2019-06-26 12:13:47 -04:00

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VTK-m 1.4 Release Notes

Table of Contents

  1. Core
    • Remove templates from ControlSignature field tags
    • Worklets can now be specialized for a specific device adapter
    • Worklets now support an execution mask
    • Redesign VTK-m Runtime Device Tracking
    • vtkm::cont::Initialize added to make setting up VTK-m runtime state easier
  2. ArrayHandle
    • Add vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleVirtual
    • vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleZip provides a consistent API even with non-writable handles
    • vtkm::cont::VariantArrayHandle replaces vtkm::cont::DynamicArrayHandle
    • vtkm::cont::VariantArrayHandle CastAndCall supports casting to concrete types
    • vtkm::cont::VariantArrayHandle::AsVirtual<T>() performs casting
    • StorageBasic::StealArray() now provides delete function to new owner
  3. Control Environment
    • vtkm::cont::CellLocatorGeneral has been added
    • vtkm::cont::CellLocatorTwoLevelUniformGrid has been renamed to vtkm::cont::CellLocatorUniformBins
    • vtkm::cont::Timer now supports asynchronous and device independent timers
    • vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterId construction from strings are now case-insensitive
    • vtkm::cont::Initialize will only parse known arguments
  4. Execution Environment
    • VTK-m logs details about each CUDA kernel launch
    • VTK-m CUDA allocations can have managed memory (cudaMallocManaged) enabled/disabled from C++
    • VTK-m CUDA kernel scheduling improved including better defaults, and user customization support
    • VTK-m Reduction algorithm now supports differing input and output types
    • Added specialized operators for ArrayPortalValueReference
  5. Worklets and Filters
    • vtkm::worklet::Invoker now supports worklets which require a Scatter object
    • BitFields are now a support field input/out type for VTK-m worklets
    • Added a Point Merging worklet
    • vtkm::filter::CleanGrid now can do point merging
    • Added a connected component worklets and filters
  6. Build
    • CMake 3.8+ now required to build VTK-m
    • VTK-m now can verify that it installs itself correctly
    • VTK-m now requires CUDA separable compilation to build
    • VTK-m provides a vtkm_filter CMake target
    • vtkm::cont::CellLocatorBoundingIntervalHierarchy is compiled into vtkm_cont
  7. Other
    • LodePNG added as a thirdparty package
    • Optionparser added as a thirdparty package
    • Thirdparty diy now can coexist with external diy
    • Merge benchmark executables into a device dependent shared library
    • Merge rendering testing executables to a shared library
    • Merge worklet testing executables into a device dependent shared library
    • VTK-m runtime device detection properly handles busy CUDA devices


Remove templates from ControlSignature field tags

Previously, several of the ControlSignature tags had a template to specify a type list. This was to specify potential valid value types for an input array. The importance of this typelist was to limit the number of code paths created when resolving a vtkm::cont::VariantArrayHandle (formerly a DynamicArrayHandle). This (potentially) reduced the compile time, the size of libraries/executables, and errors from unexpected types.

Much has changed since this feature was originally implemented. Since then, the filter infrastructure has been created, and it is through this that most dynamic worklet invocations happen. However, since the filter infrastrcture does its own type resolution (and has its own policies) the type arguments in ControlSignature are now of little value.

Script to update code

This update requires changes to just about all code implementing a VTK-m worklet. To facilitate the update of this code to these new changes (not to mention all the code in VTK-m) a script is provided to automatically remove these template parameters from VTK-m code.

This script is at Utilities/Scripts/update-control-signature-tags.sh. It needs to be run in a Unix-compatible shell. It takes a single argument, which is a top level directory to modify files. The script processes all C++ source files recursively from that directory.

Selecting data types for auxiliary filter fields

The main rational for making these changes is that the types of the inputs to worklets is almost always already determined by the calling filter. However, although it is straightforward to specify the type of the "main" (active) scalars in a filter, it is less clear what to do for additional fields if a filter needs a second or third field.

Typically, in the case of a second or third field, it is up to the DoExecute method in the filter implementation to apply a policy to that field. When applying a policy, you give it a policy object (nominally passed by the user) and a traits of the filter. Generally, the accepted list of types for a field should be part of the filter's traits. For example, consider the WarpVector filter. This filter only works on Vecs of size 3, so its traits class looks like this.

template <>
class FilterTraits<WarpVector>
  // WarpVector can only applies to Float and Double Vec3 arrays
  using InputFieldTypeList = vtkm::TypeListTagFieldVec3;

However, the WarpVector filter also requires two fields instead of one. The first (active) field is handled by its superclass (FilterField), but the second (auxiliary) field must be managed in the DoExecute. Generally, this can be done by simply applying the policy with the filter traits.

The corner cases

Most of the calls to worklets happen within filter implementations, which have their own way of narrowing down potential types (as previously described). The majority of the remainder either use static types or work with a variety of types.

However, there is a minority of corner cases that require a reduction of types. Since the type argument of the worklet ControlSignature arguments are no longer available, the narrowing of types must be done before the call to Invoke.

This narrowing of arguments is not particularly difficult. Such type-unsure arguments usually come from a VariantArrayHandle (or something that uses one). You can select the types from a VariantArrayHandle simply by using the ResetTypes method. For example, say you know that a variant array is supposed to be a scalar.


Even more common is to have a vtkm::cont::Field object. A Field object internally holds a VariantArrayHandle, which is accessible via the GetData method.


Change in executable size

The whole intention of these template parameters in the first place was to reduce the number of code paths compiled. The hypothesis of this change was that in the current structure the code paths were not being reduced much if at all. If that is true, the size of executables and libraries should not change.

