Kenneth Moreland de28a43510 Add an entry to VariantUnion to help compiler copy structs
I've been seeing errors in a nightly build that compiles for CUDA Pascal
using GCC5. The issue is that one of the `ArrayHandleMultiplexer` tests
is failing to copy an implicit array correctly. I think the problem is
that in this test the first and second type of the `Variant` are the same
size, but the first type has some padding in the middle whereas the
second type does not. When using this second type, the values in the
same position of the padding of the first type don't seem to be
initialized properly in the kernel invocation.

My nonexhaustive experiment shows that things work OK as long as the
first type is large enough and has no fillers. Enforce this by adding an
internal entry to the union that is completely full.
2023-04-19 11:14:48 -06:00

2.5 KiB

Fixed issue with trivial variant copies

A rare error occurred with trivial copies of variants. The problem is likely a compiler bug, and has so far only been observed when passing the variant to a CUDA kernel when compiling with GCC 5.

The problem was caused by structures with padding. struct objects in C/C++ are frequently padded with unused memory to align all entries properly. For example, consider the following simple struct.

struct FooHasPadding
  vtkm::Int32 A;
  // Padding here.
  vtkm::Int64 C;

Because the C member is a 64-bit integer, it needs to be aligned on 8-byte (i.e., 64-bit) address locations. For this to work, the C++ compiler adds 4 bytes of padding between A and C so that an array of FooHasPaddings will have the C member always on an 8-byte boundary.

Now consider a second struct that is similar to the first but has a valid member where the padding would be.

struct BarNoPadding
  vtkm::Int32 A;
  vtkm::Int32 B;
  vtkm::Int64 C;

This structure does not need padding because the A and B members combine to fill the 8 bytes that C needs for the alignment. Both FooHasPadding and BarNoPadding fill 16 bytes of memory. The A and C members are at the same offsets, respectively, for the two structures. The B member happens to reside just where the padding is for FooHasPadding.

Now, let's say we create a vtkm::exec::Variant<FooHasPadding, BarNoPadding>. Internally, the Variant class holds a union that looks roughly like the following.

union VariantUnion
  FooHasPadding V0;
  BarNoPadding V1;

This is a perfectly valid use of a union. We just need to keep track of which type of object is in it (which the Variant object does for you).

The problem appeared to occur when VariantUnion contained a BarNoPadding and was passed from the host to the device via an argument to a global function. The compiler must notice that the first type (FooHasPadding) is the "biggest" and uses that for trivial copies (which just copy bytes like memcpy). Since it's using FooHasPadding as its prototype for the byte copy, and accidentally skips over padded regions that are valid when the union contains a BarNoPadding. This appears to be a compiler bug. (At least, I cannot find a reason why this is encroaching undefined behavior.)

The solution adds a new, unused type to the internal union for Variant that is an object as large as the largest entry in the union and contains no padding.