btn txt #39
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
// deno-lint-ignore-file no-window-prefix
import type { DocC, DocU } from "../../src/db.ts"
import type { DocC } from "../../src/db.ts"
import type { Id } from "../../src/eid/typ.ts"
import { utc_medium } from "../../src/ont/utc.ts"
import type { Pas } from "../../src/pra/pas.ts"
import type { PasCode, UsrAct } from "../../src/pra/pos.ts"
import type * as Q from "../../src/pra/que.ts"
import { admsel, idnam, ida, idmeta, pro, label } from "./section.ts"
import { bind, main, pas_a, pos, que, utc_refresh } from "./template.ts"
import { admsel, idnam, ida, idmeta, pro, label, btn, txt } from "./section.ts"
import { bind, main, pas_a, pos, que } from "./template.ts"
import { not_aut, not_pro } from "../../src/pra/con.ts"
import { not_actid, not_nbr } from "../../src/eid/is.ts"
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ async function usr(
if (not_aut(pas.aut, "pre_usr") || not_pro(pas) || pas.ref.includes(uid))
pro(pas, t, u)
else pro(pas, t, u, usr)
else pro(pas, t, u, () => usr(u._id))
} else {
@ -173,27 +173,20 @@ async function soc(
if (!s.sec.includes( t.putsec.remove()
else t.putsec.disabled = true
if (!s.uid.includes( t.putuid.remove()
else t.putuid.addEventListener("click", async () => {
if (confirm("退出社团?")) {
t.putuid.disabled = true
const r = await pos<DocU>("put", { sid: s._id, uid: pas!.id.uid, pro: false })
if (r && r > 0) soc(s._id)
else t.putuid.disabled = false
else btn(t.putuid, t.putuid.innerText, {
confirm: "退出社团?",
pos: () => pos("put", { sid: s._id, uid: pas!.id.uid, pro: false }),
refresh: () => soc(s._id),
if (s.uid.includes( t.putres.remove()
else {
const res = !s.res.includes(
t.putres.innerText = res ? "申请加入" : "取消申请"
if (!res || pub && s.res.length < s.res_max) t.putres.addEventListener("click", async () => {
t.putres.disabled = true
const r = await pos<DocU>("put", { sid: s._id, res })
if (r && r > 0) soc(s._id)
else t.putuid.disabled = false
}); else t.putres.disabled = true
btn(t.putres, res ? "申请加入" : "取消申请", !res || pub && s.res.length < s.res_max ? {
pos: () => pos("put", { sid: s._id, res }), refresh: () => soc(s._id)
} : undefined)
if (not_aut(pas.aut, "pre_soc") || not_pro(pas)) pro(pas, t, s)
else pro(pas, t, s, soc)
else pro(pas, t, s, () => soc(s._id))
} else {
@ -222,7 +215,7 @@ async function agd(
function pre(
nam: "创建用户" | "创建社团" | "创建活动"
) {
if (!pas || hashchange("pas")) return
if (!pas || hashchange(`${}`)) return
main.innerHTML = ""
const t = bind("pre")
@ -239,11 +232,7 @@ function pre(
} case "创建社团": case "创建活动": {
t.intro.addEventListener("input", () => {
label(t.intro, `简介:(${t.intro.value.length}/2048 个字符)`)
|||| = "auto"
|||| = `${t.intro.scrollHeight}px`
txt(t.intro, "简介")
} default: { usr(; return }
@ -262,11 +251,10 @@ function pre(
}), f: agd,
} : {},
t.pre.addEventListener("click", async () => {
t.pre.disabled = true
const id = await pos<DocC<Id["_id"]>>("pre", p())
if (id) setTimeout(() => f(id), utc_refresh)
else { alert("无效输入\n或名称已被占用"); t.pre.disabled = false }
btn(t.pre, t.pre.innerText, {
pos: () => pos<DocC<Id["_id"]>>("pre", p()),
alert: `无效输入\n或${nam === "创建用户" ? "手机号" : "名称"}已注册`,
refresh: f,
t.cancel.addEventListener("click", () => usr(pas!.id.uid))
@ -279,36 +267,19 @@ function putusr(
main.innerHTML = ""
const t = bind("putusr")
t.idnam.href = `#${u._id}`
|||| = `${u._id}`
t.nam.value = u.nam
idnam(t, `${u._id}`, u.nam)
admsel(t, u.adm1, u.adm2)
t.intro.value = u.intro
t.intro.addEventListener("input", () => {
label(t.intro, `简介:(${t.intro.value.length}/2048 个字符)`)