Here is a recording of the library and executable sizes before this change (using ds -h).

3.0M    libvtkm_cont-1.2.1.dylib
6.2M    libvtkm_rendering-1.2.1.dylib
312K    Rendering_SERIAL
312K    Rendering_TBB
 22M    Worklets_SERIAL
 23M    Worklets_TBB
 22M    UnitTests_vtkm_filter_testing
5.7M    UnitTests_vtkm_cont_serial_testing
6.0M    UnitTests_vtkm_cont_tbb_testing
7.1M    UnitTests_vtkm_cont_testing

After the changes, the executable sizes are as follows.

3.0M    libvtkm_cont-1.2.1.dylib
6.0M    libvtkm_rendering-1.2.1.dylib
312K    Rendering_SERIAL
312K    Rendering_TBB
 21M    Worklets_SERIAL
 21M    Worklets_TBB
 22M    UnitTests_vtkm_filter_testing
5.6M    UnitTests_vtkm_cont_serial_testing
6.0M    UnitTests_vtkm_cont_tbb_testing
7.1M    UnitTests_vtkm_cont_testing

As we can see, the built sizes have not changed significantly. (If anything, the build is a little smaller.)

Worklets can now be specialized for a specific device adapter

This change adds an execution signature tag named Device that passes a DeviceAdapterTag to the worklet's parenthesis operator. This allows the worklet to specialize its operation. This features is available in all worklets.

The following example shows a worklet that specializes itself for the CUDA device.

struct DeviceSpecificWorklet : vtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField
  using ControlSignature = void(FieldIn, FieldOut);
  using ExecutionSignature = _2(_1, Device);

  // Specialization for the Cuda device.
  template <typename T>
  T operator()(T x, vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagCuda) const
    // Special cuda implementation

  // General implementation
  template <typename T, typename Device>
  T operator()(T x, Device) const
    // General implementation

Effect on compile time and binary size

This change necessitated adding a template parameter for the device that followed at least from the schedule all the way down. This has the potential for duplicating several of the support methods (like DoWorkletInvokeFunctor) that would otherwise have the same type. This is especially true between the devices that run on the CPU as they should all be sharing the same portals from ArrayHandles. So the question is whether it causes compile to take longer or cause a significant increase in binaries.

To informally test, I first ran a clean debug compile on my Windows machine with the serial and tbb devices. The build itself took 3 minutes, 50 seconds. Here is a list of the binary sizes in the bin directory:

kmorel2 0> du -sh *.exe *.dll
200K    BenchmarkArrayTransfer_SERIAL.exe
204K    BenchmarkArrayTransfer_TBB.exe
424K    BenchmarkAtomicArray_SERIAL.exe
424K    BenchmarkAtomicArray_TBB.exe
440K    BenchmarkCopySpeeds_SERIAL.exe
580K    BenchmarkCopySpeeds_TBB.exe
4.1M    BenchmarkDeviceAdapter_SERIAL.exe
5.3M    BenchmarkDeviceAdapter_TBB.exe
7.9M    BenchmarkFieldAlgorithms_SERIAL.exe
7.9M    BenchmarkFieldAlgorithms_TBB.exe
22M     BenchmarkFilters_SERIAL.exe
22M     BenchmarkFilters_TBB.exe
276K    BenchmarkRayTracing_SERIAL.exe
276K    BenchmarkRayTracing_TBB.exe
4.4M    BenchmarkTopologyAlgorithms_SERIAL.exe
4.4M    BenchmarkTopologyAlgorithms_TBB.exe
712K    Rendering_SERIAL.exe
712K    Rendering_TBB.exe
708K    UnitTests_vtkm_cont_arg_testing.exe
1.7M    UnitTests_vtkm_cont_internal_testing.exe
13M     UnitTests_vtkm_cont_serial_testing.exe
14M     UnitTests_vtkm_cont_tbb_testing.exe
18M     UnitTests_vtkm_cont_testing.exe
13M     UnitTests_vtkm_cont_testing_mpi.exe
736K    UnitTests_vtkm_exec_arg_testing.exe
136K    UnitTests_vtkm_exec_internal_testing.exe
196K    UnitTests_vtkm_exec_serial_internal_testing.exe
196K    UnitTests_vtkm_exec_tbb_internal_testing.exe
2.0M    UnitTests_vtkm_exec_testing.exe
83M     UnitTests_vtkm_filter_testing.exe
476K    UnitTests_vtkm_internal_testing.exe
148K    UnitTests_vtkm_interop_internal_testing.exe
1.3M    UnitTests_vtkm_interop_testing.exe
2.9M    UnitTests_vtkm_io_reader_testing.exe
548K    UnitTests_vtkm_io_writer_testing.exe
792K    UnitTests_vtkm_rendering_testing.exe
3.7M    UnitTests_vtkm_testing.exe
320K    UnitTests_vtkm_worklet_internal_testing.exe
65M     UnitTests_vtkm_worklet_testing.exe
11M     vtkm_cont-1.3.dll
2.1M    vtkm_interop-1.3.dll
21M     vtkm_rendering-1.3.dll
3.9M    vtkm_worklet-1.3.dll

After making the singular change to the Invocation object to add the DeviceAdapterTag as a template parameter (which should cause any extra compile instances) the compile took 4 minuts and 5 seconds. Here is the new list of binaries.

