David Thompson 880d8a989e Add vtkm/Geometry.h and test it.
This commit adds several geometric constructs to vtk-m
in the `vtkm/Geometry.h` header. They may be used from
both the execution and control environments.

We also add methods to perform projection and Gram-Schmidt
orthonormalization to `vtkm/VectorAnalysis.h`.

See `docs/changelog/geometry.md` included in this commit
for more information.
2018-06-20 11:58:14 -04:00

3.4 KiB

New geometry classes and header.

There are now some additional structures available both the control and execution environments for representing geometric entities (mostly of dimensions 2 and 3). These new structures are now in vtkm/Geometry.h and demonstrated/tested in vtkm/testing/TestingGeometry.h:

  • Ray<CoordType, Dimension, IsTwoSided>. Instances of this struct represent a semi-infinite line segment in a 2-D plane or in a 3-D space, depending on the integer dimension specified as a template parameter. Its state is the point at the start of the ray (Origin) plus the ray's Direction, a unit-length vector. If the third template parameter (IsTwoSided) is true, then the ray serves as an infinite line. Otherwise, the ray will only report intersections in its positive halfspace.
  • LineSegment<CoordType, Dimension>. Instances of this struct represent a finite line segment in a 2-D plane or in a 3-D space, depending on the integer dimension specified as a template parameter. Its state is the coordinates of its Endpoints.
  • Plane<CoordType>. Instances of this struct represent a plane in 3-D. Its state is the coordinates of a base point (Origin) and a unit-length normal vector (Normal).
  • Sphere<CoordType, Dimension>. Instances of this struct represent a d-dimensional sphere. Its state is the coordinates of its center plus a radius. It is also aliased with a using statment to Circle<CoordType> for the specific case of 2-D.

These structures provide useful queries and generally interact with one another. For instance, it is possible to intersect lines and planes and compute distances.

For ease of use, there are also several using statements that alias these geometric structures to names that specialize them for a particular dimension or other template parameter. As an example, Ray<CoordType, Dimension, true> is aliased to Line<CoordType, Dimension> and Ray<CoordType, 3, true> is aliased to Line3<CoordType> and Ray<FloatDefault, 3, true> is aliased to Line3d.

Design patterns

If you plan to add a new geometric entity type, please adopt these conventions:

  • Each geometric entity may be default-constructed. The default constructor will initialize the state to some valid unit-length entity, usually with some part of its state at the origin of the coordinate system.
  • Entities may always be constructed by passing in values for their internal state. Alternate construction methods are declared as free functions such as make_CircleFrom3Points()
  • Use template metaprogramming to make methods available only when the template dimension gives them semantic meaning. For example, a 2-D line segment's perpendicular bisector is another line segment, but a 3-D line segment's perpendicular line segment is a plane. Note how this is accomplished and apply this pattern to new geometric entities or new methods on existing entities.
  • Some entities may have invalid state. If this is possible, the entity will have an IsValid() method. For example, a sphere may be invalid because the user or some construction technique specified a zero or negative radius.
  • When signed distance is semantically meaningful, provide it in favor of or in addition to unsigned distance.
  • Accept a tolerance parameter when appropriate, but provide a sensible default value. You may want to perform exact arithmetic versions of tests, but please provide fast, tolerance-based versions as well.