2019-01-11 12:23:19 -07:00

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Remove templates from ControlSignature field tags

Previously, several of the ControlSignature tags had a template to specify a type list. This was to specify potential valid value types for an input array. The importance of this typelist was to limit the number of code paths created when resolving a vtkm::cont::VariantArrayHandle (formerly a DynamicArrayHandle). This (potentially) reduced the compile time, the size of libraries/executables, and errors from unexpected types.

Much has changed since this feature was originally implemented. Since then, the filter infrastructure has been created, and it is through this that most dynamic worklet invocations happen. However, since the filter infrastrcture does its own type resolution (and has its own policies) the type arguments in ControlSignature are now of little value.

Script to update code

This update requires changes to just about all code implementing a VTK-m worklet. To facilitate the update of this code to these new changes (not to mention all the code in VTK-m) a script is provided to automatically remove these template parameters from VTK-m code.

This script is at Utilities/Scripts/update-control-signature-tags.sh. It needs to be run in a Unix-compatible shell. It takes a single argument, which is a top level directory to modify files. The script processes all C++ source files recursively from that directory.

Selecting data types for auxiliary filter fields

The main rational for making these changes is that the types of the inputs to worklets is almost always already determined by the calling filter. However, although it is straightforward to specify the type of the "main" (active) scalars in a filter, it is less clear what to do for additional fields if a filter needs a second or third field.

Typically, in the case of a second or third field, it is up to the DoExecute method in the filter implementation to apply a policy to that field. When applying a policy, you give it a policy object (nominally passed by the user) and a traits of the filter. Generally, the accepted list of types for a field should be part of the filter's traits. For example, consider the WarpVector filter. This filter only works on Vecs of size 3, so its traits class looks like this.

template <>
class FilterTraits<WarpVector>
  // WarpVector can only applies to Float and Double Vec3 arrays
  using InputFieldTypeList = vtkm::TypeListTagFieldVec3;

However, the WarpVector filter also requires two fields instead of one. The first (active) field is handled by its superclass (FilterField), but the second (auxiliary) field must be managed in the DoExecute. Generally, this can be done by simply applying the policy with the filter traits.

The corner cases

Most of the calls to worklets happen within filter implementations, which have their own way of narrowing down potential types (as previously described). The majority of the remainder either use static types or work with a variety of types.

However, there is a minority of corner cases that require a reduction of types. Since the type argument of the worklet ControlSignature arguments are no longer available, the narrowing of types must be done before the call to Invoke.

This narrowing of arguments is not particularly difficult. Such type-unsure arguments usually come from a VariantArrayHandle (or something that uses one). You can select the types from a VariantArrayHandle simply by using the ResetTypes method. For example, say you know that a variant array is supposed to be a scalar.


Even more common is to have a vtkm::cont::Field object. A Field object internally holds a VariantArrayHandle, which is accessible via the GetData method.


Change in executable size

The whole intention of these template parameters in the first place was to reduce the number of code paths compiled. The hypothesis of this change was that in the current structure the code paths were not being reduced much if at all. If that is true, the size of executables and libraries should not change.

Here is a recording of the library and executable sizes before this change (using ds -h).

3.0M    libvtkm_cont-1.2.1.dylib
6.2M    libvtkm_rendering-1.2.1.dylib
312K    Rendering_SERIAL
312K    Rendering_TBB
 22M    Worklets_SERIAL
 23M    Worklets_TBB
 22M    UnitTests_vtkm_filter_testing
5.7M    UnitTests_vtkm_cont_serial_testing
6.0M    UnitTests_vtkm_cont_tbb_testing
7.1M    UnitTests_vtkm_cont_testing

After the changes, the executable sizes are as follows.

3.0M    libvtkm_cont-1.2.1.dylib
6.0M    libvtkm_rendering-1.2.1.dylib
312K    Rendering_SERIAL
312K    Rendering_TBB
 21M    Worklets_SERIAL
 21M    Worklets_TBB
 22M    UnitTests_vtkm_filter_testing
5.6M    UnitTests_vtkm_cont_serial_testing
6.0M    UnitTests_vtkm_cont_tbb_testing
7.1M    UnitTests_vtkm_cont_testing

As we can see, the built sizes have not changed significantly. (If anything, the build is a little smaller.)