Vicente Adolfo Bolea Sanchez 9ae4a3ed79 Add release notes for 1.7.0-rc1
2021-10-21 13:08:40 -04:00

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VTK-m 1.7 Release Notes

Table of Contents

  1. Core
  • Add ability to convert fields to known types
  • Consolidate count-to-offset algorithms
  • Make field names from sources more descriptive
  1. ArrayHandle
  • Added ArrayCopyShallowIfPossible
  • Added copy methods to UnknownArrayHandle
  • Allow a const ArrayHandle to be reallocated
  • Compile ArrayGetValues implementation in a library
  • Deprecated VariantArrayHandle
  • Improve type reporting in UnknownArrayHandle 4. Control Environment
  • Compile reverse connectivity builder into vtkm_cont library
  1. Execution Environment
  • Remove unbounded recursion
  1. Worklets and Filters
  • GenerateIds filter
  • Support scatter/mask for CellSetExtrude
  • Adding ability to use cell-centered velocity fields for particle advection
  • Probe always generates point fields
  1. Build
  • Filters instantiation generator
  • Move .cxx from DEVICE_SOURCES to SOURCES in vktm IO library
  1. Other
  • Enable TypeToString for type_info
  • Skip library versions
  • Support writing binary files to legacy VTK files


Add ability to convert fields to known types

In VTK-m we have a constant tension between minimizing the number of types we have to compile for (to reduce compile times and library size) and maximizing the number of types that our filters support. Unfortunately, if you don't compile a filter for a specific array type (value type and storage), trying to run that filter will simply fail.

To compromise between the two, added methods to DataSet and Field that will automatically convert the data in the Field arrays to a type that VTK-m will understand. Although this will cause an extra data copy, it will at least prevent the program from failing, and thus make it more feasible to reduce types.

Consolidate count-to-offset algorithms

For no particularly good reason, there were two functions that converted and array of counts to an array of offsets: ConvertNumComponentsToOffsets and ConvertNumIndicesToOffsets. These functions were identical, except one was defined in ArrayHandleGroupVecVariable.h and the other was defined in CellSetExplicit.h.

These two functions have been consolidated into one (which is now called ConvertNumComponentsToOffsets). The consolidated function has also been put in its own header file: ConvertNumComponentsToOffsets.h.

Normally, backward compatibility would be established using deprecated features. However, one of the things being worked on is the removal of device-specific code (e.g. vtkm::cont::Algorithm) from core classes like CellSetExplicit so that less code needs to use the device compiler (especially downstream code).

ConvertNumComponentsToOffsets has also been changed to provide a pre-compiled version for common arrays. This helps with the dual goals of compiling less device code and allowing data set builders to not have to use the device compiler. For cases where you need to compile ConvertNumComponentsToOffsets for a different kind of array, you can use the internal ConvertNumComponentsToOffsetsTemplate.

Part of this change removed unnecessary includes of Algorithm.h in ArrayHandleGroupVecVariable.h and CellSetExplicit.h. This header had to be added to some classes that were not including it themselves.

Make field names from sources more descriptive

The VTK-m sources (like Oscillator, Tangle, and Wavelet) were all creating fields with very generic names like pointvar or scalars. These are very unhelpful names as it is impossible for downstream processes to identify the meaning of these fields. Imagine having these data saved to a file and then a different person trying to identify what they mean. Or imagine dealing with more than one such source at a time and trying to manage fields with similar or overlapping names.

The following renames happened:

  • Oscillator: scalars -> oscillating
  • Tangle: pointvar -> tangle
  • Wavelet: scalars -> RTData (matches VTK source)


Added ArrayCopyShallowIfPossible

Often times you have an array of an unknown type (likely from a data set), and you need it to be of a particular type (or can make a reasonable but uncertain assumption about it being a particular type). You really just want a shallow copy (a reference in a concrete ArrayHandle) if that is possible.

ArrayCopyShallowIfPossible pulls an array of a specific type from an UnknownArrayHandle. If the type is compatible, it will perform a shallow copy. If it is not possible, a deep copy is performed to get it to the correct type.

Added copy methods to UnknownArrayHandle

vtkm::cont::UnknownArrayHandle now provides a set of method that allows you to copy data from one UnknownArrayHandle to another. The first method, DeepCopyFrom, takes a source UnknownArrayHandle and deep copies the data to the called one. If the UnknownArrayHandle already points to a real ArrayHandle, the data is copied into that ArrayHandle. If the UnknownArrayHandle does not point to an existing ArrayHandle, then a new ArrayHandleBasic with the same value type as the source is created and copied into.

The second method, CopyShallowIfPossibleFrom behaves similarly to DeepCopyFrom except that it will perform a shallow copy if possible. That is, if the target UnknownArrayHandle points to an ArrayHandle of the same type as the source UnknownArrayHandle, then a shallow copy occurs and the underlying ArrayHandle will point to the source. If the types differ, then a deep copy is performed. If the target UnknownArrayHandle does not point to an ArrayHandle, then the behavior is the same as the = operator.

