list, objspec_list, surf_list)
update_material(clip_list, objspec_list, surf_list) #give it all the object
objspec_list = [objname, {}, [], [], {}, {}, 0, {}, {}]
object_index += 1
elif lwochunk.chunkname == "PNTS": # Verts
tobj.pprint("---- PNTS")
verts = read_verts(lwochunk)
objspec_list[2] = verts
elif lwochunk.chunkname == "POLS": # Faces v5.5
tobj.pprint("-------- POLS(5.5)")
faces = read_faces_5(lwochunk)
flag = 0
#flag is 0 for regular polygon, 1 for patches (= subsurf), 2 for anything else to be ignored
if flag<2:
if objspec_list[3] != []:
#create immediately the object
create_objects(clip_list, objspec_list, surf_list)
update_material(clip_list, objspec_list, surf_list) #give it all the object
#update with new data
objspec_list = [objspec_list[0], #update name
{}, #init
objspec_list[2], #same vertexes
faces, #give it the new faces
{}, #no need to copy - filled at runtime
{}, #polygon tagging will follow
flag, #patch flag
objspec_list[7], #same uvcoords
{}] #no vmad mapping
object_index += 1
#end if already has a face list
objspec_list[3] = faces
objname = objspec_list[0]
if objname == None:
objname = defaultname
#end if processing a valid poly type
else: # Misc Chunks
tobj.pprint("---- %s: skipping (definitely!)" % lwochunk.chunkname)
#uncomment here to log data structure as it is built
#last object read
create_objects(clip_list, objspec_list, surf_list)
update_material(clip_list, objspec_list, surf_list) #give it all the object
objspec_list = None
surf_list = None
clip_list = None
tobj.pprint("\nFound %d objects:" % object_index)
# enddef read_lwob
# =============================
# === Read LightWave Format ===
# =============================
def read_lwo2(file, filename, typ="LWO2"):
global tobj
tobj.logcon("LightWave 6 (and above) format")
dir_part = Blender.sys.dirname(filename)
fname_part = Blender.sys.basename(filename)
ask_weird = 1
#first initialization of data structures
defaultname = os.path.splitext(fname_part)[0]
tag_list = [] #tag list: global for the whole file?
surf_list = [] #surf list: global for the whole file?
clip_list = [] #clip list: global for the whole file?
object_index = 0
object_list = None
objspec_list = None
# init value is: object_list = [[None, {}, [], [], {}, {}, 0, {}, {}]]
#0 - objname #original name
#1 - obj_dict = {TAG} #objects created
#2 - verts = [] #object vertexes
#3 - faces = [] #object faces (associations poly -> vertexes)
#4 - obj_dim_dict = {TAG} #tuples size and pos in local object coords - used for NON-UV mappings
#5 - polytag_dict = {TAG} #tag to polygons mapping
#6 - patch_flag #0 = surf; 1 = patch (subdivision surface) - it was the image list
#7 - uvcoords_dict = {name} #uvmap coordinates (mixed mode per vertex/per face)
#8 - facesuv_dict = {name} #vmad only coordinates associations poly & vertex -> uv tuples
#pass 1: look in advance for materials
tobj.logcon ("Starting Pass 1: hold on tight")
while 1:
lwochunk = chunk.Chunk(file)
except EOFError:
tobj.pprint(" ")
if lwochunk.chunkname == "TAGS": # Tags
tobj.pprint("---- TAGS")
elif lwochunk.chunkname == "SURF": # surfaces
tobj.pprint("---- SURF")
surf_list.append(read_surfs(lwochunk, surf_list, tag_list))
elif lwochunk.chunkname == "CLIP": # texture images
tobj.pprint("---- CLIP")
clip_list.append(read_clip(lwochunk, dir_part))
tobj.pprint("read total %s clips up to now" % len(clip_list))
else: # Misc Chunks
if ask_weird:
ckname = safestring(lwochunk.chunkname)
if "#" in ckname:
choice = Blender.Draw.PupMenu("WARNING: file could be corrupted.%t|Import anyway|Give up")
if choice != 1:
tobj.logcon("---- %s: Maybe file corrupted. Terminated by user" % lwochunk.chunkname)
ask_weird = 0
tobj.pprint("---- %s: skipping (maybe later)" % lwochunk.chunkname)
#add default material for orphaned faces, if any
surf_list.append({'NAME': "_Orphans", 'g_MAT': Blender.Material.New("_Orphans")})
#pass 2: effectively generate objects
tobj.logcon ("Pass 2: now for the hard part")
# === LWO header ===
form_id, form_size, form_type = struct.unpack(">4s1L4s",
if (form_type != "LWO2"):
tobj.logcon ("??? Inconsistent file type: %s" %form_type)
while 1:
lwochunk = chunk.Chunk(file)
except EOFError:
tobj.pprint(" ")
if lwochunk.chunkname == "LAYR":
tobj.pprint("---- LAYR")
objname = read_layr(lwochunk)
if objspec_list != None: #create the object
create_objects(clip_list, objspec_list, surf_list)
update_material(clip_list, objspec_list, surf_list) #give it all the object
objspec_list = [objname, {}, [], [], {}, {}, 0, {}, {}]
object_index += 1
elif lwochunk.chunkname == "PNTS": # Verts
tobj.pprint("---- PNTS")
verts = read_verts(lwochunk)
objspec_list[2] = verts
elif lwochunk.chunkname == "VMAP": # MAPS (UV)
tobj.pprint("---- VMAP")
#objspec_list[7] = read_vmap(objspec_list[7], len(objspec_list[2]), lwochunk)
read_vmap(objspec_list[7], len(objspec_list[2]), lwochunk)
elif lwochunk.chunkname == "VMAD": # MAPS (UV) per-face
tobj.pprint("---- VMAD")
#objspec_list[7], objspec_list[8] = read_vmad(objspec_list[7], objspec_list[8], len(objspec_list[3]), len(objspec_list[2]), lwochunk)
read_vmad(objspec_list[7], objspec_list[8], len(objspec_list[3]), len(objspec_list[2]), lwochunk)
elif lwochunk.chunkname == "POLS": # Faces v6.0
tobj.pprint("-------- POLS(6)")
faces, flag = read_faces_6(lwochunk)
#flag is 0 for regular polygon, 1 for patches (= subsurf), 2 for anything else to be ignored
if flag<2:
