2018-09-10 19:25:42 -07:00

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// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
// Copyright 2015 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS).
// Copyright 2015 UT-Battelle, LLC.
// Copyright 2015 Los Alamos National Security.
// Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS,
// the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
// Under the terms of Contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 with Los Alamos National
// Laboratory (LANL), the U.S. Government retains certain rights in
// this software.
#ifndef vtk_m_rendering_raytracing_TriagnleIntersector_h
#define vtk_m_rendering_raytracing_TriagnleIntersector_h
#include <cstring>
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayHandle.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayHandleCompositeVector.h>
#include <vtkm/rendering/internal/RunTriangulator.h>
#include <vtkm/rendering/raytracing/BVHTraverser.h>
#include <vtkm/rendering/raytracing/BoundingVolumeHierarchy.h>
#include <vtkm/rendering/raytracing/Ray.h>
#include <vtkm/rendering/raytracing/RayOperations.h>
#include <vtkm/rendering/raytracing/ShapeIntersector.h>
#include <vtkm/worklet/WorkletMapField.h>
namespace vtkm
namespace rendering
namespace raytracing
class Moller
template <typename Precision>
VTKM_EXEC void IntersectTri(const vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3>& a,
const vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3>& b,
const vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3>& c,
const vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3>& dir,
Precision& distance,
Precision& u,
Precision& v,
const vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3>& origin) const
const vtkm::Float32 EPSILON2 = 0.0001f;
vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3> e1 = b - a;
vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3> e2 = c - a;
vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3> p;
p[0] = dir[1] * e2[2] - dir[2] * e2[1];
p[1] = dir[2] * e2[0] - dir[0] * e2[2];
p[2] = dir[0] * e2[1] - dir[1] * e2[0];
Precision dot = e1[0] * p[0] + e1[1] * p[1] + e1[2] * p[2];
if (dot != 0.f)
dot = 1.f / dot;
vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3> t;
t = origin - a;
u = (t[0] * p[0] + t[1] * p[1] + t[2] * p[2]) * dot;
if (u >= (0.f - EPSILON2) && u <= (1.f + EPSILON2))
vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3> q; // = t % e1;
q[0] = t[1] * e1[2] - t[2] * e1[1];
q[1] = t[2] * e1[0] - t[0] * e1[2];
q[2] = t[0] * e1[1] - t[1] * e1[0];
v = (dir[0] * q[0] + dir[1] * q[1] + dir[2] * q[2]) * dot;
if (v >= (0.f - EPSILON2) && v <= (1.f + EPSILON2) && !(u + v > 1.f))
distance = (e2[0] * q[0] + e2[1] * q[1] + e2[2] * q[2]) * dot;
}; //Moller
// TODO: optimization for sorting ray dims before this call.
// This is called multiple times and kz,kx, and ky are
// constant for the ray
class WaterTight
template <typename Precision>
VTKM_EXEC inline void FindDir(const vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3>& dir,
vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3>& s,
vtkm::Vec<Int32, 3>& k) const
//Find max ray direction
k[2] = 0;
if (vtkm::Abs(dir[0]) > vtkm::Abs(dir[1]))
if (vtkm::Abs(dir[0]) > vtkm::Abs(dir[2]))
k[2] = 0;
k[2] = 2;
if (vtkm::Abs(dir[1]) > vtkm::Abs(dir[2]))
k[2] = 1;
k[2] = 2;
k[0] = k[2] + 1;
if (k[0] == 3)
k[0] = 0;
k[1] = k[0] + 1;
if (k[1] == 3)
k[1] = 0;
if (dir[k[2]] < 0.f)
vtkm::Int32 temp = k[1];
k[1] = k[0];
k[0] = temp;
s[0] = dir[k[0]] / dir[k[2]];
s[1] = dir[k[1]] / dir[k[2]];
s[2] = 1.f / dir[k[2]];
template <typename Precision>
VTKM_EXEC_CONT inline void IntersectTri(const vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3>& a,
const vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3>& b,
const vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3>& c,
const vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3>& dir,
Precision& distance,
Precision& u,
Precision& v,
const vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3>& origin) const
vtkm::Vec<Int32, 3> k;
vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3> s;
//Find max ray direction
k[2] = 0;
if (vtkm::Abs(dir[0]) > vtkm::Abs(dir[1]))
if (vtkm::Abs(dir[0]) > vtkm::Abs(dir[2]))
k[2] = 0;
k[2] = 2;
if (vtkm::Abs(dir[1]) > vtkm::Abs(dir[2]))
k[2] = 1;
k[2] = 2;
k[0] = k[2] + 1;
if (k[0] == 3)
k[0] = 0;
k[1] = k[0] + 1;
if (k[1] == 3)
k[1] = 0;
if (dir[k[2]] < 0.f)
vtkm::Int32 temp = k[1];
k[1] = k[0];
k[0] = temp;
s[0] = dir[k[0]] / dir[k[2]];
s[1] = dir[k[1]] / dir[k[2]];
s[2] = 1.f / dir[k[2]];
vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3> A, B, C;
A = a - origin;
B = b - origin;
C = c - origin;
const Precision Ax = A[k[0]] - s[0] * A[k[2]];
const Precision Ay = A[k[1]] - s[1] * A[k[2]];
const Precision Bx = B[k[0]] - s[0] * B[k[2]];
const Precision By = B[k[1]] - s[1] * B[k[2]];
const Precision Cx = C[k[0]] - s[0] * C[k[2]];
const Precision Cy = C[k[1]] - s[1] * C[k[2]];
//scaled barycentric coords
u = Cx * By - Cy * Bx;
v = Ax * Cy - Ay * Cx;
Precision w = Bx * Ay - By * Ax;
if (u == 0.f || v == 0.f || w == 0.f)
vtkm::Float64 CxBy = vtkm::Float64(Cx) * vtkm::Float64(By);
vtkm::Float64 CyBx = vtkm::Float64(Cy) * vtkm::Float64(Bx);
u = vtkm::Float32(CxBy - CyBx);
vtkm::Float64 AxCy = vtkm::Float64(Ax) * vtkm::Float64(Cy);
vtkm::Float64 AyCx = vtkm::Float64(Ay) * vtkm::Float64(Cx);
v = vtkm::Float32(AxCy - AyCx);
vtkm::Float64 BxAy = vtkm::Float64(Bx) * vtkm::Float64(Ay);
vtkm::Float64 ByAx = vtkm::Float64(By) * vtkm::Float64(Ax);
w = vtkm::Float32(BxAy - ByAx);
Precision low = vtkm::Min(u, vtkm::Min(v, w));
Precision high = vtkm::Max(u, vtkm::Max(v, w));
bool invalid = (low < 0.) && (high > 0.);
Precision det = u + v + w;
if (det == 0.)
invalid = true;
const Precision Az = s[2] * A[k[2]];
const Precision Bz = s[2] * B[k[2]];
const Precision Cz = s[2] * C[k[2]];
det = 1.f / det;
u = u * det;
v = v * det;
distance = (u * Az + v * Bz + w * det * Cz);
u = v;
v = w * det;
if (invalid)
distance = -1.;
template <typename Precision>
VTKM_EXEC inline void IntersectTriSn(const vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3>& a,
const vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3>& b,
const vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3>& c,
const vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3>& s,
const vtkm::Vec<Int32, 3>& k,
Precision& distance,
Precision& u,
Precision& v,
const vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3>& origin) const
vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3> A, B, C;
A = a - origin;
B = b - origin;
C = c - origin;
const Precision Ax = A[k[0]] - s[0] * A[k[2]];
const Precision Ay = A[k[1]] - s[1] * A[k[2]];
const Precision Bx = B[k[0]] - s[0] * B[k[2]];
const Precision By = B[k[1]] - s[1] * B[k[2]];
const Precision Cx = C[k[0]] - s[0] * C[k[2]];
const Precision Cy = C[k[1]] - s[1] * C[k[2]];
//scaled barycentric coords
u = Cx * By - Cy * Bx;
v = Ax * Cy - Ay * Cx;
Precision w = Bx * Ay - By * Ax;
if (u == 0.f || v == 0.f || w == 0.f)
vtkm::Float64 CxBy = vtkm::Float64(Cx) * vtkm::Float64(By);
vtkm::Float64 CyBx = vtkm::Float64(Cy) * vtkm::Float64(Bx);
u = vtkm::Float32(CxBy - CyBx);
vtkm::Float64 AxCy = vtkm::Float64(Ax) * vtkm::Float64(Cy);
vtkm::Float64 AyCx = vtkm::Float64(Ay) * vtkm::Float64(Cx);
v = vtkm::Float32(AxCy - AyCx);
vtkm::Float64 BxAy = vtkm::Float64(Bx) * vtkm::Float64(Ay);
vtkm::Float64 ByAx = vtkm::Float64(By) * vtkm::Float64(Ax);
w = vtkm::Float32(BxAy - ByAx);
Precision low = vtkm::Min(u, vtkm::Min(v, w));
Precision high = vtkm::Max(u, vtkm::Max(v, w));
bool invalid = (low < 0.) && (high > 0.);
Precision det = u + v + w;
if (det == 0.)
