forked from bartvdbraak/blender
Global OpenMP threads override is not a good idea because this would affect all possible OpenMP blocks running at the same time as simulation. And that was actually a big on restoring number of threads: code needed to store current number of threads, not maximal one.
1713 lines
58 KiB
1713 lines
58 KiB
/** \file elbeem/intern/solver_main.cpp
* \ingroup elbeem
* El'Beem - Free Surface Fluid Simulation with the Lattice Boltzmann Method
* Copyright 2003-2006 Nils Thuerey
* Standard LBM Factory implementation
#include "solver_class.h"
#include "solver_relax.h"
#include "particletracer.h"
#include "loop_tools.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
/*! perform a single LBM step */
double globdfcnt;
double globdfavg[19];
double globdfmax[19];
double globdfmin[19];
// simulation object interface
void LbmFsgrSolver::step() {
// lbm main step
void messageOutputForce(string from);
void LbmFsgrSolver::stepMain() {
myTime_t timestart = getTime();
markedClearList(); // DMC clearMarkedCellsList
// safety check, counter reset
mNumUsedCells = 0;
mNumInterdCells = 0;
mNumInvIfCells = 0;
//debugOutNnl("LbmFsgrSolver::step : "<<mStepCnt, 10);
if(!mSilent){ debMsgStd("LbmFsgrSolver::step", DM_MSG, mName<<" cnt:"<<mStepCnt<<" t:"<<mSimulationTime, 10); }
//debMsgDirect( "LbmFsgrSolver::step : "<<mStepCnt<<" ");
//myTime_t timestart = 0;
//if(mStartSymm) { checkSymmetry("step1"); } // DEBUG
// time adapt
mMaxVlen = mMxvz = mMxvy = mMxvx = 0.0;
// init moving bc's, can change mMaxVlen
// handle fluid control
// important - keep for tadap
LbmFloat lastMass = mCurrentMass;
mCurrentMass = mFixMass; // reset here for next step
mCurrentVolume = 0.0;
//change to single step advance!
int levsteps = 0;
int dsbits = mStepCnt ^ (mStepCnt-1);
//errMsg("S"," step:"<<mStepCnt<<" s-1:"<<(mStepCnt-1)<<" xf:"<<convertCellFlagType2String(dsbits));
for(int lev=0; lev<=mMaxRefine; lev++) {
//if(! (mStepCnt&(1<<lev)) ) {
if( dsbits & (1<<(mMaxRefine-lev)) ) {
//errMsg("S"," l"<<lev);
if(lev==mMaxRefine) {
// always advance fine level...
} else {
errMsg("LbmFsgrSolver::step","LES stats l="<<lev<<" omega="<<mLevel[lev].omega<<" avgOmega="<< (mLevel[lev].avgOmega/mLevel[lev].avgOmegaCnt) );
mLevel[lev].avgOmega = 0.0; mLevel[lev].avgOmegaCnt = 0.0;
#endif // FSGR_OMEGA_DEBUG==1
mCurrentMass += mLevel[lev].lmass;
mCurrentVolume += mLevel[lev].lvolume;
// prepare next step
// some dbugging output follows
// calculate MLSUPS
myTime_t timeend = getTime();
mNumUsedCells += mNumInterdCells; // count both types for MLSUPS
mAvgNumUsedCells += mNumUsedCells;
mMLSUPS = ((double)mNumUsedCells / ((timeend-timestart)/(double)1000.0) ) / (1000000.0);
if(mMLSUPS>10000){ mMLSUPS = -1; }
//else { mAvgMLSUPS += mMLSUPS; mAvgMLSUPSCnt += 1.0; } // track average mlsups
LbmFloat totMLSUPS = ( ((mLevel[mMaxRefine].lSizex-2)*(mLevel[mMaxRefine].lSizey-2)*(getForZMax1(mMaxRefine)-getForZMin1())) / ((timeend-timestart)/(double)1000.0) ) / (1000000);
if(totMLSUPS>10000) totMLSUPS = -1;
mNumInvIfTotal += mNumInvIfCells; // debug
// do some formatting
int avgcls = (int)(mAvgNumUsedCells/(LONGINT)mStepCnt);
debMsgStd("LbmFsgrSolver::step", DM_MSG, mName<<" cnt:"<<mStepCnt<<" t:"<<mSimulationTime<<
" cur-mlsups:"<<mMLSUPS<< //" avg:"<<(mAvgMLSUPS/mAvgMLSUPSCnt)<<"), "<<
" totcls:"<<mNumUsedCells<< " avgcls:"<< avgcls<<
" intd:"<<mNumInterdCells<< " invif:"<<mNumInvIfCells<<
" invift:"<<mNumInvIfTotal<< " fsgrcs:"<<mNumFsgrChanges<<
" filled:"<<mNumFilledCells<<", emptied:"<<mNumEmptiedCells<<
" mMxv:"<<PRINT_VEC(mMxvx,mMxvy,mMxvz)<<", tscnts:"<<mTimeSwitchCounts<<
//" RWmxv:"<<ntlVec3Gfx(mMxvx,mMxvy,mMxvz)*(mLevel[mMaxRefine].simCellSize / mLevel[mMaxRefine].timestep)<<" "<< /* realworld vel output */
" probs:"<<mNumProblems<< " simt:"<<mSimulationTime<<
" took:"<< getTimeString(timeend-timestart)<<
" for '"<<mName<<"' " , 10);
} else { debMsgDirect("."); }
if(mStepCnt==1) {
mMinNoCells = mMaxNoCells = mNumUsedCells;
} else {
if(mNumUsedCells>mMaxNoCells) mMaxNoCells = mNumUsedCells;
if(mNumUsedCells<mMinNoCells) mMinNoCells = mNumUsedCells;
// mass scale test
if((mMaxRefine>0)&&(mInitialMass>0.0)) {
LbmFloat mscale = mInitialMass/mCurrentMass;
mscale = 1.0;
const LbmFloat dchh = 0.001;
if(mCurrentMass<mInitialMass) mscale = 1.0+dchh;
if(mCurrentMass>mInitialMass) mscale = 1.0-dchh;
// use mass rescaling?
// with float precision this seems to be nonsense...
const bool MREnable = false;
const int MSInter = 2;
static int mscount = 0;
if( (MREnable) && ((mLevel[0].lsteps%MSInter)== (MSInter-1)) && ( ABS( (mInitialMass/mCurrentMass)-1.0 ) > 0.01) && ( dsbits & (1<<(mMaxRefine-0)) ) ){
// example: FORCE RESCALE MASS! ini:1843.5, cur:1817.6, f=1.01425 step:22153 levstep:5539 msc:37
// mass rescale MASS RESCALE check
<<"ini:"<<mInitialMass<<", cur:"<<mCurrentMass<<", f="<<ABS(mInitialMass/mCurrentMass)
<<" step:"<<mStepCnt<<" levstep:"<<mLevel[0].lsteps<<" msc:"<<mscount<<" "
for(int lev=mMaxRefine; lev>=0 ; lev--) {
//for(int workSet = 0; workSet<=1; workSet++) {
int wss = 0;
int wse = 1;
if(lev== mMaxRefine) wss = wse = mLevel[lev].setCurr;
#endif // COMPRESSGRIDS==1
for(int workSet = wss; workSet<=wse; workSet++) { // COMPRT
if( (RFLAG(lev,i,j,k, workSet) & (CFFluid| CFInter| CFGrFromCoarse| CFGrFromFine| CFGrNorm))
) {
FORDF0 { QCELL(lev, i,j,k,workSet, l) *= mscale; }
QCELL(lev, i,j,k,workSet, dMass) *= mscale;
QCELL(lev, i,j,k,workSet, dFfrac) *= mscale;
} else {
mLevel[lev].lmass *= mscale;
mCurrentMass *= mscale;
}// if mass scale test */
else {
// use current mass after full step for initial setting
if((mMaxRefine>0)&&(mInitialMass<=0.0) && (levsteps == (mMaxRefine+1))) {
mInitialMass = mCurrentMass;
debMsgStd("MDTDD",DM_NOTIFY,"Second Initial Mass Init: "<<mInitialMass, 2);
if((mUseTestdata)&&(mInitDone)) { handleTestdata(); }
// advance positions with current grid
if(mpParticles) {
// one of the last things to do - adapt timestep
// was in fineAdvance before...
