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Raw Normal View History

2019-01-24 16:09:21 +00:00
// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
// Copyright 2019 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS).
// Copyright 2019 UT-Battelle, LLC.
// Copyright 2019 Los Alamos National Security.
// Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS,
// the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
// Under the terms of Contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 with Los Alamos National
// Laboratory (LANL), the U.S. Government retains certain rights in
// this software.
#ifndef vtkm_m_worklet_OrientPointNormals_h
#define vtkm_m_worklet_OrientPointNormals_h
#include <vtkm/Range.h>
#include <vtkm/Types.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/Algorithm.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayHandle.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayHandleBitField.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayHandleConstant.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayHandleTransform.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayRangeCompute.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/BitField.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/Logging.h>
#include <vtkm/worklet/DispatcherMapField.h>
#include <vtkm/worklet/DispatcherMapTopology.h>
#include <vtkm/worklet/MaskIndices.h>
#include <vtkm/worklet/WorkletMapField.h>
#include <vtkm/worklet/WorkletMapTopology.h>
namespace vtkm
namespace worklet
/// Orients normals to point outside of the dataset. This requires a closed
/// manifold surface or else the behavior is undefined. This requires an
/// unstructured cellset as input.
class OrientPointNormals
static constexpr vtkm::Id INVALID_ID = -1;
// Returns true if v1 and v2 are pointing in the same hemisphere.
template <typename T>
VTKM_EXEC static bool SameDirection(const vtkm::Vec<T, 3>& v1, const vtkm::Vec<T, 3>& v2)
return vtkm::Dot(v1, v2) >= 0;
// Ensure that the normal is pointing in the same hemisphere as ref.
// Returns true if normal is modified.
template <typename T>
VTKM_EXEC static bool Align(vtkm::Vec<T, 3>& normal, const vtkm::Vec<T, 3>& ref)
if (!SameDirection(normal, ref))
normal = -normal;
return true;
return false;
// Locates starting points for BFS traversal of dataset by finding points
// on the dataset boundaries. The normals for these points are corrected by
// making them point outside of the dataset, and they are marked as both
// active and visited.
class WorkletMarkSourcePoints : public vtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField
using ControlSignature = void(FieldIn coords,
FieldInOut normals,
WholeArrayIn ranges,
FieldOut activePoints,
FieldOut visitedPoints,
FieldOut refPoints);
using ExecutionSignature =
_6(InputIndex pointId, _1 coord, _2 normal, _3 ranges, _4 activePoints, _5 visitedPoints);
template <typename CoordT, typename NormalT, typename RangePortal>
VTKM_EXEC vtkm::Id operator()(const vtkm::Id pointId,
const vtkm::Vec<CoordT, 3>& point,
vtkm::Vec<NormalT, 3>& normal,
const RangePortal& ranges,
bool& isActive,
bool& isVisited) const
for (vtkm::IdComponent dim = 0; dim < 3; ++dim)
const auto& range = ranges.Get(dim);
const auto val = static_cast<decltype(range.Min)>(point[dim]);
if (val <= range.Min)
vtkm::Vec<NormalT, 3> ref{ static_cast<NormalT>(0) };
ref[dim] = static_cast<NormalT>(-1);
Align(normal, ref);
isActive = true;
isVisited = true;
return pointId;
else if (val >= range.Max)
vtkm::Vec<NormalT, 3> ref{ static_cast<NormalT>(0) };
ref[dim] = static_cast<NormalT>(1);
Align(normal, ref);
isActive = true;
isVisited = true;
return pointId;
isActive = false;
isVisited = false;
return INVALID_ID;
// Traverses the active points (via mask) and marks the connected cells as
// active. Set the reference point for all adjacent cells to the current
// point.