if objspec_list[3] != []:
#create immediately the object
create_objects(clip_list, objspec_list, surf_list)
update_material(clip_list, objspec_list, surf_list) #give it all the object
#update with new data
objspec_list = [objspec_list[0], #update name
{}, #init
objspec_list[2], #same vertexes
faces, #give it the new faces
{}, #no need to copy - filled at runtime
{}, #polygon tagging will follow
flag, #patch flag
objspec_list[7], #same uvcoords
{}] #no vmad mapping
object_index += 1
#end if already has a face list
objspec_list[3] = faces
objname = objspec_list[0]
if objname == None:
objname = defaultname
#end if processing a valid poly type
elif lwochunk.chunkname == "PTAG": # PTags
tobj.pprint("---- PTAG")
polytag_dict = read_ptags(lwochunk, tag_list)
for kk in polytag_dict.iterkeys(): objspec_list[5][kk] = polytag_dict[kk]
else: # Misc Chunks
tobj.pprint("---- %s: skipping (definitely!)" % lwochunk.chunkname)
#uncomment here to log data structure as it is built
#last object read
create_objects(clip_list, objspec_list, surf_list)
update_material(clip_list, objspec_list, surf_list) #give it all the object
objspec_list = None
surf_list = None
clip_list = None
tobj.pprint("\nFound %d objects:" % object_index)
# enddef read_lwo2
# ===========================================================
# === File reading routines =================================
# ===========================================================
# ==================
# === Read Verts ===
# ==================
def read_verts(lwochunk):
data = cStringIO.StringIO(
numverts = lwochunk.chunksize/12
return [struct.unpack(">fff", for i in xrange(numverts)]
# enddef read_verts
# =================
# === Read Name ===
# =================
# modified to deal with odd lenght strings
def read_name(file):
name = ""
while 1:
char =
if char == "\0": break
else: name += char
len_name = len(name) + 1 #count the trailing zero
if len_name%2==1:
char = #remove zero padding to even lenght
len_name += 1
return name, len_name
# ==================
# === Read Layer ===
# ==================
def read_layr(lwochunk):
data = cStringIO.StringIO(
idx, flags = struct.unpack(">hh",
pivot = struct.unpack(">fff",
layer_name, discard = read_name(data)
if not layer_name: layer_name = "NoName"
return layer_name
# enddef read_layr
# ======================
# === Read Faces 5.5 ===
# ======================
def read_faces_5(lwochunk):
data = cStringIO.StringIO(
faces = []
i = 0
while i < lwochunk.chunksize:
#if not i%1000 and my_meshtools.show_progress:
# Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(float(i)/lwochunk.chunksize, "Reading Faces")
numfaceverts, = struct.unpack(">H",
facev = [struct.unpack(">H",[0] for j in xrange(numfaceverts)]
surfaceindex, = struct.unpack(">H",
if surfaceindex < 0:
tobj.logcon ("***Error. Referencing uncorrect surface index")
i += (4+numfaceverts*2)
return faces
# ==================================
# === Read Variable-Length Index ===
# ==================================
def read_vx(data):
byte1, = struct.unpack(">B",
if byte1 != 0xFF: # 2-byte index
byte2, = struct.unpack(">B",
index = byte1*256 + byte2
index_size = 2
else: # 4-byte index
byte2, byte3, byte4 = struct.unpack(">3B",
index = byte2*65536 + byte3*256 + byte4
index_size = 4
return index, index_size
# ======================
# === Read uvmapping ===
# ======================
def read_vmap(uvcoords_dict, maxvertnum, lwochunk):
if maxvertnum == 0:
tobj.pprint ("Found VMAP but no vertexes to map!")
return uvcoords_dict
data = cStringIO.StringIO(
map_type =
if map_type != "TXUV":
tobj.pprint ("Reading VMAP: No Texture UV map Were Found. Map Type: %s" % map_type)
return uvcoords_dict
dimension, = struct.unpack(">H",
name, i = read_name(data) #i initialized with string lenght + zeros
tobj.pprint ("TXUV %d %s" % (dimension, name))
#note if there is already a VMAD it will be lost
#it is assumed that VMAD will follow the corresponding VMAP
try: #if uvcoords_dict.has_key(name):
my_uv_dict = uvcoords_dict[name] #update existing
except: #else:
my_uv_dict = {} #start a brand new: this could be made more smart
while (i < lwochunk.chunksize - 6): #4+2 header bytes already read
vertnum, vnum_size = read_vx(data)
uv = struct.unpack(">ff",
if vertnum >= maxvertnum:
tobj.pprint ("Hem: more uvmap than vertexes? ignoring uv data for vertex %d" % vertnum)
my_uv_dict[vertnum] = uv
i += 8 + vnum_size
#end loop on uv pairs
uvcoords_dict[name] = my_uv_dict
#this is a per-vertex mapping AND the uv tuple is vertex-ordered, so faces_uv is the same as faces
#return uvcoords_dict
# ========================
# === Read uvmapping 2 ===
# ========================
def read_vmad(uvcoords_dict, facesuv_dict, maxfacenum, maxvertnum, lwochunk):
if maxvertnum == 0 or maxfacenum == 0:
tobj.pprint ("Found VMAD but no vertexes to map!")
return uvcoords_dict, facesuv_dict
data = cStringIO.StringIO(
map_type =
if map_type != "TXUV":
tobj.pprint ("Reading VMAD: No Texture UV map Were Found. Map Type: %s" % map_type)
return uvcoords_dict, facesuv_dict
dimension, = struct.unpack(">H",
name, i = read_name(data) #i initialized with string lenght + zeros
tobj.pprint ("TXUV %d %s" % (dimension, name))
try: #if uvcoords_dict.has_key(name):
my_uv_dict = uvcoords_dict[name] #update existing
except: #else:
my_uv_dict = {} #start a brand new: this could be made more smart
my_facesuv_list = []
newindex = maxvertnum + 10 #why +10? Why not?
