2020-05-08 11:30:59 -04:00

719 B


Calling ReadPortal() in a tight loop is an antipattern. A call to ReadPortal() causes the array to be copied back to the control environment, and hence code like

for (vtkm::Id i = 0; i < array.GetNumberOfValues(); ++i) {
    vtkm::FloatDefault x = array.ReadPortal().Get(i);

is a quadratic-scaling loop.

We have remove almost all internal uses of the ReadPortal().Get antipattern, with the exception of 4 API calls into which the pattern is baked in: CellSetExplicit::GetCellShape, CellSetPermutation::GetNumberOfPointsInCell, CellSetPermutation::GetCellShape, and CellSetPermutation::GetCellPointIds. We expect these will need to be deprecated in the future.