class WorkletMarkActiveCells : public vtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitPointsWithCells
2019-01-24 16:09:21 +00:00
using ControlSignature = void(CellSetIn cellSet,
// InOut to preserve data on masked indices
BitFieldInOut activeCells,
BitFieldInOut visitedCells,
FieldInOutPoint activePoints);
using ExecutionSignature = _4(CellIndices cells, _2 activeCells, _3 visitedCells);
using MaskType = vtkm::worklet::MaskIndices;
// Mark all unvisited cells as active:
template <typename CellListT, typename ActiveCellsT, typename VisitedCellsT>
VTKM_EXEC bool operator()(const CellListT& cells,
ActiveCellsT& activeCells,
VisitedCellsT& visitedCells) const
for (vtkm::IdComponent c = 0; c < cells.GetNumberOfComponents(); ++c)
const vtkm::Id cellId = cells[c];
Change interface of atomic compare and swap The old atomic compare and swap operations (`vtkm::AtomicCompareAndSwap` and `vtkm::exec::AtomicArrayExecutionObject::CompareAndSwap`) had an order of arguments that was confusing. The order of the arguments was shared pointer (or index), desired value, expected value. Most people probably assume expected value comes before desired value. And this order conflicts with the order in the `std` methods, GCC atomics, and Kokkos. Change the interface of atomic operations to be patterned off the `std::atomic_compare_exchange` and `std::atomic<T>::compare_exchange` methods. First, these methods have a more intuitive order of parameters (shared pointer, expected, desired). Second, rather than take a value for the expected and return the actual old value, they take a pointer to the expected value (or reference in `AtomicArrayExecutionObject`) and modify this value in the case that it does not match the actual value. This makes it harder to mix up the expected and desired parameters. Also, because the methods return a bool indicating whether the value was changed, there is an additional benefit that compare-exchange loops are implemented easier. For example, consider you want to apply the function `MyOp` on a `sharedValue` atomically. With the old interface, you would have to do something like this. ```cpp T oldValue; T newValue; do { oldValue = *sharedValue; newValue = MyOp(oldValue); } while (vtkm::AtomicCompareAndSwap(sharedValue, newValue, oldValue) != oldValue); ``` With the new interface, this is simplfied to this. ```cpp T oldValue = *sharedValue; while (!vtkm::AtomicCompareExchange(sharedValue, &oldValue, MyOp(oldValue)); ```
2020-09-25 00:02:59 +00:00
bool checkNotVisited = false;
if (visitedCells.CompareExchangeBitAtomic(cellId, &checkNotVisited, true))
2019-01-24 16:09:21 +00:00
{ // This thread is first to visit cell
activeCells.SetBitAtomic(cellId, true);
// Mark the current point as inactive:
return false;
// Traverses the active cells and mark the connected points as active,
// propogating the reference pointId.
class WorkletMarkActivePoints : public vtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitCellsWithPoints
2019-01-24 16:09:21 +00:00
using ControlSignature = void(CellSetIn cellSet,
BitFieldInOut activePoints,
BitFieldIn visitedPoints,
WholeArrayInOut refPoints,
FieldInOutCell activeCells);
using ExecutionSignature = _5(PointIndices points,
_2 activePoints,
_3 visitedPoints,
_4 refPoints);
using MaskType = vtkm::worklet::MaskIndices;
template <typename PointListT,
typename ActivePointsT,
typename VisitedPointsT,
typename RefPointsT>
VTKM_EXEC bool operator()(const PointListT& points,
ActivePointsT& activePoints,
VisitedPointsT& visitedPoints,
RefPointsT& refPoints) const
// Find any point in the cell that has already been visited, and take
// its id as the reference for this cell.
vtkm::Id refPtId = INVALID_ID;
for (vtkm::IdComponent p = 0; p < points.GetNumberOfComponents(); ++p)
const vtkm::Id pointId = points[p];
const bool alreadyVisited = visitedPoints.GetBit(pointId);
if (alreadyVisited)
refPtId = pointId;
// There must be one valid point in each cell:
VTKM_ASSERT("Reference point not found." && refPtId != INVALID_ID);
// Propogate the reference point to other cell members
for (vtkm::IdComponent p = 0; p < points.GetNumberOfComponents(); ++p)
const vtkm::Id pointId = points[p];
// Mark this point as active
const bool alreadyVisited = visitedPoints.GetBit(pointId);
if (!alreadyVisited)
Change interface of atomic compare and swap The old atomic compare and swap operations (`vtkm::AtomicCompareAndSwap` and `vtkm::exec::AtomicArrayExecutionObject::CompareAndSwap`) had an order of arguments that was confusing. The order of the arguments was shared pointer (or index), desired value, expected value. Most people probably assume expected value comes before desired value. And this order conflicts with the order in the `std` methods, GCC atomics, and Kokkos. Change the interface of atomic operations to be patterned off the `std::atomic_compare_exchange` and `std::atomic<T>::compare_exchange` methods. First, these methods have a more intuitive order of parameters (shared pointer, expected, desired). Second, rather than take a value for the expected and return the actual old value, they take a pointer to the expected value (or reference in `AtomicArrayExecutionObject`) and modify this value in the case that it does not match the actual value. This makes it harder to mix up the expected and desired parameters. Also, because the methods return a bool indicating whether the value was changed, there is an additional benefit that compare-exchange loops are implemented easier. For example, consider you want to apply the function `MyOp` on a `sharedValue` atomically. With the old interface, you would have to do something like this. ```cpp T oldValue; T newValue; do { oldValue = *sharedValue; newValue = MyOp(oldValue); } while (vtkm::AtomicCompareAndSwap(sharedValue, newValue, oldValue) != oldValue); ``` With the new interface, this is simplfied to this. ```cpp T oldValue = *sharedValue; while (!vtkm::AtomicCompareExchange(sharedValue, &oldValue, MyOp(oldValue)); ```
2020-09-25 00:02:59 +00:00
bool checkNotActive = false;
if (activePoints.CompareExchangeBitAtomic(pointId, &checkNotActive, true))
2019-01-24 16:09:21 +00:00
{ // If we're the first thread to mark point active, set ref point:
refPoints.Set(pointId, refPtId);
// Mark current cell as inactive:
return false;
// For each point with a refPtId set, ensure that the associated normal is
// in the same hemisphere as the reference normal.
