Benoit Bolsee 51b4145841 BGE Scenegraph and View frustrum culling improvement.
This commit contains a number of performance improvements for the
BGE in the Scenegraph (parent relation between objects in the
scene) and view frustrum culling.

The scenegraph improvement consists in avoiding position update
if the object has not moved since last update and the removal
of redundant updates and synchronization with the physics engine.

The view frustrum culling improvement consists in using the DBVT
broadphase facility of Bullet to build a tree of graphical objects
in the scene. The elements of the tree are Aabb boxes (Aligned 
Axis Bounding Boxes) enclosing the objects. This provides good
precision in closed and opened scenes. This new culling system
is enabled by default but just in case, it can be disabled with
a button in the World settings. There is no do_version in this
commit but it will be added before the 2.49 release. For now you
must manually enable the DBVT culling option in World settings
when you open an old file.

The above improvements speed up scenegraph and culling up to 5x.
However, this performance improvement is only visible when
you have hundreds or thousands of objects.

The main interest of the DBVT tree is to allow easy occlusion
culling and automatic LOD system. This will be the object of further
2009-04-07 22:14:06 +00:00

215 lines
5.0 KiB

* $Id$
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV.
* All rights reserved.
* The Original Code is: all of this file.
* Contributor(s): none yet.
#include "RAS_TexVert.h"
#include "GEN_Map.h"
#include "STR_HashedString.h"
#include "MT_Transform.h"
#include "RAS_IPolygonMaterial.h"
#include "RAS_IRasterizer.h"
#include "RAS_Deformer.h"
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <list>
using namespace std;
/* Display List Slot */
class KX_ListSlot
int m_refcount;
KX_ListSlot(){ m_refcount=1; }
virtual ~KX_ListSlot() {}
virtual int Release() {
if (--m_refcount > 0)
return m_refcount;
delete this;
return 0;
virtual KX_ListSlot* AddRef() {
return this;
virtual void SetModified(bool mod)=0;
class RAS_DisplayArray;
class RAS_MeshSlot;
class RAS_MeshMaterial;
class RAS_MaterialBucket;
/* An array with data used for OpenGL drawing */
class RAS_DisplayArray
vector<RAS_TexVert> m_vertex;
vector<unsigned short> m_index;
enum { LINE = 2, TRIANGLE = 3, QUAD = 4 } m_type;
//RAS_MeshSlot *m_origSlot;
int m_users;
enum { BUCKET_MAX_INDEX = 65535 };
enum { BUCKET_MAX_VERTEX = 65535 };
/* Entry of a RAS_MeshObject into RAS_MaterialBucket */
class RAS_MeshSlot
// indices into display arrays
int m_startarray;
int m_endarray;
int m_startindex;
int m_endindex;
int m_startvertex;
int m_endvertex;
vector<RAS_DisplayArray*> m_displayArrays;
// for construction only
RAS_DisplayArray* m_currentArray;
// for rendering
RAS_MaterialBucket* m_bucket;
RAS_MeshObject* m_mesh;
void* m_clientObj;
RAS_Deformer* m_pDeformer;
double* m_OpenGLMatrix;
// visibility
bool m_bVisible;
bool m_bCulled;
// object color
bool m_bObjectColor;
MT_Vector4 m_RGBAcolor;
// display lists
KX_ListSlot* m_DisplayList;
bool m_bDisplayList;
// joined mesh slots
RAS_MeshSlot* m_joinSlot;
MT_Matrix4x4 m_joinInvTransform;
list<RAS_MeshSlot*> m_joinedSlots;
RAS_MeshSlot(const RAS_MeshSlot& slot);
virtual ~RAS_MeshSlot();
void init(RAS_MaterialBucket *bucket, int numverts);
struct iterator {
RAS_DisplayArray *array;
RAS_TexVert *vertex;
unsigned short *index;
size_t startvertex;
size_t endvertex;
size_t totindex;
size_t arraynum;
void begin(iterator& it);
void next(iterator& it);
bool end(iterator& it);
/* used during construction */
void SetDisplayArray(int numverts);
RAS_DisplayArray *CurrentDisplayArray();
void AddPolygon(int numverts);
int AddVertex(const RAS_TexVert& tv);
void AddPolygonVertex(int offset);
/* optimization */
bool Split(bool force=false);
bool Join(RAS_MeshSlot *target, MT_Scalar distance);
bool Equals(RAS_MeshSlot *target);
bool IsCulled();
void SetCulled(bool culled) { m_bCulled = culled; }
/* Used by RAS_MeshObject, to point to it's slots in a bucket */
class RAS_MeshMaterial
RAS_MeshSlot *m_baseslot;
class RAS_MaterialBucket *m_bucket;
GEN_Map<GEN_HashedPtr,RAS_MeshSlot*> m_slots;
/* Contains a list of display arrays with the same material,
* and a mesh slot for each mesh that uses display arrays in
* this bucket */
class RAS_MaterialBucket
RAS_MaterialBucket(RAS_IPolyMaterial* mat);
virtual ~RAS_MaterialBucket();
/* Bucket Sorting */
struct less;
typedef set<RAS_MaterialBucket*, less> Set;
/* Material Properties */
RAS_IPolyMaterial* GetPolyMaterial() const;
bool IsAlpha() const;
bool IsZSort() const;
/* Rendering */
bool ActivateMaterial(const MT_Transform& cameratrans, RAS_IRasterizer* rasty,
RAS_IRenderTools *rendertools);
void RenderMeshSlot(const MT_Transform& cameratrans, RAS_IRasterizer* rasty,
RAS_IRenderTools* rendertools, RAS_MeshSlot &ms);
/* Mesh Slot Access */
list<RAS_MeshSlot>::iterator msBegin();
list<RAS_MeshSlot>::iterator msEnd();
class RAS_MeshSlot* AddMesh(int numverts);
class RAS_MeshSlot* CopyMesh(class RAS_MeshSlot *ms);
void RemoveMesh(class RAS_MeshSlot* ms);
void Optimize(MT_Scalar distance);
list<RAS_MeshSlot> m_meshSlots;
RAS_IPolyMaterial* m_material;