kmorel2 0> du -sh *.exe *.dll
200K    BenchmarkArrayTransfer_SERIAL.exe
204K    BenchmarkArrayTransfer_TBB.exe
424K    BenchmarkAtomicArray_SERIAL.exe
424K    BenchmarkAtomicArray_TBB.exe
440K    BenchmarkCopySpeeds_SERIAL.exe
580K    BenchmarkCopySpeeds_TBB.exe
4.1M    BenchmarkDeviceAdapter_SERIAL.exe
5.3M    BenchmarkDeviceAdapter_TBB.exe
7.9M    BenchmarkFieldAlgorithms_SERIAL.exe
7.9M    BenchmarkFieldAlgorithms_TBB.exe
22M     BenchmarkFilters_SERIAL.exe
22M     BenchmarkFilters_TBB.exe
276K    BenchmarkRayTracing_SERIAL.exe
276K    BenchmarkRayTracing_TBB.exe
4.4M    BenchmarkTopologyAlgorithms_SERIAL.exe
4.4M    BenchmarkTopologyAlgorithms_TBB.exe
712K    Rendering_SERIAL.exe
712K    Rendering_TBB.exe
708K    UnitTests_vtkm_cont_arg_testing.exe
1.7M    UnitTests_vtkm_cont_internal_testing.exe
13M     UnitTests_vtkm_cont_serial_testing.exe
14M     UnitTests_vtkm_cont_tbb_testing.exe
19M     UnitTests_vtkm_cont_testing.exe
13M     UnitTests_vtkm_cont_testing_mpi.exe
736K    UnitTests_vtkm_exec_arg_testing.exe
136K    UnitTests_vtkm_exec_internal_testing.exe
196K    UnitTests_vtkm_exec_serial_internal_testing.exe
196K    UnitTests_vtkm_exec_tbb_internal_testing.exe
2.0M    UnitTests_vtkm_exec_testing.exe
86M     UnitTests_vtkm_filter_testing.exe
476K    UnitTests_vtkm_internal_testing.exe
148K    UnitTests_vtkm_interop_internal_testing.exe
1.3M    UnitTests_vtkm_interop_testing.exe
2.9M    UnitTests_vtkm_io_reader_testing.exe
548K    UnitTests_vtkm_io_writer_testing.exe
792K    UnitTests_vtkm_rendering_testing.exe
3.7M    UnitTests_vtkm_testing.exe
320K    UnitTests_vtkm_worklet_internal_testing.exe
68M     UnitTests_vtkm_worklet_testing.exe
11M     vtkm_cont-1.3.dll
2.1M    vtkm_interop-1.3.dll
21M     vtkm_rendering-1.3.dll
3.9M    vtkm_worklet-1.3.dll

So far the increase is quite negligible.

Worklets now support an execution mask

There have recently been use cases where it would be helpful to mask out some of the invocations of a worklet. The idea is that when invoking a worklet with a mask array on the input domain, you might implement your worklet more-or-less like the following.

VTKM_EXEC void operator()(bool mask, /* other parameters */)
  if (mask)
    // Do interesting stuff

This works, but what if your mask has mostly false values? In that case, you are spending tons of time loading data to and from memory where fields are stored for no reason.

You could potentially get around this problem by adding a scatter to the worklet. However, that will compress the output arrays to only values that are active in the mask. That is problematic if you want the masked output in the appropriate place in the original arrays. You will have to do some complex (and annoying and possibly expensive) permutations of the output arrays.

Thus, we would like a new feature similar to scatter that instead masks out invocations so that the worklet is simply not run on those outputs.

New Interface

The new "Mask" feature that is similar (and orthogonal) to the existing "Scatter" feature. Worklet objects now define a MaskType that provides on object that manages the selections of which invocations are skipped. The following Mask objects are defined.

  • MaskNone - This removes any mask of the output. All outputs are generated. This is the default if no MaskType is explicitly defined.
  • MaskSelect - The user to provides an array that specifies whether each output is created with a 1 to mean that the output should be created an 0 the mean that it should not.
  • MaskIndices - The user provides an array with a list of indices for all outputs that should be created.

It will be straightforward to implement other versions of masks. (For example, you could make a mask class that selectes every Nth entry.) Those could be made on an as-needed basis.


The implementation follows the same basic idea of how scatters are implemented.

Mask Classes

The mask class is required to implement the following items.

  • ThreadToOutputType - A type for an array that maps a thread index (an index in the array) to an output index. A reasonable type for this could be vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Id>.
  • GetThreadToOutputMap - Given the range for the output (e.g. the number of items in the output domain), returns an array of type ThreadToOutputType that is the actual map.
  • GetThreadRange - Given a range for the output (e.g. the number of items in the output domain), returns the range for the threads (e.g. the number of times the worklet will be invoked).


The vtkm::worklet::internal::DispatcherBase manages a mask class in the same way it manages the scatter class. It gets the MaskType from the worklet it is templated on. It requires a MaskType object during its construction.

Previously the dispatcher (and downstream) had to manage the range and indices of inputs and threads. They now have to also manage a separate output range/index as now all three may be different.

The vtkm::Invocation is changed to hold the ThreadToOutputMap array from the mask. It likewises has a templated ChangeThreadToOutputMap method added (similar to those already existing for the arrays from a scatter). This method is used in DispatcherBase::InvokeTransportParameters to add the mask's array to the invocation before calling InvokeSchedule.

Thread Indices

With the addition of masks, the ThreadIndices classes are changed to manage the actual output index. Previously, the output index was always the same as the thread index. However, now these two can be different. The GetThreadIndices methods of the worklet base classes have an argument added that is the portal to the ThreadToOutputMap.