#end variable initialization
while (i < lwochunk.chunksize - 6): #4+2 header bytes already read
vertnum, vnum_size = read_vx(data)
i += vnum_size
polynum, vnum_size = read_vx(data)
i += vnum_size
uv = struct.unpack(">ff",
if polynum >= maxfacenum or vertnum >= maxvertnum:
tobj.pprint ("Hem: more uvmap than vertexes? ignorig uv data for vertex %d" % vertnum)
my_uv_dict[newindex] = uv
my_facesuv_list.append([polynum, vertnum, newindex])
newindex += 1
i += 8
#end loop on uv pairs
uvcoords_dict[name] = my_uv_dict
facesuv_dict[name] = my_facesuv_list
tobj.pprint ("updated %d vertexes data" % (newindex-maxvertnum-10))
# =================
# === Read tags ===
# =================
def read_tags(lwochunk):
data = cStringIO.StringIO(
tag_list = []
current_tag = ""
i = 0
while i < lwochunk.chunksize:
char =
if char == "\0":
if (len(current_tag) % 2 == 0): char =
current_tag = ""
current_tag += char
i += 1
tobj.pprint("read %d tags, list follows:" % len(tag_list))
tobj.pprint( tag_list)
return tag_list
# ==================
# === Read Ptags ===
# ==================
def read_ptags(lwochunk, tag_list):
data = cStringIO.StringIO(
polygon_type =
if polygon_type != "SURF":
tobj.pprint ("No Surf Were Found. Polygon Type: %s" % polygon_type)
return {}
ptag_dict = {}
i = 0
while(i < lwochunk.chunksize-4): #4 bytes polygon type already read
#if not i%1000 and my_meshtools.show_progress:
# Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(float(i)/lwochunk.chunksize, "Reading PTAGS")
poln, poln_size = read_vx(data)
i += poln_size
tag_index, = struct.unpack(">H",
if tag_index > (len(tag_list)):
tobj.pprint ("Reading PTAG: Surf belonging to undefined TAG: %d. Skipping" % tag_index)
return {}
i += 2
tag_key = tag_list[tag_index]
except: #if not(ptag_dict.has_key(tag_key)):
ptag_dict[tag_list[tag_index]] = [poln]
for i in ptag_dict.iterkeys():
tobj.pprint ("read %d polygons belonging to TAG %s" % (len(ptag_dict[i]), i))
return ptag_dict
# ==================
# === Read Clips ===
# ==================
def read_clip(lwochunk, dir_part):
# img, IMG, g_IMG refers to blender image objects
# ima, IMAG, g_IMAG refers to clip dictionary 'ID' entries: refer to blok and surf
clip_dict = {}
data = cStringIO.StringIO(
image_index, = struct.unpack(">L",
clip_dict['ID'] = image_index
i = 4
while(i < lwochunk.chunksize):
subchunkname, = struct.unpack("4s",
subchunklen, = struct.unpack(">H",
if subchunkname == "STIL":
tobj.pprint("-------- STIL")
clip_name, k = read_name(data)
#now split text independently from platform
#depend on the system where image was saved. NOT the one where the script is run
no_sep = "\\"
if Blender.sys.sep == no_sep: no_sep ="/"
if (no_sep in clip_name):
clip_name = clip_name.replace(no_sep, Blender.sys.sep)
short_name = Blender.sys.basename(clip_name)
if (clip_name == "") or (short_name == ""):
tobj.pprint ("Reading CLIP: Empty clip name not allowed. Skipping")
discard =
clip_dict['NAME'] = clip_name
clip_dict['BASENAME'] = short_name
elif subchunkname == "XREF": #cross reference another image
tobj.pprint("-------- XREF")
image_index, = struct.unpack(">L",
clip_name, k = read_name(data)
clip_dict['NAME'] = clip_name
clip_dict['XREF'] = image_index
elif subchunkname == "NEGA": #negate texture effect
tobj.pprint("-------- NEGA")
n, = struct.unpack(">H",
clip_dict['NEGA'] = n
else: # Misc Chunks
tobj.pprint("-------- CLIP:%s: skipping" % subchunkname)
discard =
i = i + 6 + subchunklen
#end loop on surf chunks
tobj.pprint("read image:%s" % clip_dict)
if clip_dict.has_key('XREF'):
tobj.pprint("Cross-reference: no image pre-allocated.")
return clip_dict
#look for images
#img = load_image("",clip_dict['NAME'])
NAME= clip_dict['NAME']
clip_dict['g_IMG'] = None
img = BPyImage.comprehensiveImageLoad('', NAME)
if not img:
tobj.pprint ( "***No image %s found: trying LWO file subdir" % NAME)
img = BPyImage.comprehensiveImageLoad(dir_part, BASENAME)
if not img:
tobj.pprint ( "***No image %s found: trying alternate Images subdir" % BASENAME)
img = BPyImage.comprehensiveImageLoad(dir_part+Blender.sys.sep+".."+Blender.sys.sep+"Images", BASENAME)
if not img:
tobj.pprint ( "***No image %s found: giving up" % BASENAME)
#lucky we are: we have an image
tobj.pprint ("Image pre-allocated.")
clip_dict['g_IMG'] = img
return clip_dict
# ===========================
# === Read Surfaces Block ===
# ===========================
def read_surfblok(subchunkdata):
lenght = len(subchunkdata)
my_dict = {}
my_uvname = ""
data = cStringIO.StringIO(subchunkdata)
# blok header sub-chunk
subchunkname, = struct.unpack("4s",
subchunklen, = struct.unpack(">h",
accumulate_i = subchunklen + 6
if subchunkname != 'IMAP':
tobj.pprint("---------- SURF: BLOK: %s: block aborting" % subchunkname)
return {}, ""
tobj.pprint ("---------- IMAP")
ordinal, i = read_name(data)
my_dict['ORD'] = ordinal
#my_dict['g_ORD'] = -1
my_dict['ENAB'] = True
while(i < subchunklen): # ---------left 6------------------------- loop on header parameters
sub2chunkname, = struct.unpack("4s",
sub2chunklen, = struct.unpack(">h",
i = i + 6 + sub2chunklen
if sub2chunkname == "CHAN":
tobj.pprint("------------ CHAN")
sub2chunkname, = struct.unpack("4s",
my_dict['CHAN'] = sub2chunkname
sub2chunklen -= 4
elif sub2chunkname == "ENAB": #only present if is to be disabled
tobj.pprint("------------ ENAB")
ena, = struct.unpack(">h",
my_dict['ENAB'] = ena
sub2chunklen -= 2
elif sub2chunkname == "NEGA": #only present if is to be enabled
tobj.pprint("------------ NEGA")
ena, = struct.unpack(">h",
if ena == 1:
my_dict['NEGA'] = ena
sub2chunklen -= 2
elif sub2chunkname == "OPAC": #only present if is to be disabled
tobj.pprint("------------ OPAC")
opa, = struct.unpack(">h",
s, = struct.unpack(">f",
envelope, env_size = read_vx(data)
my_dict['OPAC'] = opa
my_dict['OPACVAL'] = s
sub2chunklen -= 6
elif sub2chunkname == "AXIS":
tobj.pprint("------------ AXIS")
ena, = struct.unpack(">h",
my_dict['DISPLAXIS'] = ena
sub2chunklen -= 2
else: # Misc Chunks
tobj.pprint("------------ SURF: BLOK: IMAP: %s: skipping" % sub2chunkname)
discard =
#end loop on blok header subchunks
# blok attributes sub-chunk
subchunkname, = struct.unpack("4s",
subchunklen, = struct.unpack(">h",
accumulate_i += subchunklen + 6
if subchunkname != 'TMAP':
tobj.pprint("---------- SURF: BLOK: %s: block aborting" % subchunkname)
return {}, ""
tobj.pprint ("---------- TMAP")
i = 0
while(i < subchunklen): # -----------left 6----------------------- loop on header parameters
sub2chunkname, = struct.unpack("4s",
sub2chunklen, = struct.unpack(">h",
i = i + 6 + sub2chunklen