invalid = true;
const Precision Az = s[2] * A[k[2]];
const Precision Bz = s[2] * B[k[2]];
const Precision Cz = s[2] * C[k[2]];
det = 1.f / det;
u = u * det;
v = v * det;
distance = (u * Az + v * Bz + w * det * Cz);
u = v;
v = w * det;
if (invalid)
distance = -1.;
}; //WaterTight
template <>
VTKM_EXEC inline void WaterTight::IntersectTri<vtkm::Float64>(
const vtkm::Vec<vtkm::Float64, 3>& a,
const vtkm::Vec<vtkm::Float64, 3>& b,
const vtkm::Vec<vtkm::Float64, 3>& c,
const vtkm::Vec<vtkm::Float64, 3>& dir,
vtkm::Float64& distance,
vtkm::Float64& u,
vtkm::Float64& v,
const vtkm::Vec<vtkm::Float64, 3>& origin) const
//Find max ray direction
int kz = 0;
if (vtkm::Abs(dir[0]) > vtkm::Abs(dir[1]))
if (vtkm::Abs(dir[0]) > vtkm::Abs(dir[2]))
kz = 0;
kz = 2;
if (vtkm::Abs(dir[1]) > vtkm::Abs(dir[2]))
kz = 1;
kz = 2;
vtkm::Int32 kx = kz + 1;
if (kx == 3)
kx = 0;
vtkm::Int32 ky = kx + 1;
if (ky == 3)
ky = 0;
if (dir[kz] < 0.f)
vtkm::Int32 temp = ky;
ky = kx;
kx = temp;
vtkm::Float64 Sx = dir[kx] / dir[kz];
vtkm::Float64 Sy = dir[ky] / dir[kz];
vtkm::Float64 Sz = 1. / dir[kz];
vtkm::Vec<vtkm::Float64, 3> A, B, C;
A = a - origin;
B = b - origin;
C = c - origin;
const vtkm::Float64 Ax = A[kx] - Sx * A[kz];
const vtkm::Float64 Ay = A[ky] - Sy * A[kz];
const vtkm::Float64 Bx = B[kx] - Sx * B[kz];
const vtkm::Float64 By = B[ky] - Sy * B[kz];
const vtkm::Float64 Cx = C[kx] - Sx * C[kz];
const vtkm::Float64 Cy = C[ky] - Sy * C[kz];
//scaled barycentric coords
u = Cx * By - Cy * Bx;
v = Ax * Cy - Ay * Cx;
vtkm::Float64 w = Bx * Ay - By * Ax;
vtkm::Float64 low = vtkm::Min(u, vtkm::Min(v, w));
vtkm::Float64 high = vtkm::Max(u, vtkm::Max(v, w));
bool invalid = (low < 0.) && (high > 0.);
vtkm::Float64 det = u + v + w;
if (det == 0.)