One of the intentions of these new methods is to allow you to copy arrays without using a device compiler (e.g. nvcc). Calling ArrayCopy requires you to include the ArrayCopy.h header file, and that in turn requires device adapter algorithms. These methods insulate you from these.

Allow a const ArrayHandle to be reallocated

Previously, the Allocate method of ArrayHandle was not declared as const. Likewise, the methods that depended on Allocate, namely ReleaseResources and PrepareForOutput were also not declared const. The main consequence of this was that if an ArrayHandle were passed as a constant reference argument to a method (e.g. const ArrayHandle<T>& arg), then the array could not be reallocated.

This seems right at first blush. However, we have changed these methods to be const so that you can in fact reallocate the ArrayHandle. This is because the ArrayHandle is in principle a pointer to an array pointer. Such a structure in C will allow you to change the pointer to the array, and so in this context it makes sense for ArrayHandle to support that as well.

Although this distinction will certainly be confusing to users, we think this change is correct for a variety of reasons.

  1. This change makes the behavior of ArrayHandle consistent with the behavior of UnknownArrayHandle. The latter needed this behavior to allow ArrayHandles to be passed as output arguments to methods that get automatically converted to UnknownArrayHandle.
  2. Before this change, a const ArrayHandle& was still multible is many way. In particular, it was possible to change the data in the array even if the array could not be resized. You could still call things like WritePortal and PrepareForInOut. The fact that you could change it for some things and not others was confusing. The fact that you could call PrepareForInOut but not PrepareForOutput was doubly confusing.
  3. Passing a value by constant reference should be the same, from the calling code's perspective, as passing by value. Although the function can change an argument passed by value, that change is not propogated back to the calling code. However, in the case of ArrayHandle, calling by value would allow the array to be reallocated from the calling side whereas a constant reference would prevent that. This change makes the two behaviors consistent.
  4. The supposed assurance that the ArrayHandle would not be reallocated was easy to break even accidentally. If the ArrayHandle was assigned to another ArrayHandle (for example as a class' member or wrapped inside of an UnknownArrayHandle), then the array was free to be reallocated.

Compile ArrayGetValues implementation in a library

Previously, all of the ArrayGetValue implementations were templated functions that had to be built by all code that used it. That had 2 negative consequences.

  1. The same code that scheduled jobs on any device had to be compiled many times over.
  2. Any code that used ArrayGetValue had to be compiled with a device compiler. If you had non-worklet code that just wanted to get a single value out of an array, that was a pain.

To get around this problem, an ArrayGetValues function that takes UnknownArrayHandles was created. The implementation for this function is compiled into a library. It uses UnknownArrayHandle's ability to extract a component of the array with a uniform type to reduce the number of code paths it generates. Although there are still several code paths, they only have to be computed once. Plus, now any code can include ArrayGetValues.h and still use a basic C++ compiler.

Deprecated VariantArrayHandle

VaraintArrayHandle has been replaced by UnknownArrayHandle and UncertainArrayHandle. Officially made VariantArrayHandle deprecated and point users to the new implementations.

Improve type reporting in UnknownArrayHandle

Added features with reporting types with UnknownArrayHandle. First, added a method named GetArrayTypeName that returns a string containing the type of the contained array. There were already methods GetValueType and GetStorageType, but this provides a convenience to get the whole name in one go.

Also improved the reporting when an AsArrayHandle call failed. Before, the thrown method just reported that the UnknownArrayHandle could not be converted to the given type. Now, it also reports the type actually held by the UnknownArrayHandle so the user can better understand why the conversion failed.

Control Environment

Compile reverse connectivity builder into vtkm_cont library

Because CellSetExplicit is a templated class, the implementation of most of its features is part of the header files. One of the things that was included was the code to build the reverse connectivity links. That is, it figured out which cells were incident on each point using the standard connections of which points comprise which cells.

Of course, building these links is non-trivial, and it used multiple DPPs to engage the device. It meant that header had to include the device adapter algorithms and therefore required a device compiler. We want to minimize this where possible.

To get around this issue, a non-templated function was added to find the reverse connections of a CellSetExplicit. It does this by passing in UnknownArrayHandles for the input arrays. (The output visit-points- with-cells arrays are standard across all template instances.) The implementation first iterates over all CellSetExplicit versions in VTKM_DEFAULT_CELL_SETS and attempts to retrieve arrays of those types. In the unlikely event that none of these arrays work, it copies the data to ArrayHandle<vtkm::Id> and uses those.

Execution Environment

Remove unbounded recursion

GPU device compilers like to determine the stack size needed for a called kernel. This is only possible if there is no recursive function calls on the device or at least recursive calls where the termination cannot be found at compile time.

Device compilers do not particularly like that. We have been getting around this with CUDA by turning of warnings about stack sizes and setting a large stack size during a call (which works but is dangerous). More restrictive devices might not allow recursive calls at all.

To fix this, we will avoid recursive calls in execution environment (device) code. All such warnings are turned on.