if(mTimeAdap) {
} // time adaptivity
#ifndef WIN32
// good indicator for instabilities
if( (!finite(mMxvx)) || (!finite(mMxvy)) || (!finite(mMxvz)) ) { CAUSE_PANIC; }
if( (!finite(mCurrentMass)) || (!finite(mCurrentVolume)) ) { CAUSE_PANIC; }
#endif // WIN32
// output total step time
myTime_t timeend2 = getTime();
double mdelta = (lastMass-mCurrentMass);
if(ABS(mdelta)<1e-12) mdelta=0.;
double effMLSUPS = ((double)mNumUsedCells / ((timeend2-timestart)/(double)1000.0) ) / (1000000.0);
if(mInitDone) {
if(effMLSUPS>10000){ effMLSUPS = -1; }
else { mAvgMLSUPS += effMLSUPS; mAvgMLSUPSCnt += 1.0; } // track average mlsups
debMsgStd("LbmFsgrSolver::stepMain", DM_MSG, "mmpid:"<<glob_mpindex<<" step:"<<mStepCnt
<<" dccd="<< mCurrentMass
//<<"/"<<mCurrentVolume<<"(fix="<<mFixMass<<",ini="<<mInitialMass<<"), "
<<" effMLSUPS=("<< effMLSUPS
<<",avg:"<<(mAvgMLSUPS/mAvgMLSUPSCnt)<<"), "
<<" took totst:"<< getTimeString(timeend2-timestart), 3);
// nicer output
// */
//#endif // ELBEEM_PLUGIN!=1
#define NEWDEBCHECK(str) \
if(!this->mPanic){ FSGR_FORIJK_BOUNDS(mMaxRefine) { \
if(RFLAG(mMaxRefine,i,j,k,mLevel[mMaxRefine].setCurr)&(CFFluid|CFInter)) { \
for(int l=0;l<dTotalNum;l++) { \
if(!finite(QCELL(mMaxRefine,i,j,k,mLevel[mMaxRefine].setCurr,l))) { errMsg("NNOFIN"," "<<str<<" at "<<PRINT_IJK<<" l"<<l<<" "); }\
}/*for*/ \
}/*if*/ \
} }
void LbmFsgrSolver::fineAdvance()
// do the real thing...
mainLoop( mMaxRefine );
if(mUpdateFVHeight) {
// warning assume -Y gravity...
mFVHeight = mCurrentMass*mFVArea/((LbmFloat)(mLevel[mMaxRefine].lSizex*mLevel[mMaxRefine].lSizez));
if(mFVHeight<1.0) mFVHeight = 1.0;
// advance time before timestep change
mSimulationTime += mpParam->getTimestep();
// time adaptivity
mpParam->setSimulationMaxSpeed( sqrt(mMaxVlen / 1.5) );
//if(mStartSymm) { checkSymmetry("step2"); } // DEBUG
if(!mSilent){ debMsgStd("fineAdvance",DM_NOTIFY," stepped from "<<mLevel[mMaxRefine].setCurr<<" to "<<mLevel[mMaxRefine].setOther<<" step"<< (mLevel[mMaxRefine].lsteps), 3 ); }
// update other set
mLevel[mMaxRefine].setOther = mLevel[mMaxRefine].setCurr;
mLevel[mMaxRefine].setCurr ^= 1;
// flag init... (work on current set, to simplify flag checks)
reinitFlags( mLevel[mMaxRefine].setCurr );
if(!mSilent){ debMsgStd("fineAdvance",DM_NOTIFY," flags reinit on set "<< mLevel[mMaxRefine].setCurr, 3 ); }
if(0) {
int lev = mMaxRefine;
int workSet = mLevel[lev].setCurr;
int mi=0,mj=0,mk=0;
LbmFloat compRho=0.;
LbmFloat compUx=0.;
LbmFloat compUy=0.;
LbmFloat compUz=0.;
LbmFloat maxUlen=0.;
LbmVec maxU(0.);
LbmFloat maxRho=-100.;
int ri=0,rj=0,rk=0;
if( (RFLAG(lev,i,j,k, workSet) & (CFFluid| CFInter| CFGrFromCoarse| CFGrFromFine| CFGrNorm)) ) {
compRho=QCELL(lev, i,j,k,workSet, dC);
compUx = compUy = compUz = 0.0;
for(int l=1; l<this->cDfNum; l++) {
LbmFloat df = QCELL(lev, i,j,k,workSet, l);
compRho += df;
compUx += (this->dfDvecX[l]*df);
compUy += (this->dfDvecY[l]*df);
compUz += (this->dfDvecZ[l]*df);
LbmVec u(compUx,compUy,compUz);
LbmFloat nu = norm(u);
if(nu>maxUlen) {
maxU = u;
maxUlen = nu;
mi=i; mj=j; mk=k;
if(compRho>maxRho) {
ri=i; rj=j; rk=k;
} else {
errMsg("MAXVELCHECK"," at "<<PRINT_VEC(mi,mj,mk)<<" norm:"<<maxUlen<<" u:"<<maxU);
errMsg("MAXRHOCHECK"," at "<<PRINT_VEC(ri,rj,rk)<<" rho:"<<maxRho);
printLbmCell(lev, 30,36,23, -1);
// fine step defines
// access to own dfs during step (may be changed to local array)
#define MYDF(l) RAC(ccel, l)
// drop model definitions
#define RWVEL_THRESH 1.5
#if LBMDIM==3
// normal
#define SLOWDOWNREGION (mSizez/4)
#else // LBMDIM==2
// off
#endif // LBMDIM==2
#define P_LCSMQO 0.01
//! fine step function
LbmFsgrSolver::mainLoop(int lev)
// loops over _only inner_ cells -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// slow surf regions smooth (if below)
const LbmFloat smoothStrength = 0.0; //0.01;
const LbmFloat sssUsqrLimit = 1.5 * 0.03*0.03;
const LbmFloat sssUsqrLimitInv = 1.0/sssUsqrLimit;
const int cutMin = 1;
const int cutConst = mCutoff+2;
// 3d region off... quit
if((mUseTestdata)&&(mpTest->mFarfMode>0)) { return; }
# endif // ELBEEM_PLUGIN!=1
// main loop region
const bool doReduce = true;
const int gridLoopBound=1;
#pragma omp parallel default(shared) num_threads(mNumOMPThreads) \
reduction(+: \
calcCurrentMass,calcCurrentVolume, \
calcCellsFilled,calcCellsEmptied, \
calcNumUsedCells )
#else // PARALLEL==1
#endif // PARALLEL==1
// local to main
CellFlagType nbflag[LBM_DFNUM];
int oldFlag, newFlag, nbored;
LbmFloat m[LBM_DFNUM];
LbmFloat rho, ux, uy, uz, tmp, usqr;
// smago vars
LbmFloat lcsmqadd, lcsmeq[LBM_DFNUM], lcsmomega;
// ifempty cell conversion flags
bool iffilled, ifemptied;
LbmFloat nbfracs[LBM_DFNUM]; // ffracs of neighbors
int recons[LBM_DFNUM]; // reconstruct this DF?
int numRecons; // how many are reconstructed?
LbmFloat mass=0., change=0., lcsmqo=0.;
rho= ux= uy= uz= usqr= tmp= 0.;
lcsmqadd = lcsmomega = 0.;
FORDF0{ lcsmeq[l] = 0.; }
// ---
// now stream etc.
// use //template functions for 2D/3D
// loop start
// stream from current set to other, then collide and store
//errMsg("l2"," at "<<PRINT_IJK<<" id"<<id);
// safety pointer check
rho = ux = uy = uz = tmp = usqr = -100.0; // DEBUG
if( (&RFLAG(lev, i,j,k,mLevel[lev].setCurr) != pFlagSrc) ||
(&RFLAG(lev, i,j,k,mLevel[lev].setOther) != pFlagDst) ) {
errMsg("LbmFsgrSolver::mainLoop","Err flagp "<<PRINT_IJK<<"="<<
RFLAG(lev, i,j,k,mLevel[lev].setCurr)<<","<<RFLAG(lev, i,j,k,mLevel[lev].setOther)<<" but is "<<
(*pFlagSrc)<<","<<(*pFlagDst) <<", pointers "<<
(long)(&RFLAG(lev, i,j,k,mLevel[lev].setCurr))<<","<<(long)(&RFLAG(lev, i,j,k,mLevel[lev].setOther))<<" but is "<<
(long)(pFlagSrc)<<","<<(long)(pFlagDst)<<" "
if( (&QCELL(lev, i,j,k,mLevel[lev].setCurr,0) != ccel) ||
(&QCELL(lev, i,j,k,mLevel[lev].setOther,0) != tcel) ) {
errMsg("LbmFsgrSolver::mainLoop","Err cellp "<<PRINT_IJK<<"="<<
(long)(&QCELL(lev, i,j,k,mLevel[lev].setCurr,0))<<","<<(long)(&QCELL(lev, i,j,k,mLevel[lev].setOther,0))<<" but is "<<
(long)(ccel)<<","<<(long)(tcel)<<" "
# endif
oldFlag = *pFlagSrc;
if( (oldFlag & (CFGrFromCoarse)) ) {
if(( mStepCnt & (1<<(mMaxRefine-lev)) ) ==1) {
FORDF0 { RAC(tcel,l) = RAC(ccel,l); }
} else {
interpolateCellFromCoarse( lev, i,j,k, TSET(lev), 0.0, CFFluid|CFGrFromCoarse, false);
continue; // interpolateFineFromCoarse test!