invalid = true;
const vtkm::Float64 Az = Sz * A[kz];
const vtkm::Float64 Bz = Sz * B[kz];
const vtkm::Float64 Cz = Sz * C[kz];
det = 1. / det;
u = u * det;
v = v * det;
distance = (u * Az + v * Bz + w * det * Cz);
u = v;
v = w * det;
if (invalid)
distance = -1.;
template <typename Device>
//class WaterTightTriLeafIntersector : public vtkm::exec::ExecutionObjectBase
class WaterTightTriLeafIntersector
using Id4Handle = vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec<vtkm::Id, 4>>;
using Id4ArrayPortal = typename Id4Handle::ExecutionTypes<Device>::PortalConst;
Id4ArrayPortal Triangles;
WaterTightTriLeafIntersector(const Id4Handle& triangles)
: Triangles(triangles.PrepareForInput(Device()))
WaterTightTriLeafIntersector(const WaterTightTriLeafIntersector<Device>& other)
: Triangles(other.Triangles)
template <typename PointPortalType, typename LeafPortalType, typename Precision>
VTKM_EXEC inline void IntersectLeaf(const vtkm::Int32& currentNode,
const vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3>& origin,
const vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3>& dir,
const PointPortalType& points,
vtkm::Id& hitIndex,
Precision& closestDistance,
Precision& minU,
Precision& minV,
LeafPortalType leafs,
const Precision& minDistance) const
const vtkm::Id triangleCount = leafs.Get(currentNode);
WaterTight intersector;
for (vtkm::Id i = 1; i <= triangleCount; ++i)
const vtkm::Id triIndex = leafs.Get(currentNode + i);
vtkm::Vec<Id, 4> triangle = Triangles.Get(triIndex);
vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3> a = vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3>(points.Get(triangle[1]));
vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3> b = vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3>(points.Get(triangle[2]));
vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3> c = vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3>(points.Get(triangle[3]));
Precision distance = -1.;
Precision u, v;
intersector.IntersectTri(a, b, c, dir, distance, u, v, origin);
if (distance != -1. && distance < closestDistance && distance > minDistance)
closestDistance = distance;
minU = u;
minV = v;
hitIndex = triIndex;
} // for
template <typename Device>
//class MollerTriLeafIntersector : public vtkm::exec::ExecutionObjectBase
class MollerTriLeafIntersector
using Id4Handle = vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec<vtkm::Id, 4>>;
using Id4ArrayPortal = typename Id4Handle::ExecutionTypes<Device>::PortalConst;
Id4ArrayPortal Triangles;
MollerTriLeafIntersector(const Id4Handle& triangles)
: Triangles(triangles.PrepareForInput(Device()))
template <typename PointPortalType, typename LeafPortalType, typename Precision>
VTKM_EXEC inline void IntersectLeaf(const vtkm::Int32& currentNode,
const vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3>& origin,
const vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3>& dir,
const PointPortalType& points,
vtkm::Id& hitIndex,
Precision& closestDistance,
Precision& minU,
Precision& minV,
LeafPortalType leafs,
const Precision& minDistance) const
const vtkm::Id triangleCount = leafs.Get(currentNode);
Moller intersector;
for (vtkm::Id i = 1; i <= triangleCount; ++i)
const vtkm::Id triIndex = leafs.Get(currentNode + i);
vtkm::Vec<Id, 4> triangle = Triangles.Get(triIndex);
vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3> a = vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3>(points.Get(triangle[1]));
vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3> b = vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3>(points.Get(triangle[2]));
vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3> c = vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3>(points.Get(triangle[3]));
Precision distance = -1.;
Precision u, v;
intersector.IntersectTri(a, b, c, dir, distance, u, v, origin);
if (distance != -1. && distance < closestDistance && distance > minDistance)
closestDistance = distance;
minU = u;
minV = v;
hitIndex = triIndex;
} // for
template <typename T>
VTKM_EXEC inline void swap(T& a, T& b)
T tmp = a;
a = b;
b = tmp;
inline vtkm::Float32 up(const vtkm::Float32& a)
return (a > 0.f) ? a * (1.f + vtkm::Float32(2e-23)) : a * (1.f - vtkm::Float32(2e-23));
inline vtkm::Float32 down(const vtkm::Float32& a)
return (a > 0.f) ? a * (1.f - vtkm::Float32(2e-23)) : a * (1.f + vtkm::Float32(2e-23));
inline vtkm::Float32 upFast(const vtkm::Float32& a)
return a * (1.f + vtkm::Float32(2e-23));
inline vtkm::Float32 downFast(const vtkm::Float32& a)
return a * (1.f - vtkm::Float32(2e-23));
namespace detail
class TriangleIntersectionData
// Worklet to calutate the normals of a triagle if
// none are stored in the data set
class CalculateNormals : public vtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField
CalculateNormals() {}
typedef void ControlSignature(FieldIn<>,
typedef void ExecutionSignature(_1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7);
template <typename Precision, typename PointPortalType, typename IndicesPortalType>
VTKM_EXEC inline void operator()(const vtkm::Id& hitIndex,
const vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3>& rayDir,
Precision& normalX,
Precision& normalY,
Precision& normalZ,
const PointPortalType& points,
const IndicesPortalType& indicesPortal) const
if (hitIndex < 0)
vtkm::Vec<Id, 4> indices = indicesPortal.Get(hitIndex);
vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3> a = points.Get(indices[1]);
vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3> b = points.Get(indices[2]);
vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3> c = points.Get(indices[3]);
vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3> normal = vtkm::TriangleNormal(a, b, c);
//flip the normal if its pointing the wrong way
if (vtkm::dot(normal, rayDir) > 0.f)
normal = -normal;
normalX = normal[0];
normalY = normal[1];
normalZ = normal[2];
}; //class CalculateNormals
template <typename Precision>
class LerpScalar : public vtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField
Precision MinScalar;
Precision invDeltaScalar;
LerpScalar(const vtkm::Float32& minScalar, const vtkm::Float32& maxScalar)
: MinScalar(minScalar)
//Make sure the we don't divide by zero on
//something like an iso-surface
if (maxScalar - MinScalar != 0.f)
invDeltaScalar = 1.f / (maxScalar - MinScalar);
invDeltaScalar = 0.f;
typedef void ControlSignature(FieldIn<>,
typedef void ExecutionSignature(_1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6);
template <typename ScalarPortalType, typename IndicesPortalType>
VTKM_EXEC void operator()(const vtkm::Id& hitIndex,
const Precision& u,
const Precision& v,
Precision& lerpedScalar,
const ScalarPortalType& scalars,
const IndicesPortalType& indicesPortal) const
if (hitIndex < 0)
vtkm::Vec<Id, 4> indices = indicesPortal.Get(hitIndex);
Precision n = 1.f - u - v;
Precision aScalar = Precision(scalars.Get(indices[1]));
Precision bScalar = Precision(scalars.Get(indices[2]));
Precision cScalar = Precision(scalars.Get(indices[3]));
lerpedScalar = aScalar * n + bScalar * u + cScalar * v;
lerpedScalar = (lerpedScalar - MinScalar) * invDeltaScalar;
}; //class LerpScalar
template <typename Precision>