if sub2chunkname == "CNTR":
tobj.pprint("------------ CNTR")
x, y, z = struct.unpack(">fff",
envelope, env_size = read_vx(data)
my_dict['CNTR'] = [x, y, z]
sub2chunklen -= (12+env_size)
elif sub2chunkname == "SIZE":
tobj.pprint("------------ SIZE")
x, y, z = struct.unpack(">fff",
envelope, env_size = read_vx(data)
my_dict['SIZE'] = [x, y, z]
sub2chunklen -= (12+env_size)
elif sub2chunkname == "ROTA":
tobj.pprint("------------ ROTA")
x, y, z = struct.unpack(">fff",
envelope, env_size = read_vx(data)
my_dict['ROTA'] = [x, y, z]
sub2chunklen -= (12+env_size)
elif sub2chunkname == "CSYS":
tobj.pprint("------------ CSYS")
ena, = struct.unpack(">h",
my_dict['CSYS'] = ena
sub2chunklen -= 2
else: # Misc Chunks
tobj.pprint("------------ SURF: BLOK: TMAP: %s: skipping" % sub2chunkname)
if sub2chunklen > 0:
discard =
#end loop on blok attributes subchunks
# ok, now other attributes without sub_chunks
while(accumulate_i < lenght): # ---------------------------------- loop on header parameters: lenght has already stripped the 6 bypes header
subchunkname, = struct.unpack("4s",
subchunklen, = struct.unpack(">H",
accumulate_i = accumulate_i + 6 + subchunklen
if subchunkname == "PROJ":
tobj.pprint("---------- PROJ")
p, = struct.unpack(">h",
my_dict['PROJ'] = p
subchunklen -= 2
elif subchunkname == "AXIS":
tobj.pprint("---------- AXIS")
a, = struct.unpack(">h",
my_dict['MAJAXIS'] = a
subchunklen -= 2
elif subchunkname == "IMAG":
tobj.pprint("---------- IMAG")
i, i_size = read_vx(data)
my_dict['IMAG'] = i
subchunklen -= i_size
elif subchunkname == "WRAP":
tobj.pprint("---------- WRAP")
ww, wh = struct.unpack(">hh",
#reduce width and height to just 1 parameter for both
my_dict['WRAP'] = max([ww,wh])
#my_dict['WRAPWIDTH'] = ww
#my_dict['WRAPHEIGHT'] = wh
subchunklen -= 4
elif subchunkname == "WRPW":
tobj.pprint("---------- WRPW")
w, = struct.unpack(">f",
my_dict['WRPW'] = w
envelope, env_size = read_vx(data)
subchunklen -= (env_size+4)
elif subchunkname == "WRPH":
tobj.pprint("---------- WRPH")
w, = struct.unpack(">f",
my_dict['WRPH'] = w
envelope, env_size = read_vx(data)
subchunklen -= (env_size+4)
elif subchunkname == "VMAP":
tobj.pprint("---------- VMAP")
vmp, i = read_name(data)
my_dict['VMAP'] = vmp
my_uvname = vmp
subchunklen -= i
else: # Misc Chunks
tobj.pprint("---------- SURF: BLOK: %s: skipping" % subchunkname)
if subchunklen > 0:
discard =
#end loop on blok subchunks
return my_dict, my_uvname
# =====================
# === Read Surfaces ===
# =====================
def read_surfs(lwochunk, surf_list, tag_list):
my_dict = {}
data = cStringIO.StringIO(
surf_name, i = read_name(data)
parent_name, j = read_name(data)
i += j
if (surf_name == "") or not(surf_name in tag_list):
tobj.pprint ("Reading SURF: Actually empty surf name not allowed. Skipping")
return {}
if (parent_name != ""):
parent_index = [x['NAME'] for x in surf_list].count(parent_name)
if parent_index >0:
my_dict = surf_list[parent_index-1]
my_dict['NAME'] = surf_name
tobj.pprint ("Surface data for TAG %s" % surf_name)
while(i < lwochunk.chunksize):
subchunkname, = struct.unpack("4s",
subchunklen, = struct.unpack(">H",
i = i + 6 + subchunklen #6 bytes subchunk header
if subchunkname == "COLR": #color: mapped on color
tobj.pprint("-------- COLR")
r, g, b = struct.unpack(">fff",
envelope, env_size = read_vx(data)
my_dict['COLR'] = [r, g, b]
subchunklen -= (12+env_size)
elif subchunkname == "DIFF": #diffusion: mapped on reflection (diffuse shader)
tobj.pprint("-------- DIFF")
s, = struct.unpack(">f",
envelope, env_size = read_vx(data)
my_dict['DIFF'] = s
subchunklen -= (4+env_size)
elif subchunkname == "SPEC": #specularity: mapped to specularity (spec shader)
tobj.pprint("-------- SPEC")
s, = struct.unpack(">f",
envelope, env_size = read_vx(data)
my_dict['SPEC'] = s
subchunklen -= (4+env_size)
elif subchunkname == "REFL": #reflection: mapped on raymirror
tobj.pprint("-------- REFL")
s, = struct.unpack(">f",
envelope, env_size = read_vx(data)
my_dict['REFL'] = s
subchunklen -= (4+env_size)
elif subchunkname == "TRNL": #translucency: mapped on same param
tobj.pprint("-------- TRNL")
s, = struct.unpack(">f",
envelope, env_size = read_vx(data)
my_dict['TRNL'] = s
subchunklen -= (4+env_size)
elif subchunkname == "GLOS": #glossiness: mapped on specularity hardness (spec shader)
tobj.pprint("-------- GLOS")
s, = struct.unpack(">f",
envelope, env_size = read_vx(data)
my_dict['GLOS'] = s
subchunklen -= (4+env_size)
elif subchunkname == "TRAN": #transparency: inverted and mapped on alpha channel
tobj.pprint("-------- TRAN")
s, = struct.unpack(">f",
envelope, env_size = read_vx(data)
my_dict['TRAN'] = s
subchunklen -= (4+env_size)
elif subchunkname == "LUMI": #luminosity: mapped on emit channel
tobj.pprint("-------- LUMI")
s, = struct.unpack(">f",
envelope, env_size = read_vx(data)
my_dict['LUMI'] = s
subchunklen -= (4+env_size)
elif subchunkname == "GVAL": #glow: mapped on add channel
tobj.pprint("-------- GVAL")
s, = struct.unpack(">f",
envelope, env_size = read_vx(data)
my_dict['GVAL'] = s
subchunklen -= (4+env_size)
elif subchunkname == "SMAN": #smoothing angle
tobj.pprint("-------- SMAN")
s, = struct.unpack(">f",
my_dict['SMAN'] = s
subchunklen -= 4
elif subchunkname == "SIDE": #double sided?
tobj.pprint("-------- SIDE") #if 1 side do not define key
s, = struct.unpack(">H",
if s == 3:
my_dict['SIDE'] = s
subchunklen -= 2
elif subchunkname == "RIND": #Refraction: mapped on IOR
tobj.pprint("-------- RIND")
s, = struct.unpack(">f",
envelope, env_size = read_vx(data)
my_dict['RIND'] = s
subchunklen -= (4+env_size)
elif subchunkname == "BLOK": #blocks
tobj.pprint("-------- BLOK")
rr, uvname = read_surfblok(
#paranoia setting: preventing adding an empty dict
if rr: # != {}
my_dict['BLOK'] = [rr]
if uvname: # != "":
my_dict['UVNAME'] = uvname #theoretically there could be a number of them: only one used per surf
if not(my_dict.has_key('g_IMAG')) and (rr.has_key('CHAN')) and (rr.has_key('OPAC')) and (rr.has_key('IMAG')):
if (rr['CHAN'] == 'COLR') and (rr['OPAC'] == 0):
my_dict['g_IMAG'] = rr['IMAG'] #do not set anything, just save image object for later assignment
subchunklen = 0 #force ending
else: # Misc Chunks
tobj.pprint("-------- SURF:%s: skipping" % subchunkname)
if subchunklen > 0:
discard =
#end loop on surf chunks
try:#if my_dict.has_key('BLOK'):
my_dict['BLOK'].reverse() #texture applied in reverse order with respect to reading from lwo
#uncomment this if material pre-allocated by read_surf
my_dict['g_MAT'] = Blender.Material.New(my_dict['NAME'])
tobj.pprint("-> Material pre-allocated.")