The worklet GetThreadIndices is called from the Task classes. These classes are changed to pass in this additional argument. Since the Task classes get an Invocation object from the dispatcher, which contains the ThreadToOutputMap, this change is trivial.

Interaction Between Mask and Scatter

Although it seems weird, it should work fine to mix scatters and masks. The scatter will first be applied to the input to generate a (potential) list of output elements. The mask will then be applied to these output elements.

Redesign VTK-m Runtime Device Tracking

The device tracking infrastructure in VTK-m has been redesigned to remove multiple redundant codes paths and to simplify reasoning about around what an instance of RuntimeDeviceTracker will modify.

vtkm::cont::RuntimeDeviceTracker tracks runtime information on a per-user thread basis. This is done to allow multiple calling threads to use different vtk-m backends such as seen in this example:

  vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagCuda cuda;
  vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagOpenMP openmp;
  { // thread 1
    auto& tracker = vtkm::cont::GetRuntimeDeviceTracker();
    vtkm::worklet::Invoker invoke;
    invoke(LightTask{}, input, output);
    invoke(HeavyTask{}, output);

 { // thread 2
    auto& tracker = vtkm::cont::GetRuntimeDeviceTracker();
    vtkm::worklet::Invoker invoke;
    invoke(LightTask{}, input, output);
    invoke(HeavyTask{}, output);

Note: GetGlobalRuntimeDeviceTracker has ben refactored to be GetRuntimeDeviceTracker as it always returned a unique instance for each control side thread. This design allows for different threads to have different runtime device settings. By removing the term Global from the name it becomes more clear what scope this class has.

While this address the ability for threads to specify what device they should run on. It doesn't make it easy to toggle the status of a device in a programmatic way, for example the following block forces execution to only occur on cuda and doesn't restore previous active devices after

  vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagCuda cuda;
  auto& tracker = vtkm::cont::GetRuntimeDeviceTracker();
  vtkm::worklet::Invoker invoke;
  invoke(LightTask{}, input, output);
  //openmp/tbb/... still inactive

To resolve those issues we have vtkm::cont::ScopedRuntimeDeviceTracker which has the same interface as vtkm::cont::RuntimeDeviceTracker but additionally resets any per-user thread modifications when it goes out of scope. So by switching over the previous example to use ScopedRuntimeDeviceTracker we correctly restore the threads RuntimeDeviceTracker state when tracker goes out of scope.

  vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagCuda cuda;
  vtkm::cont::ScopedRuntimeDeviceTracker tracker(cuda);
  vtkm::worklet::Invoker invoke;
  invoke(LightTask{}, input, output);
  //openmp/tbb/... are now again active

The vtkm::cont::ScopedRuntimeDeviceTracker is not limited to forcing execution to occur on a single device. When constructed it can either force execution to a device, disable a device or enable a device. These options also work with the DeviceAdapterTagAny.

  //enable all devices
  vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagAny any;
  vtkm::cont::ScopedRuntimeDeviceTracker tracker(any,

  //disable only cuda
  vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagCuda cuda;
  vtkm::cont::ScopedRuntimeDeviceTracker tracker(cuda,


vtkm::cont::Initialize added to make setting up VTK-m runtime state easier

A new initialization function, vtkm::cont::Initialize, has been added. Initialization is not required, but will configure the logging utilities (when enabled) and allows forcing a device via a -d or --device command line option.


#include <vtkm/cont/Initialize.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  auto config = vtkm::cont::Initialize(argc, argv);



Add vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleVirtual

Added a new class named vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleVirtual that allows you to type erase an ArrayHandle storage type by using virtual calls. This simplification makes storing Fields and Coordinates significantly easier as VTK-m doesn't need to deduce both the storage and value type when executing worklets.

To construct an vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleVirtual one can do the following:

vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Float32> pressure;
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleConstant<vtkm::Float32> constant(42.0f);

// constrcut from an array handle
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleVirtual<vtkm::Float32> v(pressure);

// or assign from an array handle
v = constant;

To help maintain performance vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleVirtual provides a collection of helper functions/methods to query and cast back to the concrete storage and value type:

vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleConstant<vtkm::Float32> constant(42.0f);
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleVirtual<vtkm::Float32> v = constant;

const bool isConstant = vtkm::cont::IsType< decltype(constant) >(v);
  vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleConstant<vtkm::Float32> t = vtkm::cont::Cast< decltype(constant) >(v);

Lastly, a common operation of calling code using ArrayHandleVirtual is a desire to construct a new instance of an existing virtual handle with the same storage type. This can be done by using the NewInstance method as seen below

vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Float32> pressure;
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleVirtual<vtkm::Float32> v = pressure;

vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleVirtual<vtkm::Float32> newArray = v->NewInstance();
bool isConstant = vtkm::cont::IsType< vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Float32> >(newArray); //will be true

vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleZip provides a consistent API even with non-writable handles

Previously vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleZip could not wrap an implicit handle and provide a consistent experience. The primary issue was that if you tried to use the PortalType returned by GetPortalControl() you would get a compile failure. This would occur as the PortalType returned would try to call Set on an ImplicitPortal which doesn't have a set method.

Now with this change, the ZipPortal use SFINAE to determine if Set and Get should call the underlying zipped portals.

vtkm::cont::VariantArrayHandle replaces vtkm::cont::DynamicArrayHandle

vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleVariant replaces vtkm::cont::DynamicArrayHandle as the primary method for holding onto a type erased vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle. The major difference between the two implementations is how they handle the Storage component of an array handle.

vtkm::contDynamicArrayHandle approach was to find the fully deduced type of the ArrayHandle meaning it would check all value and storage types it knew about until it found a match. This cross product of values and storages would cause significant compilation times when a DynamicArrayHandle had multiple storage types.

vtkm::cont::VariantArrayHandle approach is to only deduce the value type of the ArrayHandle and return a vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleVirtual which uses polymorpishm to hide the actual storage type. This approach allows for better compile times, and for calling code to always expect an ArrayHandleVirtual instead of the fully deduced type. This conversion to ArrayHandleVirtual is usually done internally within VTK-m when a worklet or filter is invoked.