class NodalScalar : public vtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField
Precision MinScalar;
Precision invDeltaScalar;
NodalScalar(const vtkm::Float32& minScalar, const vtkm::Float32& maxScalar)
: MinScalar(minScalar)
//Make sure the we don't divide by zero on
//something like an iso-surface
if (maxScalar - MinScalar != 0.f)
invDeltaScalar = 1.f / (maxScalar - MinScalar);
invDeltaScalar = 1.f / minScalar;
typedef void ControlSignature(FieldIn<>,
typedef void ExecutionSignature(_1, _2, _3, _4);
template <typename ScalarPortalType, typename IndicesPortalType>
VTKM_EXEC void operator()(const vtkm::Id& hitIndex,
Precision& scalar,
const ScalarPortalType& scalars,
const IndicesPortalType& indicesPortal) const
if (hitIndex < 0)
vtkm::Vec<Id, 4> indices = indicesPortal.Get(hitIndex);
//Todo: one normalization
scalar = Precision(scalars.Get(indices[0]));
scalar = (scalar - MinScalar) * invDeltaScalar;
}; //class LerpScalar
template <typename Precision>
VTKM_CONT void Run(Ray<Precision>& rays,
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec<vtkm::Id, 4>> triangles,
vtkm::cont::CoordinateSystem coordsHandle,
const vtkm::cont::Field* scalarField,
const vtkm::Range& scalarRange)
bool isSupportedField =
(scalarField->GetAssociation() == vtkm::cont::Field::Association::POINTS ||
scalarField->GetAssociation() == vtkm::cont::Field::Association::CELL_SET);
if (!isSupportedField)
throw vtkm::cont::ErrorBadValue("Field not accociated with cell set or points");
bool isAssocPoints = scalarField->GetAssociation() == vtkm::cont::Field::Association::POINTS;
// Find the triangle normal
rays.HitIdx, rays.Dir, rays.NormalX, rays.NormalY, rays.NormalZ, coordsHandle, triangles);
// Calculate scalar value at intersection point
if (isAssocPoints)
LerpScalar<Precision>(vtkm::Float32(scalarRange.Min), vtkm::Float32(scalarRange.Max)))
.Invoke(rays.HitIdx, rays.U, rays.V, rays.Scalar, *scalarField, triangles);
NodalScalar<Precision>(vtkm::Float32(scalarRange.Min), vtkm::Float32(scalarRange.Max)))
.Invoke(rays.HitIdx, rays.Scalar, *scalarField, triangles);
} // Run
}; // Class IntersectionData
#define AABB_EPSILON 0.00001f
class FindTriangleAABBs : public vtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField
FindTriangleAABBs() {}
typedef void ControlSignature(FieldIn<>,
typedef void ExecutionSignature(_1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8);
template <typename PointPortalType>
VTKM_EXEC void operator()(const vtkm::Vec<vtkm::Id, 4> indices,
vtkm::Float32& xmin,
vtkm::Float32& ymin,
vtkm::Float32& zmin,
vtkm::Float32& xmax,
vtkm::Float32& ymax,
vtkm::Float32& zmax,
const PointPortalType& points) const
// cast to Float32
vtkm::Vec<vtkm::Float32, 3> point;
point = static_cast<vtkm::Vec<vtkm::Float32, 3>>(points.Get(indices[1]));
xmin = point[0];
ymin = point[1];
zmin = point[2];
xmax = xmin;
ymax = ymin;
zmax = zmin;
point = static_cast<vtkm::Vec<vtkm::Float32, 3>>(points.Get(indices[2]));
xmin = vtkm::Min(xmin, point[0]);
ymin = vtkm::Min(ymin, point[1]);
zmin = vtkm::Min(zmin, point[2]);
xmax = vtkm::Max(xmax, point[0]);
ymax = vtkm::Max(ymax, point[1]);
zmax = vtkm::Max(zmax, point[2]);
point = static_cast<vtkm::Vec<vtkm::Float32, 3>>(points.Get(indices[3]));
xmin = vtkm::Min(xmin, point[0]);
ymin = vtkm::Min(ymin, point[1]);
zmin = vtkm::Min(zmin, point[2]);
xmax = vtkm::Max(xmax, point[0]);
ymax = vtkm::Max(ymax, point[1]);
zmax = vtkm::Max(zmax, point[2]);
vtkm::Float32 xEpsilon, yEpsilon, zEpsilon;
const vtkm::Float32 minEpsilon = 1e-6f;
xEpsilon = vtkm::Max(minEpsilon, AABB_EPSILON * (xmax - xmin));
yEpsilon = vtkm::Max(minEpsilon, AABB_EPSILON * (ymax - ymin));