return my_dict
def reduce_face(verts, face):
TriangleArea= Blender.Mathutils.TriangleArea
Vector= Blender.Mathutils.Vector
#print len(face), face
# wants indicies local to the face
len_face= len(face)
if len_face==3:
return [face]
elif len_face==4:
vecs= [Vector(verts[i]) for i in face]
# Get the convave quad area
a1= TriangleArea(vecs[0], vecs[1], vecs[2])
a2= TriangleArea(vecs[0], vecs[2], vecs[3])
a3= TriangleArea(vecs[0], vecs[1], vecs[3])
a4= TriangleArea(vecs[1], vecs[2], vecs[3])
if abs((a1+a2) - (a3+a4)) < (a1+a2+a3+a4)/100: # Not convace
#print 'planer'
return [[0,1,2,3]]
if a1+a2<a3+a4:
return [[0,1,2], [0,2,3]]
return [[0,1,3], [1,2,3]]
else: # 5+
#print 'SCANFILL...', len(face)
ngons= BPyMesh.ngon(verts, face, PREF_FIX_LOOPS= True)
return ngons
# =========================
# === Recalculate Faces ===
# =========================
def get_uvface(complete_list, facenum):
# extract from the complete list only vertexes of the desired polygon
my_facelist = []
for elem in complete_list:
if elem[0] == facenum:
return my_facelist
return [elem for elem in complete_list if elem[0] == facenum]
def get_newindex(polygon_list, vertnum):
# extract from the polygon list the new index associated to a vertex
if not polygon_list: # == []
return -1
for elem in polygon_list:
if elem[1] == vertnum:
return elem[2]
#tobj.pprint("WARNING: expected vertex %s for polygon %s. Polygon_list dump follows" % (vertnum, polygon_list[0][0]))
return -1
def get_surf(surf_list, cur_tag):
for elem in surf_list: # elem can be None
if elem and elem['NAME'] == cur_tag:
return elem
return {}
# ====================================
# === Modified Create Blender Mesh ===
# ====================================
def my_create_mesh(clip_list, surf, objspec_list, current_facelist, objname, not_used_faces):
#take the needed faces and update the not-used face list
complete_vertlist = objspec_list[2]
complete_facelist = objspec_list[3]
uvcoords_dict = objspec_list[7]
facesuv_dict = objspec_list[8]
vertex_map = {} #implementation as dict
cur_ptag_faces = []
cur_ptag_faces_indexes = []
maxface = len(complete_facelist)
for ff in current_facelist:
if ff >= maxface:
tobj.logcon("Non existent face addressed: Giving up with this object")
return None, not_used_faces #return the created object
cur_face = complete_facelist[ff]
if not_used_faces: # != []
not_used_faces[ff] = -1
for vv in cur_face: vertex_map[vv] = 1
#end loop on faces
store_edge = 0
scn= Blender.Scene.GetCurrent()
obj= Blender.Object.New('Mesh', objname) # bad form but object data is created.
obj.sel= 1
obj.Layers= scn.Layers
msh = obj.getData()
mat_index = len(msh.getMaterials(1))
mat = None
msh.mode |= Blender.NMesh.Modes.AUTOSMOOTH #smooth it anyway
if surf.has_key('SMAN'):
#not allowed mixed mode mesh (all the mesh is smoothed and all with the same angle)
#only one smoothing angle will be active! => take the max one
s = int(surf['SMAN']/3.1415926535897932384626433832795*180.0) #lwo in radians - blender in degrees
if msh.getMaxSmoothAngle() < s: msh.setMaxSmoothAngle(s)
ima= lookup_imag(clip_list, surf['g_IMAG'])
img= ima['g_IMG'] # If its none then
img= None
#uv_flag = ((surf.has_key('UVNAME')) and (uvcoords_dict.has_key(surf['UVNAME'])) and (img != None))
uv_flag = ((surf.has_key('UVNAME')) and (uvcoords_dict.has_key(surf['UVNAME'])))
if uv_flag: #assign uv-data; settings at mesh level
msh.update(1) # CAN WE REMOVE THIS???- Cam
tobj.pprint ("\n#===================================================================#")
tobj.pprint("Processing Object: %s" % objname)
tobj.pprint ("#===================================================================#")
jj = 0
vertlen = len(vertex_map)
maxvert = len(complete_vertlist)
Vert= Blender.NMesh.Vert
for i in vertex_map.iterkeys():
#if not jj%1000 and my_meshtools.show_progress: Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(float(i)/vertlen, "Generating Verts")
if i >= maxvert:
tobj.logcon("Non existent vertex addressed: Giving up with this object")
return obj, not_used_faces #return the created object
x, y, z = complete_vertlist[i]
msh.verts.append(Vert(x, y, z))
vertex_map[i] = jj
jj += 1
del Vert
#end sweep over vertexes
#append faces
FACE_TEX= Blender.NMesh.FaceModes['TEX']
FACE_ALPHA= Blender.NMesh.FaceTranspModes['ALPHA']
EDGE_DRAW_FLAG= Blender.NMesh.EdgeFlags.EDGEDRAW | Blender.NMesh.EdgeFlags.EDGERENDER
Face= Blender.NMesh.Face
jj = 0
for i in cur_ptag_faces_indexes:
#if not jj%1000 and my_meshtools.show_progress: Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(float(jj)/len(cur_ptag_faces_indexes), "Generating Faces")
cur_face = complete_facelist[i]
numfaceverts = len(cur_face)
vmad_list = [] #empty VMAD in any case
if uv_flag: #settings at original face level
if facesuv_dict.has_key(surf['UVNAME']): #yes = has VMAD; no = has VMAP only
vmad_list = get_uvface(facesuv_dict[surf['UVNAME']],i) #this for VMAD
if numfaceverts == 2:
#This is not a face is an edge
store_edge = 1
if msh.edges == None: #first run
i1 = vertex_map[cur_face[1]]
i2 = vertex_map[cur_face[0]]
if i1 != i2:
ee = msh.addEdge(msh.verts[i1],msh.verts[i2])
ee.flag |= EDGE_DRAW_FLAG
elif numfaceverts == 3:
#This face is a triangle skip face reduction
face = Face()
# Associate face properties => from create materials
if mat != None: face.materialIndex = mat_index
#face.smooth = 1 #smooth it anyway
rev_face= [cur_face[2], cur_face[1], cur_face[0]]
for vi in rev_face:
index= vertex_map[vi]
if uv_flag:
ni= get_newindex(vmad_list, vi)
if ni > -1:
uv_index= ni
else: #VMAP - uses the same criteria as face
uv_index= vi
try: #if uvcoords_dict[surf['UVNAME']].has_key(uv_index):
uv_tuple= uvcoords_dict[surf['UVNAME']][uv_index]
except: # else:
uv_tuple= (0,0)
if uv_flag and img != None:
face.mode |= FACE_TEX
face.image= img
if surf.has_key('TRAN') or (mat and mat.getAlpha()<1.0):
face.transp= FACE_ALPHA
elif numfaceverts > 3:
#Reduce all the faces with more than 3 vertexes (& test if the quad is concave .....)