In certain cases users of VariantArrayHandle want to be able to access the concrete ArrayHandle<T,S> and not have it wrapped in a ArrayHandleVirtual. For those occurrences VariantArrayHandle provides a collection of helper functions/methods to query and cast back to the concrete storage and value type:

vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleConstant<vtkm::Float32> constant(42.0f);
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleVariant v(constant);

const bool isConstant = vtkm::cont::IsType< decltype(constant) >(v);
  vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleConstant<vtkm::Float32> t = vtkm::cont::Cast< decltype(constant) >(v);

Lastly, a common operation of calling code using VariantArrayHandle is a desire to construct a new instance of an existing virtual handle with the same storage type. This can be done by using the NewInstance method as seen below:

vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Float32> pressure;
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleVariant v(pressure);

vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleVariant newArray = v->NewInstance();
const bool isConstant = vtkm::cont::IsType< decltype(pressure) >(newArray); //will be true

vtkm::cont::VariantArrayHandle CastAndCall supports casting to concrete types

Previously, the VariantArrayHandle::CastAndCall (and indirect calls through vtkm::cont::CastAndCall) attempted to cast to only vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleVirtual with different value types. That worked, but it meant that whatever was called had to operate through virtual functions.

Under most circumstances, it is worthwhile to also check for some common storage types that, when encountered, can be accessed much faster. This change provides the casting to concrete storage types and now uses vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleVirtual as a fallback when no concrete storage type is found.

By default, CastAndCall checks all the storage types in VTKM_DEFAULT_STORAGE_LIST_TAG, which typically contains only the basic storage. The ArrayHandleVirtual::CastAndCall method also allows you to override this behavior by specifying a different type list in the first argument. If the first argument is a list type, CastAndCall assumes that all the types in the list are storage tags. If you pass in vtkm::ListTagEmpty, then CastAndCall will always cast to an ArrayHandleVirtual (the previous behavior). Alternately, you can pass in storage tags that might be likely under the current usage.

As an example, consider the following simple code.

vtkm::cont::VariantArrayHandle array;

// stuff happens


Previously, myFunctor would be called with vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleVirtual<T> with different type Ts. After this change, myFunctor will be called with that and with vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T> of the same type Ts.

If you want to only call myFunctor with vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleVirtual<T>, then replace the previous line with

array.CastAndCall(vtkm::ListTagEmpty(), myFunctor);

Let's say that additionally using vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleIndex was also common. If you want to also specialize for that array, you can do so with the following line.


Note that myFunctor will be called with vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T,vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleIndex::StorageTag>, not vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleIndex.

vtkm::cont::VariantArrayHandle::AsVirtual<T>() performs casting

The AsVirtual<T> method of vtkm::cont::VariantArrayHandle now works for any arithmetic type, not just the actual type of the underlying array. This works by inserting an ArrayHandleCast between the underlying concrete array and the new ArrayHandleVirtual when needed.

StorageBasic::StealArray() now provides delete function to new owner

Memory that is stolen from VTK-m has to be freed correctly. This is required as the memory could have been allocated with new, malloc or even cudaMallocManaged.

Previously it was very easy to transfer ownership of memory out of VTK-m and either fail to capture the free function, or ask for it after the transfer operation which would return a nullptr. Now stealing an array also provides the free function reducing one source of memory leaks.

To properly steal memory from VTK-m you do the following:

  vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T> arrayHandle;


  auto* stolen = arrayHandle.StealArray();
  T* ptr = stolen.first;
  auto free_function = stolen.second;



Control Environment

vtkm::cont::CellLocatorGeneral has been added

vtkm::cont::CellLocatorUniformBins can work with all kinds of datasets, but there are cell locators that are more efficient for specific data sets. Therefore, a new cell locator - vtkm::cont::CellLocatorGeneral has been implemented that can be configured to use specialized cell locators based on its input data. A "configurator" function object can be specified using the SetConfigurator() function. The configurator should have the following signature:

void (std::unique_ptr<vtkm::cont::CellLocator>&,
     const vtkm::cont::DynamicCellSet&,
     const vtkm::cont::CoordinateSystem&);

The configurator is invoked whenever the Update method is called and the input has changed. The current cell locator is passed in a std::unique_ptr. Based on the types of the input cellset and coordinates, and possibly some heuristics on their values, the current cell locator's parameters can be updated, or a different cell-locator can be instantiated and transferred to the unique_ptr. The default configurator configures a vtkm::cont::CellLocatorUniformGrid for uniform grid datasets, a vtkm::cont::CellLocatorRecitlinearGrid for rectilinear datasets, and vtkm::cont::CellLocatorUniformBins for all other dataset types.