} // interpolateFineFromCoarse test!
if(oldFlag & (CFMbndInflow)) {
// fluid & if are ok, fill if later on
int isValid = oldFlag & (CFFluid|CFInter);
const LbmFloat iniRho = 1.0;
const int OId = oldFlag>>24;
if(!isValid) {
// make new if cell
const LbmVec vel(mObjectSpeeds[OId]);
// TODO add OPT3D treatment
FORDF0 { RAC(tcel, l) = this->getCollideEq(l, iniRho,vel[0],vel[1],vel[2]); }
RAC(tcel, dMass) = RAC(tcel, dFfrac) = iniRho;
RAC(tcel, dFlux) = FLUX_INIT;
changeFlag(lev, i,j,k, TSET(lev), CFInter);
calcCurrentMass += iniRho;
calcCurrentVolume += 1.0;
mInitialMass += iniRho;
// dont treat cell until next step
else // these are exclusive
if(oldFlag & (CFMbndOutflow)) {
int isnotValid = oldFlag & (CFFluid);
if(isnotValid) {
// remove fluid cells, shouldnt be here anyway
LbmFloat fluidRho = m[0]; FORDF1 { fluidRho += m[l]; }
mInitialMass -= fluidRho;
const LbmFloat iniRho = 0.0;
RAC(tcel, dMass) = RAC(tcel, dFfrac) = iniRho;
RAC(tcel, dFlux) = FLUX_INIT;
changeFlag(lev, i,j,k, TSET(lev), CFInter);
// same as ifemptied for if below
LbmPoint oemptyp; oemptyp.flag = 0;
oemptyp.x = i; oemptyp.y = j; oemptyp.z = k;
if(oldFlag & (CFBnd|CFEmpty|CFGrFromCoarse|CFUnused)) {
*pFlagDst = oldFlag;
/*if( oldFlag & CFNoBndFluid ) { // TEST ME FASTER?
RAC(tcel,dFfrac) = 1.0;
*pFlagDst = (CellFlagType)oldFlag; // newFlag;
calcCurrentMass += rho; calcCurrentVolume += 1.0;
// only neighbor flags! not own flag
nbored = 0;
#if OPT3D==0
nbflag[l] = RFLAG_NB(lev, i,j,k,SRCS(lev),l);
nbored |= nbflag[l];
nbflag[dSB] = *(pFlagSrc + (-mLevel[lev].lOffsy+-mLevel[lev].lOffsx)); nbored |= nbflag[dSB];
nbflag[dWB] = *(pFlagSrc + (-mLevel[lev].lOffsy+-1)); nbored |= nbflag[dWB];
nbflag[ dB] = *(pFlagSrc + (-mLevel[lev].lOffsy)); nbored |= nbflag[dB];
nbflag[dEB] = *(pFlagSrc + (-mLevel[lev].lOffsy+ 1)); nbored |= nbflag[dEB];
nbflag[dNB] = *(pFlagSrc + (-mLevel[lev].lOffsy+ mLevel[lev].lOffsx)); nbored |= nbflag[dNB];
nbflag[dSW] = *(pFlagSrc + (-mLevel[lev].lOffsx+-1)); nbored |= nbflag[dSW];
nbflag[ dS] = *(pFlagSrc + (-mLevel[lev].lOffsx)); nbored |= nbflag[dS];
nbflag[dSE] = *(pFlagSrc + (-mLevel[lev].lOffsx+ 1)); nbored |= nbflag[dSE];
nbflag[ dW] = *(pFlagSrc + (-1)); nbored |= nbflag[dW];
nbflag[ dE] = *(pFlagSrc + ( 1)); nbored |= nbflag[dE];
nbflag[dNW] = *(pFlagSrc + ( mLevel[lev].lOffsx+-1)); nbored |= nbflag[dNW];
nbflag[ dN] = *(pFlagSrc + ( mLevel[lev].lOffsx)); nbored |= nbflag[dN];
nbflag[dNE] = *(pFlagSrc + ( mLevel[lev].lOffsx+ 1)); nbored |= nbflag[dNE];
nbflag[dST] = *(pFlagSrc + ( mLevel[lev].lOffsy+-mLevel[lev].lOffsx)); nbored |= nbflag[dST];
nbflag[dWT] = *(pFlagSrc + ( mLevel[lev].lOffsy+-1)); nbored |= nbflag[dWT];
nbflag[ dT] = *(pFlagSrc + ( mLevel[lev].lOffsy)); nbored |= nbflag[dT];
nbflag[dET] = *(pFlagSrc + ( mLevel[lev].lOffsy+ 1)); nbored |= nbflag[dET];
nbflag[dNT] = *(pFlagSrc + ( mLevel[lev].lOffsy+ mLevel[lev].lOffsx)); nbored |= nbflag[dNT];
// */
// pointer to destination cell
// FLUID cells
if( oldFlag & CFFluid ) {
// only standard fluid cells (with nothing except fluid as nbs
if(oldFlag&CFMbndInflow) {
// force velocity for inflow, necessary to have constant direction of flow
// FIXME , test also set interface cells?
const int OId = oldFlag>>24;
//const LbmFloat fluidRho = 1.0;
// for submerged inflows, streaming would have to be performed...
LbmFloat fluidRho = m[0]; FORDF1 { fluidRho += m[l]; }
const LbmVec vel(mObjectSpeeds[OId]);
ux=vel[0], uy=vel[1], uz=vel[2];
usqr = 1.5 * (ux*ux + uy*uy + uz*uz);
FORDF0 { RAC(tcel, l) = this->getCollideEq(l, fluidRho,ux,uy,uz); }
rho = fluidRho;
//errMsg("INFLOW_DEBUG","std at "<<PRINT_IJK<<" v="<<vel<<" rho="<<rho);
} else {
if(nbored&CFBnd) {
//ux = [0]; uy = mLevel[lev].gravity[1]; uz = mLevel[lev].gravity[2];
oldFlag &= (~CFNoBndFluid);
} else {
// do standard stream/collide
oldFlag |= CFNoBndFluid;
// "normal" fluid cells
RAC(tcel,dFfrac) = 1.0;
*pFlagDst = (CellFlagType)oldFlag; // newFlag;
calcCurrentMass += rho;
calcCurrentVolume += 1.0;
newFlag = oldFlag;
// make sure here: always check which flags to really unset...!
newFlag = newFlag & (~(
CFNoNbFluid|CFNoNbEmpty| CFNoDelete
| CFNoInterpolSrc
| CFNoBndFluid
if(!(nbored&CFBndNoslip)) { //NEWSURFT NEWSURFTNOS
newFlag |= CFNoBndFluid;
/*if(!(nbored&CFBnd)) { //NEWSURFT NEWSURFTNOS
// explicitly check for noslip neighbors
bool hasnoslipnb = false;
FORDF1 { if((nbflag[l]&CFBnd)&&(nbflag[l]&CFBndNoslip)) hasnoslipnb=true; }
if(!hasnoslipnb) newFlag |= CFNoBndFluid;
} // */
// store own dfs and mass
mass = RAC(ccel,dMass);
// WARNING - only interface cells arrive here!
// read distribution funtions of adjacent cells = stream step
if((nbored & CFFluid)==0) { newFlag |= CFNoNbFluid; mNumInvIfCells++; }
if((nbored & CFEmpty)==0) { newFlag |= CFNoNbEmpty; mNumInvIfCells++; }
// calculate mass exchange for interface cells
LbmFloat myfrac = RAC(ccel,dFfrac);
if(myfrac<0.) myfrac=0.; // NEWSURFT
# define nbdf(l) m[ this->dfInv[(l)] ]
// update mass
// only do boundaries for fluid cells, and interface cells without
// any fluid neighbors (assume that interface cells _with_ fluid
// neighbors are affected enough by these)
// which Df's have to be reconstructed?
// for fluid cells - just the f_i difference from streaming to empty cells ----
numRecons = 0;
bool onlyBndnb = ((!(oldFlag&CFNoBndFluid))&&(oldFlag&CFNoNbFluid)&&(nbored&CFBndNoslip));
//onlyBndnb = false; // DEBUG test off
FORDF1 { // dfl loop
recons[l] = 0;
nbfracs[l] = 0.0;
// finally, "normal" interface cells ----
if( nbflag[l]&(CFFluid|CFBnd) ) { // NEWTEST! FIXME check!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
change = nbdf(l) - MYDF(l);
// interface cells - distuingish cells that shouldn't fill/empty
else if( nbflag[l] & CFInter ) {
LbmFloat mynbfac,nbnbfac;
// NEW TEST t1
// t2 -> off
if((oldFlag&CFNoBndFluid)&&(nbflag[l]&CFNoBndFluid)) {
mynbfac = QCELL_NB(lev, i,j,k,SRCS(lev),l, dFlux) / QCELL(lev, i,j,k,SRCS(lev), dFlux);
nbnbfac = 1.0/mynbfac;
onlyBndnb = false;
} else {
mynbfac = nbnbfac = 1.0; // switch calc flux off
goto changeDefault; // NEWSURFT
//change = 0.; goto changeDone; // NEWSURFT
//mynbfac = nbnbfac = 1.0; // switch calc flux off t3
// perform interface case handling
if ((oldFlag|nbflag[l])&(CFNoNbFluid|CFNoNbEmpty)) {
switch (oldFlag&(CFNoNbFluid|CFNoNbEmpty)) {
case 0:
// we are a normal cell so...
switch (nbflag[l]&(CFNoNbFluid|CFNoNbEmpty)) {
case CFNoNbFluid:
// just fill current cell = empty neighbor
change = nbnbfac*nbdf(l) ; goto changeDone;
case CFNoNbEmpty:
// just empty current cell = fill neighbor
change = - mynbfac*MYDF(l) ; goto changeDone;
case CFNoNbFluid:
// we dont have fluid nb's so...
switch (nbflag[l]&(CFNoNbFluid|CFNoNbEmpty)) {
case 0:
case CFNoNbEmpty:
// we have no fluid nb's -> just empty
change = - mynbfac*MYDF(l) ; goto changeDone;
case CFNoNbEmpty:
// we dont have empty nb's so...
