2019-12-20 17:03:36 -05:00

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ArrayHandleDecorator Allocate and Shrink Support

ArrayHandleDecorator can now be resized when given an appropriate decorator implementation.

Since the mapping between the size of an ArrayHandleDecorator and its source ArrayHandles is not well defined, resize operations (such as Shrink and Allocate) are not defined by default, and will throw an exception if called.

However, by implementing the methods AllocateSourceArrays and/or ShrinkSourceArrays on the implementation class, resizing the decorator is allowed. These methods are passed in a new size along with each of the ArrayHandleDecorator's source arrays, allowing developers to control how the resize operation should affect the source arrays.

For example, the following decorator implementation can be used to create a resizable ArrayHandleDecorator that is implemented using two arrays, which are combined to produce values via the expression:

[decorator value i] = [source1 value i] * 10 + [source2 value i]


  template <typename ValueType>
  struct DecompositionDecorImpl
    template <typename Portal1T, typename Portal2T>
    struct Functor
      Portal1T Portal1;
      Portal2T Portal2;

      ValueType operator()(vtkm::Id idx) const
        return static_cast<ValueType>(this->Portal1.Get(idx) * 10 + this->Portal2.Get(idx));

    template <typename Portal1T, typename Portal2T>
    struct InverseFunctor
      Portal1T Portal1;
      Portal2T Portal2;

      void operator()(vtkm::Id idx, const ValueType& val) const
        this->Portal1.Set(idx, static_cast<ValueType>(std::floor(val / 10)));
        this->Portal2.Set(idx, static_cast<ValueType>(std::fmod(val, 10)));

    template <typename Portal1T, typename Portal2T>
    VTKM_CONT Functor<typename std::decay<Portal1T>::type, typename std::decay<Portal2T>::type>
    CreateFunctor(Portal1T&& p1, Portal2T&& p2) const
      return { std::forward<Portal1T>(p1), std::forward<Portal2T>(p2) };

    template <typename Portal1T, typename Portal2T>
    VTKM_CONT InverseFunctor<typename std::decay<Portal1T>::type, typename std::decay<Portal2T>::type>
    CreateInverseFunctor(Portal1T&& p1, Portal2T&& p2) const
      return { std::forward<Portal1T>(p1), std::forward<Portal2T>(p2) };

    // Resize methods:
    template <typename Array1T, typename Array2T>
    void AllocateSourceArrays(vtkm::Id numVals, Array1T&& array1, Array2T&& array2) const

    template <typename Array1T, typename Array2T>
    void ShrinkSourceArrays(vtkm::Id numVals, Array1T&& array1, Array2T&& array2) const

  // Usage:
  vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<ValueType> a1;
  vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<ValueType> a2;
  auto decor = vtkm::cont::make_ArrayHandleDecorator(0, DecompositionDecorImpl<ValueType>{}, a1, a2);
    auto decorPortal = decor.GetPortalControl();
    decorPortal.Set(0, 13);
    decorPortal.Set(1, 8);
    decorPortal.Set(2, 43);
    decorPortal.Set(3, 92);
    decorPortal.Set(4, 117);

  // a1:    {   1,   0,   4,   9,   11 }
  // a2:    {   3,   8,   3,   2,    7 }
  // decor: {  13,   8,  43,  92,  117 }

  // a1:    {   1,   0,   4 }
  // a2:    {   3,   8,   3 }
  // decor: {  13,   8,  43 }