The class CellLocatorHelper that implemented similar functionality to CellLocatorGeneral has been removed.

vtkm::cont::CellLocatorTwoLevelUniformGrid has been renamed to vtkm::cont::CellLocatorUniformBins

CellLocatorTwoLevelUniformGrid has been renamed to CellLocatorUniformBins for brevity. It has been modified to be a subclass of vtkm::cont::CellLocator and can be used wherever a CellLocator is accepted.

vtkm::cont::Timer now supports asynchronous and device independent timers

vtkm::cont::Timer can now track execution time on a single device or across all enabled devices as seen below:

vtkm::cont::Timer tbb_timer{vtkm::cont::DeviceAdaptertagTBB()};
vtkm::cont::Timer all_timer;

// Run blocking algorithm on tbb
// Run async-algorithms cuda

// Do more work

//Now get time for all tbb work, and tbb_cuda work
auto tbb_time = tbb_timer.GetElapsedTime();
auto all_time = tbb_timer.GetElapsedTime();

When Timer is constructed without an explicit vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterId it will track all device adapters and return the maximum elapsed time over all devices when GetElapsedTime is called.

vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterId construction from strings are now case-insensitive

You can now construct a vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterId from a string no matter the case of it. The following all will construct the same vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterId.

vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterId id1 = vtkm::cont::make_DeviceAdapterId("cuda");
vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterId id2 = vtkm::cont::make_DeviceAdapterId("CUDA");
vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterId id3 = vtkm::cont::make_DeviceAdapterId("Cuda");

auto& tracker = vtkm::cont::GetRuntimeDeviceTracker();
vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterId id4 = tracker.GetDeviceAdapterId("cuda");
vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterId id5 = tracker.GetDeviceAdapterId("CUDA");
vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterId id6 = tracker.GetDeviceAdapterId("Cuda");

vtkm::cont::Initialize will only parse known arguments

When a library requires reading some command line arguments through a function like Initialize, it is typical that it will parse through arguments it supports and then remove those arguments from argc and argv so that the remaining arguments can be parsed by the calling program. Recent changes to the vtkm::cont::Initialize function support that.

Use Case

Say you are creating a simple benchmark where you want to provide a command line option --size that allows you to adjust the size of the data that you are working on. However, you also want to support flags like --device and -v that are performed by vtkm::cont::Initialize. Rather than have to re-implement all of Initialize's parsing, you can now first call Initialize to handle its arguments and then parse the remaining objects.

The following is a simple (and rather incomplete) example:

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  vtkm::cont::InitializeResult initResult = vtkm::cont::Initialize(argc, argv);

  if ((argc > 1) && (strcmp(argv[1], "--size") == 0))
    if (argc < 3)
	  std::cerr << "--size option requires a numeric argument" << std::endl;
	  std::cerr << "USAGE: " << argv[0] << " [options]" << std::endl;
	  std::cerr << "Options are:" << std::endl;
	  std::cerr << "  --size <number>\tSpecify the size of the data." << std::endl;
	  std::cerr << initResult.Usage << std::endl;

	g_size = atoi(argv[2]);

  std::cout << "Using device: " << initResult.Device.GetName() << std::endl;

Additional Initialize Options

Because vtkm::cont::Initialize no longer has the assumption that it is responsible for parsing all arguments, some options have been added to vtkm::cont::InitializeOptions to manage these different use cases. The following options are now supported.

  • None A placeholder for having all options off, which is the default. (Same as before this change.)
  • RequireDevice Issue an error if the device argument is not specified. (Same as before this change.)
  • DefaultAnyDevice If no device is specified, treat it as if the user gave --device=Any. This means that DeviceAdapterTagUndefined will never be return in the result.
  • AddHelp Add a help argument. If -h or --help is provided, prints a usage statement. Of course, the usage statement will only print out arguments processed by VTK-m.
  • ErrorOnBadOption If an unknown option is encountered, the program terminates with an error and a usage statement is printed. If this option is not provided, any unknown options are returned in argv. If this option is used, it is a good idea to use AddHelp as well.
  • ErrorOnBadArgument If an extra argument is encountered, the program terminates with an error and a usage statement is printed. If this option is not provided, any unknown arguments are returned in argv.
  • Strict If supplied, Initialize treats its own arguments as the only ones supported by the application and provides an error if not followed exactly. This is a convenience option that is a combination of ErrorOnBadOption, ErrorOnBadArgument, and AddHelp.

InitializeResult Changes

The changes in Initialize have also necessitated the changing of some of the fields in the InitializeResult structure. The following fields are now provided in the InitializeResult struct.

  • Device Returns the device selected in the command line arguments as a DeviceAdapterId. If no device was selected, DeviceAdapterTagUndefined is returned. (Same as before this change.)
  • Usage Returns a string containing the usage for the options recognized by Initialize. This can be used to build larger usage statements containing options for both Initialize and the calling program. See the example above.

Note that the Arguments field has been removed from InitializeResult. This is because the unparsed arguments are now returned in the modified argc and argv, which provides a more complete result than the Arguments field did.

Execution Environment

VTK-m logs details about each CUDA kernel launch

The VTK-m logging infrastructure has been extended with a new log level KernelLaunches which exists between MemTransfer and Cast.

This log level reports the number of blocks, threads per block, and the PTX version of each CUDA kernel launched.

This logging level was primarily introduced to help developers that are tracking down issues that occur when VTK-m components have been built with different sm_XX flags and help people looking to do kernel performance tuning.

VTK-m CUDA allocations can have managed memory (cudaMallocManaged) enabled/disabled from C++

Previously it was impossible for calling code to explicitly disable cuda managed memory. This can be desirable for projects that know they don't need managed memory and are super performance critical.

const bool usingManagedMemory = vtkm::cont::cuda::internal::CudaAllocator::UsingManagedMemory();
  {  //disable managed memory

VTK-m CUDA kernel scheduling improved including better defaults, and user customization support

VTK-m now offers a more GPU aware set of defaults for kernel scheduling. When VTK-m first launches a kernel we do system introspection and determine what GPU's are on the machine and than match this information to a preset table of values. The implementation is designed in a way that allows for VTK-m to offer both specific presets for a given GPU ( V100 ) or for an entire generation of cards ( Pascal ).