// This must be done in a separate step from MarkActivePoints since modifying
// visitedPoints in that worklet would create race conditions.
class WorkletProcessNormals : public vtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField
using ControlSignature = void(FieldIn refIds,
WholeArrayInOut normals,
// InOut to preserve data on masked indices
BitFieldInOut visitedPoints);
using ExecutionSignature = void(InputIndex ptId, _1 refPtId, _2 normals, _3 visitedPoints);
using MaskType = vtkm::worklet::MaskIndices;
template <typename NormalsPortal, typename VisitedPointsT>
VTKM_EXEC void operator()(const vtkm::Id ptId,
const vtkm::Id refPtId,
NormalsPortal& normals,
VisitedPointsT& visitedPoints) const
visitedPoints.SetBitAtomic(ptId, true);
using Normal = typename NormalsPortal::ValueType;
Normal normal = normals.Get(ptId);
const Normal ref = normals.Get(refPtId);
if (Align(normal, ref))
normals.Set(ptId, normal);
template <typename CellSetType,
typename CoordsCompType,
typename CoordsStorageType,
typename PointNormalCompType,
typename PointNormalStorageType>
VTKM_CONT static void Run(
const CellSetType& cells,
const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec<CoordsCompType, 3>, CoordsStorageType>& coords,
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec<PointNormalCompType, 3>, PointNormalStorageType>&
using RangeType = vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Range>;
using MarkSourcePoints = vtkm::worklet::DispatcherMapField<WorkletMarkSourcePoints>;
using MarkActiveCells = vtkm::worklet::DispatcherMapTopology<WorkletMarkActiveCells>;
using MarkActivePoints = vtkm::worklet::DispatcherMapTopology<WorkletMarkActivePoints>;
using ProcessNormals = vtkm::worklet::DispatcherMapField<WorkletProcessNormals>;
const vtkm::Id numCells = cells.GetNumberOfCells();
"OrientPointNormals worklet (%lld points, %lld cells)",
// active = cells / point to be used in the next worklet invocation mask.
vtkm::cont::BitField activePointBits; // Initialized by MarkSourcePoints
auto activePoints = vtkm::cont::make_ArrayHandleBitField(activePointBits);
vtkm::cont::BitField activeCellBits;
vtkm::cont::Algorithm::Fill(activeCellBits, false, numCells);
auto activeCells = vtkm::cont::make_ArrayHandleBitField(activeCellBits);
// visited = cells / points that have been corrected.
vtkm::cont::BitField visitedPointBits; // Initialized by MarkSourcePoints
auto visitedPoints = vtkm::cont::make_ArrayHandleBitField(visitedPointBits);
vtkm::cont::BitField visitedCellBits;
vtkm::cont::Algorithm::Fill(visitedCellBits, false, numCells);
auto visitedCells = vtkm::cont::make_ArrayHandleBitField(visitedCellBits);
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Id> mask; // Allocated as needed
// For each point, store a reference alignment point. Allocated by
// MarkSourcePoints.
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Id> refPoints;
// 1) Compute range of coords.
const RangeType ranges = vtkm::cont::ArrayRangeCompute(coords);
// 2) Label source points for traversal (use those on a boundary).
// Correct the normals for these points by making them point towards the
// boundary.
MarkSourcePoints dispatcher;
dispatcher.Invoke(coords, pointNormals, ranges, activePoints, visitedPoints, refPoints);
for (size_t iter = 1;; ++iter)
// 3) Mark unvisited cells adjacent to active points
vtkm::Id numActive = vtkm::cont::Algorithm::BitFieldToUnorderedSet(activePointBits, mask);
"MarkActiveCells from " << numActive << " active points.");
MarkActiveCells dispatcher{ vtkm::worklet::MaskIndices{ mask } };
dispatcher.Invoke(cells, activeCellBits, visitedCellBits, activePoints);
// 4) Mark unvisited points in active cells, using ref point from cell.
vtkm::Id numActive = vtkm::cont::Algorithm::BitFieldToUnorderedSet(activeCellBits, mask);
"MarkActivePoints from " << numActive << " active cells.");
MarkActivePoints dispatcher{ vtkm::worklet::MaskIndices{ mask } };
dispatcher.Invoke(cells, activePointBits, visitedPointBits, refPoints, activeCells);
vtkm::Id numActivePoints =
vtkm::cont::Algorithm::BitFieldToUnorderedSet(activePointBits, mask);
if (numActivePoints == 0)
{ // Done!
VTKM_LOG_S(vtkm::cont::LogLevel::Perf, "Iteration " << iter << ": Traversal complete.");
"Iteration " << iter << ": Processing " << numActivePoints << " normals.");
// 5) Correct normals for active points.
ProcessNormals dispatcher{ vtkm::worklet::MaskIndices{ mask } };
dispatcher.Invoke(refPoints, pointNormals, visitedPointBits);
} // end namespace vtkm::worklet
#endif // vtkm_m_worklet_OrientPointNormals_h