#meta_faces= reduce_face_old(complete_vertlist, cur_face) # Indices of triangles.
meta_faces= reduce_face(complete_vertlist, cur_face) # Indices of triangles.
if len(meta_faces) > 1:
edge_face_count= {}
for mf in meta_faces:
# print meta_faces
face= Face()
if len(mf) == 3: #triangle
rev_face= [cur_face[mf[2]], cur_face[mf[1]], cur_face[mf[0]]]
for i in xrange(3):
v1= vertex_map[rev_face[i]]
v2= vertex_map[rev_face[i-1]]
if v1!=v2:
if v1>v2:
v2,v1= v1,v2
edge_face_count[v1,v2]= 1
else: #quads
rev_face= [cur_face[mf[3]], cur_face[mf[2]], cur_face[mf[1]], cur_face[mf[0]]]
# Associate face properties => from create materials
if mat != None: face.materialIndex = mat_index
#face.smooth = 1 #smooth it anyway
for vi in rev_face:
index = vertex_map[vi]
if uv_flag:
ni = get_newindex(vmad_list, vi)
if ni > -1:
uv_index = ni
else: #VMAP - uses the same criteria as face
uv_index = vi
try: #if uvcoords_dict[surf['UVNAME']].has_key(uv_index):
uv_tuple = uvcoords_dict[surf['UVNAME']][uv_index]
except: #else:
uv_tuple = (0,0)
if uv_flag and img != None:
face.mode |= FACE_TEX
face.image = img
if surf.has_key('TRAN') or (mat and mat.getAlpha()<1.0): # incase mat is null
face.transp= FACE_ALPHA
# Tag edges for FGONS
for vert_key, count in edge_face_count.iteritems():
if count > 1: # we are used by more then 1 face
nm_edge= msh.addEdge( msh.verts[vert_key[0]], msh.verts[vert_key[1]] )
if nm_edge:
nm_edge.flag |=Blender.NMesh.EdgeFlags.FGON
jj += 1
if not(uv_flag): #clear eventual UV data
obj.sel= 1
# Cycle editmode to render a nice wire frame.
# Blender.Window.EditMode(1)
# Blender.Window.EditMode(0)
# Blender.Redraw()
return obj, not_used_faces #return the created object
# ============================================
# === Set Subsurf attributes on given mesh ===
# ============================================
def set_subsurf(obj):
mods = obj.modifiers # get the object's modifiers
mod = mods.append(Blender.Modifier.Type.SUBSURF) # add a new subsurf modifier
mod[Blender.Modifier.Settings.LEVELS] = 2 # set subsurf subdivision levels to 2
mod[Blender.Modifier.Settings.RENDLEVELS] = 2 # set subsurf rendertime subdivision levels to 2
# =================================
# === object size and dimension ===
# =================================
def obj_size_pos(obj):
bbox = obj.getBoundBox()
bbox_min = map(lambda *row: min(row), *bbox) #transpose & get min
bbox_max = map(lambda *row: max(row), *bbox) #transpose & get max
obj_size = (bbox_max[0]-bbox_min[0], bbox_max[1]-bbox_min[1], bbox_max[2]-bbox_min[2])
obj_pos = ( (bbox_max[0]+bbox_min[0]) / 2, (bbox_max[1]+bbox_min[1]) / 2, (bbox_max[2]+bbox_min[2]) / 2)
return (obj_size, obj_pos)
# =========================
# === Create the object ===
# =========================
def create_objects(clip_list, objspec_list, surf_list):
nf = len(objspec_list[3])
not_used_faces = range(nf)
ptag_dict = objspec_list[5]
obj_dict = {} #links tag names to object, used for material assignments
obj_dim_dict = {}
obj_list = [] #have it handy for parent association
middlechar = "+"
endchar = ""
if (objspec_list[6] == 1):
middlechar = endchar = "#"
for cur_tag in ptag_dict.iterkeys():
if ptag_dict[cur_tag] != []:
cur_surf = get_surf(surf_list, cur_tag)
cur_obj, not_used_faces= my_create_mesh(clip_list, cur_surf, objspec_list, ptag_dict[cur_tag], objspec_list[0][:9]+middlechar+cur_tag[:9], not_used_faces)
# Works now with new modifiers
if objspec_list[6] == 1:
if cur_obj: # != None
obj_dict[cur_tag] = cur_obj
obj_dim_dict[cur_tag] = obj_size_pos(cur_obj)
#end loop on current group
#and what if some faces not used in any named PTAG? get rid of unused faces
orphans = []
for tt in not_used_faces:
if tt > -1: orphans.append(tt)
#end sweep on unused face list
not_used_faces = None
if orphans: # != []
cur_surf = get_surf(surf_list, "_Orphans")
cur_obj, not_used_faces = my_create_mesh(clip_list, cur_surf, objspec_list, orphans, objspec_list[0][:9]+middlechar+"Orphans", [])
if cur_obj: # != None
if objspec_list[6] == 1:
obj_dict["_Orphans"] = cur_obj
obj_dim_dict["_Orphans"] = obj_size_pos(cur_obj)
objspec_list[1]= obj_dict
objspec_list[4]= obj_dim_dict
scene= Blender.Scene.GetCurrent () # get the current scene
ob= Blender.Object.New ('Empty', objspec_list[0]+endchar) # make empty object # link the object into the scene
ob.makeParent(obj_list, 1, 0) # set the root for created objects (no inverse, update scene hyerarchy (slow))
ob.Layers= scene.Layers
ob.sel= 1
# ===========================================
# === Lookup for image index in clip_list ===
# ===========================================
def lookup_imag(clip_list, ima_id):
for ii in clip_list:
if ii and ii['ID'] == ima_id:
if ii.has_key('XREF'):
#cross reference - recursively look for images
return lookup_imag(clip_list, ii['XREF'])
return ii
return None
# ===================================================
# === Create and assign image mapping to material ===
# ===================================================
def create_blok(surf, mat, clip_list, obj_size, obj_pos):
def output_size_ofs(size, pos, blok):
#just automate repetitive task
# 0 == X, 1 == Y, 2 == Z
size_default = [1.0] * 3
size2 = [1.0] * 3
ofs_default = [0.0] * 3
offset = [1.0] * 3
axis_default = [Blender.Texture.Proj.X, Blender.Texture.Proj.Y, Blender.Texture.Proj.Z]
axis = [1.0] * 3
c_map_txt = [" X--", " -Y-", " --Z"]
c_map = [0,1,2] # standard, good for Z axis projection
if blok['MAJAXIS'] == 0:
c_map = [1,2,0] # X axis projection
if blok['MAJAXIS'] == 2:
c_map = [0,2,1] # Y axis projection
tobj.pprint ("!!!axis mapping:")
#this is the smart way
for mp in c_map:
tobj.pprint (c_map_txt[mp])
if blok['SIZE'][0] != 0.0: #paranoia controls
size_default[0] = (size[0]/blok['SIZE'][0])
ofs_default[0] = ((blok['CNTR'][0]-pos[0])/blok['SIZE'][0])
if blok['SIZE'][1] != 0.0:
size_default[2] = (size[2]/blok['SIZE'][1])
ofs_default[2] = ((blok['CNTR'][1]-pos[2])/blok['SIZE'][1])
if blok['SIZE'][2] != 0.0:
size_default[1] = (size[1]/blok['SIZE'][2])
ofs_default[1] = ((blok['CNTR'][2]-pos[1])/blok['SIZE'][2])
for mp in xrange(3):
axis[mp] = axis_default[c_map[mp]]
size2[mp] = size_default[c_map[mp]]
offset[mp] = ofs_default[c_map[mp]]
if offset[mp]>10.0: offset[mp]-10.0
if offset[mp]<-10.0: offset[mp]+10.0
# size = [size_default[mp] for mp in c_map]
tobj.pprint ("!!!texture size and offsets:")
tobj.pprint (" sizeX = %.5f; sizeY = %.5f; sizeZ = %.5f" % (size[0],size[1],size[2]))
tobj.pprint (" ofsX = %.5f; ofsY = %.5f; ofsZ = %.5f" % (offset[0],offset[1],offset[2]))
return axis, size2, offset
ti = 0
alphaflag = 0 #switched to 1 if some tex in this block is using alpha
lastimag = 0 #experimental ....