Because of this, we also should not have to worry about lengthening the stack size, so that code is also removed.

Worklets and Filters

GenerateIds filter

This filter adds a pair of fields to a DataSet which mirror the indices of the points and cells, respectively. These fields are useful for tracking the provenance of the elements of a DataSet as it gets manipulated by the filters. It is also convenient for adding indices to operations designed for fields and for testing purposes.

Support scatter/mask for CellSetExtrude

Scheduling topology map workets for CellSetExtrude always worked, but the there were indexing problems when a Scatter or a Mask was used. This has been corrected, and now Scatters and Masks are supported on topology maps on CellSetExtrude.

Adding ability to use cell-centered velocity fields for particle advection

Vector fields for particle advection are not always nodal,; e.g., AMR-Wind uses zonal vector fields to store velocity information. Previously, VTK-m filters only supported particle advection in nodal vector fields. With this change, VTK-m will support zonal vector fields. Users do not need to worry about changing the way they specify inputs to the flow visualization filters. However, if users use the particle advection worklets, they'll need to specify the associativity for their vector fields.

Probe always generates point fields

Previously, the probe filter, when probing the input's cell fields, would store the result as the output's cell field. This is a bug since the probing is done at the geometry's point locations, and the output gets its structure from the geometry.

This behaviour is fixed in this release. Now, irrespective of the type of the input field being probed, the result field is always a point field.

vtkm::cont::Field field = dataset.GetField("velocity");
vtkm::cont::Field::Association assoc = field.GetAssociation();

using FieldArray = vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec3f>;
using FieldType  = vtkm::worklet::particleadvection::VelocityField<FieldType>;

FieldArray data;

// Use this field to pass to the GridEvaluators
FieldType velocities(data, assoc);


Filters instantiation generator

It introduces a template instantiation generator. This aims to significantly reduce the memory usage when building VTK-m filter by effectively splitting templates instantiations across multiple files.

How this works revolves around automatically instantiating filters template methods inside transient instantiation files which resides solely in the build directory. Each of those transient files contains a single explicit template instantiation.

Here is an example of how to produce an instantiation file.

First, at the filter header file:

// 1. Include Instantiations header
#include <vtkm/filter/Instantiations.h>

class Contour {
  template <typename T, typename StorageType, typename DerivedPolicy>
  vtkm::cont::DataSet DoExecute(const vtkm::cont::DataSet&,
                                const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T, StorageType>&,
                                const vtkm::filter::FieldMetadata&,

// 2. Create extern template instantiation and surround with
extern template vtkm::cont::DataSet Contour::DoExecute(
  const vtkm::cont::DataSet&,
  const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::UInt8>&,
  const vtkm::filter::FieldMetadata&,

Later, in its corresponding CMakeLists.txt file:

vtkm_add_instantiations(ContourInstantiations FILTER Contour)
  NAME vtkm_filter_contour
  DEVICE_SOURCES ${ContourInstantiations}

After running the configure step in CMake, this will result in the creation of the following transient file in the build directory:

#ifndef vtkm_filter_ContourInstantiation0_cxx
#define vtkm_filter_ContourInstantiation0_cxx

/* Needed for linking errors when no instantiations */
int __vtkm_filter_ContourInstantiation0_cxx;

#include <vtkm/filter/Contour.h>
#include <vtkm/filter/Contour.hxx>

namespace vtkm
namespace filter

template vtkm::cont::DataSet Contour::DoExecute(
  const vtkm::cont::DataSet&,
  const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::UInt8>&,
  const vtkm::filter::FieldMetadata&,


#undef vtkm_filter_ContourInstantiation0_cxx

Move .cxx from DEVICE_SOURCES to SOURCES in vktm io library

It used to be that every .cxx file which uses ArrayHandle needs to be compiled by the device compiler. A recent change had removed this restriction. One exception is that user of ArrayCopy still requires device compiler. Since most .cxx files in vtkm/io do not use ArrayCopy, they are moved to SOURCES and are compiled by host compiler.


Enable TypeToString for type_info

VTK-m contains a helpful method named vtkm::cont::TypeToString that either takes a type as a template argument or a std::type_info object and returns a human-readable string for that type.

The standard C++ library has an alternate for std::type_info named std::type_index, which has the added ability to be used in a container like set or map. The TypeToString overloads have been extended to also accept a std::type_info and report the name of the type stored in it (rather than the name of type_info itself).

skip library versions

The VTKm_SKIP_LIBRARY_VERSIONS variable is now available to skip the SONAME and SOVERSION fields (or the equivalent for non-ELF platforms).

Some deployments (e.g., Python wheels or Java .jar files) do not support symlinks reliably and the way the libraries get loaded just leads to unnecessary files in the packaged artifact.

Support writing binary files to legacy VTK files

The legacy VTK file writer writes out in ASCII. This is helpful when a human is trying to read the file. However, if you have more than a trivial amount of data, the file can get impractically large. To get around this, VTKDataSetWriter now has a flag that allows you to write the data in binary format.