Kenneth Moreland 82536092cc Rename boundary classes
Did a bit of renaming of the support classes used for
WorkletPointNeighborhood. First, the OnBoundary tag is changed to
Boundary to match other tags and reflect some changes in the resulting
methods. Also moved the BoundaryState and Neighborhood classes from
vtkm::exec::arg to vtkm::exec to be more accessible. Finally, the
Neighborhood class name was changed to FieldNeighborhood to be more
specific on what role this class plays with neighborhood.
2018-12-03 12:45:23 -07:00

108 lines
3.8 KiB

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// Copyright 2018 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS).
// Copyright 2018 UT-Battelle, LLC.
// Copyright 2018 Los Alamos National Security.
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// Under the terms of Contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 with Los Alamos National
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// this software.
#ifndef vtk_m_exec_FieldNeighborhood_h
#define vtk_m_exec_FieldNeighborhood_h
#include <vtkm/exec/BoundaryState.h>
#include <vtkm/internal/ArrayPortalUniformPointCoordinates.h>
namespace vtkm
namespace exec
/// \brief Retrieves field values from a neighborhood.
/// \c FieldNeighborhood manages the retrieval of field values within the neighborhood of a
/// \c WorkletPointNeighborhood worklet. The \c Get methods take ijk indices relative to the
/// neighborhood (with 0, 0, 0 being the element visted) and return the field value at that part of
/// the neighborhood. If the requested neighborhood is outside the boundary, a different value will
/// be returned determined by the boundary behavior. A \c BoundaryState object can be used to
/// determine if the neighborhood extends beyond the boundary of the mesh.
/// This class is typically constructued using the \c FieldInNeighborhood tag in an
/// \c ExecutionSignature. There is little reason to construct this in user code.
/// \c FieldNeighborhood is templated on the array portal from which field values are retrieved.
template <typename FieldPortalType>
struct FieldNeighborhood
FieldNeighborhood(const FieldPortalType& portal, const vtkm::exec::BoundaryState& boundary)
: Boundary(&boundary)
, Portal(portal)
using ValueType = typename FieldPortalType::ValueType;
ValueType Get(vtkm::IdComponent i, vtkm::IdComponent j, vtkm::IdComponent k) const
return Portal.Get(this->Boundary->NeighborIndexToFlatIndexClamp(i, j, k));
ValueType Get(const vtkm::Id3& ijk) const
return Portal.Get(this->Boundary->NeighborIndexToFlatIndexClamp(ijk));
vtkm::exec::BoundaryState const* const Boundary;
FieldPortalType Portal;
/// \brief Specialization of Neighborhood for ArrayPortalUniformPointCoordinates
/// We can use fast paths inside ArrayPortalUniformPointCoordinates to allow
/// for very fast computation of the coordinates reachable by the neighborhood
template <>
struct FieldNeighborhood<vtkm::internal::ArrayPortalUniformPointCoordinates>
FieldNeighborhood(const vtkm::internal::ArrayPortalUniformPointCoordinates& portal,
const vtkm::exec::BoundaryState& boundary)
: Boundary(&boundary)
, Portal(portal)
using ValueType = vtkm::internal::ArrayPortalUniformPointCoordinates::ValueType;
ValueType Get(vtkm::IdComponent i, vtkm::IdComponent j, vtkm::IdComponent k) const
return Portal.Get(this->Boundary->NeighborIndexToFullIndexClamp(i, j, k));
ValueType Get(const vtkm::Vec<vtkm::IdComponent, 3>& ijk) const
return Portal.Get(this->Boundary->NeighborIndexToFullIndexClamp(ijk));
vtkm::exec::BoundaryState const* const Boundary;
vtkm::internal::ArrayPortalUniformPointCoordinates Portal;
} // namespace vtkm::exec
#endif //vtk_m_exec_FieldNeighborhood_h