switch (nbflag[l]&(CFNoNbFluid|CFNoNbEmpty)) {
case 0:
case CFNoNbFluid:
// we have no empty nb's -> just fill
change = nbnbfac*nbdf(l); goto changeDone;
}} // inter-inter exchange
changeDefault: ;
// just do normal mass exchange...
change = ( nbnbfac*nbdf(l) - mynbfac*MYDF(l) ) ;
changeDone: ;
nbfracs[l] = QCELL_NB(lev, i,j,k, SRCS(lev),l, dFfrac);
if(nbfracs[l]<0.) nbfracs[l] = 0.; // NEWSURFT
change *= (myfrac + nbfracs[l]) * 0.5;
} // the other cell is interface
// last alternative - reconstruction in this direction
else {
// empty + bnd case
recons[l] = 1;
change = 0.0;
// modify mass at SRCS
mass += change;
} // l
// normal interface, no if empty/fluid
// computenormal
LbmFloat surfaceNormal[3];
computeFluidSurfaceNormal(ccel,pFlagSrc, surfaceNormal);
if( (ABS(surfaceNormal[0])+ABS(surfaceNormal[1])+ABS(surfaceNormal[2])) > LBM_EPSILON) {
// normal ok and usable...
if( (this->dfDvecX[l]*surfaceNormal[0] + this->dfDvecY[l]*surfaceNormal[1] + this->dfDvecZ[l]*surfaceNormal[2]) // dot Dvec,norml
recons[l] = 2;
// calculate macroscopic cell values
LbmFloat oldUx, oldUy, oldUz;
LbmFloat oldRho; // OLD rho = ccel->rho;
# define REFERENCE_PRESSURE 1.0 // always atmosphere...
# if OPT3D==0
oldUx = oldUy = oldUz = 0.0;
for(int l=1; l<this->cDfNum; l++) {
oldRho += RAC(ccel,l);
oldUx += (this->dfDvecX[l]*RAC(ccel,l));
oldUy += (this->dfDvecY[l]*RAC(ccel,l));
oldUz += (this->dfDvecZ[l]*RAC(ccel,l));
// reconstruct dist funcs from empty cells
if(recons[ l ]) {
m[ this->dfInv[l] ] =
this->getCollideEq(l, REFERENCE_PRESSURE, oldUx,oldUy,oldUz) +
this->getCollideEq(this->dfInv[l], REFERENCE_PRESSURE, oldUx,oldUy,oldUz)
- MYDF( l );
ux=oldUx, uy=oldUy, uz=oldUz; // no local vars, only for usqr
usqr = 1.5 * (ux*ux + uy*uy + uz*uz); // needed later on
# else // OPT3D==0
oldRho = + RAC(ccel,dC) + RAC(ccel,dN )
+ RAC(ccel,dS ) + RAC(ccel,dE )
+ RAC(ccel,dW ) + RAC(ccel,dT )
+ RAC(ccel,dB ) + RAC(ccel,dNE)
+ RAC(ccel,dNW) + RAC(ccel,dSE)
+ RAC(ccel,dSW) + RAC(ccel,dNT)
+ RAC(ccel,dNB) + RAC(ccel,dST)
+ RAC(ccel,dSB) + RAC(ccel,dET)
+ RAC(ccel,dEB) + RAC(ccel,dWT)
+ RAC(ccel,dWB);
oldUx = + RAC(ccel,dE) - RAC(ccel,dW)
+ RAC(ccel,dNE) - RAC(ccel,dNW)
+ RAC(ccel,dSE) - RAC(ccel,dSW)
+ RAC(ccel,dET) + RAC(ccel,dEB)
- RAC(ccel,dWT) - RAC(ccel,dWB);
oldUy = + RAC(ccel,dN) - RAC(ccel,dS)
+ RAC(ccel,dNE) + RAC(ccel,dNW)
- RAC(ccel,dSE) - RAC(ccel,dSW)
+ RAC(ccel,dNT) + RAC(ccel,dNB)
- RAC(ccel,dST) - RAC(ccel,dSB);
oldUz = + RAC(ccel,dT) - RAC(ccel,dB)
+ RAC(ccel,dNT) - RAC(ccel,dNB)
+ RAC(ccel,dST) - RAC(ccel,dSB)
+ RAC(ccel,dET) - RAC(ccel,dEB)
+ RAC(ccel,dWT) - RAC(ccel,dWB);
// now reconstruction
ux=oldUx, uy=oldUy, uz=oldUz; // no local vars, only for usqr
usqr = 1.5 * (ux*ux + uy*uy + uz*uz); // needed later on
if(recons[dN ]) { m[dS ] = EQN + EQS - MYDF(dN ); }
if(recons[dS ]) { m[dN ] = EQS + EQN - MYDF(dS ); }
if(recons[dE ]) { m[dW ] = EQE + EQW - MYDF(dE ); }
if(recons[dW ]) { m[dE ] = EQW + EQE - MYDF(dW ); }
if(recons[dT ]) { m[dB ] = EQT + EQB - MYDF(dT ); }
if(recons[dB ]) { m[dT ] = EQB + EQT - MYDF(dB ); }
if(recons[dNE]) { m[dSW] = EQNE + EQSW - MYDF(dNE); }
if(recons[dNW]) { m[dSE] = EQNW + EQSE - MYDF(dNW); }
if(recons[dSE]) { m[dNW] = EQSE + EQNW - MYDF(dSE); }
if(recons[dSW]) { m[dNE] = EQSW + EQNE - MYDF(dSW); }
if(recons[dNT]) { m[dSB] = EQNT + EQSB - MYDF(dNT); }
if(recons[dNB]) { m[dST] = EQNB + EQST - MYDF(dNB); }
if(recons[dST]) { m[dNB] = EQST + EQNB - MYDF(dST); }
if(recons[dSB]) { m[dNT] = EQSB + EQNT - MYDF(dSB); }
if(recons[dET]) { m[dWB] = EQET + EQWB - MYDF(dET); }
if(recons[dEB]) { m[dWT] = EQEB + EQWT - MYDF(dEB); }
if(recons[dWT]) { m[dEB] = EQWT + EQEB - MYDF(dWT); }
if(recons[dWB]) { m[dET] = EQWB + EQET - MYDF(dWB); }
# endif
// inflow bc handling
if(oldFlag & (CFMbndInflow)) {
// fill if cells in inflow region
if(myfrac<0.5) {
mass += 0.25;
mInitialMass += 0.25;
const int OId = oldFlag>>24;
const LbmVec vel(mObjectSpeeds[OId]);
ux=vel[0], uy=vel[1], uz=vel[2];
//? usqr = 1.5 * (ux*ux + uy*uy + uz*uz);
//FORDF0 { RAC(tcel, l) = this->getCollideEq(l, fluidRho,ux,uy,uz); } rho = fluidRho;
FORDF0 { RAC(tcel, l) = this->getCollideEq(l, rho,ux,uy,uz); }
//errMsg("INFLOW_DEBUG","if at "<<PRINT_IJK<<" v="<<vel<<" rho="<<rho);
} else {
// NEWSURFT, todo optimize!
if(onlyBndnb) { //if(usqr<0.001*0.001) {
rho = ux = uy = uz = 0.;
rho += m[l];
ux += (this->dfDvecX[l]*m[l]);
uy += (this->dfDvecY[l]*m[l]);
uz += (this->dfDvecZ[l]*m[l]);
FORDF0 { RAC(tcel, l) = this->getCollideEq(l, rho,ux,uy,uz); }
} else {// NEWSURFT */
if(usqr>0.3*0.3) {
// force reset! , warning causes distortions...
FORDF0 { RAC(tcel, l) = this->getCollideEq(l, rho,0.,0.,0.); }
} else {
// normal collide
// mass streaming done... do normal collide
LbmVec grav = mLevel[lev].gravity*mass;
// rho init from default collide necessary for fill/empty check below
} // test
// testing..., particle generation
// also check oldFlag for CFNoNbFluid, test
// for inflow no pargen test // NOBUBBB!
// dont allow new if cells, or submerged ones
&& (!((oldFlag|newFlag)& (CFNoDelete|CFNoNbEmpty) ))
// dont try to subtract from empty cells
&& (mass>0.) && (mPartGenProb>0.0)) {
bool doAdd = true;
bool bndOk=true;
if( (i<cutMin)||(i>mSizex-cutMin)||
(k<cutMin)||(k>mSizez-cutMin) ) { bndOk=false; }
if(!bndOk) doAdd=false;
LbmFloat prob = (rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0));
LbmFloat basethresh = mPartGenProb*lcsmqo*(LbmFloat)(mSizez+mSizey+mSizex)*0.5*0.333;
// physical drop model
if(mPartUsePhysModel) {
LbmFloat realWorldFac = (mLevel[lev].simCellSize / mLevel[lev].timestep);
LbmFloat rux = (ux * realWorldFac);
LbmFloat ruy = (uy * realWorldFac);
LbmFloat ruz = (uz * realWorldFac);
LbmFloat rl = norm(ntlVec3Gfx(rux,ruy,ruz));
basethresh *= rl;
// reduce probability in outer region?
const int pibord = mLevel[mMaxRefine].lSizex/2-cutConst;
const int pjbord = mLevel[mMaxRefine].lSizey/2-cutConst;
LbmFloat pifac = 1.-(LbmFloat)(ABS(i-pibord)) / (LbmFloat)(pibord);
LbmFloat pjfac = 1.-(LbmFloat)(ABS(j-pjbord)) / (LbmFloat)(pjbord);
if(pifac<0.) pifac=0.;
if(pjfac<0.) pjfac=0.;
//if( (prob< (basethresh*rl)) && (lcsmqo>0.0095) && (rl>RWVEL_THRESH) ) {
if( (prob< (basethresh*rl*pifac*pjfac)) && (lcsmqo>0.0095) && (rl>RWVEL_THRESH) ) {
// add
} else {
doAdd = false; // dont...