zEpsilon = vtkm::Max(minEpsilon, AABB_EPSILON * (zmax - zmin));
xmin -= xEpsilon;
ymin -= yEpsilon;
zmin -= zEpsilon;
xmax += xEpsilon;
ymax += yEpsilon;
zmax += zEpsilon;
}; //class FindAABBs
} // namespace detail
class TriangleIntersector : public ShapeIntersector
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec<vtkm::Id, 4>> Triangles;
bool UseWaterTight;
: UseWaterTight(false)
void SetUseWaterTight(bool useIt) { UseWaterTight = useIt; }
void SetData(const vtkm::cont::CoordinateSystem& coords,
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec<vtkm::Id, 4>> triangles)
CoordsHandle = coords;
Triangles = triangles;
vtkm::rendering::raytracing::AABBs AABB;
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec<vtkm::Id, 4>> GetTriangles() { return Triangles; }
class CellIndexFilter : public vtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField
CellIndexFilter() {}
typedef void ControlSignature(FieldInOut<>, WholeArrayIn<>);
typedef void ExecutionSignature(_1, _2);
template <typename TrianglePortalType>
VTKM_EXEC void operator()(vtkm::Id& hitIndex, TrianglePortalType& triangles) const
vtkm::Id cellIndex = -1;
if (hitIndex != -1)
cellIndex = triangles.Get(hitIndex)[0];
hitIndex = cellIndex;
}; //class CellIndexFilter
struct IntersectFunctor
template <typename Device, typename Precision>
VTKM_CONT bool operator()(Device,
TriangleIntersector* self,
Ray<Precision>& rays,
bool returnCellIndex)
self->IntersectRays(rays, Device(), returnCellIndex);
return true;
VTKM_CONT void IntersectRays(Ray<vtkm::Float32>& rays, bool returnCellIndex = false) override
vtkm::cont::TryExecute(IntersectFunctor(), this, rays, returnCellIndex);
VTKM_CONT void IntersectRays(Ray<vtkm::Float64>& rays, bool returnCellIndex = false) override
vtkm::cont::TryExecute(IntersectFunctor(), this, rays, returnCellIndex);
template <typename Precision, typename Device>
VTKM_CONT void IntersectRays(Ray<Precision>& rays,
Device vtkmNotUsed(Device),
bool returnCellIndex)
if (UseWaterTight)
WaterTightTriLeafIntersector<Device> leafIntersector(this->Triangles);
BVHTraverser<WaterTightTriLeafIntersector> traverser;
traverser.IntersectRays(rays, this->BVH, leafIntersector, this->CoordsHandle, Device());
MollerTriLeafIntersector<Device> leafIntersector(this->Triangles);
BVHTraverser<MollerTriLeafIntersector> traverser;
traverser.IntersectRays(rays, this->BVH, leafIntersector, this->CoordsHandle, Device());
// Normally we return the index of the triangle hit,
// but in some cases we are only interested in the cell
if (returnCellIndex)
vtkm::worklet::DispatcherMapField<CellIndexFilter> cellIndexFilterDispatcher;
cellIndexFilterDispatcher.Invoke(rays.HitIdx, Triangles);
// Update ray status
VTKM_CONT void IntersectionData(Ray<vtkm::Float32>& rays,
const vtkm::cont::Field* scalarField,
const vtkm::Range& scalarRange) override
IntersectionDataImp(rays, scalarField, scalarRange);
VTKM_CONT void IntersectionData(Ray<vtkm::Float64>& rays,
const vtkm::cont::Field* scalarField,
const vtkm::Range& scalarRange) override
IntersectionDataImp(rays, scalarField, scalarRange);
template <typename Precision>
VTKM_CONT void IntersectionDataImp(Ray<Precision>& rays,
const vtkm::cont::Field* scalarField,
const vtkm::Range& scalarRange)
detail::TriangleIntersectionData intData;
intData.Run(rays, this->Triangles, this->CoordsHandle, scalarField, scalarRange);
vtkm::Id GetNumberOfShapes() const override { return Triangles.GetNumberOfValues(); }
}; // class intersector
} //namespace vtkm::rendering::raytracing
#endif //vtk_m_rendering_raytracing_TriagnleIntersector_h