Kenneth Moreland 10e8a4a7f9 Remove locking control ArrayPortals
Previously, when a ReadPortal or a WritePortal was returned from an
ArrayHandle, it had wrapped in it a Token that was attached to the
ArrayHandle. This Token would prevent other reads and writes from the

This added safety in the form of making sure that the ArrayPortal was
always valid. Unfortunately, it also made deadlocks very easy. They
happened when an ArrayPortal did not leave scope immediately after use
(which is not all that uncommon).

Now, the ArrayPortal no longer locks up the ArrayHandle. Instead, when
an access happens on the ArrayPortal, it checks to make sure that
nothing has happened to the data being accessed. If it has, a fatal
error is reported to the log.
2020-03-16 07:10:10 -06:00

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Scope ExecObjects with Tokens

When VTK-m's ArrayHandle was originally designed, it was assumed that the control environment would run on a single thread. However, multiple users have expressed realistic use cases in which they would like to control VTK-m from multiple threads (for example, to control multiple devices). Consequently, it is important that VTK-m's control classes work correctly when used simultaneously from multiple threads.

The original PrepareFor* methods of ArrayHandle returned an object to be used in the execution environment on a particular device that pointed to data in the array. The pointer to the data was contingent on the state of the ArrayHandle not changing. The assumption was that the calling code would immediately use the returned execution environment object and would not further change the ArrayHandle until done with the execution environment object.

This assumption is broken if multiple threads are running in the control environment. For example, if one thread has called PrepareForInput to get an execution array portal, the portal or its data could become invalid if another thread calls PrepareForOutput on the same array. Initially one would think that a well designed program should not share ArrayHandles in this way, but there are good reasons to need to do so. For example, when using vtkm::cont::PartitionedDataSet where multiple partitions share a coordinate system (very common), it becomes unsafe to work on multiple blocks in parallel on different devices.

What we really want is the code to be able to specify more explicitly when the execution object is in use. Ideally, the execution object itself would maintain the resources it is using. However, that will not work in this case since the object has to pass from control to execution environment and back. The resource allocation will break when the object is passed to an offloaded device and back.

Because we cannot use the object itself to manage its own resources, we use a proxy object we are calling a Token. The Token object manages the scope of the return execution object. As long as the Token is still in scope, the execution object will remain valid. When the Token is destroyed (or DetachFromAll is called on it), then the execution object is no longer protected.

When a Token is attached to an ArrayHandle to protect an execution object, it's read or write mode is recorded. Multiple Tokens can be attached to read the ArrayHandle at the same time. However, only one Token can be used to write to the ArrayHandle.

Basic ArrayHandle use

The basic use of the PrepareFor* methods of ArrayHandle remain the same. The only difference is the addition of a Token parameter.

template <typename Device>
void LowLevelArray(vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Float32> array, Device)
  vtkm::cont::Token token;
  auto portal = array.PrepareForOutput(ARRAY_SIZE, Device{}, token);
  // At this point, array is locked from anyone else from reading or modifying
  vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterAlgorithm<Device>::Schedule(MyKernel(portal), ARRAY_SIZE);

  // When the function finishes, token goes out of scope and array opens up
  // for other uses.

Execution objects

To make sure that execution objects are scoped correctly, many changes needed to be made to propagate a Token reference from the top of the scope to where the execution object is actually made. The most noticeable place for this was for implementations of vtkm::cont::ExecutionObjectBase. Most implementations of ExecutionObjectBase create an object that requires data from an ArrayHandle.

Previously, a subclass of ExecutionObjectBase was expected to have a method named PrepareForExecution that had a single argument: the device tag (or id) to make an object for. Now, subclasses of ExecutionObjectBase should have a PrepareForExecution that takes two arguments: the device and a Token to use for scoping the execution object.

struct MyExecObject : vtkm::cont::ExecutionObjectBase
  vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Float32> Array;
  template <typename Device>
  MyExec<Device> PrepareForExecution(Device device, vtkm::cont::Token& token)
    MyExec<Device> object;
	object.Portal = this->Array.PrepareForInput(device, token);
	return object;

It actually still works to use the old style of PrepareForExecution. However, you will get a deprecation warning (on supported compilers) when you try to use it.

Invoke and Dispatcher

The Dispatcher classes now internally define a Token object during the call to Invoke. (Likewise, Invoker will have a Token defined during its invoke.) This internal Token is used when preparing ArrayHandles and ExecutionObjects for the execution environment. (Details in the next section on how that works.)

Because the invoke uses a Token to protect its arguments, it will block the execution of other worklets attempting to access arrays in a way that could cause read-write hazards. In the following example, the second worklet will not be able to execute until the first worklet finishes.

vtkm::cont::Invoker invoke;
invoke(Worklet1{}, input, intermediate);
invoke(Worklet2{}, intermediate, output); // Will not execute until Worklet1 finishes.

That said, invocations can share arrays if their use will not cause read-write hazards. In particular, two invocations can both use the same array if they are both strictly reading from it. In the following example, both worklets can potentially execute at the same time.

vtkm::cont::Invoker invoke;
invoke(Worklet1{}, input, output1);
invoke(Worklet2{}, input, output2); // Will not block

The same Token is used for all arguments to the Worklet. This deatil is important to prevent deadlocks if the same object is used in more than one Worklet parameter. As a simple example, if a Worklet has a control signature like

  using ControlSignature = void(FieldIn, FieldOut);

it should continue to work to use the same array as both fields.

vtkm::cont::Invoker invoke;
invoke(Worklet1{}, array, array);


The dispatch mechanism of worklets internally uses vtkm::cont::arg::Transport objects to automatically move data from the control environment to the execution environment. These Transport object now take a Token when doing the transportation. This all happens under the covers for most users.

Control Portals

The GetPortalConstControl and GetPortalControl methods have been deprecated. Instead, the methods ReadPortal and WritePortal should be used. The calling signature is the same as their predecessors, but the returned portal contains a reference back to the original ArrayHandle. The reference keeps track of whether the memory allocation has changed.

If the ArrayHandle is changed while the ArrayPortal still exists, nothing will happen immediately. However, if the portal is subsequently accessed (i.e. Set or Get is called on it), then a fatal error will be reported to the log.


Now that portal objects from ArrayHandles have finite scope (as opposed to able to be immediately invalidated), the scopes have the ability to cause operations to block. This can cause issues if the ArrayHandle is attempted to be used by multiple Tokens at once.

The following is a contrived example of causing a deadlock.

vtkm::cont::Token token1;
auto portal1 = array.PrepareForInPlace(Device{}, token1);

vtkm::cont::Token token2;
auto portal2 = array.PrepareForInput(Device{}, token2);

The last line will deadlock as PrepareForInput waits for token1 to detach, which will never happen. To prevent this from happening, if you use the same Token on the array, it will always allow the action. Thus, the following will work fine.

vtkm::cont::Token token;

auto portal1 = array.PrepareForInPlace(Device{}, token);
auto portal2 = array.PrepareForInput(Device{}, token);

This prevents deadlock during the invocation of a worklet (so long as no intermediate object tries to create its own Token, which would be bad practice).

Deadlocks are more likely when actually running multiple threads in the control environment, but still pretty unlikely. One way it can occur is if you have one (or more) worklet that has two output fields. You then try to run the worklet(s) simultaneously on multiple threads. It could be that one thread locks the first output array and the other thread locks the second output array.

However, having multiple threads trying to write to the same output arrays at the same time without its own coordination is probably a bad idea in itself.