// "wind" disturbance
// use realworld relative velocity here instead?
if( (doAdd &&
((rl>RWVEL_WINDTHRESH) && (lcsmqo<P_LCSMQO)) )// normal checks
||(k>mSizez-SLOWDOWNREGION) ) {
LbmFloat nuz = uz;
// special case
LbmFloat zfac = (LbmFloat)( k-(mSizez-SLOWDOWNREGION) );
zfac /= (LbmFloat)(SLOWDOWNREGION);
nuz += (1.0) * zfac; // check max speed? OFF?
//errMsg("TOPT"," at "<<PRINT_IJK<<" zfac"<<zfac);
} else {
// normal probability
//? LbmFloat fac = P_LCSMQO-lcsmqo;
//? jdf *= fac;
const LbmFloat jdf = 0.05 * (rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0));
// TODO use wind velocity?
if(jdf>0.025) {
const LbmFloat add = this->dfLength[l]*(-ux*this->dfDvecX[l]-uy*this->dfDvecY[l]-nuz*this->dfDvecZ[l])*jdf;
RAC(tcel,l) += add; }
//errMsg("TOPDOWNCORR"," jdf:"<<jdf<<" rl"<<rl<<" vel "<<norm(LbmVec(ux,uy,nuz))<<" rwv"<<norm(LbmVec(rux,ruy,ruz)) );
} // wind disturbance
} // mPartUsePhysModel
else {
// empirical model
//if((prob<basethresh) && (lcsmqo>0.0095)) { // add
if((prob<basethresh) && (lcsmqo>0.012)) { // add
} else { doAdd = false; }// dont...
// remove noise
if(usqr<0.0001) doAdd=false; // TODO check!?
// dont try to subtract from empty cells
// ensure cell has enough mass for new drop
LbmFloat newPartsize = 1.0;
if(mPartUsePhysModel) {
// 1-10
newPartsize += 9.0* (rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0));
} else {
// 1-5, overall size has to be less than
// .62 (ca. 0.5) to make drops significantly smaller
// than a full cell!
newPartsize += 4.0* (rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0));
LbmFloat dropmass = ParticleObject::getMass(mPartDropMassSub*newPartsize); //PARTMASS(mPartDropMassSub*newPartsize); // mass: 4/3 pi r^3 rho
while(dropmass>mass) {
newPartsize -= 0.2;
dropmass = ParticleObject::getMass(mPartDropMassSub*newPartsize);
if(newPartsize<=1.) doAdd=false;
if( (doAdd) ) { // init new particle
for(int s=0; s<1; s++) { // one part!
const LbmFloat posjitter = 0.05;
const LbmFloat posjitteroffs = posjitter*-0.5;
LbmFloat jpx = posjitteroffs+ posjitter* (rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0));
LbmFloat jpy = posjitteroffs+ posjitter* (rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0));
LbmFloat jpz = posjitteroffs+ posjitter* (rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0));
const LbmFloat jitterstr = 1.0;
const LbmFloat jitteroffs = jitterstr*-0.5;
LbmFloat jx = jitteroffs+ jitterstr* (rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0));
LbmFloat jy = jitteroffs+ jitterstr* (rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0));
LbmFloat jz = jitteroffs+ jitterstr* (rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0));
// average normal & velocity
// -> mostly along velocity dir, many into surface
// fluid velocity (not normalized!)
LbmVec flvelVel = LbmVec(ux,uy,uz);
LbmFloat flvelLen = norm(flvelVel);
// surface normal
LbmVec normVel = LbmVec(surfaceNormal[0],surfaceNormal[1],surfaceNormal[2]);
LbmFloat normScale = (0.01+flvelLen);
// jitter vector, 0.2 * flvel
LbmVec jittVel = LbmVec(jx,jy,jz)*(0.05+flvelLen)*0.1;
// weighten velocities
const LbmFloat flvelWeight = 0.9;
LbmVec newpartVel = normVel*normScale*(1.-flvelWeight) + flvelVel*(flvelWeight) + jittVel;
// offset towards surface (hide popping)
jpx += -normVel[0]*0.4;
jpy += -normVel[1]*0.4;
jpz += -normVel[2]*0.4;
LbmFloat srci=i+0.5+jpx, srcj=j+0.5+jpy, srck=k+0.5+jpz;
int type=0;
type = PART_DROP;
# if LBMDIM==2
newpartVel[2]=0.; srck=0.5;
# endif // LBMDIM==2
// subtract drop mass
mass -= dropmass;
// init new particle
ParticleObject np( ntlVec3Gfx(srci,srcj,srck) );
//if((s%3)==2) np.setType(PART_FLOAT);
//errMsg("NEWPART"," at "<<PRINT_IJK<<" u="<<norm(LbmVec(ux,uy,uz)) <<" add"<<doAdd<<" pvel="<<norm(newpartVel)<<" size="<<newPartsize );
//errMsg("NEWPT","u="<<newpartVel<<" norm="<<normVel<<" flvel="<<flvelVel<<" jitt="<<jittVel );
} // new part
//errMsg("PIT","NEW pit"<<np.getId()<<" pos:"<< np.getPos()<<" status:"<<convertFlags2String(np.getFlags())<<" vel:"<< np.getVel() );
} // multiple parts
} // doAdd
} // */
// interface cell filled or emptied?
iffilled = ifemptied = 0;
// interface cells empty/full?, WARNING: to mark these cells, better do it at the end of reinitCellFlags
// interface cell if full?
if( (mass) >= (rho * (1.0+FSGR_MAGICNR)) ) { iffilled = 1; }
// interface cell if empty?
if( (mass) <= (rho * ( -FSGR_MAGICNR)) ) { ifemptied = 1; }
if(oldFlag & (CFMbndOutflow)) {
mInitialMass -= mass;
mass = myfrac = 0.0;
iffilled = 0; ifemptied = 1;
// looks much nicer... LISTTRICK
//if((oldFlag&CFNoNbEmpty)&&(newFlag&CFNoNbEmpty)) { TEST_IF_CHECK; }
if(newFlag&CFNoBndFluid) { // test NEW TEST
if(!iffilled) {
// remove cells independent from amount of change...
if( (oldFlag & CFNoNbEmpty)&&(newFlag & CFNoNbEmpty)&&
( (mass>(rho*FSGR_LISTTTHRESHFULL)) || ((nbored&CFInter)==0) )) {
//if((nbored&CFInter)==0){ errMsg("NBORED!CFINTER","filled "<<PRINT_IJK); };
iffilled = 1;
if(!ifemptied) {
if( (oldFlag & CFNoNbFluid)&&(newFlag & CFNoNbFluid)&&
( (mass<(rho*FSGR_LISTTTHRESHEMPTY)) || ((nbored&CFInter)==0) )) {
//if((nbored&CFInter)==0){ errMsg("NBORED!CFINTER","emptied "<<PRINT_IJK); };
ifemptied = 1;
} // nobndfluid only */
# endif
//iffilled = ifemptied = 0; // DEBUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// now that all dfs are known, handle last changes
if(iffilled) {
LbmPoint filledp; filledp.flag=0;
if(!(newFlag&CFNoBndFluid)) filledp.flag |= 1; // NEWSURFT
filledp.x = i; filledp.y = j; filledp.z = k;
//mNumFilledCells++; // DEBUG
else if(ifemptied) {
LbmPoint emptyp; emptyp.flag=0;
if(!(newFlag&CFNoBndFluid)) emptyp.flag |= 1; // NEWSURFT
emptyp.x = i; emptyp.y = j; emptyp.z = k;
//mNumEmptiedCells++; // DEBUG
// dont cutoff values -> better cell conversions
RAC(tcel,dFfrac) = (mass/rho);
// init new flux value
float flux = FLUX_INIT; // dxqn on
if(newFlag&CFNoBndFluid) {
//flux = 50.0; // extreme on
for(int nn=1; nn<this->cDfNum; nn++) {
if(nbflag[nn] & (CFFluid|CFInter|CFBnd)) { flux += this->dfLength[nn]; }
// optical hack - smooth slow moving
// surface regions
if(usqr< sssUsqrLimit) {
for(int nn=1; nn<this->cDfNum; nn++) {
if(nbfracs[nn]!=0.0) {
LbmFloat curSmooth = (sssUsqrLimit-usqr)*sssUsqrLimitInv;
if(curSmooth>1.0) curSmooth=1.0;
flux *= (1.0+ smoothStrength*curSmooth * (nbfracs[nn]-myfrac)) ;
} }
// NEW TEST */
// flux = FLUX_INIT; // calc flux off
QCELL(lev, i,j,k,TSET(lev), dFlux) = flux; // */
// perform mass exchange with streamed values
QCELL(lev, i,j,k,TSET(lev), dMass) = mass; // MASST
// set new flag
*pFlagDst = (CellFlagType)newFlag;
calcCurrentMass += mass;
calcCurrentVolume += RAC(tcel,dFfrac);
// interface cell handling done...
