Vicente Adolfo Bolea Sanchez fdd5e04ebc Update release notes for 1.8.0
2022-06-16 13:18:02 -04:00

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VTK-m 1.8 Release Notes

Table of Contents

  1. Core
  • New vtkm::List features
  • No longer use brigand.hpp
  • Rename field associations
  • Favor scoped enums
  • UnknownCellSet
  • Add implementation of VecTraits for Range and Bounds
  1. ArrayHandle
  • ArrayHandle::Fill
  • Make ArrayCopy not depend on a device compiler
  • Better fallback for ArrayGetValue
  1. Worklets and Filters
  • Add CreateResult to NewFilter and absorb field mapping
  • NewFilterField
  • New Filter Interface Design
  • Perlin Noise source
  1. Build
  • Enable Unity build -
  • Generalized instantiation
  • Fix compile when testing is turned off
  1. Other
  • Redesign of Render Regression Tests


New vtkm::List features

New features were added to those available in vtkm/List.h. These new features provide new operations on lists.


The new vtkm::ListReduce allows a reduction on a list. This template takes three arguments: a vtkm::List, an operation, and an initial value. The operation is itself a template that has two type arguments.

vtkm::ListReduce applies the initial value and the first item of the list to the operator. The result of that template is then iteratively applied to the operator with the next item in the list and so on.

// Operation to use
template <typename T1, typename T2>
using Add = std::integral_constant<typename T1::type, T1::value + T2::value>;

using MyList = vtkm::List<std::integral_constant<int, 25>,
                          std::integral_constant<int, 60>,
                          std::integral_constant<int, 87>,
                          std::integral_constant<int, 62>>;

using MySum = vtkm::ListReduce<MyList, Add, std::integral_constant<int, 0>>;
// MySum becomes std::integral_constant<int, 234> (25+60+87+62 = 234)

All and Any

Because they are very common, two reductions that are automatically supported are vtkm::ListAll and vtkm::ListAny. These both take a vtkm::List containing either std::true_type or std::false_type (or some other "compatible" type that has a constant static bool named value). vtkm::ListAll will become std::false_type if any of the entries in the list are std::false_type. vtkm::ListAny becomes std::true_type if any of the entires in the list are std::true_type.

using MyList = vtkm::List<std::integral_constant<int, 25>,
                          std::integral_constant<int, 60>,
                          std::integral_constant<int, 87>,
                          std::integral_constant<int, 62>>;

template <typename T>
using IsEven = std::integral_constant<bool, ((T % 2) == 0)>;

// Note that vtkm::ListTransform<MyList, IsEven> becomes
// vtkm::List<std::false_type, std::true_type, std::false_type, std::true_type>

using AllEven = vtkm::ListAll<vtkm::ListTransform<MyList, IsEven>>;
// AllEven becomes std::false_type

using AnyEven = vtkm::ListAny<vtkm::ListTransform<MyList, IsEven>>;
// AnyEven becomes std::true_type

No longer use brigand.hpp

Remove brigand.hpp from VTK-m's source and all references to it. This was declared in an internal directory, so making this backward-incompatible changes should be OK.

Brigand is a third-party library to support template meta-programming. Over the years, we have had to make a few modifications to make sure it compiles with all compilers supported by VTK-m. Unfortunately, because brigand was added before our standard third-party library management was set up, these changes are not managed well. Thus, we cannot easily update with any changes from the project. Thus, our version is slowly diverging from the original, and maintaining it is a hassle.

Also, we have been using brigand less and less throughout the years. Now that we have moved on to C++11 (and now C++14) with variadic templates and other useful std features, the features of brigand have become less critical. Thus, we have implemented all the features we need from brigand internally and have moved our code away from using it.

Rename field associations

The symbols in vtkm::cont::Field::Association have been changed from ANY, WHOLE_MESH, POINTS, and CELL_SET to Any, WholeMesh, Points, and Cells, respectively. The reason for this change is twofold:

  • The general standard that VTK-m follows for enum struct enumerators is to use camel case (with the first character capitalized), not all upper case.
  • The use of CELL_SET for fields associated with cells is obsolete. A DataSet used to support having more than one CellSet, and so a field association on cells was actually bound to a particular CellSet. However, that is no longer the case. A DataSet has exactly one CellSet, so a cell field no longer has to point to a CellSet. Thus the enumeration symbol for Cells should match the one for Points.

For backward compatibility, the old enumerations still exist. They are aliases for the new names, and they are marked as deprecated, so using them will result in a compiler warning (on some systems).

Favor scoped enums

Several enum declarations were changed from a standard enum to a "scoped" enum (i.e. enum struct). The advantage of a scoped enum is that they provide better type safety because they won't be converted willy-nilly to other types. They also prevent the names they define from being accessible on the inner scope.

There are some cases where you do want the enum to convert to other types (but still want the scope of the symbols to be contained in the enum type). In this case, we worked around the problem by placing an unscoped enum inside of a standard struct.