for blok in surf['BLOK']:
tobj.pprint ("#...................................................................#")
tobj.pprint ("# Processing texture block no.%s for surf %s" % (ti,surf['NAME']))
tobj.pprint ("#...................................................................#")
tobj.pdict (blok)
if ti > 9: break #only 8 channels 0..7 allowed for texture mapping
#if not blok['ENAB']:
# tobj.pprint ( "***Image is not ENABled! Quitting this block")
# break
if not(blok.has_key('IMAG')):
tobj.pprint ( "***No IMAGE for this block? Quitting")
break #extract out the image index within the clip_list
if blok['IMAG'] == 0: blok['IMAG'] = lastimag #experimental ....
tobj.pprint ("looking for image number %d" % blok['IMAG'])
ima = lookup_imag(clip_list, blok['IMAG'])
if ima == None:
tobj.pprint ( "***Block index image not within CLIP list? Quitting Block")
break #safety check (paranoia setting)
img = ima['g_IMG']
lastimag = blok['IMAG'] #experimental ....
if img == None:
tobj.pprint ("***Failed to pre-allocate image %s found: giving up" % ima['BASENAME'])
tname = str(ima['ID'])
if blok['ENAB']:
tname += "+"
tname += "x" #let's signal when should not be enabled
if blok.has_key('CHAN'):
tname += blok['CHAN']
newtex = Blender.Texture.New(tname)
newtex.setType('Image') # make it anu image texture
newtex.image = img
#how does it extends beyond borders
if blok.has_key('WRAP'):
if (blok['WRAP'] == 3) or (blok['WRAP'] == 2):
elif (blok['WRAP'] == 1):
elif (blok['WRAP'] == 0):
tobj.pprint ("generated texture %s" % tname)
#MapTo is determined by CHAN parameter
#assign some defaults
colfac = 1.0
dvar = 1.0
norfac = 0.5
nega = False
mapflag = Blender.Texture.MapTo.COL #default to color
maptype = Blender.Texture.Mappings.FLAT
if blok.has_key('CHAN'):
if blok['CHAN'] == 'COLR' and blok.has_key('OPACVAL'):
colfac = blok['OPACVAL']
# Blender needs this to be clamped
colfac = max(0.0, min(1.0, colfac))
tobj.pprint ("!!!Set Texture -> MapTo -> Col = %.3f" % colfac)
if blok['CHAN'] == 'BUMP':
mapflag = Blender.Texture.MapTo.NOR
if blok.has_key('OPACVAL'): norfac = blok['OPACVAL']
tobj.pprint ("!!!Set Texture -> MapTo -> Nor = %.3f" % norfac)
if blok['CHAN'] == 'LUMI':
mapflag = Blender.Texture.MapTo.EMIT
if blok.has_key('OPACVAL'): dvar = blok['OPACVAL']
tobj.pprint ("!!!Set Texture -> MapTo -> DVar = %.3f" % dvar)
if blok['CHAN'] == 'DIFF':
mapflag = Blender.Texture.MapTo.REF
if blok.has_key('OPACVAL'): dvar = blok['OPACVAL']
tobj.pprint ("!!!Set Texture -> MapTo -> DVar = %.3f" % dvar)
if blok['CHAN'] == 'SPEC':
mapflag = Blender.Texture.MapTo.SPEC
if blok.has_key('OPACVAL'): dvar = blok['OPACVAL']
tobj.pprint ("!!!Set Texture -> MapTo -> DVar = %.3f" % dvar)
if blok['CHAN'] == 'TRAN':
mapflag = Blender.Texture.MapTo.ALPHA
if blok.has_key('OPACVAL'): dvar = blok['OPACVAL']
tobj.pprint ("!!!Set Texture -> MapTo -> DVar = %.3f" % dvar)
alphaflag = 1
nega = True
if blok.has_key('NEGA'):
tobj.pprint ("!!!Watch-out: effect of this texture channel must be INVERTED!")
nega = not nega
blendmode_list = ['Mix',
'Mix with calculated alpha layer and stencil flag',
'Texture Displacement',
set_blendmode = 7 #default additive
if blok.has_key('OPAC'):
set_blendmode = blok['OPAC']
if set_blendmode == 5: #transparency
newtex.imageFlags |= Blender.Texture.ImageFlags.CALCALPHA
if nega: newtex.flags |= Blender.Texture.Flags.NEGALPHA
tobj.pprint ("!!!Set Texture -> MapTo -> Blending Mode = %s" % blendmode_list[set_blendmode])
#the TexCo flag is determined by PROJ parameter
axis = [Blender.Texture.Proj.X, Blender.Texture.Proj.Y, Blender.Texture.Proj.Z]
size = [1.0] * 3
ofs = [0.0] * 3
if blok.has_key('PROJ'):
if blok['PROJ'] == 0: #0 - Planar
tobj.pprint ("!!!Flat projection")
coordflag = Blender.Texture.TexCo.ORCO
maptype = Blender.Texture.Mappings.FLAT
elif blok['PROJ'] == 1: #1 - Cylindrical
tobj.pprint ("!!!Cylindrical projection")
coordflag = Blender.Texture.TexCo.ORCO
maptype = Blender.Texture.Mappings.TUBE
elif blok['PROJ'] == 2: #2 - Spherical
tobj.pprint ("!!!Spherical projection")
coordflag = Blender.Texture.TexCo.ORCO
maptype = Blender.Texture.Mappings.SPHERE
elif blok['PROJ'] == 3: #3 - Cubic
tobj.pprint ("!!!Cubic projection")
coordflag = Blender.Texture.TexCo.ORCO
maptype = Blender.Texture.Mappings.CUBE
elif blok['PROJ'] == 4: #4 - Front Projection
tobj.pprint ("!!!Front projection")
coordflag = Blender.Texture.TexCo.ORCO
maptype = Blender.Texture.Mappings.FLAT # ??? could it be a FLAT with some other TexCo type?