#else // PARALLEL==1
#include "paraloopend.h" // = GRID_LOOPREG_END();
#endif // PARALLEL==1
// write vars from computations to class
mLevel[lev].lmass = calcCurrentMass;
mLevel[lev].lvolume = calcCurrentVolume;
mNumFilledCells = calcCellsFilled;
mNumEmptiedCells = calcCellsEmptied;
mNumUsedCells = calcNumUsedCells;
const int lev = mMaxRefine;
const bool doReduce = false;
const int gridLoopBound=0;
// preinit both grids
for(int s=0; s<2; s++) {
#pragma omp parallel default(shared) num_threads(mNumOMPThreads) \
reduction(+: \
calcCurrentMass,calcCurrentVolume, \
calcCellsFilled,calcCellsEmptied, \
calcNumUsedCells )
#endif // PARALLEL==1
for(int l=0; l<dTotalNum; l++) { RAC(ccel,l) = 0.; }
*pFlagSrc =0;
*pFlagDst =0;
//errMsg("l1"," at "<<PRINT_IJK<<" id"<<id);
#else // PARALLEL==1
#include "paraloopend.h" // = GRID_LOOPREG_END();
#endif // PARALLEL==1
/* dummy, remove warnings */
calcCurrentMass = calcCurrentVolume = 0.;
calcCellsFilled = calcCellsEmptied = calcNumUsedCells = 0;
// change grid
mLevel[mMaxRefine].setOther = mLevel[mMaxRefine].setCurr;
mLevel[mMaxRefine].setCurr ^= 1;
const int lev = mMaxRefine;
const bool doReduce = false;
const int gridLoopBound=1;
#pragma omp parallel default(shared) num_threads(mNumOMPThreads) \
reduction(+: \
calcCurrentMass,calcCurrentVolume, \
calcCellsFilled,calcCellsEmptied, \
calcNumUsedCells )
#endif // PARALLEL==1
LbmFloat rho, ux,uy,uz, usqr;
CellFlagType nbflag[LBM_DFNUM];
LbmFloat m[LBM_DFNUM];
LbmFloat lcsmqo;
# if OPT3D==1
LbmFloat lcsmqadd, lcsmeq[LBM_DFNUM], lcsmomega;
# endif // OPT3D==true
//errMsg("l1"," at "<<PRINT_IJK<<" id"<<id);
const CellFlagType currFlag = *pFlagSrc; //RFLAG(lev, i,j,k,workSet);
if( (currFlag & (CFEmpty|CFBnd)) ) continue;
if( (currFlag & (CFInter)) ) {
// copy all values
for(int l=0; l<dTotalNum;l++) { RAC(tcel,l) = RAC(ccel,l); }
if( (currFlag & CFNoBndFluid)) {
} else {
nbflag[l] = RFLAG_NB(lev, i,j,k, SRCS(lev),l);
for(int l=LBM_DFNUM; l<dTotalNum;l++) { RAC(tcel,l) = RAC(ccel,l); }
#else // PARALLEL==1
#include "paraloopend.h" // = GRID_LOOPREG_END();
#endif // PARALLEL==1
/* dummy remove warnings */
calcCurrentMass = calcCurrentVolume = 0.;
calcCellsFilled = calcCellsEmptied = calcNumUsedCells = 0;
// change grid
mLevel[mMaxRefine].setOther = mLevel[mMaxRefine].setCurr;
mLevel[mMaxRefine].setCurr ^= 1;
* work on lists from updateCellMass to reinit cell flags
LbmFloat LbmFsgrSolver::getMassdWeight(bool dirForw, int i,int j,int k,int workSet, int l) {
//return 0.0; // test
int level = mMaxRefine;
LbmFloat *ccel = RACPNT(level, i,j,k, workSet);
// computenormal
CellFlagType *cflag = &RFLAG(level, i,j,k, workSet);
LbmFloat n[3];
computeFluidSurfaceNormal(ccel,cflag, n);
LbmFloat scal = mDvecNrm[l][0]*n[0] + mDvecNrm[l][1]*n[1] + mDvecNrm[l][2]*n[2];
LbmFloat ret = 1.0;
// forward direction, add mass (for filling cells):
if(dirForw) {
if(scal<LBM_EPSILON) ret = 0.0;
else ret = scal;
} else {
// backward for emptying
if(scal>-LBM_EPSILON) ret = 0.0;
else ret = scal * -1.0;
//errMsg("massd", PRINT_IJK<<" nv"<<nvel<<" : ret="<<ret ); //xit(1); //VECDEB
return ret;
// warning - normal compuations are without
// boundary checks &
// normalization
void LbmFsgrSolver::computeFluidSurfaceNormal(LbmFloat *ccel, CellFlagType *cflagpnt,LbmFloat *snret) {
const int level = mMaxRefine;
LbmFloat nx,ny,nz, nv1,nv2;
const CellFlagType flagE = *(cflagpnt+1);
const CellFlagType flagW = *(cflagpnt-1);
if(flagE &(CFFluid|CFInter)){ nv1 = RAC((ccel+QCELLSTEP ),dFfrac); }
else if(flagE &(CFBnd)){ nv1 = 1.; }
else nv1 = 0.0;
if(flagW &(CFFluid|CFInter)){ nv2 = RAC((ccel-QCELLSTEP ),dFfrac); }
else if(flagW &(CFBnd)){ nv2 = 1.; }
else nv2 = 0.0;
nx = 0.5* (nv2-nv1);
const CellFlagType flagN = *(cflagpnt+mLevel[level].lOffsx);
const CellFlagType flagS = *(cflagpnt-mLevel[level].lOffsx);
if(flagN &(CFFluid|CFInter)){ nv1 = RAC((ccel+(mLevel[level].lOffsx*QCELLSTEP)),dFfrac); }
else if(flagN &(CFBnd)){ nv1 = 1.; }
else nv1 = 0.0;
if(flagS &(CFFluid|CFInter)){ nv2 = RAC((ccel-(mLevel[level].lOffsx*QCELLSTEP)),dFfrac); }
else if(flagS &(CFBnd)){ nv2 = 1.; }
else nv2 = 0.0;
ny = 0.5* (nv2-nv1);
#if LBMDIM==3
const CellFlagType flagT = *(cflagpnt+mLevel[level].lOffsy);
const CellFlagType flagB = *(cflagpnt-mLevel[level].lOffsy);
if(flagT &(CFFluid|CFInter)){ nv1 = RAC((ccel+(mLevel[level].lOffsy*QCELLSTEP)),dFfrac); }
else if(flagT &(CFBnd)){ nv1 = 1.; }
else nv1 = 0.0;
if(flagB &(CFFluid|CFInter)){ nv2 = RAC((ccel-(mLevel[level].lOffsy*QCELLSTEP)),dFfrac); }
else if(flagB &(CFBnd)){ nv2 = 1.; }
else nv2 = 0.0;
nz = 0.5* (nv2-nv1);
#else //LBMDIM==3
nz = 0.0;
#endif //LBMDIM==3
// return vals
snret[0]=nx; snret[1]=ny; snret[2]=nz;
void LbmFsgrSolver::computeFluidSurfaceNormalAcc(LbmFloat *ccel, CellFlagType *cflagpnt, LbmFloat *snret) {
LbmFloat nx=0.,ny=0.,nz=0.;
ccel = NULL; cflagpnt=NULL; // remove warning
snret[0]=nx; snret[1]=ny; snret[2]=nz;
void LbmFsgrSolver::computeObstacleSurfaceNormal(LbmFloat *ccel, CellFlagType *cflagpnt, LbmFloat *snret) {
const int level = mMaxRefine;
LbmFloat nx,ny,nz, nv1,nv2;
ccel = NULL; // remove warning
const CellFlagType flagE = *(cflagpnt+1);
const CellFlagType flagW = *(cflagpnt-1);
if(flagE &(CFBnd)){ nv1 = 1.; }
else nv1 = 0.0;
if(flagW &(CFBnd)){ nv2 = 1.; }
else nv2 = 0.0;
nx = 0.5* (nv2-nv1);
const CellFlagType flagN = *(cflagpnt+mLevel[level].lOffsx);
const CellFlagType flagS = *(cflagpnt-mLevel[level].lOffsx);
if(flagN &(CFBnd)){ nv1 = 1.; }
else nv1 = 0.0;
if(flagS &(CFBnd)){ nv2 = 1.; }
else nv2 = 0.0;
ny = 0.5* (nv2-nv1);
#if LBMDIM==3
const CellFlagType flagT = *(cflagpnt+mLevel[level].lOffsy);
const CellFlagType flagB = *(cflagpnt-mLevel[level].lOffsy);
if(flagT &(CFBnd)){ nv1 = 1.; }
else nv1 = 0.0;
if(flagB &(CFBnd)){ nv2 = 1.; }
else nv2 = 0.0;
nz = 0.5* (nv2-nv1);
#else //LBMDIM==3
nz = 0.0;
#endif //LBMDIM==3
// return vals
snret[0]=nx; snret[1]=ny; snret[2]=nz;
void LbmFsgrSolver::computeObstacleSurfaceNormalAcc(int i,int j,int k, LbmFloat *snret) {
bool nonorm = false;
LbmFloat nx=0.,ny=0.,nz=0.;
if(i<=0) { nx = 1.; nonorm = true; }
if(i>=mSizex-1) { nx = -1.; nonorm = true; }
if(j<=0) { ny = 1.; nonorm = true; }
if(j>=mSizey-1) { ny = -1.; nonorm = true; }
# if LBMDIM==3
if(k<=0) { nz = 1.; nonorm = true; }
if(k>=mSizez-1) { nz = -1.; nonorm = true; }
# endif // LBMDIM==3
if(!nonorm) {
// in domain, revert to helper, use setCurr&mMaxRefine
LbmVec bnormal;
CellFlagType *bflag = &RFLAG(mMaxRefine, i,j,k, mLevel[mMaxRefine].setCurr);
LbmFloat *bcell = RACPNT(mMaxRefine, i,j,k, mLevel[mMaxRefine].setCurr);
computeObstacleSurfaceNormal(bcell,bflag, &bnormal[0]);
// TODO check if there is a normal near here?