The DynamicCellSet class has been replaced with UnknownCellSet. Likewise, the DynamicCellSetBase class (a templated version of DynamicCellSet) has been replaced with UncertainCellSet.

These changes principally follow the changes to the UnknownArrayHandle management class. The ArrayHandle version of a polymorphic manager has gone through several refinements from DynamicArrayHandle to VariantArrayHandle to its current form as UnknownArrayHandle. Throughout these improvements for ArrayHandle, the equivalent classes for CellSet have lagged behind. The CellSet version is decidedly simpler because CellSet itself is polymorphic, but there were definitely improvements to be had.

The biggest improvement was to remove the templating from the basic unknown cell set. The old DynamicArrayHandle was actually a type alias for DynamicArrayHandleBase<VTKM_DEFAULT_CELL_SET_LIST>. As VTKM_DEFAULT_CELL_SET_LIST tends to be pretty long, DynamicArrayHandle was actually a really long type. In contrast, UnknownArrayHandle is its own untemplated class and will show up in linker symbols as such.

Add implementation of VecTraits for Range and Bounds

Added specializations of vtkm::VecTraits for the simple structures of vtkm::Range and vtkm::Bounds. This expands the support for using these structures in things like ArrayHandle and UnknownArrayHandle.



ArrayHandle has a new method named Fill. As the name would suggest, the Fill method initializes all elements in the array to a specified value. In addition to being more convenient than calling Algorithm::Fill or ArrayCopy with a constant array, the ArrayHandle::Fill can be used without using a device adapter.

Calling Fill directly requires the ArrayHandle to first be allocated to the appropriate size. The ArrayHandle now also has a new member named AllocateAndFill. As the name would suggest, this method resizes the array and then fills it with the specified value. Another feature this method has over calling Allocate and Fill separately is if you call AllocateAndFill with vtkm::CopyFlag::On, it will fill only the extended portion of the array.

Also added a similar Fill and AllocateAndFill methods to BitField for similar reasons.

Make ArrayCopy not depend on a device compiler

Rather than require ArrayCopy to create special versions of copy for all arrays, use a precompiled versions. This should speed up compiles, reduce the amount of code being generated, and require the device compiler on fewer source files.

There are some cases where you still need to copy arrays that are not well supported by the precompiled versions in ArrayCopy. (It will always work, but the fallback is very slow.) In this case, you will want to switch over to ArrayCopyDevice, which has the old behavior.

Better fallback for ArrayGetValue

To avoid having to use a device compiler every time you wish to use ArrayGetValue, the actual implementation is compiled into the vtkm_cont library. To allow this to work for all the templated versions of ArrayHandle, the implementation uses the extract component features of UnknownArrayHandle. This works for most common arrays, but not all arrays.

For arrays that cannot be directly represented by an ArrayHandleStride, the fallback is bad. The entire array has to be pulled to the host and then copied serially to a basic array.

For ArrayGetValue, this is just silly. So, for arrays that cannot be simply represented by ArrayHandleStride, make a fallback that just uses ReadPortal to get the data. Often this is not the most efficient method, but it is better than the current alternative.

Worklets and Filters

Add CreateResult to NewFilter and absorb field mapping

The original version of Filter classes had a helper header file named CreateResult.h that had several forms of a CreateResult function that helped correctly create the DataSet to be returned from a filter's DoExecute. With the move to the NewFilter structure, these functions did not line up very well with how DataSets should actually be created.

A replacement for these functions have been added as protected helper methods to NewFilter and NewFilterField. In addition to moving them into the filter themselves, the behavior of CreateResult has been merged with the map field to output functionality. The original implementation of Filter did this mapping internally in a different step. The first design of NewFilter required the filter implementer to call a MapFieldsOntoOutput themselves. This new implementation wraps the functionality of CreateResult and MapFieldsOntoOutput together so that the DataSet will be created correctly with a single call to CreateResult. This makes it easier to correctly create the output.


As part of the New Filter Interface Design, FilterField, FilterDataSet and FilterDataSetWithField are now refactored into a single NewFilterField. A NewFilterField takes an input DataSet with some Fields, operates on the input CellSet and/or Field and generates an output DataSet, possibly with a new CellSet and/or Field.

Unlike the old FilterField, NewFilterField can support arbitrary number of active Fields. They are set by the extended SetActiveField method which now also takes an integer index.

SupportedType and Policy are no longer supported or needed by NewFilterField. Implementations are given full responsibility of extracting an ArrayHandle with proper value and storage type list from an input Field (through a variant of CastAndCall). Automatic type conversion from unsupported value types to FloatDefault is also added to UnknownArrayHandle. See DotProduct::DoExecute for an example on how to use the new facility.

New Filter Interface Design

An overhaul of the Filter interface is undergoing. This refactoring effort will address many problems we faced in the old design. The most important one is to remove the requirement to compile every single Filter users with a Device Compiler. This is addressed by removing C++ template (and CRTP) from Filter and is subclasses. A new non-templated NewFilter class is added with many old templated public interface removed.

