Robert Maynard 64958b014b VTK-m now supports passing pointers when invoking worklets.
The original design of invoke and the transport infrastructure
relied on the implementation behavior of vtkm::cont types
such as ArrayHandle that used an internal shared_ptr to managed
state. This allowed passing by value instead of passing by
non-const ref when needing to transfer information to the device.

As VTK-m adds support for classes that use virtuals the ability
to pass by base pointer type allows for us to invoke worklets
using a base type without the risk of type slicing.

Additional by moving over to a non-const ref Invocation we
can update all transports that have 'output' to now be
by ref and therefore support types that can't be copied while
being 'more' correct.
2018-07-06 14:27:36 -04:00

20 lines
646 B

# VTK-m now supports dispatcher parameters being pointers
Previously it was only possible to pass values to a dispatcher when
you wanted to invoke a VTK-m worklet. This caused problems when it came
to designing new types that used inheritance as the types couldn't be
past as the base type to the dispatcher. To fix this issue we now
support invoking worklets with pointers as seen below.
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T> input;
//fill input
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T> output;
vtkm::worklet::DispatcherMapField<WorkletType> dispatcher;
dispatcher(&input, output);
dispatcher(input, &output);
dispatcher(&input, &output);