// use wider range otherwise...
snret[0]=bnormal[0]; snret[1]=bnormal[0]; snret[2]=bnormal[0];
snret[0]=nx; snret[1]=ny; snret[2]=nz;
void LbmFsgrSolver::addToNewInterList( int ni, int nj, int nk ) {
// dangerous, this can change the simulation...
/*for( vector<LbmPoint>::iterator iter=mListNewInter.begin();
iter != mListNewInter.end(); iter++ ) {
if(ni!=iter->x) continue;
if(nj!=iter->y) continue;
if(nk!=iter->z) continue;
// all 3 values match... skip point
} */
#endif // FSGR_STRICT_DEBUG==1
// store point
LbmPoint newinter; newinter.flag = 0;
newinter.x = ni; newinter.y = nj; newinter.z = nk;
void LbmFsgrSolver::reinitFlags( int workSet ) {
// reinitCellFlags OLD mods:
// add all to intel list?
// check ffrac for new cells
// new if cell inits (last loop)
// vweights handling
const int debugFlagreinit = 0;
// some things need to be read/modified on the other set
int otherSet = (workSet^1);
// fixed level on which to perform
int workLev = mMaxRefine;
/* modify interface cells from lists */
/* mark filled interface cells as fluid, or emptied as empty */
/* count neighbors and distribute excess mass to interface neighbor cells
* problems arise when there are no interface neighbors anymore
* then just distribute to any fluid neighbors...
// for symmetry, first init all neighbor cells */
for( vector<LbmPoint>::iterator iter=mListFull.begin();
iter != mListFull.end(); iter++ ) {
int i=iter->x, j=iter->y, k=iter->z;
if(debugFlagreinit) errMsg("FULL", PRINT_IJK<<" mss"<<QCELL(workLev, i,j,k, workSet, dMass) <<" rho"<< QCELL(workLev, i,j,k, workSet, 0) ); // DEBUG SYMM
int ni=i+this->dfVecX[l], nj=j+this->dfVecY[l], nk=k+this->dfVecZ[l];
//if((LBMDIM>2)&&( (ni<=0) || (nj<=0) || (nk<=0) || (ni>=mLevel[workLev].lSizex-1) || (nj>=mLevel[workLev].lSizey-1) || (nk>=mLevel[workLev].lSizez-1) )) {
if( (ni<=0) || (nj<=0) ||
(ni>=mLevel[workLev].lSizex-1) ||
# if LBMDIM==3
|| (nk<=0) || (nk>=mLevel[workLev].lSizez-1)
# endif // LBMDIM==1
) {
continue; } // new bc, dont treat cells on boundary NEWBC
if( RFLAG(workLev, ni,nj,nk, workSet) & CFEmpty ){
// preinit speed, get from average surrounding cells
// interpolate from non-workset to workset, sets are handled in function
// new and empty interface cell, dont change old flag here!
LbmFloat avgrho = 0.0;
LbmFloat avgux = 0.0, avguy = 0.0, avguz = 0.0;
interpolateCellValues(workLev,ni,nj,nk,workSet, avgrho,avgux,avguy,avguz);
// careful with l's...
QCELL(workLev,ni,nj,nk, workSet, m) = this->getCollideEq( m,avgrho, avgux, avguy, avguz );
//QCELL(workLev,ni,nj,nk, workSet, l) = avgnbdf[l]; // CHECK FIXME test?
//errMsg("FNEW", PRINT_VEC(ni,nj,nk)<<" mss"<<QCELL(workLev, i,j,k, workSet, dMass) <<" rho"<<avgrho<<" vel"<<PRINT_VEC(avgux,avguy,avguz) ); // DEBUG SYMM
QCELL(workLev,ni,nj,nk, workSet, dMass) = 0.0; //?? new
QCELL(workLev,ni,nj,nk, workSet, dFfrac) = 0.0; //?? new
//RFLAG(workLev,ni,nj,nk,workSet) = (CellFlagType)(CFInter|CFNoInterpolSrc);
changeFlag(workLev,ni,nj,nk,workSet, (CFInter|CFNoInterpolSrc));
if(debugFlagreinit) errMsg("NEWE", PRINT_IJK<<" newif "<<PRINT_VEC(ni,nj,nk)<<" rho"<<avgrho<<" vel("<<avgux<<","<<avguy<<","<<avguz<<") " );
/* prevent surrounding interface cells from getting removed as empty cells
* (also cells that are not newly inited) */
if( RFLAG(workLev,ni,nj,nk, workSet) & CFInter) {
//RFLAG(workLev,ni,nj,nk, workSet) = (CellFlagType)(RFLAG(workLev,ni,nj,nk, workSet) | CFNoDelete);
changeFlag(workLev,ni,nj,nk, workSet, (RFLAG(workLev,ni,nj,nk, workSet) | CFNoDelete));
// also add to list...
} // NEW?
// NEW? no extra loop...
//RFLAG(workLev,i,j,k, workSet) = CFFluid;
changeFlag(workLev,i,j,k, workSet,CFFluid);
/* remove empty interface cells that are not allowed to be removed anyway
* this is important, otherwise the dreaded cell-type-flickering can occur! */
for(int n=0; n<(int)mListEmpty.size(); n++) {
int i=mListEmpty[n].x, j=mListEmpty[n].y, k=mListEmpty[n].z;
if((RFLAG(workLev,i,j,k, workSet)&(CFInter|CFNoDelete)) == (CFInter|CFNoDelete)) {
// treat as "new inter"
// remove entry
if(debugFlagreinit) errMsg("EMPT REMOVED!!!", PRINT_IJK<<" mss"<<QCELL(workLev, i,j,k, workSet, dMass) <<" rho"<< QCELL(workLev, i,j,k, workSet, 0) ); // DEBUG SYMM
if(n<(int)mListEmpty.size()-1) mListEmpty[n] = mListEmpty[mListEmpty.size()-1];
/* problems arise when adjacent cells empty&fill ->
let fill cells+surrounding interface cells have the higher importance */
for( vector<LbmPoint>::iterator iter=mListEmpty.begin();
iter != mListEmpty.end(); iter++ ) {
int i=iter->x, j=iter->y, k=iter->z;
if((RFLAG(workLev,i,j,k, workSet)&(CFInter|CFNoDelete)) == (CFInter|CFNoDelete)){ errMsg("A"," ARGHARGRAG "); } // DEBUG
if(debugFlagreinit) errMsg("EMPT", PRINT_IJK<<" mss"<<QCELL(workLev, i,j,k, workSet, dMass) <<" rho"<< QCELL(workLev, i,j,k, workSet, 0) );
/* set surrounding fluid cells to interface cells */
int ni=i+this->dfVecX[l], nj=j+this->dfVecY[l], nk=k+this->dfVecZ[l];
if( RFLAG(workLev,ni,nj,nk, workSet) & CFFluid){
// init fluid->interface
//RFLAG(workLev,ni,nj,nk, workSet) = (CellFlagType)(CFInter);
changeFlag(workLev,ni,nj,nk, workSet, CFInter);
/* new mass = current density */
LbmFloat nbrho = QCELL(workLev,ni,nj,nk, workSet, dC);
for(int rl=1; rl< this->cDfNum ; ++rl) { nbrho += QCELL(workLev,ni,nj,nk, workSet, rl); }
QCELL(workLev,ni,nj,nk, workSet, dMass) = nbrho;
QCELL(workLev,ni,nj,nk, workSet, dFfrac) = 1.0;
// store point
if( RFLAG(workLev,ni,nj,nk, workSet) & CFInter){
// test, also add to list...
} // NEW?
/* for symmetry, set our flag right now */
changeFlag(workLev,i,j,k, workSet, CFEmpty);
// mark cell not be changed mass... - not necessary, not in list anymore anyway!