This new design also made Filter implementations thread-safe by default. Filter implementations are encouraged to take advantage of the new design and removing shared metatable states from their DoExecute, see Doxygen documentation in NewFilter.h

Filter implementations are also re-organized into submodules, with each submodule in its own vtkm/filter subdirectory. User should update their code to include the new header files, for example, vtkm/filter/field_transform/GenerateIds.hand link to submodule library file, for example, libvtkm_filter_field_transform.so. To maintain backward compatability, old vtkm/filter/FooFilter.h header files can still be used but will be deprecated in release 2.0.

Perlin Noise source

A new source, vtkm::source::PerlinNoise, has been added. As the name would imply, this source generates a pseudo-random Perlin noise field.

The field is defined on a 3D grid of specified dimensions. A seed value can also be specified to enforce consistent results in, for example, test code. If a seed is not specified, one will be created based on the current system time.

Perlin noise is useful for testing purposes as it can create non-trivial geometry at pretty much any scale.



When using CMake > 3.18, CMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES can now be used instead of VTKm_CUDA_Architecture to specify the list of architectures desired for the compilation of CUDA sources.

Since CMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES is the canonical method of specifying CUDA architectures in CMake and it is more flexible, for instance we can also specify CUDA virtual architectures, from CMake 3.18 explicitly setting VTKm_CUDA_Architecture will be deprecated whilst still supported.

Enable Unity build

VTK-m now partially supports unity builds in a subset its sources files which are known to take the longer time/memory to build. Particularly, this enables you to speedup compilation in VTK-m not memory intensive builds (HIP, CUDA) in a system with sufficient resources.

We use BATCH unity builds type and the number of source files per batch can be controlled by the canonical CMake variable: CMAKE_UNITY_BUILD_BATCH_SIZE.

Unity builds requires CMake >= 3.16, if using a older version, unity build will be disabled a regular build will be performed.

Generalized instantiation

Recently, an instantiation method was added to the VTK-m configuration files to set up a set of source files that compile instances of a template. This allows the template instances to be compiled exactly once in separate build files.

However, the implementation made the assumption that the instantiations were happening for VTK-m filters. Now that the VTK-m filters are being redesigned, this assumption is broken.

Thus, the instantiation code has been redesigned to be more general. It can now be applied to code within the new filter structure. It can also be applied anywhere else in the VTK-m source code.

Fix compile when testing is turned off

There were some places in VTK-m's code that included test header files even though they were not tests. As more code goes into libraries, this can break the build.

Remove VTK-m library dependence on testing code where found. Also added a CI build that turns off all testing to check for this condition in the future.


Redesign of Render Regression Tests

The helper functions for creating the render regression tests have been reformulated. The main changes are outlined here.

Helper functions are no longer templated

The principle change made is that the RenderAndRegressionTest has been changed to no longer require template arguments (which were used to specify which rendering components to use). However, using templated arguments requires each rendering test to entirely recompile the rendering code that it uses. Since the rendering code currently is itself templated, this leads to a significant amount of re-compilation.

As a side effect of this, the render helper function is now compiled into a new library, vtkm_rendering_testing. Once again, this allows multiple tests to use rendering without having to recompile the rendering code.

As part of the change, the name of the RenderAndRegressionTest function has been simplified to RenderTest.

Use a more efficient device

It is common for the testing infrastructure to run the same test multiple times with different devices. Thus, a filter might be run once with the Kokkos backend and once with the Serial backend. However, even if the filter is being tested with the serial backend, there is no real reason to restrict the rendering to a serial process.

Thus, unless otherwise specified, the rendering will use whatever device is available regardless of what was requested for the test.

Consolidate options into a struct

Before these changes, there were several options that could be provided to the render function, and these changes have added several more. The previous version of the render function specified each of these options as arguments to the function. However, that quickly became unwieldy as the number of options grows. Also, it was impossible to send options to the image comparison (which is called as a subprocess) such as threshold values.

Move general testing methods to library

A side effect of these changes is that some more general testing methods have been moved to the vtkm_cont_testing library. Previously, all methods in the vtkm::cont::testing::Testing class were inlined in the header file. This makes sense for the methods that are templated, but not so much for methods that are not templated.

Although this change provides minimal improvements with compile times and object sizes (maybe). But the real benefit is that some of these methods declare static objects. When declared in inlined functions, a different object will be created for each translation unit. This can lead to unexpected behavior when multiple versions of a supposed singleton static object exist. In particular, this was causing a failure when the static objects holding testing directories was created by the test translation unit but was then unavailable to vtkm_rendering_testing.

Expand test_equal_images

The test_equal_images function has been expanded to supply the generated image in a Canvas or a DataSet in addition to a View. Much of the templating code has been removed from test_equal_images and most of the code has moved into the vtkm_rendering_testing library.