|||| = "auto"
|||| = `${t.intro.scrollHeight}px`
setTimeout(() => t.intro.dispatchEvent(new Event("input")), 50)
t.put.addEventListener("click", async () => {
t.put.disabled = true
const c = await pos<DocU>("put", {
txt(t.intro, "简介", u.intro)
btn(t.put, t.put.innerText, {
pos: () => pos("put", {
uid: u._id,
nam: t.nam.value,
adm1: t.adm1.value,
adm2: t.adm2.value,
intro: t.intro.value.trim(),
if (c === null) {
t.put.disabled = false
} else {
pas_a.innerText = t.nam.value
setTimeout(() => usr(u._id), utc_refresh)
alert: "无效输入\n或名称已被占用",
refresh: () => { pas_a.innerText = t.nam.value; usr(u._id) },
t.cancel.addEventListener("click", () => usr(u._id))
@ -15,18 +15,59 @@ export function label(
l.innerText = s
export function btn<
b: HTMLButtonElement,
s: string,
c?: {
confirm?: string,
pos: () => T,
alert?: string,
refresh: (r: NonNullable<Awaited<T>>) => void,
) {
b.innerText = s
if (c) b.addEventListener("click", async () => {
if (!c.confirm || confirm(c.confirm)) {
b.disabled = true
const r = await c.pos()
if (c.alert) {
if (r === null) { alert(c.alert); b.disabled = false; return }
} else {
if (!r || r <= 0) return
if (r || r === 0) setTimeout(() => c.refresh(r), utc_refresh)
}); else b.disabled = true
function selopt(
sel: HTMLSelectElement,
ts: Iterable<string>,
opt: Iterable<string>,
) {
sel.options.length = 0
for (const t of ts) {
const opt = document.createElement("option")
opt.text = t
for (const op of opt) {
const t = document.createElement("option")
t.text = op
export function txt(
t: HTMLTextAreaElement,
n: string,
s?: string,
) {
if (s) t.value = s
t.addEventListener("input", () => {
label(t, `${n}:(${t.value.length}/${t.maxLength} 个字符)`)
|||| = "auto"
|||| = `${t.scrollHeight}px`
if (s) setTimeout(() => t.dispatchEvent(new Event("input")), 50)
export function admsel(
t: Template["pasact" | "pre" | "putusr"],
adm1 = "江苏",
@ -81,41 +122,31 @@ export function idmeta(
export function idnam(
t: Template["usr" | "soc" | "pre"],
t: Template["usr" | "soc" | "pre" | "putusr"],
id: string,
nam?: string,
) {
t.idnam.href = `#${id}`
|||| = id
if (hash === id)"active")
if (nam) t.nam.innerText = nam
if (nam) {
if ("value" in t.nam) t.nam.value = nam
else t.nam.innerText = nam
export function pro(
pas: Pas,
t: Template["usr" | "soc"],
id: Usr | Soc,
re?: (r: Id["_id"]) => void,
refresh?: () => void,
) {
const [prorej, proref] = [!id.rej.includes(, !id.ref.includes(]
t.prorej.innerText = prorej ? "反对" : "取消反对"
t.proref.innerText = proref ? "推荐" : "取消推荐"
if (re) {
const pid = {
...t.tid === "usr" ? { uid: id._id } : {},
...t.tid === "soc" ? { sid: id._id } : {},
t.prorej.addEventListener("click", async () => {
t.prorej.disabled = true
const c = await pos<DocU>("pro", { re: "rej",, pro: prorej })
if (c && c > 0) setTimeout(() => re(id._id), utc_refresh)
else t.prorej.disabled = false
t.proref.addEventListener("click", async () => {
t.proref.disabled = true
const c = await pos<DocU>("pro", { re: "ref",, pro: proref })
if (c && c > 0) setTimeout(() => re(id._id), utc_refresh)
else t.proref.disabled = false
} else t.prorej.disabled = t.proref.disabled = true
const [rej, ref] = [!id.rej.includes(, !id.ref.includes(]
const p = (r: "rej" | "ref", p: boolean) => pos<DocU>("pro", {
re: r, pro: p,
...t.tid === "usr" ? { uid: id._id } : {},
...t.tid === "soc" ? { sid: id._id } : {},
btn(t.prorej, rej ? "反对" : "取消反对", refresh ? { pos: () => p("rej", rej), refresh } : undefined)
btn(t.proref, ref ? "推荐" : "取消推荐", refresh ? { pos: () => p("ref", ref), refresh } : undefined)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user