Currently VTK-m offers preset tables for the following GPU's:

  • Tesla V100
  • Tesla P100

If the hardware doesn't match a specific GPU card we than try to find the nearest know hardware generation and use those defaults. Currently we offer defaults for

  • Older than Pascal Hardware
  • Pascal Hardware
  • Volta+ Hardware

Some users have workloads that don't align with the defaults provided by VTK-m. When that is the cause, it is possible to override the defaults by binding a custom function to vtkm::cont::cuda::InitScheduleParameters. As shown below:

  ScheduleParameters CustomScheduleValues(char const* name,
                                          int major,
                                          int minor,
                                          int multiProcessorCount,
                                          int maxThreadsPerMultiProcessor,
                                          int maxThreadsPerBlock)

    ScheduleParameters params  {
        64 * multiProcessorCount,  //1d blocks
        64,                        //1d threads per block
        64 * multiProcessorCount,  //2d blocks
        { 8, 8, 1 },               //2d threads per block
        64 * multiProcessorCount,  //3d blocks
        { 4, 4, 4 } };             //3d threads per block
    return params;

VTK-m Reduction algorithm now supports differing input and output types

It is common to want to perform a reduction where the input and output types are of differing types. A basic example would be when the input is vtkm::UInt8 but the output is vtkm::UInt64. This has been supported since v1.2, as the input type can be implicitly convertible to the output type.

What we now support is when the input type is not implicitly convertible to the output type, such as when the output type is vtkm::Pair< vtkm::UInt64, vtkm::UInt64>. For this to work we require that the custom binary operator implements also an operator() which handles the unary transformation of input to output.

An example of a custom reduction operator for differing input and output types is:

  struct CustomMinAndMax
    using OutputType = vtkm::Pair<vtkm::Float64, vtkm::Float64>;

    OutputType operator()(vtkm::Float64 a) const
    return OutputType(a, a);

    OutputType operator()(vtkm::Float64 a, vtkm::Float64 b) const
      return OutputType(vtkm::Min(a, b), vtkm::Max(a, b));

    OutputType operator()(const OutputType& a, const OutputType& b) const
      return OutputType(vtkm::Min(a.first, b.first), vtkm::Max(a.second, b.second));

    OutputType operator()(vtkm::Float64 a, const OutputType& b) const
      return OutputType(vtkm::Min(a, b.first), vtkm::Max(a, b.second));

    OutputType operator()(const OutputType& a, vtkm::Float64 b) const
      return OutputType(vtkm::Min(a.first, b), vtkm::Max(a.second, b));

Added specialized operators for ArrayPortalValueReference

The ArrayPortalValueReference is supposed to behave just like the value it encapsulates and does so by automatically converting to the base type when necessary. However, when it is possible to convert that to something else, it is possible to get errors about ambiguous overloads. To avoid these, add specialized versions of the operators to specify which ones should be used.

Also consolidated the CUDA version of an ArrayPortalValueReference to the standard one. The two implementations were equivalent and we would like changes to apply to both.

Worklets and Filters

vtkm::worklet::Invoker now supports worklets which require a Scatter object

This change allows the Invoker class to support launching worklets that require a custom scatter operation. This is done by providing the scatter as the second argument when launch a worklet with the () operator.

The following example shows a scatter being provided with a worklet launch.

struct CheckTopology : vtkm::worklet::WorkletMapPointToCell
  using ControlSignature = void(CellSetIn cellset, FieldOutCell);
  using ExecutionSignature = _2(FromIndices);
  using ScatterType = vtkm::worklet::ScatterPermutation<>;

vtkm::worklet::Ivoker invoke;
invoke( CheckTopology{}, vtkm::worklet::ScatterPermutation{}, cellset, result );

BitFields are now a support field input/out type for VTK-m worklets

BitFields are:

  • Stored in memory using a contiguous buffer of bits.
  • Accessible via portals, a la ArrayHandle.
  • Portals operate on individual bits or words.
  • Operations may be atomic for safe use from concurrent kernels.

The new BitFieldToUnorderedSet device algorithm produces an ArrayHandle containing the indices of all set bits, in no particular order.

The new AtomicInterface classes provide an abstraction into bitwise atomic operations across control and execution environments and are used to implement the BitPortals.

BitFields may be used as boolean-typed ArrayHandles using the ArrayHandleBitField adapter. vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleBitField uses atomic operations to read and write bits in the BitField, and is safe to use in concurrent code.

For example, a simple worklet that merges two arrays based on a boolean condition:

class ConditionalMergeWorklet : public vtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField
using ControlSignature = void(FieldIn cond,
                              FieldIn trueVals,
                              FieldIn falseVals,
                              FieldOut result);
using ExecutionSignature = _4(_1, _2, _3);

template <typename T>
VTKM_EXEC T operator()(bool cond, const T& trueVal, const T& falseVal) const
  return cond ? trueVal : falseVal;


BitField bits = ...;
auto condArray = vtkm::cont::make_ArrayHandleBitField(bits);
auto trueArray = vtkm::cont::make_ArrayHandleCounting<vtkm::Id>(20, 2, NUM_BITS);
auto falseArray = vtkm::cont::make_ArrayHandleCounting<vtkm::Id>(13, 2, NUM_BITS);
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Id> output;

vtkm::worklet::Invoker invoke( vtkm::cont::DeviceAdaptertagTBB{} );
invoke(ConditionalMergeWorklet{}, condArray, trueArray, falseArray, output);

Added a Point Merging worklet

We have added vtkm::worklet::PointMerge which uses a virtual grid approach to identify nearby points. The worklet works by creating a very fine but sparsely represented locator grid. It then groups points by grid bins and finds those within a specified radius.

vtkm::filter::CleanGrid now can do point merging

The CleanGrid filter has been extended to use vtkm::worklet::PointMerge to allow for point merging. The following flags have been added to CleanGrid to modify the behavior of point merging.