elif blok['PROJ'] == 5: #5 - UV
tobj.pprint ("UVMapped")
coordflag = Blender.Texture.TexCo.UV
maptype = Blender.Texture.Mappings.FLAT #in case of UV default to FLAT mapping => effectively not used
if blok['PROJ'] != 5: #This holds for any projection map except UV
axis, size, ofs = output_size_ofs(obj_size, obj_pos, blok)
# Clamp ofs and size else blender will raise an error
for ii in xrange(3):
ofs[ii]= min(10.0, max(-10, ofs[ii]))
size[ii]= min(100, max(-100, size[ii]))
mat.setTexture(ti, newtex, coordflag, mapflag)
current_mtex = mat.getTextures()[ti]
current_mtex.mapping = maptype
current_mtex.colfac = colfac
current_mtex.dvar = dvar
current_mtex.norfac = norfac
current_mtex.neg = nega
current_mtex.xproj = axis[0]
current_mtex.yproj = axis[1]
current_mtex.zproj = axis[2]
current_mtex.size = tuple(size)
current_mtex.ofs = tuple(ofs)
if (set_blendmode == 5): #transparency
current_mtex.stencil = not (nega)
ti += 1
#end loop over bloks
return alphaflag
# ========================================
# === Create and assign a new material ===
# ========================================
#def update_material(surf_list, ptag_dict, obj, clip_list, uv_dict, dir_part):
def update_material(clip_list, objspec, surf_list):
if (surf_list == []) or (objspec[5] == {}) or (objspec[1] == {}):
tobj.pprint( "something getting wrong in update_material: dump follows ...")
tobj.pprint( surf_list)
tobj.pprint( objspec[5])
tobj.pprint( objspec[1])
obj_dict = objspec[1]
all_faces = objspec[3]
obj_dim_dict = objspec[4]
ptag_dict = objspec[5]
uvcoords_dict = objspec[7]
facesuv_dict = objspec[8]
for surf in surf_list:
if (surf and surf['NAME'] in ptag_dict.iterkeys()):
tobj.pprint ("#-------------------------------------------------------------------#")
tobj.pprint ("Processing surface (material): %s" % surf['NAME'])
tobj.pprint ("#-------------------------------------------------------------------#")
#material set up
facelist = ptag_dict[surf['NAME']]
#bounding box and position
cur_obj = obj_dict[surf['NAME']]
obj_size = obj_dim_dict[surf['NAME']][0]
obj_pos = obj_dim_dict[surf['NAME']][1]
#uncomment this if material pre-allocated by read_surf
mat = surf['g_MAT']
if mat == None:
tobj.pprint ("Sorry, no pre-allocated material to update. Giving up for %s." % surf['NAME'])
#mat = Blender.Material.New(surf['NAME'])
#surf['g_MAT'] = mat
if surf.has_key('COLR'):
mat.rgbCol = surf['COLR']
if surf.has_key('LUMI'):
if surf.has_key('GVAL'):
if surf.has_key('SPEC'):
mat.setSpec(surf['SPEC']) #it should be * 2 but seems to be a bit higher lwo [0.0, 1.0] - blender [0.0, 2.0]
if surf.has_key('DIFF'):
mat.setRef(surf['DIFF']) #lwo [0.0, 1.0] - blender [0.0, 1.0]
if surf.has_key('GLOS'): #lwo [0.0, 1.0] - blender [0, 255]
glo = int(371.67 * surf['GLOS'] - 42.334) #linear mapping - seems to work better than exp mapping
if glo <32: glo = 32 #clamped to 32-255
if glo >255: glo = 255
if surf.has_key('TRNL'):
mat.setTranslucency(surf['TRNL']) #NOT SURE ABOUT THIS lwo [0.0, 1.0] - blender [0.0, 1.0]
mm = mat.getMode()
mm |= Blender.Material.Modes.TRANSPSHADOW
if surf.has_key('REFL'):
mat.setRayMirr(surf['REFL']) #lwo [0.0, 1.0] - blender [0.0, 1.0]
mm |= Blender.Material.Modes.RAYMIRROR
if surf.has_key('TRAN'):
mat.setAlpha(1.0-surf['TRAN']) #lwo [0.0, 1.0] - blender [1.0, 0.0]
mm |= Blender.Material.Modes.RAYTRANSP
if surf.has_key('RIND'):
s = surf['RIND']
if s < 1.0: s = 1.0
if s > 3.0: s = 3.0
mat.setIOR(s) #clipped to blender [1.0, 3.0]
mm |= Blender.Material.Modes.RAYTRANSP
if surf.has_key('BLOK') and surf['BLOK'] != []:
#update the material according to texture.
alphaflag = create_blok(surf, mat, clip_list, obj_size, obj_pos)
if alphaflag:
mm |= Blender.Material.Modes.RAYTRANSP
#finished setting up the material
#end if exist SURF
#end loop on materials (SURFs)
# ======================
# === Read Faces 6.0 ===
# ======================
def read_faces_6(lwochunk):
data = cStringIO.StringIO(
faces = []
polygon_type =
subsurf = 0
if polygon_type != "FACE" and polygon_type != "PTCH":
tobj.pprint("No FACE/PATCH Were Found. Polygon Type: %s" % polygon_type)
return "", 2
if polygon_type == 'PTCH': subsurf = 1
i = 0
while(i < lwochunk.chunksize-4):
#if not i%1000 and my_meshtools.show_progress:
# Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(float(i)/lwochunk.chunksize, "Reading Faces")
facev = []
numfaceverts, = struct.unpack(">H",
i += 2
for j in xrange(numfaceverts):
index, index_size = read_vx(data)
i += index_size
tobj.pprint("read %s faces; type of block %d (0=FACE; 1=PATCH)" % (len(faces), subsurf))
return faces, subsurf
def main():
if not struct:
Blender.Draw.PupMenu('This importer requires a full python install')
Blender.Window.FileSelector(read, "Import LWO", '*.lwo')
if __name__=='__main__':
# Cams debugging lwo loader
TIME= Blender.sys.time()
import os
print 'Searching for files'
os.system('find /metavr/ -iname "*.lwo" > /tmp/templwo_list')
# os.system('find /storage/ -iname "*.lwo" > /tmp/templwo_list')
print '...Done'
file= open('/tmp/templwo_list', 'r')
lines= file.readlines()
def between(v,a,b):
if v <= max(a,b) and v >= min(a,b):
return True
return False
size= 0.0
for i, _lwo in enumerate(lines):
if i==425: # SCANFILL
#if i==520: # SCANFILL CRASH
#if i==47: # SCANFILL CRASH
#if between(i, 0, 1800):
_lwo= _lwo[:-1]
print 'Importing', _lwo, '\nNUMBER', i, 'of', len(lines)
_lwo_file= _lwo.split('/')[-1].split('\\')[-1]
newScn= Blender.Scene.New(_lwo_file)
size += ((os.path.getsize(_lwo)/1024.0))/ 1024.0
# Remove objects to save memory?
for ob in newScn.getChildren():
if ob.getType()=='Mesh':
me= ob.getData(mesh=1)
me.verts= None
print 'mb size so far', size
print 'TOTAL TIME: %.6f' % (Blender.sys.time() - TIME)