2018-07-24 13:58:00 -04:00

934 B

User defined execution objects now usable with runtime selection of device adapter

  • Changed how Execution objects are created and passed from the cont environment to the execution environment. See chapter 13.9 on worklets in the user manual for details.

  • Instead we will now fill out a class and call prepareForExecution() and create the execution object for the execution environment from this function. This way we do not have to template the class that extends vtkm::cont::ExecutionObjectBase on the device.

Example of new execution object:

template <typename Device>
struct ExecutionObject
  vtkm::Int32 Number;

struct TestExecutionObject : public vtkm::cont::ExecutionObjectBase
  vtkm::Int32 Number;

  template <typename Device>
  VTKM_CONT ExecutionObject<Device> PrepareForExecution(Device) const
    ExecutionObject<Device> object;
    object.Number = this->Number;
    return object;