  • Set/GetMergePoints - a flag to turn on/off the merging of duplicated coincident points. This extra operation will find points spatially located near each other and merge them together.
  • Set/GetTolerance - Defines the tolerance used when determining whether two points are considered coincident. If the ToleranceIsAbsolute flag is false (the default), then this tolerance is scaled by the diagonal of the points. This parameter is only used when merge points is on.
  • Set/GetToleranceIsAbsolute - When ToleranceIsAbsolute is false (the default) then the tolerance is scaled by the diagonal of the bounds of the dataset. If true, then the tolerance is taken as the actual distance to use. This parameter is only used when merge points is on.
  • Set/GetFastMerge - When FastMerge is true (the default), some corners are cut when computing coincident points. The point merge will go faster but the tolerance will not be strictly followed.

Added a connected component worklets and filters

We have added the vtkm::filter::ImageConnectivity and vtkm::filter::CellSetConnectivity filters to identify connected components in DataSets and the corresponding worklets. The ImageConnectivity identify connected components in vtkm::cont::CellSetStructured, based on same field value of neighboring cells. The CellSetConnectivity identify connected components based on cell connectivity.

Currently Moore neighborhood (i.e. 8 neighboring pixels for 2D and 27 neighboring pixels for 3D) is used for ImageConnectivity. For CellSetConnectivity, neighborhood is defined as cells sharing a common edge.


CMake 3.8+ now required to build VTK-m

Historically VTK-m has offered the ability to build a small subset of device adapters with CMake 3.3. As both our primary consumers have moved to CMake 3.8, and HPC machines continue to provide new CMake versions we have decided to simplify our CMake build system by requiring CMake 3.8 everywhere.

VTK-m now can verify that it installs itself correctly

It was a fairly common occurrence of VTK-m to have a broken install tree as it had no easy way to verify that all headers would be installed.

Now VTK-m offers a testing infrastructure that creates a temporary installed version and compile tests that build against the installed VTK-m version. Currently we have tests that verify each header listed in VTK-m is installed, users can compile a custom vtkm::filter that uses diy, and users can call vtkm::rendering.

VTK-m now requires CUDA separable compilation to build

With the introduction of vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleVirtual and the related infrastructure, vtk-m now requires that all CUDA code be compiled using separable compilation ( -rdc ).

VTK-m provides a vtkm_filter CMake target

VTK-m now provides a vtkm_filter target that contains pre-built components of filters for consuming projects.

vtkm::cont::CellLocatorBoundingIntervalHierarchy is compiled into vtkm_cont

All of the methods in CellLocatorBoundingIntervalHierarchy were listed in header files. This is sometimes problematic with virtual methods. Since everything implemented in it can just be embedded in a library, move the code into the vtkm_cont library.

These changes caused some warnings in clang to show up based on virtual methods in other cell locators. Hence, the rest of the cell locators have also had some of their code moved to vtkm_cont.


LodePNG added as a thirdparty package

The lodepng library was brought is an thirdparty library. This has allowed the VTK-m rendering library to have a robust png decode functionality.

Optionparser added as a thirdparty package

Previously we just took the optionparser.h file and stuck it right in our source code. That was problematic for a variety of reasons.

  • It incorrectly assigned our license to external code.
  • It made lots of unnecessary changes to the original source (like reformatting).
  • It made it near impossible to track patches we make and updates to the original software.

Now we use the third-party system to track changes to optionparser.h in the https://gitlab.kitware.com/third-party/optionparser repository.

Thirdparty diy now can coexist with external diy

Previously VTK-m would leak macros that would cause an external diy to be incorrectly mangled breaking consumers of VTK-m that used diy.

Going forward to use diy from VTK-m all calls must use the vtkmdiy namespace instead of the diy namespace. This allows for VTK-m to properly forward calls to either the external or internal version correctly.

Merge benchmark executables into a device dependent shared library

VTK-m has been updated to replace old per device benchmark executables with a single multi-device executable. Selection of the device adapter is done at runtime through the --device= argument.

Merge rendering testing executables to a shared library

VTK-m has been updated to replace old per device rendering testing executables with a single multi-device executable. Selection of the device adapter is done at runtime through the --device= argument.

Merge worklet testing executables into a device dependent shared library

VTK-m has been updated to replace old per device working testing executables with a single multi-device executable. Selection of the device adapter is done at runtime through the --device= argument.

VTK-m runtime device detection properly handles busy CUDA devices

When an application that uses VTK-m is first launched it will do a check to see if CUDA is supported at runtime. If for some reason that CUDA card is not allowing kernel execution VTK-m would report the hardware doesn't have CUDA support.

This was problematic as was over aggressive in disabling CUDA support for hardware that could support kernel execution in the future. With the fact that every VTK-m worklet is executed through a TryExecute it is no longer necessary to be so aggressive in disabling CUDA support.

Now the behavior is that VTK-m considers a machine to have CUDA runtime support if it has 1+ GPU's of Kepler or higher hardware (SM_30+).