} // emptylist
// precompute weights to get rid of order dependancies
vector<lbmFloatSet> vWeights;
vWeights.resize( mListFull.size() + mListEmpty.size() );
int weightIndex = 0;
int nbCount = 0;
LbmFloat nbWeights[LBM_DFNUM];
LbmFloat nbTotWeights = 0.0;
for( vector<LbmPoint>::iterator iter=mListFull.begin();
iter != mListFull.end(); iter++ ) {
int i=iter->x, j=iter->y, k=iter->z;
nbCount = 0; nbTotWeights = 0.0;
int ni=i+this->dfVecX[l], nj=j+this->dfVecY[l], nk=k+this->dfVecZ[l];
if( RFLAG(workLev,ni,nj,nk, workSet) & CFInter) {
if(iter->flag&1) nbWeights[l] = 1.; // NEWSURFT
else nbWeights[l] = getMassdWeight(1,i,j,k,workSet,l); // NEWSURFT
nbTotWeights += nbWeights[l];
} else {
nbWeights[l] = -100.0; // DEBUG;
if(nbCount>0) {
//errMsg("FF I", PRINT_IJK<<" "<<weightIndex<<" "<<nbTotWeights);
vWeights[weightIndex].val[0] = nbTotWeights;
FORDF1 { vWeights[weightIndex].val[l] = nbWeights[l]; }
vWeights[weightIndex].numNbs = (LbmFloat)nbCount;
} else {
vWeights[weightIndex].numNbs = 0.0;
for( vector<LbmPoint>::iterator iter=mListEmpty.begin();
iter != mListEmpty.end(); iter++ ) {
int i=iter->x, j=iter->y, k=iter->z;
nbCount = 0; nbTotWeights = 0.0;
int ni=i+this->dfVecX[l], nj=j+this->dfVecY[l], nk=k+this->dfVecZ[l];
if( RFLAG(workLev,ni,nj,nk, workSet) & CFInter) {
if(iter->flag&1) nbWeights[l] = 1.; // NEWSURFT
else nbWeights[l] = getMassdWeight(0,i,j,k,workSet,l); // NEWSURFT
nbTotWeights += nbWeights[l];
} else {
nbWeights[l] = -100.0; // DEBUG;
if(nbCount>0) {
//errMsg("EE I", PRINT_IJK<<" "<<weightIndex<<" "<<nbTotWeights);
vWeights[weightIndex].val[0] = nbTotWeights;
FORDF1 { vWeights[weightIndex].val[l] = nbWeights[l]; }
vWeights[weightIndex].numNbs = (LbmFloat)nbCount;
} else {
vWeights[weightIndex].numNbs = 0.0;
weightIndex = 0;
/* process full list entries, filled cells are done after this loop */
for( vector<LbmPoint>::iterator iter=mListFull.begin();
iter != mListFull.end(); iter++ ) {
int i=iter->x, j=iter->y, k=iter->z;
LbmFloat myrho = QCELL(workLev,i,j,k, workSet, dC);
FORDF1 { myrho += QCELL(workLev,i,j,k, workSet, l); } // QCELL.rho
LbmFloat massChange = QCELL(workLev,i,j,k, workSet, dMass) - myrho;
if(vWeights[weightIndex].numNbs>0.0) {
const LbmFloat nbTotWeightsp = vWeights[weightIndex].val[0];
//errMsg("FF I", PRINT_IJK<<" "<<weightIndex<<" "<<nbTotWeightsp);
int ni=i+this->dfVecX[l], nj=j+this->dfVecY[l], nk=k+this->dfVecZ[l];
if( RFLAG(workLev,ni,nj,nk, workSet) & CFInter) {
LbmFloat change = -1.0;
if(nbTotWeightsp>0.0) {
//change = massChange * ( nbWeights[l]/nbTotWeightsp );
change = massChange * ( vWeights[weightIndex].val[l]/nbTotWeightsp );
} else {
change = (LbmFloat)(massChange/vWeights[weightIndex].numNbs);
QCELL(workLev,ni,nj,nk, workSet, dMass) += change;
massChange = 0.0;
} else {
// Problem! no interface neighbors
mFixMass += massChange;
//TTT mNumProblems++;
//errMsg(" FULL PROBLEM ", PRINT_IJK<<" "<<mFixMass);
// already done? RFLAG(workLev,i,j,k, workSet) = CFFluid;
QCELL(workLev,i,j,k, workSet, dMass) = myrho; // should be rho... but unused?
QCELL(workLev,i,j,k, workSet, dFfrac) = 1.0; // should be rho... but unused?
} // fulllist
/* now, finally handle the empty cells - order is important, has to be after
* full cell handling */
for( vector<LbmPoint>::iterator iter=mListEmpty.begin();
iter != mListEmpty.end(); iter++ ) {
int i=iter->x, j=iter->y, k=iter->z;
LbmFloat massChange = QCELL(workLev, i,j,k, workSet, dMass);
if(vWeights[weightIndex].numNbs>0.0) {
const LbmFloat nbTotWeightsp = vWeights[weightIndex].val[0];
//errMsg("EE I", PRINT_IJK<<" "<<weightIndex<<" "<<nbTotWeightsp);
int ni=i+this->dfVecX[l], nj=j+this->dfVecY[l], nk=k+this->dfVecZ[l];
if( RFLAG(workLev,ni,nj,nk, workSet) & CFInter) {
LbmFloat change = -1.0;
if(nbTotWeightsp>0.0) {
change = massChange * ( vWeights[weightIndex].val[l]/nbTotWeightsp );
} else {
change = (LbmFloat)(massChange/vWeights[weightIndex].numNbs);
QCELL(workLev, ni,nj,nk, workSet, dMass) += change;
massChange = 0.0;
} else {
// Problem! no interface neighbors
mFixMass += massChange;
//TTT mNumProblems++;
//errMsg(" EMPT PROBLEM ", PRINT_IJK<<" "<<mFixMass);
// finally... make it empty
// already done? RFLAG(workLev,i,j,k, workSet) = CFEmpty;
QCELL(workLev,i,j,k, workSet, dMass) = 0.0;
QCELL(workLev,i,j,k, workSet, dFfrac) = 0.0;
for( vector<LbmPoint>::iterator iter=mListEmpty.begin();
iter != mListEmpty.end(); iter++ ) {
int i=iter->x, j=iter->y, k=iter->z;
changeFlag(workLev,i,j,k, otherSet, CFEmpty);
// check if some of the new interface cells can be removed again
// never happens !!! not necessary
// calculate ffrac for new IF cells NEW
// how many are really new interface cells?
int numNewIf = 0;
for( vector<LbmPoint>::iterator iter=mListNewInter.begin();
iter != mListNewInter.end(); iter++ ) {
int i=iter->x, j=iter->y, k=iter->z;
if(!(RFLAG(workLev,i,j,k, workSet)&CFInter)) {
// FIXME remove from list?
// redistribute mass, reinit flags
if(debugFlagreinit) errMsg("NEWIF", "total:"<<mListNewInter.size());
float newIfFac = 1.0/(LbmFloat)numNewIf;
for( vector<LbmPoint>::iterator iter=mListNewInter.begin();
iter != mListNewInter.end(); iter++ ) {
int i=iter->x, j=iter->y, k=iter->z;
if((i<=0) || (j<=0) ||
(i>=mLevel[workLev].lSizex-1) ||
(j>=mLevel[workLev].lSizey-1) ||
((LBMDIM==3) && ((k<=0) || (k>=mLevel[workLev].lSizez-1) ) )
) {
continue; } // new bc, dont treat cells on boundary NEWBC
if(!(RFLAG(workLev,i,j,k, workSet)&CFInter)) {
//errMsg("???"," "<<PRINT_IJK);
} // */
QCELL(workLev,i,j,k, workSet, dMass) += (mFixMass * newIfFac);
int nbored = 0;
FORDF1 { nbored |= RFLAG_NB(workLev, i,j,k, workSet,l); }
if(!(nbored & CFBndNoslip)) { RFLAG(workLev,i,j,k, workSet) |= CFNoBndFluid; }
if(!(nbored & CFFluid)) { RFLAG(workLev,i,j,k, workSet) |= CFNoNbFluid; }
if(!(nbored & CFEmpty)) { RFLAG(workLev,i,j,k, workSet) |= CFNoNbEmpty; }
if(!(RFLAG(workLev,i,j,k, otherSet)&CFInter)) {
RFLAG(workLev,i,j,k, workSet) = (CellFlagType)(RFLAG(workLev,i,j,k, workSet) | CFNoDelete);
if(debugFlagreinit) errMsg("NEWIF", PRINT_IJK<<" mss"<<QCELL(workLev, i,j,k, workSet, dMass) <<" f"<< convertCellFlagType2String(RFLAG(workLev,i,j,k, workSet))<<" wl"<<workLev );
// reinit fill fraction
for( vector<LbmPoint>::iterator iter=mListNewInter.begin();
iter != mListNewInter.end(); iter++ ) {
int i=iter->x, j=iter->y, k=iter->z;
if(!(RFLAG(workLev,i,j,k, workSet)&CFInter)) { continue; }
initInterfaceVars(workLev, i,j,k, workSet, false); //int level, int i,int j,int k,int workSet, bool initMass) {
//LbmFloat nrho = 0.0;
//FORDF0 { nrho += QCELL(workLev, i,j,k, workSet, l); }
//QCELL(workLev,i,j,k, workSet, dFfrac) = QCELL(workLev,i,j,k, workSet, dMass)/nrho;
//QCELL(workLev,i,j,k, workSet, dFlux) = FLUX_INIT;
//errMsg("FixMassDisted"," fm:"<<mFixMass<<" nif:"<<mListNewInter.size() );
mFixMass = 0.0;
// empty lists for next step
} // reinitFlags